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Belated Award Ceremony for that "Design a Commemorative Plate for A Voice for Men" contest with REAL PRIZE

As you can tell, I too am a graphics wiz!
As you can tell, I too am a graphics wiz!

Hey, remember that contest we had in which we designed commemorative plates for A Voice for Men? Well, TA DA! Today I announce the winner! Who will win an actual real you-can-put-liquids-in-it coffee mug with the words “MALE TEARS” on it.

First let me say that there were many, many fine entries, all of them living up to the incredibly high standards set by Men’s Rights graphic artists.

But I can only award the prize to one person, because those are the rules I made up for the contest, so without further ado, the MALE TEARS mug goes to … drumroll … Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III, for his highly conceptual commemorative plate honoring A Voice for Men’s commemorative coin, which is what inspired this whole contest in the first place:

No, that really is a picture of AVFM's commemorative coin in the middle there.
No, that really is a picture of AVFM’s commemorative coin in the middle there.

Clearly, Mr. Rugglesby’s graphic work is also IMPECCABLE. There’s absolutely no way anyone could pecc that.

Mr. Rugglesby also deserves credit for this wonderful plate celebrating AVFM’s many achievements in the struggle to have any effect in the real world beyond paying some of Mr. Paul Elam’s bills, of which there are apparently a lot.



Oh, wait, that wasn’t the plate. That was one of many, many outtakes from my Confused Cats Against Feminism photo session the other day with my extreme ly uncooperative cats. Here’s the plate.


Technically the non-happening concert thing was CAFE, not AVFM, but who factchecks plates?
Technically the non-happening concert thing was CAFE, not AVFM, but we’ll let that slide because who factchecks plates?

So congrats, Mr. Rugglesby. Send me your address and the generous anonymous donor who offered to give the winner of the contest a cup (and who actually came up with the idea for the contest in the first place) will send it to you.

But Mr. Rugglesby was not the only one to produce a plate of award-winning quality. SECOND PRIZE goes to Jen93 for this NSFW plate.

Yeah, I can’t really show that here on the blog.

Jen93 also contributed this lovely plate, which I can show you here.


For these two contributions, Jen93 wins nothing. No prize.

Life is tough.

Well, she wins our respect and admiration, and that’s worth something.

For THIRD PRIZE we have a tie.

There’s Karalora, with this plate, which I think gets to the heart of what, along with unbridled manbaby rage, is really behind AVFM.


Augochlorella’s plate offered a variation on this theme:


Myoo depicted, I guess, what might happen if the next AVFM fundraiser is a bust.


In case you can’t tell, Mr. Elam is eating his shoe. Click on the pic to see the image in full size so you can read the fine print; you can do that with any of these pics, actually.)

Tracy also ties for third with this special commemorative plate honoring the excellent public relations work of AVFM’s Janet Bloomfield, who apparently thought that the best way to promote a Men’s Rights conference was to call people she doesn’t like “whores” on Twitter.


Deniseeliza scores with some excellent use of clip art:


Fromafar2013 passes along Paul Elam’s diet tips for troubled, broke men who donate to AVFM.


And no, Fromafar2013 is not making this up: in a post berating troubled men for not sending him money, Elam did in fact suggest that true Men’s Rights warriors should get used to a diet of ramen noodles.

Oh, there are so many more wondrous plates — from Quantumscale’s Doge-y entry, to Cthulu’s Intern’s ironic celebration of Elam’s views on rape, to Fibinachi’s reworking of “A Horse With No Name.” And for some reason, there were a lot of penis related entries, including opium4themasses’ plate featuring a nude potato and Polliwog’s  tribute to the sad boner of misandry.

And then there’s this entry from Buttercup Q. Skullpants, which wins the We Hunted the Mammoth Extra Special WTF Award for Things That Look NSFW But That Really Aren’t Commemorative Plate Award for this pic:


No, this is not what you think it is. (And I don’t even want to know what you think it is.) It’s actually, as Buttercup explained, a picture of

a Carolina sphinx moth, one of the 2007 winners of the Oklahoma Ugly Bug contest …Moths symbolize misandry, because the feeeeeemales emit pheromones and in response, the males burn themselves to a crisp against the porch light.

So get your mind ouf of the gutter!

There were many other fine contributions, which you can find by poking around in this thread.

Congratulations to all the winners, and to the losers as well.

I will try to come up with another excuse for another graphics contest sometime in the near future. All this talent should not go to waste.


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10 years ago

Superb. Congratulations to all.

I can just imagine the display cabinet with all these extraordinary collectibles in – truly an heirloom that would have the family wishing you eternal life.

And the song, Fibinachi – brilliant! That’s going to be resounding in my brain for the rest of the day.

10 years ago

So many beautiful plates. When will they all be available for me to purchase with my ramen-money?

10 years ago

There’s an error in Mr. Rugglesby’s second plate. It fails to mention that the Detroit conference was not only intergalactic, but also about human men rights.

@ MaudeLL – As opposed to Glazipfinorp mens rights? 🙂

Oh, and a huge thumbs up to the talented and wonderfully sarcastic plate designers!

10 years ago

Congratulations to Sir Bodsworth! Well done, sir, well done!
I believe the plates will be coming soon from the Spear Mint, only $39.99 each, and for an extra twenty bucks we’ll throw in this lovely display cabinet made from leftover ramen boxes by sad men.
I must put in a personal plea for the “Dick Butt” plate to be included in the set, since despite the lack of topical content it made me laugh like a hyena watching “Blazing Saddles”.

Louise McOrmond-Plummer

I LOVE the baby plate 😀

10 years ago

Congrats to the winners. Excellent work by all.

(also, am completely confused by the NSFW standards here.)

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago


I can just imagine the display cabinet with all these extraordinary collectibles in – truly an heirloom that would have the family wishing you eternal life.



@ MaudeLL – As opposed to Glazipfinorp mens rights? 🙂

LOL I was thinking along those lines!

How’ve you been, btw? Haven’t seen you for a little while.

C – confusion is our business! Muahahaha.

10 years ago

Woohoo! Second place! Congratz to everyone. That was fun. I’ll have to make my own Male Tears mug. One shouldn’t be without it.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Make it a big mug, Jenn! We know how many tears are shed by the poor, poor menz. Especially the ones with no train sets.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Congrats to all the winners, and to everyone who’s better at this kind of funny than I am.

10 years ago

Wow, I wasn’t expecting to place! Big congrats to all us winners, especially Sir Bodsworth, who actually gets something out of this besides giggles! (Not downplaying the value of giggles at all.)

10 years ago

Congratulations to Mr. Rugglesby–excellent work! And my hat’s off to all the other entries as well. Fibinachi, yes you do get an internetz for that. True genius.

10 years ago

Thanks mammoths! I’m happy my heatstroke induced Beatling (is that a thing?) is/was amusing :]

10 years ago

I’ll have to make my own Male Tears mug. One shouldn’t be without it.

that’s what cafepress is for

10 years ago

ANOTHER glorious effort from Fibinachi! Yonkers! XD

10 years ago
Reply to  kittehserf MOD


@ MaudeLL – As opposed to Glazipfinorp mens rights? 🙂

LOL I was thinking along those lines!
How’ve you been, btw? Haven’t seen you for a little while.
C – confusion is our business! Muahahaha.

Hiya, kittehserf –

Well, both hubby and I have been ill. He ended up in the hospital with a HUGE kidney stone and swollen kidney. I have been dealing with degenerative disc disease and the nastiest flu-type thingie ever. One kid in my town actually died from it. Other then that, I have been ducky. And you?

10 years ago

This contest literally had me in tears when I was looking at all the entries. I can’t wait for the next graphics contest.

10 years ago

You are all brilliant and delightfully sarcastic.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Whoa, samantha, that’s all kinds of shitty luck at once! I hope you and hubby (and anyone else in town who’s got that bug) are getting better.

I’ve been pretty good, nothing unusual to report. My unemploylment payment has finally started, which is a relief.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Golly! Talk about having a lot on your plate…

I’m profoundly awed that the WTF Moth got its own award. Thanks for the laughs, everyone who submitted an entry, and congratulations, Sir Bodsworth! Enjoy the mug and don’t forget the six S’s of male tears: see, sniff, swish, sip, savor, sarcasm.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Golly! Talk about having a lot on your plate…

Argh! XD

10 years ago

I just used Jen93’s baby crying in a trilby picture to mock a troll on Jezebel. I hope that’s OK with her!

10 years ago
Reply to  kittehserf MOD

Whoa, samantha, that’s all kinds of shitty luck at once! I hope you and hubby (and anyone else in town who’s got that bug) are getting better.

I’ve been pretty good, nothing unusual to report. My unemploylment payment has finally started, which is a relief.

I am glad, kittehserf, that things are going well for you. LOTS of folk in my part of the multiverse had this weird flu-like thing. Hubby and I were sick with it, off and (mostly) on, for three months, and we found out through friends that that was in no way unusual. But, we are better now.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Three months! Yikes!

So glad you’re better now.

10 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: Yah, go for it!