If you’ll forgive the self-indulgence here, I thought this little Twitter exchange between some of the Men’s Rights Movement’s top men was too good not to share:
Aside from being a professional hack, does @DavidFutrelle have a meaningful avocation? Why does @DavidFutrelle indiscriminately mock MRAs?
— Attila L. Vinczer (@AttilaVinczer) July 16, 2014
@fidelbogen @DavidFutrelle So he is an intolerable Gestapo like eccentric founded on the principals of indiscriminate discriminatory hatred.
— Attila L. Vinczer (@AttilaVinczer) July 26, 2014
To paraphrase Marge Gunderson, fictional Chief of Police in Brainerd, Minnesota, I’m not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work, there, Attila.
EDITED TO ADD: Amazing illustration by Mavaddat Javid, aka @mavaddat on Twitter.
These guys sure do pay a lot of mind to you, given you’re a hack.
“Indiscriminate discriminatory hated”. Good job there guys.
Indiscriminate discriminatory hatred? Wtf?
Oops. Ninja’d.
“He admits that he is a feminist.”
Wow, it’s like you openly admit to being a criminal or deviant of some sort, David.
How strange the world must look from the MRAs’ perspective.
Jeez, David, be more discriminating in your discrimination.
Avowed feminist! Self-declared feminist! Soon to be a major feminist!
And it’s not non-feminists he mocks, but anti-feminists. I understand that, to the dudebros and fedorakin, that may seem like a distinction without a difference.
That is my new favourite phrase.
David, just a heads-up. Dan Perrins is writing a hit piece on you.
I’m guessing he’s writing about the conversation you had with him about his failed attempt to stop people from vacationing in Jamaica.
I laughed so hard at the exchanges, and then to insert Marge Gunderson, my hero! brilliant! Thank you! But I have some questions –
If you’re a professional hack, isn’t that enough? I mean, do you have to have an avocation too? I mean, sometimes one’s hack work takes all one’s energy and there is no time for hobbies.
Can’t Attila see how discriminating you are? If an MRA, as rarely happens, makes a lick of sense, you’re right there, not writing about them, aren’t ya?
With an addy called “alvhun”, do you think Attila really maybe playacts some nights that he’s THAT ATTILA?
Now as to Fidelbogen, that doughty rhetorical specialist; intolerable to whom? And why? To him, because you write better English than he does? No hyphen between Gestapo-like (and what a worn-out trope that is) – AND mis-spelling “principles”? An F for you from your Principal, Fidey!
And why does Fidey think you exploit the weak principals of various Schools of Hatred? There is one down the street from me – the buildings are pretty new, but the student body – well, pretty low-quality – you should read the course catalog –
I assume he means vocation. You don’t vocabulary very good, Attila.
Oh I see. If you were *just* a misanthropist and hated everyone, it’d be more justified!
“Professional hack” is not an “avocation”, it is A VOCATION — two separate words. “Avocation” means HOBBY. But trust these pompous twits not to grasp that not-so-fine distinction. That’s almost as funny a language blooper as “indiscriminate discriminatory hatred”!
And really, Attila, watch what you’re calling the copper kettle, there. It seems to me you’ve made a full-time job of your own hateful hobbies, and that’s not healthy!
Also, “principals” for PRINCIPLES. Har!
Homophobic? Really?
Also I object to the idea that David is indiscriminate in his mockery. He usually only picks the most mock-worthy of examples. If he didn’t, he’d have no time to eat, sleep or pet the Furrinati. π
A principal of indiscriminate discriminatory hatred.
Criminy! The Murphys Law about asshattery is in play there on several levels.
Calling it now, any expose of David will be based entirely on the usual level of reading comprehension MRA usually display (that is to say ZERO)
Mocking bigots makes people just like Hitler, because that’s totally what Hitler did. He mocked bigots, right?
It isn’t?
Well, how are MRAs to know that?
History is misandry!
I’m still bemused by the ever-charming fidelbogen proclaiming that David is a feminist and admits it! like David’s just admitted to setting hamsters in fire for fun or something.
Also I find it tragi-larious how these guys literally can’t conceive of someone who doesn’t care about feminism OR Mysogynist’s Rights. They’re so stuck in their “With us or against us!” mindset that they don’t understand how many people are actually not only not with them, but really couldn’t give two shits either way. As @Robert said, there’s a big difference between a non-feminist and an anti-feminist. But acknowledging that fact wouldn’t let FB try to equate feminism with BIGOTRY because the FEMINAZIS hate ANYBODY who ISN’T LIKE THEM~~!~!~!eleven~~!
Look, there’s no proof I had anything to do with that hamster thing.
Oh, check out the amazing illustration I added to the post!
I have seen … The Package.
Also: Top. Men.