announcements antifeminism confused cats against feminism kitties

Confused Cats Against Feminism march towards world domination!

My cats in their earlier days, unaware of the internet fame that awaited them. (Greasy fur courtesy of eardrops that were supposed to have remained in the ears.)
My cats in their earlier days, unaware of the internet fame that awaited them. (Greasy fur courtesy of eardrops that were supposed to have remained in the ears.)

I just posted this over on Confused Cats Against Feminism, but I want to share the good news  here as well:


My kitties and I are humbled by the response this little blog is getting!

Scratch that bit about the kitties; they’re never humbled by anything.

But I am. Confused Cats Against Feminism has picked up more than 2000 followers in the two days since I announced the blog to the world, and my various inboxes are overflowing with dozens of pics of adorable cats who are very confused about feminism indeed.

So far Confused Cats has been featured on Buzzfeed — thanks, Rachel Zarrell! — The Frisky, and SFWeekly, and the cats and I are preparing for a major interview with an important publication in the cat world. Well, the cats are sleeping, mostly, but it is good to be well-rested.

This amazing response clearly shows that it is not only humans who can be really, really confused about feminism.

And if your cats (or any of your animal friends) are confused antifeminists, SEND MOAR PICS PLEASE! You can submit them here, or by emailing me at futrelle [at]

Granted, I’m still sorting through all the pics I’ve gotten so far, but like cats I can always use more good things delivered to me. If your pic isn’t up yet, it may well be in the queue.

Oh, and if you like this blog, you might also like my other blog, We Hunted the Mammoth, a slightly less cat-centric look at confused antifeminists, Men’s Rights Activists, and misogyny in general on the internets.


David, Sweetie Pie, and Pantz

PS: If you see this blog mentioned in the media or on website you frequent, could you drop me a note with a link? Thanks!

Amazing! And keep those pics coming!

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10 years ago

My kittens wanted in on this. Here is Mika and here are Clem, Mika, and Julius.

10 years ago

That is perfect. Feminism is not a shiny!

10 years ago
10 years ago


10 years ago

I so love you for thinking of this and setting up that page, David. I was stupefied to discover that tumbler page last week and I strongly felt that I wanted to do something about it. I’m thrilled to discover can now express myself on this new page of yours. You are a hero 🙂 I can’t wait to post a dazzling photo of my own kitty 😀

10 years ago

It appeared over on SkepChick, I was delighted to see. 😀

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
10 years ago

Heck, it’s been making more mainstream media as well; it was on the CBC news website today. (Saw the link under ‘Community’ on the front news page, though how long that will stay is an open question.)

10 years ago

So, the National Review wrote about this, and two of their three top images are from fiverr/Poland:

That seems worth calling out.

10 years ago

Ugh, that National Review article is absolutely full of antifeminist apologia like this:

Critics berate the anti-feminist movement for confusing the different waves of feminism. These same critics then respond to complaints against the distinctly third-wave incarnation by invoking the accomplishments of the first wave — pointing out, correctly, that the right of women to vote was a hard-won victory over strong opposition. But this is a straw man reply to the Women Against Feminism movement.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

::snort:: Straw man against straw men? What answer do people who know jack shit about any feminism deserve?

10 years ago

The summary of the commentary I’ve seen can pretty much be summed up thusly:

Feminists: These Women Against “Feminism” don’t actually seem to understand what feminism is.

Everyone else: rargh bigotry why do you think these women are dumb you man-hater first-world feminists are fighting trivial things while Afghani women are getting acid in their faces growl first world feminists are just all spoilt rich white girls splat women are equal to men in the western world

… so basically just a mess of concern-trolling mixed in with perpetuating strawfeminist myths. If only I could enforce a law saying people had to understand a concept before they were allowed to discuss it publicly.

10 years ago

By the 1990s, some feminists began to deny even objective biological and social facts if they interfered with ideology.

WTF biological and social facts? Yeah, National Review anti-feminist, you indeed baffle me. And if the “Exposing Feminism” blog you linked to is your idea of objective . . .

10 years ago

WTF biological and social facts?

I assume they mean “acknowledging that trans people exist.”

Ally S
10 years ago

By the 1990s, some feminists began to deny even objective biological and social facts if they interfered with ideology.

Yeah, because pointing out biased scientific discourse is exactly the same as denying “objective biological and social facts” for the sake of ideological purity.

Nothing about that article is unique or interesting. It’s like literally every other anti-feminist article written by Contrarian Anti-feminist Ladies.

10 years ago

The ‘biology’ argument would be more interesting if it was using actual biology and not just what anti-feminists want biology to be.

10 years ago

In MRAland/anti-feminismland, which I assume is a much less fun place than Wonderland or Disneyland, there seem to be some biological and social facts that are not objective. Otherwise, sticking the word “objective” in front of that phrase wouldn’t be required. I didn’t notice this phrasing until I was looking at the quote Ally did, and then it stood out.

LOL wut?

Objective facts == MRA/antifeminist assfacts?

10 years ago

I skimmed the link to the facebook page of Women Against Feminism that grumpycatisagirl posted.

Why, I am just shocked, shocked I tell you, that the majority of the comments there seem to be actually made by men and not the women it purports to represent. /sarcasm

Thank god they named themselves Women Against Feminism or I might be inclined to think that this whole thing is more about coddling the poor mens egos than it is about women…

10 years ago

Lurker, yeah, I was thinking it would be interesting to see what the actual ratio of men to women is for followers of that FB page, and/or of the tumblr.

10 years ago

So I’m just now reading through the comments on that National Review article. It’s a real reminder of how hysterical, absurd and downright medieval some MRAs can sound.

[blockquote]Feminism is an acrid scourge embraced and promoted by very wicked people. It has done little, if any good, and has wrought more to harm families and individuals than most, if not all other isms and wickedness. It continues it’s vain, destructive paroxysm through human lives and I’m skeptical it will ever fade; Pandora’s box, you know.[/blockquote]


Should we quit bathing, prophet, to free ourselves from this scourge? Should we flog ourselves? Dance around a pyre of burning Dworkin’s books?

10 years ago

I think cutting our hair and then wearing said hair as a shirt should suffice.

10 years ago

I wish I had a dollar for every article I’ve read crowing about the imminent death of feminism over the last 45 or so years. It’s nothing but wish fulfillment for MRAs and FeMRAs.