antifeminism divorce evil wives evil women misogyny MRA

He was a Men's Rightser before Men's Rights was cool. (Note: Men's Rights has never been cool.)

I don't know, I think he could use another sign or two.
I don’t know, I think he could use another sign or two.

I found this amazing pic of “Husband Libber” Harry Britton posted to the Blue Pill subreddit; it was taken in 1972 by the father of Blue Piller smileybird.

According to Cape Girardeau History and Photos, which has another pic of him,

New York Magazine wrote that he was a fixture who had been supporting himself wearing placards, carrying signs and selling his leaflets for 25 cents each for several years. “Harry makes only $2,000 a year [roughly $12,000 today –DF]. He’s not in this for the money, though; he says his only goal is reconciliation with his wife, from whom he is, not surprisingly, separated.”

Another account said he was the “president (and probably sole member) of the National Association of Dissatisfied Husbands subsisting on sales of publications extolling ‘Husband Lib.(‘It’s not men’s lib,it’s Husband Lib. The Bachelors are not oppressed yet’).”

Here’s that pic, and a couple of others; thanks to SquashedBananas in the Blue Pill for tracking all this down. (And thanks to the reader who emailed me about all this.)





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emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

“Meals not prepared”? Oh, the humanity! This is the true face of oppression, folks.

10 years ago

I’m happy to help preserve the male species. I can chip in for the formalin collection.

10 years ago

Pretty much the MRM platform right there. Right down to the “Husband Suffrage” sign.

10 years ago

Are those even real? Please tell me that their joking.

chronic lurker
chronic lurker
10 years ago

@pallygirl HOORAY! Your Every penny counts! …wait… you mean money… not taxidermy, Right??? You humans can be so cold, WE ARE DESTROYING THE EARTH, AND THIS BEAUTIFUL SPECIES NEEDS YOUR HELP!
~and a monthly donation to our organization StMMz (Save the Magnificent Menz) would be much appreciated. THE MENz OF THE WOLRD ARE CRYING OUT FOR HELP! (now give us your money plz.)

This heartbreaking advertisement brought to you by… *insert organization no one has ever heard of here*

10 years ago

Yes, really, advocating for one’s own liberation by requiring someone else’s obedience?

I’m going to guess that the O-word was actually included in his wedding ceremony and he’s trying that irritating “Vows! Before GOD!!!” argument, which I usually see advanced by people who have *not* made particularly scrupulous efforts to keep their halves of the vows in question. (It’s also especially irritating to see someone trying to pin VBG on a married person when the pinner isn’t all that observant or occasionally isn’t religious at all and it has not been established that the wedding occurred in a church.)

10 years ago

Wally: Selling “newspapers” is how he was making his living (to the tune of about $12,000 dollars a year; income adjusted to the present.

10 years ago

he says his only goal is reconciliation with his wife, from whom he is, not surprisingly, separated.

And I’m sure he did a bang-up job of it, too, being “Save the Males” and AVFM combined, before either of them was even a gleam in their crackpot fathers’ eye…

10 years ago

Also, I never thought I’d see the day when I said this, but dang…this guy makes Robin Thicke look almost not pathetic.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

I think he still posts at Dalrock’s…

10 years ago

Note also that it’s Association of “Dissatisfied” Husbands, Husbands “Lib” and Be Kind to Your Husband “Day”

By which I’m sure he means Association of Demanding Husbands, Husbands Domination and Be Kind to Your Husband Lifetime of Drudgery

10 years ago

So I glanced at that first picture and went “Oh, suffrage era,” and then I saw the woman behind him. How little these guys change.

10 years ago

Also “10”commandments… does he think there are more than 10? Commandment 11: Thou shalt cook your partner dinner as long as thou also happen to be female

10 years ago

Meals not prepared? Even in the 70s there were such things as crockpots.

This jewel of a husband abandoned by an uncaring flibbertigibbet could at least have kept himself well fed while he waited for an obedient someone to recognise his innately worthy husbandness and take over this responsibility from his careworn hands.

Obey. Cook. What better words to signify a charming lifelong companion.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

What a hipster.

He wanted his dinner before it was cool.

10 years ago

Oh, that coat in the background of the first picture, that takes me back. Here is something very much like it on Mary Tyler Moore. And the outfit Phyllis is wearing – I had that in high school. Ellen Tracie I think it was.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

And Arctic Ape wins the thread!

10 years ago

@Arctic Ape

Ba dum tush!

10 years ago

*jaw drops* I’ve heard of this guy before – he was featured in a Russian book from the 1970s that describes the journey of two Soviet journalists in the US (“Zemlya zad okeanom”, A Land Beyond the Ocean). They didn’t take him seriously (“Every village needs its fool”), he’s included as an amusing detail in the description of the White House.

10 years ago

If I didn’t know the context of that first photo I’d think he was making a joke.

And in 1972! I wasn’t alive then but I remember reading in my history books about how it was the worst year to be a man. Women had it so easy! I mean, look at all the career opportunities they had, with limitless progression potential. And how they spent every day in their job unharassed and undiscriminated. And they could go home to a brute of a husband (if they so had one) and enjoy a pleasant evenings beating with the knowledge that authorities wouldn’t take her report seriously. Oh yeah, and there was no pesky law that criminalised marital rape. Oh to be a woman in 1972.

10 years ago

Okay, so I got curious and started googling to find the rest of this guy’s story. According to a Google groups discussion through one of those links, his wife’s name was Lillian, she died in 1984 and he was born in 1925 and died in 1981. I found a (cached) page detailing their divorce (she brought the action, and he tried to get it dismissed) and it needs to be read because it is AWESOME. Quote:

On February 24, 1978, the wife filed a complaint for divorce, alleging indignities and desertion. The lower court appointed a master, who held a hearing on April 20. On April 26, the master filed a report recommending that the wife be granted a divorce on both of the alleged grounds. On November 28, the lower court dismissed the husband’s exceptions to the master’s report, stating that “[t]he Court cannot conceive of a woman who more richly deserves a divorce than Lillian A. Britton.


The parties were married on May 20, 1950, in Franklin Center, Pennsylvania. From the outset, the marriage was troubled. The parties frequently argued about financial matters. The wife wanted new furniture for their house, but the husband thought her unreasonable. On one occasion, the husband forced the wife to return certain groceries because he thought her purchase of them unnecessary. In 1964, the husband refinanced the mortgage on the parties’ home in order to finance the purchase of ten commercial “spots” on local television. The husband used the spots to discuss religious matters and “how to buy a used car.” The wife thought they could not afford the spots, but agreed to them because she was afraid that otherwise the husband would scold her.

Throughout the marriage, the husband accused his wife of having committed indiscretions with other men prior to their marriage. The husband would “rant and rave” and “make life miserable” whenever he brought this subject up. On one occasion, he threw a dish at her, and on another occasion, he paddled her. Also, the husband continually “scolded” his wife. He criticized her for being late to church, although she explained that she had to get their three children prepared to go. He did not like her associating with other people. He did not permit her to join the Parent-Teacher Association at the childrens’ school.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Sarah, so he was a low-life abuser, religious fanatic and huckster – a preview of the MRM indeed. I’m surprised Pauly hasn’t dug him up as an example of how badly teh menz have been treated by the feminazi courts since forever.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

In his day, the MRM was mostly an underground movement by exploited coal miners.

Thank you, I’ll be here literally all week but try to stay lurking when I have nothing witty to say.