![Sweetie Pie Jonus pities the fools.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/sweetheadpn.jpg?resize=580%2C435&ssl=1)
Oh dear. Some very confused dudes on the A Voice for Men Forums are angry at the Huffington Post for suggesting that Confused Cats Against Feminism might just be a parody of Women Against Feminism.
A guy calling himself Humansplaining w/ Jarred starts off the thread — titled “HuffPo tries – and fails – to politicize ‘Cats Against Feminism'” — with this little rant. (I’ve bolded some of the especially silly stuff.)
So, being that ‘Women Against Feminism’ is an internet phenomenon, through Tumblr as well as Twitter, the internet inevitably took this thread in the direction it takes EVERYTHING nowadays – cats.
If you read through all the ‘Cats Against Feminism’ memes, you’ll notice that they pretty much all revolve around, well…CATS. Go figure, huh? References to food, tuna, shedding, and biting predominate these posts. The references to ‘Feminism’ are basically incidental, since this is just piggy-backing on the viral success of ‘Women Against Feminism’. Those posting these memes never really express whether they are in favor of, or against Feminism. It’s clearly not meant to appeal to EITHER side of the issue. Rather, it’s simply a silly meme meant to produce a few chuckles for ANYONE that happens to run across them. Just like every other stupid cat meme on the internet, of which there must literally be TRILLIONS.
But HuffPo apparently sees things differently …
You know what? I think those CATS are smarter than the people at Huffpo that produced this article. THEY think that Feminism is a stupid and pointless human concept, and they wish you’d stop talking about it and fighting amongst each other, because they need you to FEED them!
Seriously HuffPo, learn to take a joke, and give the ideology a rest for 5 FUCKING SECONDS already.Because the cats are laughing at YOU now…
AVFM forum dudes, I hate to break it to you, but the cats aren’t laughing at the Huffington Post. They’re laughing at you.
Maybe I need to start up a new blog: Confused Cats Confused by Confused Cats Against Feminism.
Oh, shit. No one is talking to him so he has to make up our arguments for us. His comments are too fair and measured for our illogical feminist hivemind.
Nothing says fair and measured like “whingers”.
I had the two subjects firmly distinct in my head, so I probably glossed over the actual wording. Again, sorry.
Again, you are using prison rape stats to claim that men and women “face the same problems.” They don’t. First off, inmates are mostly male, so men are going to be the more numerous victims. However, the statistics seem to show that both male and female inmates face the same problems with assault and rape. It looks like the motivation of the problem is being a prisoner, not being male. Addressing prison rape addresses the concerns of prisoners, not men. The problem is different, the cause is different, and the solutions are different.
Only once you’ve actually demonstrated it. Good luck though, your track record so far is less than stellar.
Looks like Niall didn’t read his own source. From the Guardian:
The conclusion that men are more likely to be victims of sex crimes wasn’t reached.
The conclusion, one which I agree with, is that this is an issue of inmates of any gender not having basic human rights because people don’t generally care about them. This is an issue of class and race. Not gender. Privileged white MRAs/anti-feminists are constantly appropriating class and race issues. Don’t pretend to be concerned about inmates when you’re only focusing on male inmates. If your are white and middle or upper class, don’t claim the oppression of inmates as your own just because many of them are men. Intersectionalism fail as usual.
Since Niall isn’t an USian and may not be familiar with the situation, I should also point out that a lot of our mass incarceration problem is about (surprise, surprise) corporate profits. http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-prison-industry-in-the-united-states-big-business-or-a-new-form-of-slavery/8289
Again, this is not something feminists are responsible for and I don’t know a single feminist who likes the prison industrial complex.
Wait, weren’t we talking about Europe up until now? I guess he moved.
The fact that you’ve come here and picked a fight suggests otherwise. Also, one of your first comments here was about how feminism is the only game in town and that’s what the government defers to. So yes, you did imply that feminism is to blame for men’s problems.
I’m also wondering if you’ve gone to MRA sites to pick fights and stand up for women. Since you’re so fair and balanced and everything. Something tells me you haven’t.
Oh no, I turned a you’re into a your. Reading Niall’s drivel must’ve killed some brain cells.
The US is a “great” location for MRAs talking about prison rape because the US has so many dang prisoners and such a perverted sense of retribution towards them. Plus, it helps to talk about a “first-world,” nominally equitable country when talking about gendered violence…
I still remember a “Scandanavia and the World” cartoon where some inmates were accidentally left out of their cells in a Nordic country, so they decided to make cake all night. Or the story about prisons needing to close down in some country due to lack of prisoners.
Why would he? Women don’t has problems like men.
Oh, please, niall, just drop it. For all your grandiose claims about the state of affairs in the Grand Republic of All European Nations Combined* and how egalitarianism, not feminism, is the key because men and women are both oppressed by the sex- and genderless creatures from another dimension (I assume), you’ve brought nothing new to the table. All your points have been refuted a thousand times over. You’re not winning arguments, you’re boring everyone to sleep.
*A claim that, to me at least, seems to a) assume that everyone commenting here is from the US, b) assume total ignorance of everything going on in Europe, and c) be using assumptions a and b to cook up an Assfax(TM) story about Europe and feminism.
For the umpteenthhundredth time: The reason we don’t need a movement fighting for men’s rights is that men aren’t losing rights, only privileges. Women are slowly getting the rights they shouldn’t have been denied in the first place, but have been anyway. By men. Not space aliens, men. Seeing the problem here?
Would you seriously argue that we need a movement fighting for white peoples’ rights? For straight peoples’ rights? For the rights of cis people, able-bodied people, neurotypical people? Some of those already exist in one form or another, and they’re all hate groups, or at least very invested in denying rights from other groups. Like, gee, I don’t know, the MRM?
Seconding the request that you stop the “I’m not an MRA” act. It’s not working. Only an MRA would use those exact talking points and make such utterly ludicrous claims about feminists.
As for your question:
I doubt it. Because men, as a group, don’t face more problems than women, as a group, well, anyplace with a patriarchal power imbalance. Which is most places, the US included. If you have proof to the contrary, I’d like to see it. Remember, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. So, the claim that men, who hold practically all key positions of power in governments and business, can’t do anything to stop the alleged mass misandering happening around the world requires some pretty damn impressive evidence.
I’d also like to add that you fail at intersectionalism, though that’s a standard problem for MRAs, who seem to think that as long as there is even one woman benefitting from the system more than even one man, it’s proof of institutional misandry.
Is there not a single person here who will acknowledge that the sun orbits the earth? Ugh, you’re all so in denial.
@ Niall
Also, “I’m not an mra but I’m going to bring up and agree with every one of their arguments…”
But seriously, if you looked at the sidebar, you would see that the site does care about men’s problems. There’s even a link to Just Detention, an advocacy group that creates awareness about prison rape and actually tries to do something about it. It’s not that we don’t care that men have problems, men are obviously having problems in post-modern society (mostly, I’d say, because men refuse to liberate themselves from traditional gender roles like feminists told them to do in the 1970s). What’s mocked here is that MRA are actually doing anything about it. They’re not. They’re just doing what you’re doing, arguing with random people on the internet screaming “What about the menz?”. P.S. I am a man.
If you want that optic changed, get off the internet, step into the real world, and do something about it. The argument that MRA don’t have the resources for real activism is bullshit. Women, American Indians, and other minority groups built their movements from scanty financial resources and so can you…if you direct your efforts away from the victimization olympics and internet “activism.”
Ok, niall, you know what radical feminism is.
So define it.
o_O In the US, who controls most of the wealth? Who makes up the majority of legislature? Which gender has its reproductive health legislated? Which gender’s body is used to sell products? To name but a few things.
Are you for real?
Here’s a recent one from the US examining sexual coercion of males by female in high schools. 4 out of 5 reported some form of it. 18% reported a physical form.
or the full paper here
Research on women on men sexual abuse is in its infancy, but it is disturbing, and I don’t think can be explained by any patriarchy theory. Do you?
I look forward to Niall ignoring the fact that prison rape is intended to degrade the victim by feminizing him.
“There are no women on the Internet”. Did you come here from /b/?
I know that the Hobby Lobby ruling really made me feel like I’m living in a liberal feminist gynocracy instead of a country in which five men can decide birth control isn’t a necessary part of health care and employers can involve themselves in their employees uteri.
That’s 4 out of 10, not 4 out of 5.
Please learn to read.
4 out of… 10? Do you mean 4 out of 10? Because your own source says 4 out of 10.
Oh, is it fun with numbers MRA style time?
So this is what happens when I write things in the middle of the night, it the lulls between calls and running to check on the adorable old geezer dog I’m dogsitting for.
Haven’t caught up in detail, yet, and I kind of want to take a nap promptly. For some reason, 2-8 am was busy this morning, and I’m a bit bushed.
So, yeah…
@StrivingAlly: Feel free to quote! Although, if you’d be kind enough to fix some of the glaring typos… The periods and commas are all sorts of backwards. I’m cringing, just thinking about it.
@Niall: While it’s kind of you to claim my response was reasoned and respectful, I feel a little bit like you missed my point, completely. Feminism hasn’t finished it’s work, and we still have a ways to go. In some regions, it’s mostly socially, in other regions, the focus is more on legislative action. Feminism isn’t done, though, by any means.
I feel for certain men’s issues, but I don’t think you’re pointing towards the right culprits. You also seem to be drawing a few false equivalencies. While you haven’t blamed feminism outright, you seem to heavily imply that feminism is the cause or is outright hostile, while discounting things that feminism does do to help men’s issues as a byproduct.
I don’t have time to go into detail, and I’m not sure I’ve had enough sleep to speak coherently, but I’d highly suggest actually paying attention to what some of the folks here are saying, regardless of tone.
Sometimes, really, really important things are not said politely. It doesn’t mean they aren’t really, really important.
@Everyone Else: Thanks for the kind words! I’ll catch up in a bit, but sleep is important. Need to do that now.
Have fun with the meltdown, should it occur before I wake.
(my ‘dar is pinging, just a tad, back here on this far page of comments… )
When he suddenly switched continents my troll-dar burst out laughing.
And you’re making the mistake of thinking everyone’s talking about you. I know you’d like it to be true, but sadly, it’s not.
@Niall and everyone else actually who may be interested https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/116417/hosb1011.pdf page 66 for “Prevalence of intimate violence”
That is the British Crime Survey right there, not the mens equality group ‘Parity’ (which in their defense don’t seem to have done anything MRA-like) whose statistics Niall is so fond of.
The very interesting statistic on there is the % of the population every sexually assaulted – Men: 2.5%, Women: 18.6%
But tell me more about the complete equality we have achieved.
As for whether you are a woman hater…Well you are against a continent wide piece of domestic violence legislation for the quite literal reason of ‘what about the menz’. On that topic, Can you point to where it says that this legislation is ONLY for violence against women, because I noticed the ‘and domestic violence’ bit, which is gender neutral. Now it is unfortunate that violence against women and domestic violence are so commonly linked, but the statistics bear out why that is.
I also notice you didn’t answer my question as to how a supposedly gender-equal society leads to one gender dominating society’s hierarchy – That is shame because I been wanting someone to answer that for ages.
I once took an undergrad course that mentioned feminism, therefore I’m an expert on it.
I took Latin in high school. My god, I’m a doctor AND a lawyer.