antifeminism confused cats against feminism

In which I get an email from Women Against Feminism [CORRECTION: THE EMAIL WAS FROM A COPYCAT SITE]

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Just posted this on Confused Cats Against Feminism, but it was too good not to post here as well:

So I just got this curiously impersonal email from the admin at Women Against Feminism. (Gosh! Could it be a form letter?)

Hi David Futrelle,

I wanted to say thanks for writing the article about Women Against Feminism.

Whilst it’s clear that we don’t agree on all points, hearing both sides of the argument will get more people thinking about what they believe in and which set of points they feel aligned with more closely.

This can only be a positive step forward, not only for women, but for society as a whole.

To help get more people thinking about what they really believe, I was wondering if you could make add a link to our new website in your article?

We’re trying to create a centrally located hub where the discussion about Women and Feminism can flourish, with everyone getting a chance to share their opinions, and we believe that a website is the best place to do it.

Would you be able to help facilitate that conversation by adding a link to the site?

The URL is

Once again, thanks for furthering the discussion about women and feminism through your article. Even though we don’t agree on all the same points, we really appreciate getting these concepts heard and empowering people to make up their own mind.

Many thanks,

[name and email redacted]

So I wrote back:

There already is a central hub for this discussion:

Could you redirect all of your traffic there? Thanks!

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10 years ago

You seem to be mistaken.

We are all David Futrelle here.

Soon you too will be David Futrelle.

One of us! One of us!

10 years ago

She apparently billed herself as the director of WAF in order to get on the Today show; they IDed her as such.

“Oops, did I say I was THE director of Women Against Feminism? What i meant was I just occasionally direct women against feminism, all the time. Whore.”

10 years ago

I have not tried that cookie butter. What do you eat it with? (Or do you just eat it by itself?)

This is what JudgyBitch is saying on Reddit:

Just to clarify, I did not start the Tumblr and I do not own the FB page but I am the most active on the twitter hashtag. The owner of the FB page is not publicly known but the level of threats she has gotten through the FB page have frightened her off ever coming out publicly. She is happy for me to take passive credit. I tell the truth when actively asked, but do not volunteer it, to help keep the real owner out of the spotlight.

So I guess taking passive credit involves actively misrepresenting yourself as the creator in order to get on TV.

Ally S
10 years ago

You can have cookie butter with anything, including bread (which makes for a very euphoric breakfast), but eating it with a spoon is just fine and dandy as well.

10 years ago

Ally and cloudiah are cracking me up.

10 years ago

Cookie butter?? Mother of god, why don’t I live in the US?!

Ally S
10 years ago

Speaking of food, there’s this place in Santa Cruz called Surfrider Cafe, and it’s absolutely wonderful. They have avocado fries served with a spicy mayo sauce. Avocado fries! I didn’t eat them because I don’t like avocadoes in anything except guacamole, but they smelled delicious.

10 years ago

Just to clarify, I did not start the Tumblr and I do not own the FB page but I am the most active on the twitter hashtag. The owner of the FB page is not publicly known but the level of threats she has gotten through the FB page have frightened her off ever coming out publicly. She is happy for me to take passive credit. I tell the truth when actively asked, but do not volunteer it, to help keep the real owner out of the spotlight.

Wow. Just wow. That’s some impressively direct and unrepentant lying right there.

10 years ago

The bookers can get a little testy when they are lied to.

Ally S
10 years ago

I tell the truth when actively asked, but do not volunteer it, to help keep the real owner out of the spotlight.

Maybe if JB had more cookie butter in her life, she wouldn’t be so tempted to make up shit excuses for lying.

10 years ago

Hey readers, just letting you know that my writeathon will be opening TOMORROW! The topic will be dreams and nightmares! I’m also throwing a half-price sale on orphaned stories that opened TODAY. So if you ever wanted to sponsor a story but lacked the cash, maybe this is your chance!

10 years ago

Misinformation and feminism go together like peanut butter, jelly and David Futrelle.

This is exactly what the AVFM article states:

Janet Bloomfield, Social Media Director for A Voice for Men, and the director of Women Against Feminism, will be pushing the men’s movement message forward in two major media appearances in the near future.

So, AVFM has put out misinformation, and this is somehow feminism’s fault?

Ally S
10 years ago

It’s only a matter of time before AVFM’s technical staff blames feminism for website design failures.

“The CSS isn’t loading properly. How dare you, feminism!”
“The server has crashed. Feminism is at it again!”
“We all know that feminists love to destroy men’s human rights activism by existing while we fuck up the JavaScript for our webpages.”

Carodwen Nightwillow
10 years ago

I don’t see it as a win or a loss. I see it as sad. Instead of the people of feminism as a whole coming out and saying. “Oh damn where did we go wrong to get 17 thousand people to come out against us? How do we fix this and help everyone understand we want what you want. No radicals doing horrible things in our name. We don’t support that at all We just want equality around the world” Instead of doing that. The first thought in all y’alls mind is lets make a bunch of tumblrs mocking them calling them names and telling the world just how stupid these women are. Yup. That is showing them how much womans rights you are…. Do none of you realize how that makes you all look? Do you care that 17k people are so afraid of feminism that they are publicly denouncing it? Are you not interested in trying to see that there may be an issue someone in the fold? I hear alot how the “patriarchy is bad and misogynists need to be stopped.” Misogyny by definition is mi·sog·y·ny
dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.
“she felt she was struggling against thinly disguised misogyny”

Who are the Misogynists in this picture though? The women showing fear of feminism and a misunderstanding of what feminism was supposed to be? You got women on that site saying conservative woman are not woman enough to be protected. What the wha? I thought all women were supposed to be equal? Is feminism about equality or is it about politics? Because I was under the impression I was fighting for total gender equality not idiots that divide people based on politics? I am not interested in political labels and choosing jackasses or elephants. I am interested in equality? Actual equality and not based on gender. Human. No more no less? So I ask. What is feminism fighting for? Woman only? Humans? Liberals in America? Cause I’ll tell ya what the Radicals are writing the laws winning the office seats running the board rooms and getting shit done. The non radicals (excuse me the ones who aren’t all like that. They are on tumblr making fun of 17 thousand women turning into the misogynists they claim to hate. So with all due respect, maybe a tumblr meant to mock these women isn’t the exact way to handle this situation.
Blessed Be.

M.E. Evans
10 years ago

“Anti-feminist woman.” Read: Uneducated woman who doesn’t have a dictionary on hand.

Ally S
10 years ago

Instead of the people of feminism as a whole coming out and saying. “Oh damn where did we go wrong to get 17 thousand people to come out against us? How do we fix this and help everyone understand we want what you want. No radicals doing horrible things in our name. We don’t support that at all We just want equality around the world”

Whether some women decide to oppose feminism for reactionary reasons isn’t our problem.

You got women on that site saying conservative woman are not woman enough to be protected.

Ok, I’ll give you that – that’s definitely not what any women’s movment should be supportive of. Fortunately most feminists don’t share that view of conservative women – they just criticize conservative women for supporting misogyny.

Who are the Misogynists in this picture though? The women showing fear of feminism and a misunderstanding of what feminism was supposed to be?

The women supporting – intentionally or otherwise – reactionary ideas that support patriarchy. That means all of the women on that site.

What is feminism fighting for? Woman only?

Who else would it be fighting for, dumbass?

They are on tumblr making fun of 17 thousand women turning into the misogynists they claim to hate.

Fuck off. Criticizing women for being misogynists is nothing like actually being misogynistic.

10 years ago

JB is coming across like one of those kids who thinks they won’t get in trouble because the exact words they said technically weren’t a lie.

Carodwen Nightwillow
10 years ago

Well you don’t know what feminism is you didnt answer anything next poster?

10 years ago

I mean people in the civil rights movement should clearly have looked at the fact that so many people opposed them in the U.S. and concluded it was because they were doing something wrong.

Carodwen Nightwillow
10 years ago

This is why I don’t bother giving a shit about feminists groups. you only care about one another you give no actual shits about anyone else. I have learned all I need to know. Enjoy your ideology. and know that when it fails its women like you that caused it.

10 years ago

Besides, we’ve got way more than 17,000 cats on OUR side.

10 years ago

Concern trolls are by far the most annoying brand of troll out there.

10 years ago

This is why I don’t bother giving a shit about feminists groups. you only care about one another you give no actual shits about anyone else. I have learned all I need to know. Enjoy your ideology. and know that when it fails its women like you that caused it.

katz, we need you to score that flounce.

10 years ago

We didn’t go wrong to get 17 thousand people against womens rights. There have always been far more than that. Many of them are standing outside womens clinics taking our pictures and calling us murderers.

Ally S
10 years ago

Nice job not addressing a single thing I said, trolly.