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Cats respond to #WomenAgainstFeminism with new blog: Confused Cats Against Feminism

You can't argue with that!
You can’t argue with that!

So two of the females in my household have decided, sadly, that they want to get in on this whole Women Against Feminism thing. Yes, that’s right: they want to publicly declare their opposition to feminism.

Against my better judgment, I agreed to take pictures of them with signs spelling out their objections. None of their arguments make much sense to me, but, hey, they’re entitled to make their case on the internet if that’s what they want.

There’s just one little complication: the two antifeminist females in my household are not, you know, human females. They’re cats. Not being, strictly speaking, women, they can’t really post their pics to the Women Against Feminism blog.

So in the interest of free speech and fair play, I’ve set up a Tumblr blog where my cats, and other cats who share their beliefs, can take their stand against feminism – no matter how ridiculous their arguments are.

I present to you: Confused Cats Against Feminism.

You can see the first post there now, featuring my own adorably furry traitors to their gender.

I urge you to submit pictures of your own antifeminist cats, with their own little signs.

You can submit pics on the Confused Cats Against Feminism site, post pics in the comments below, or you can email them to me here at futrelle at

There’s just one rule: your cats must be genuinely confused about why they oppose feminism, and generally unclear about what feminism is.

And the ideas expressed on their signs must be their own. In other words, I don’t want any Men’s Rights Activists paying cats on Fiverr to hold their signs for them. That shit won’t fly in this litterbox!

All that said, blatant photoshopping is perfectly fine. This is the internet, after all.

And if your animal friend is something other than a cat, that’s fine too. As long as it’s possible that they might think that they’re a cat.

Also, feel free to put the word “Poland” or the Polish flag on your pictures. A lot of the women on the Women Against Feminism blog do that, for some reason.


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Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Mesh from a HVAC vent cover surrounding the intake it the sump — genius decided to jump up there and proceed to flop around like a fish literally out of water. I returned him to the water and covered it more throughly. Ugly, but I’m still amazed he even managed to get up there! (The tube to the left is an air line running down into my fish bucket since the gobies are still awaiting release into Puff’s tank, I want them eating well first, cuz, well, look at the belly on Puff!!)

10 years ago

Lmfao this is perfect timing because I just made a bunch of ridiculous spoof anti feminist things to put on signs xD

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

“Don’t open the box! Don’t open the goddamned box!”


Ally S
10 years ago


An article written by Cathy Young in which she regurgitates anti-feminist claims about feminists calling all women victims. No thanks.

10 years ago

I just read the Gem piece. The writer should be sacked from any magazine called Reason.

10 years ago

I don’t need feminism because hallucinogens.


kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Argenti, so fish are into getting themselves stuck in places they really shouldn’t, too! Silly puff.

Ally S
10 years ago

Cathy Young (the author of that article Gem linked to) is nothing more than another Contrarian Tradcon Woman that anti-feminist men use to shame women who openly oppose men’s misogyny. She is the kind of anti-feminist who is automatically believed whenever she says her own life experience is proof that patriarchy doesn’t exist – in direct opposition to women who speak about how misogyny impacts their lives. The latter are almost never listened to.

10 years ago

Gem | July 25, 2014 at 8:04 pm
Here is an interesting article on these women. Thoughts?


“How long have I been on this train? Feels like a human age. Maybe I should try to find a job that involves less pendling on public transport swear to god I’ve seen that tree before. Argh. Deja vu. I’m stuck on the railtracks of repetition…
… Todays notes mention I’m a gay prince. That can’t be right—oh. As in colorfull. That is one unfortunate way of phrasing that. Who writes these letters anyway?

I need more coffee. This sleeping pattern isn’t working. What rhynes with meticulous anyhow. Huh. So am I supposed to play an eccentric, colorful prince that seduces people? This is for a polterabend. Oh no. That’s wrong on multiple levels and how will I ever manage that anyhow?!?

Is that the same tree again?

Stating that 10 % of men are poisoned candies and claiming that all men are sharks doesn’t seem like two identical statements. If I see the phrase “limbic system” or “counter feminist theory” I’m out.

“Matronizing”? I get it…. But that’s not funny. Just odd. Wonder what the shadowrun ruleset says about sharks as mentor spirits. What if I made an actual misogynist shark worshipper? Would anyone else get the joke? Dob’t think so… Wait, 80something likes and shares is the same as an article is the same as a shark is the same as a poisoned candy? It’s handwaves all the way down.

Arfh when is this train-ride done—- it’s been just five minutes? Oh god I’m in purgatory.”

10 years ago

Ally: exactly. And those MRAs who say women can’t science or logic fail at science practice #1: when you do an experiment, test to prove your hypothesis wrong. It only takes one fact that doesn’t fit to destroy a hypothesis. That one data point is worth more than 1 million data points that fit the hypothesis.

But science and MRAs go together like marmite and peanut butter. Anyone who actually likes this combination: you’re wrong. 😛

10 years ago

Cathy Young:
Friedan would have been aghast had she known that, 50 years after she began her battle, feminist energies were being spent on bashing men who commit the heinous crime of taking too much space on the subway.

Actually in linked article about men and space:
The issue here isn’t that women feel physically threatened or fear asking someone to move over. It’s just interesting to observe the very clear difference between men and women when it comes to how much space they feel comfortable taking up in public — especially when they are inadvertently inconveniencing someone else.

HENIOUS MALE BASHING! Noticing trends and taking pictures is misandry in the extreme!

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

::snort:: it isn’t inadvertent, often enough. Ask some dudes to move their knees in so you’re not actually perched with half a buttock on the seat and they react like you’ve asked if you can crush their nads in a vice.

I had to look up polterabend. My brain tried to do an autocorrect and turn it into poultrybend.

10 years ago

Shouldn’t Cathy Young have outgrown the “I am a chill girl, please give me male approval” stage by this point in her life?

10 years ago

The other day a woman sat next to me on the bus. She had a child, a diaper bag and a large purse with her. Somehow she managed to not invade my personal space. I always find it really hard to believe that a man has no choice but to press his leg against me or elbow me the whole time.

10 years ago

This seems to be strongly cultural. In NZ, on public transport (train or bus) we pretty much try to completely ignore the stranger sitting next to us, which means we also try to avoid any body contact at all. Males and females both observe this rule. Or maybe because Wellington has had such good public transport for so long, it’s just us.

Ally S
10 years ago

Whenever anti-feminists reduce feminist talking points to absurd statements like “Women are literally dehumanized by men asking them if they want coffee”, it’s only because they are aiming to discredit women on the basis of their so-called hysteria. It’s not just a silencing tactic; it’s an active reminder to women that they are delusional. Also known as gaslighting.

10 years ago

It would be better if we could refuse to use the term hysteria. given its history. In psychiatry, hysteria has not been used as a term since 1980: which is good because the term is hideously gendered.

Ally S
10 years ago

Yeah, I was only saying “hysteria” because I was referencing the terms that these anti-feminists use.

10 years ago

It’s so tempting sometimes to say “look, you and I both know they’re not that big, so stop crowding me” to some dude who has his knees spread so wide you’d think he was about to give birth, but common sense and the knowledge of how quickly some men can escalate from mildly intrusive to violent has prevented me from doing so thus far.

10 years ago

🙂 Is there a word that means the opposite of polymath so I can use it to describe MRAs to show the breadth of their failure.

Are anti-feminists MRAs too? I’m a little stuck on the intersectionality of that, and they do seem to feel that men are generally being downtrodden, i.e. having fewer “rights”, in comparison to women. I think I have used those terms correctly otherwise it would be Male Rights Activists, which is not the phrase used.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Monomath? Unimath? Failedatmath? (Not that I can talk, anything more complicated than the times table gives me the wibblies.)

A response I read on a thread about dudes and their mile-wide knees: “My arse is bigger than your balls.” Funny, but not one I’d like to use, because of the potential for insults or real escalation as a result.

We seem to be halfway there about the no-contact stuff on the trains. People are more likely to talk on a country train, especially if it’s crowded, than on a metropolitan one, ime. The not-touching is generally right (apart from Menz Knees) but there’s one habit I’m noticing that pisses me off – people typing on their laptops and constantly touching the person next to them (ie me!) in the ribs. I really hate that; they’re tiny touches but they feel intimate and intrusive. I tend to react by nudging or squirming quite hard – I get away with this because I’m usually leaning against the wall, dozing or looking like it. (Oh, I bumped you? Don’t touch me while I’m asleep, then.)

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Another confused anti-feminist cat

(well, it’s the same one, really)

10 years ago

I’ve got it: polyapotychia. Apparently this is a neologism, and please note that I made sure that the entire word is based on Greek. 🙂 I am grrr when I see combined Greek and Latin words.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

What does it mean, pallygirl? Totally crap/ignorant of heaps of things?

10 years ago

Many failings. 🙂