
The Power of Paint and Powder: Brave Men's Rights Redditor takes on women and their evil deceptive makeup.

Evil woman preparing for battle.
Evil woman preparing for battle.


Ladies, watch out! Men’s Rights Redditor warspite88 is on to you! Your painted faces don’t fool him! Your concealer cannot conceal the truth! He knows your lips aren’t really that red! He knows your eyelids aren’t really that blue!

Yes, that’s right: it’s time for another angry MRA rant explaining to us why women wearing makeup oppresses men, somehow.

In a post with the delightfully over-the-top title “Men’s rights are directly tied to the power of paint and powder. Ill explain,” warspite88 sets forth his theory:

It is my belief that women have become so beautiful through the use of makeup that most women and men are influenced dramatically and view women more as goddess and men as dogs. The power of makeup has helped to fuel a war against men’s basic human rights.

Uh, what?

Lets face it, men are ugly compared to women, right? Many men feel sorry for women or think it is oppressive that so many women wear makeup.

I’m pretty sure most men don’t get angry when a woman puts on lipstick. That’s just you, dude. Well, you and a thousand other MRAs.

Well, if you dig really deep into history and our modern use of makeup, you will see it points to one key element of humanity, Power.

Wait. I thought female power resided in the ass, not the face. Didn’t Warren Farrell write a book about that or something?

Power to attract those you want (or label unwanted attention as harassment as a result of powder power)

Powder power? Is that like miniskirt power? You are Warren Farrell, aren’t you?

Power to influence Power to feel good about yourself (vain or not) Just a few examples

Dude, sorry to interupt your little rant here, but would it kill you to put periods at the end of your sentences?

Makeup is expensive, a huge industry, so money and making others pay for your power is in high demand.

I had no idea the women were so devious. Making men pay for their makeup, which they then use to make men pay for … more makeup. Lather, rinse, repeat. It’s ingenious. At least until the makeup-using manipulator is found dead in her apartment, lipstick tube still in her hand, crushed by the gigantic boxes of makeup she conned poor male suckers into buying for her.

[W]e see it in every day life, in relationship, those trying to get relationships. we see it in business, court rooms, churches, places of power. We see it in schools, young girls even. We see it in the media oh yes those sexy Fox women, wonder why those women were hired? Why they put on so much makeup? Take a guess boys, take a guess white knights. Take a guess MRMs.

You seem a little fixated on the Fox News women.

The power of paint and powder to influence others minds, their reactions, their actions, it is one of the most deeply rooted human aspects of power projection yet few ever take it seriously. The power of makeup to make women beautiful to seduce and control a horny man or a white knight has built kingdoms, it has destroyed kingdoms, it has had major political influence around the world for all of history.

Behold, the most powerful woman in history:

Hey there fellas!
Hey there fellas!

Weird. I feel an almost irresistible urge to buy that woman some more makeup. MUS T RESIST.

There is a reason why most women use makeup, because it gives them power, subtle, acceptable power that few men can ignore.

Women’s sexuality, it is natural and men are pawns to it because men are wired to view women as sexual objects. … So when men see a woman dolled up with makeup more often than not his head falls head over heels with lust (not love) desire (not caring).

His HEAD falls HEAD over HEELS with LUST.


Let’s just think about this for a second. How does a HEAD fall head over heels? A HEAD DOESN’T HAVE HEELS IT IS JUST A HEAD.

Does it borrow some heels for the occasion? Does it hold the heels in its mouth? So many questions.

The power of beauty and charisma that comes with paint and powder changes the world.

So how is it related to mens rights?

Oh, this oughtta be good.

Go outside, yes leave your computer. Go to any public place and watch people. Watch how men react to women who are dressed sexy or wear more makeup.

Uh, ok. But then I’d have to put on some pants.

Or just watch this stuff on TV.

Yeah, on second thought, let’s not go outside at all. Let’s base our entire knowledge of how men and women interact on old sitcoms and Fox News. You know, the news channel with all those sexy Fox women.

Anyway, so how does this relate to Men’s Rights?

Men are ugly compared to women with paint and powder right? How dare men show attraction to beautiful women, they must be pigs! Right?

Uh, what? Is this your actual argument? Are you actually trying to make some sort of sense? Or are you just typing?

White Knights love beautiful women on the outside , oh yes the white knight shield of justice is like a mirror to reflect the beauty of any female even a woman who murders her husband or rapes a boy.


But a white knights sword is dripping with the blood of innocent men who dare even attempt equality with a beautiful woman.

Damn, this got dark, really dark, all of a sudden.

The power of paint and powder, it has affected every one of you reading this at some point in your life. it will again.

Well, not if one of those white knights has stabbed you to death, I mean, yikes! But let’s not get hung up on details.

It is not evil or wrong to wear makeup in my opinion but it is important that we become aware of how much of a paint and powder worshiping society we have become.

Is it any wonder men’s rights and well being have been left far behind in society that craves women and their paint and powder? Just saying.

Just saying?


THAT’S how your ending this post?

Dude, your cockamamie thesis is that evil makeup-wearing, husband-murdering, boy-raping women rule the world, while easily manipulated white knights are going around wantonly stabbing any Men’s Rights Activists they can find.

And you end your rant with “just saying?”

Really? I mean, if you’re going to put it out there, fucking put it out there! Commit to it! End with something, you know, dramatic.

“By Grabthar’s hammer, by the suns of Warvan, you shall be avenged!”

You know, something like that. Something cool.

End strong! End big!

Just saying.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering about that Grabthar’s hammer thing:

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Click my kitty to see the smash hit new blog!
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10 years ago

One of the few hard and fast rules my husband made at the beginning of our marriage was that I was not to do drag. Now, I’d made it to thirty five without ever having done it, so no problem for me. He’s done it, and looked quite charming, if a bit overwhelming. I know enough about it to understand how much work and attention it demands. So far, neither of our sons has expressed an interest, but at least one of us can help if so. Older boy has painted his toenails, probably in emulation of his dad.

Now that I think of it, I’ve never done drag, gotten a tattoo, had anything pierced, or shaved south of my clavicle (except for hernia surgery). Huh.

10 years ago
10 years ago

“Heh…any love story is better than that, with the possible exception of Fifty Shades of Ghaaah.”

This is random but when I was reading the Women Against Feminism (I’m not going back) there was this one girl who was talking about how feminism is trying to get rid of masculinity. She says “I love men who are masculine like Christian Grey!”

I didn’t know who he was so I looked him up and he is a character from Fifty Shades of Grey and he is a abuser! Really!? just… Wow I’m not a man but I’m 100 percent sure that’s not masculinity! Again I’m not going back there.

“But yeah, that would be a good story idea, or maybe a fantasy tale set on some other world, but based on similar notions. The Wodaabe have been of interest to me since I saw them in National Geographic several years ago.”

I’ll try to think up some stories to put on Feminist Blog.

“These guys should read that mag. They might even learn something!”

I hope so it would be nice

When I was little I used to think: “when am I ever going to use these facts!” When I’m in school but seeing people like this on the internet and just pretty much everywhere I think: “Pfft wow! Knowledge is power!” And really common sense is just as great too.

10 years ago

*Feminist Borg* sorry

10 years ago

I find that when boys know that they can do it without judgement, they will often paint their nails, if only to see how it looks a couple times.

10 years ago

One thing I found really weird in my high school days was the amount of social disapproval I faced if I mentioned being interested in dyeing my hair. Because guys shouldn’t want to try something different with their appearance, or some bullshit? Iunno.

Never did end up changing my hair colour.

Patriarchy: making young men feel stupid for wanting to make a minor change to their appearance that hurts literally no-one.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I find that when boys know that they can do it without judgement, they will often paint their nails, if only to see how it looks a couple times.

Mr K wouldn’t let me paint his toenails gold. Just ‘cos I was going to use actual gold paint, I mean, sheesh, picky.

10 years ago

One of my male coworkers has been getting one of the cosmeticians at our store to paint his nails for him every day. He gets really excited about picking out the colors, but then has to do this whole big routine about how he’s “just joking around” and “doin’ it for the lulz” and “I’m really quite manly listen to me badmouth my ex (who also works at this store) and act really awkward around the gay guys who work here” and it’s like, christ on a cracker, kid, I know you’re only like 19 or something, but grow up and stop being such an asshole; it’s okay to like having cute fingernails with a nice accent color on the ring finger, really, no one cares.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I’m picturing sidling up to this kid and saying, “You know nobody gives a rat’s whether you paint your nails, go for it; but all this chest-beating macho shit about it just makes you look really stupid and gets people thinking ‘closeted’, y’know?”

10 years ago

Actually, if anything I feel like it’s possible he was raped by an older woman when he was a youth, and as an adult had a terrible wife.

Just saying.

Dr. Drew is that you?

Even if this was true, it wouldn’t be an excuse for being such an asshole. Lots of rape and/or abuse survivors manage to not act like this.

10 years ago

I don’t really want to go with the whole “closeted” thing, though, because, really, that’s not at all what’s going through my mind, and also because I know he’d take it as an insult, which I would find insulting (being technically closeted at work myself, mostly because there are really few opportunities in a working environment to be all “Well yeah I’m married to a dude but I’m not actually straight, k?”). Like, I don’t want to set up “people might think you’re gay” as a bad thing, because… it’s not, even if he thinks it is.

Helen K. Krummenacker
Helen K. Krummenacker
10 years ago

So, women who don’t wear make-up, they should meet with approval, right?


kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Yeah, I wouldn’t really say that to anyone, dustedeste, for all the reasons you said (apart from me being closeted). It was the sort of first-response-censored I’d have to someone carrying on like this dude, really. “Kid, if you’re gay, that’s fine, stop carrying on. If you’re not, that’s fine, stop carrying on. Basically, just paint your nails all you like and stop carrying on. Boring macho shit is boring.”

Helen – yup, echoing silence.

10 years ago

I like manacured fingernails in a guy, that’s what actually stopped me biting all mine to the quick. Fingernails and toenails with snags can ruin some smexy fun times too.

When I was 20, my ex boyfriend and current boyfriend dragged me out to a pretentious as hell posey nightclub (well, as pretentious and posey you can get in Wellington in the late 80s). It had floor-to-ceiling mirrors so people could watch themselves dance, by themselves, that sort of club. My dark purple lipstick didn’t work for them, so after trying that they ended up ruining my black eyeliner pencil. On their lips. It looked really cool, but I was poor and even though the eyeliner pencil wasn’t expensive, it was a luxury. They looked really good. I can’t remember if they wore eyeliner as well.

Biggest question in my head that I can’t get rid of: if cosmetics are so bad, what about Spanx?

10 years ago

Lmfao an mra saying men are naturaly wired to view women as objects. I bet he turns around and says misogyny doesn’t exist though, right? When it’s convenient for him, of course.

“Powder power” lmfaaaao

10 years ago

We’re powder puff girls 🙂

I like makeup that looks like this: and

So now I know how to pass as a butterfly or cat to the MRAs.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

We know Spanx are bad because PENGUIN WHORES.

10 years ago

Only discovered this last week – serendipity.

(sorry about the advert at the start).

10 years ago

Someone might have mentioned it already, but I’m fairly certain there are studies that show that women who don’t wear make up are discriminated against in the workplace?

So yeah, I would probably wear no makeup if my skin was better (10 years of acne hello there) and if y’know, I didn’t want to have a job. I wear more make up for work and job interviews than I would on a day to day basis, because women who wear makeup are seen as more professional.

Here we go I found the articles on this topic:

Like we will literallynot be employed if we don’t wear makeup so terribly sorry for “concealing” and “lying”.

(Also jesus Emil, talk about Male Feminist tm)

10 years ago

Hilarious! “I’m going to tell you why makeup is evil, manipulative stuff, but in no way take this as a call to not wear makeup, because I totally don’t want my buzz harshed by ugly bitchez (especially not on Fox News!)”.

I would feel sorry for this guy if he wasn’t exactly the kind of crazy ass to go out and shoot up a town or a school (did anyone else feel the “white knight’s sword” thing might be a bit of foreshadowing/justification?)

10 years ago

Let’s just think about this for a second. How does a HEAD fall head over heels? A HEAD DOESN’T HAVE HEELS IT IS JUST A HEAD.

Does it borrow some heels for the occasion? Does it hold the heels in its mouth? So many questions.


If it’s the head I suspect it is and it’s dragging around his feet, I do Not Want To Know.


On the other hand, I’ve always liked me a guy who could really pull off a full face of tasteful makeup. David Bowie…Gary Numan…Nick Rhodes…David Sylvian… >fans self<

What about Eddie Izzard?? >goes to stick head in bucket of ice water<

I've just never been good with makeup (or hair). A big part of my problem with makeup is that I think I look weird in it, not prettier. I've tried doing it myself, having others do it, even had a pro do it once, but I have never liked the result. I've also gone through phases where I use foundation and a bit of eye pencil (mostly for office jobs) but I hate the putting it on, the touching it up, and the washing it off. I work in retail now and don't bother with it at all.

When I was younger and had lots of guys and sexytimes, it never seemed to matter much whether I was painted up or not. Maybe my ass was extra powerful?

10 years ago

Aaand there’s my first offering to the blockquote monster. Eat hearty!

10 years ago

Make-up can be fun. Also it not just to look “better”, it can be a way to sculpt a character, look in another way for “worse” or better”.

And last but not least, how else to hide that you are space alien Illuminati lizard.

10 years ago

Besides cassandrakitty, what is the point in rhetorical questions. It’s so passĂ©. Chiasmus is also old, but still feels fresh in my mind.

More lulz by giving a detailed health description in response to “how do you do?”. Or a response by Catilina to “Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quem ad finem sese effrenata iactabit audacia? with an exact time.

“Nihilne te nocturnum praesidium Palati, nihil urbis vigiliae, nihil timor populi, nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hic munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum ora voltusque moverunt”

NON. Urbis vigiliae non est, timor populi non est &c&c.

10 years ago

On this blog we don’t use ablest terms like ‘crazy’ ‘insane’ and others because evil people are evil, it has nothing to do with mental conditions.