Apparently Richard Dawkins was worried that people might have forgotten what an asshat he is. So, helpful fellow that he is, he decided to give us all a demonstration of why he’s one of the atheist movement’s biggest liabilities, a “humanist” who has trouble remembering to act human.
Earlier today Dawkins decided, for some reason, that he needed to remind the people of the world of a fairly basic point of logic, and so he took to Twitter and thumbed out this little thought:
However petulantly phrased this is, the basic logic is sound: If I say that Hitler was worse than Stalin, I’m not endorsing either Hitler or Stalin. Unless I add “and Stalin was totally awesome and I endorse him” at the end.
The trouble is that Dawkins didn’t stop with this one tweet. He decided to illustrate his point with some examples. Some really terrible examples.
Yep, that’s right. He decided to do what comedians call a “callback” to some terrible comments he made last year about what he perversely described as “mild pedophilia.” And then he added asshattery to asshattery by suggesting a similar distinction between “date rape” and “stranger rape.”
Anyone seeing these comments as insensitive twaddle designed to minimize both “mild” pedophilia and date rape has good reason to do so. As you may recall, in the earlier controversy about so-called “mild” pedophilia, Dawkins told an interviewer for the Times magazine that
I look back a few decades to my childhood and see things like caning, like mild pedophilia, and can’t find it in me to condemn it by the same standards as I or anyone would today.
He went on to tell the interviewer that when he was a child one of his school masters had “pulled me on his knee and put his hand inside my shorts.” But, he added, he didn’t think that this sort of “mild touching up” had done him, or any of the classmates also victimized by the teacher, any “lasting harm.”
Huh. If Dawkins says that a teacher groping him was no big deal, I guess this kind of “mild” abuse shouldn’t be a big deal for anyone else, either, huh?
I’m pretty sure there’s some sort of logical fallacy here.
Given his history of minimizing these “mild” sexual crimes, it’s not a surprise that his crass tweets today inspired a bit of a twitterstorm.
Dawkins has responded with his typical petulance, and has stubbornly defended his comments as an exercise in pure logic that his critics are too irrational to understand.
What I have learned today is that there are people on Twitter who think in absolutist terms, to an extent I wouldn't have believed possible.
— Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) July 29, 2014
.@mikester8821 Yes, it is so obvious it is painful. But they aren't debating, they are emoting.
— Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) July 29, 2014
If you take a few moments to go through his timeline you’ll find many more tweets and retweets reiterating this “argument.” Dawkins is not the sort of person to admit to mistakes. Indeed, he so regularly puts his foot in his mouth it’s hard not to conclude that he must like the taste of shoe leather.
But these recurring controversies can’t be doing much for his reputation. Indeed, they seem to cause more and more people to wonder why anyone takes Dawkins seriously on any subject other than biology. Even his critics on Twitter are growing a bit weary.
Good lord. Look at Dawkins feed. Like every third tweet (or sequence) is something deplorable.
— 🦇VaginoplASCII🦇 (@nataliereed84) July 29, 2014
It seems that no matter what point Richard Dawkins tries to make, he only ever ends up proving that Richard Dawkins is a tosspot.
— Steph. 🏳️⚧️ (@EccentricSteph) July 29, 2014
Seems like it. I’m beginning to wonder why any atheists — at least those who are not also asshats — continue to think of Dawkins as an ally of any kind.

My Milano cookies are gone. God help m-
Or war, even. Not “do things my way!”, because then I’d have to go hang out with Octo, and no thanks.
Actually, that was presumptious. Please let us not become enemies.
cassandra: what was the brand of wine gums that you like? Fred Meyer has a British section and has wine gums.
:: declares way on cassandrakitty ::
:: isn’t sure why ::
@ pallygirl
We can still be friends as long as you don’t hate wine gums. Love is not required, but hate would confuse me, because why?
GrumpyOldMan, would you like to talk in email about this stuff? We’ve had a couple of interesting convos start that caused unfortunate derails. If you want, my mail’s frenchqueen13 at g mail. No bother if you don’t, of course.
::girds loins::
@ hellkell
I’ve yet to meet a kind of wine gum that I disliked.
Wine gums are illogical. You logic bad!
Salted caramel and salted chocolate 4evah!!
I love wine gums, except for the dark purple ones. But I can’t eat them anymore because they contain gelatine. I really miss those and jelly babies, Bassett’s brand of course.
I love Jelly Belly jellybeans because they’re vegetarian, and the buttered popcorn flavour is amazing. My second favourite flavour is watermelon.
Pumpkin latte?
Pumpkin latte?
Can I be on your side in this way war?
BTW, Dreyer’s makes an amazing French silk flavor of ice cream. There’s some of it downstairs and I want it so badly.
I’m now sounding like an advertiser. My anti-capitalist project is an abject failure.
Pumpkin lattes sound really good. I love pumpkin things.
:: grabs her toy labrys and assumes a fighting stance ::
Pumpkin latte is an abomination against all that is good and pure in the universe. And also confusing, because who the hell puts pumpkin in coffee?
Oh no, I said hell! I’m not atheisting properly!
Yes Ally, you should now proceed immediately to the nearest college and do a marketing/economics/finance degree. 😛
After looking up this latte abomination, I found: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2444031/Starbucks-Pumpkin-spice-latte-contains-ZERO-traces-actual-pumpkin.html
Jesus, cassandra, atheist right! Whoops, said the j-word.
Not sure if the lack of pumpkin makes it better or worse, actually. I suspect it just makes it Starbucks.
I have asserted that pumpkin lattes are delicious – a priori. Don’t fuck with me; I’m logicking and you can’t stop me.
Didn’t Starbucks promise to do something minimum-wage related in NYC, at least if not the whole country? I hate their coffee though.
What the hell is a wine gum?
:: adopts boxing stance towards wine gums in addition to everything else ::
:: gets dizzy and falls over ::
I don’t think I’ve ever had wine gums.
Now the old-style boiled sweets they sell up at Sovereign Hill – those are good.
Starbucks pumpkin lattes are bad. Plain Starbucks coffee is worse. If you think that’s an endorsement of Starbucks pumpkin lattes, go away and learn how to think.
I’m a Dawkinsbot.