So two of the females in my household have decided, sadly, that they want to get in on this whole Women Against Feminism thing. Yes, that’s right: they want to publicly declare their opposition to feminism.
Against my better judgment, I agreed to take pictures of them with signs spelling out their objections. None of their arguments make much sense to me, but, hey, they’re entitled to make their case on the internet if that’s what they want.
There’s just one little complication: the two antifeminist females in my household are not, you know, human females. They’re cats. Not being, strictly speaking, women, they can’t really post their pics to the Women Against Feminism blog.
So in the interest of free speech and fair play, I’ve set up a Tumblr blog where my cats, and other cats who share their beliefs, can take their stand against feminism – no matter how ridiculous their arguments are.
I present to you: Confused Cats Against Feminism.
You can see the first post there now, featuring my own adorably furry traitors to their gender.
I urge you to submit pictures of your own antifeminist cats, with their own little signs.
You can submit pics on the Confused Cats Against Feminism site, post pics in the comments below, or you can email them to me here at futrelle at manboobz.com.
There’s just one rule: your cats must be genuinely confused about why they oppose feminism, and generally unclear about what feminism is.
And the ideas expressed on their signs must be their own. In other words, I don’t want any Men’s Rights Activists paying cats on Fiverr to hold their signs for them. That shit won’t fly in this litterbox!
All that said, blatant photoshopping is perfectly fine. This is the internet, after all.
And if your animal friend is something other than a cat, that’s fine too. As long as it’s possible that they might think that they’re a cat.
Also, feel free to put the word “Poland” or the Polish flag on your pictures. A lot of the women on the Women Against Feminism blog do that, for some reason.
I can’t photoshop worth a damn, but our Whisker Sisters are now on tumblr.
I just found that Sukie the Undercat has a huge scratch on her chin. Apparently we have new furrinati neighbours and they’re having trouble settling in.
How can anyone mis-sex a horse? There is a reason for the saying, after all.
The one that really really annoys me though is all the bloody milk ads that use male calves/bulls with male voices to advertise milk, associating milk production with that sex. Where the fuck do people think milk comes from?
Is it evil misandry to adopt an already neutered male? I adopted both Darrow and Dracy from the Humane Society. Neither of them were fixed when they arrived but they were both fixed before being made available for adoption. They hold kittens until they’re old enough to be spayed or neutered too. I’m assuming they are hardly the only shelter to only allow animals to be adopted after being fixed.
After giving this question due consideration I’ve decided that I don’t want to know the answer. I’m already meh about milk, my bones will not thank me for another reason to avoid it.
This has to be time for a quote about Ridcully.
‘I gather the Archchancellor won’t have milk in the University,’ said Susan. ‘He says he knows where it comes from and it’s unhygienic. And that’s a man who eats three eggs for breakfast every day, mark you.’
“The one that really really annoys me though is all the bloody milk ads that use male calves/bulls with male voices to advertise milk, associating milk production with that sex.”
It would be more accurate to actually existing milk production if those calves were shown having their throats cut: needed to keep the milk flowing but not actually allowed to drink it.
As a long-time lurker and Pole I’d just like to chime in that not everyone in my country is an idiot.
Don’t tget me wrong, we do have a ton of them (and seem to have exported one of the bigger ones to the EU Pariliament), but, you know, there are quite a few sensible people here, too. 🙂
(I am a feminist, but my cats don’t care one way or the other.)
Isn’t mating also painful for female cats?II’ve heard that it is.
(Sorry that was to Kittehserf)
Hi, Paticzak, have a Welcome Package! 🙂
Sounds like idiots cluster to government in Poland same as they do in Australia. Why am I not surprised …
saphy, I don’t think it’s known for sure if a female cat’s scream during mating is from pain – the male’s penis is barbed – or not. It certainly doesn’t stop the females mating repeatedly, but then the urge is so strong when they’re in heat.
I wonder if Desmond Morris thought what happens if all these randy vasectomied toms are running around somewhere where responsible owners have had their queens spayed? That sounds like a recipe for trouble.
Oh well done, no link! Try again:
Welcome Package
Kittehserf, I think it would be fair just to say “idiots cluster to government” as a universal rule transcending all national borders.
Two more comments and every comment in the sidebar will start with the word CATS.
Aaaaand done!
(plus my 30% quota)
saphy, that’s the truth! 😀
I’ve been thinking, as far as the Scrotosphere is concerned, cats DO ned feminism.
STEM logic as follows:
Feminism -> Eternal spinsterhood -> Many cat ladies with many cats
Cats NEED feminism to maintain the power base of the Furrinati in human society.
It must be true, it’s on the Discovery website: http://news.discovery.com/animals/zoo-animals/cats-humans-pets-relationships-110224.htm
“I don’t need feminism because I don’t think ‘bitch’ is a problematic term”
“I don’t need feminism because I can hold signs to earn nest-building rocks on stonerr”
“I don’t need feminism because I just mate with all the stallions so they don’t kick my foal to death”
My cat (The Kitten) doesn’t need feminism because my family are convinced that she terrorized our gorgeous ginger tom (Caoimhín) into running away, because he used to protect our lady cat (Chaddie) from her bullying. Now she’s top cat and gets the best chair by the stove all the time.
So yeah, my cat doesn’t need feminism because she hates white knight tom cats and is also possibly part of some secret cat mafia? It’s confusing.
To clarify, Chaddie is quite elderly and The Kitten is not actually a kitten, it’s just that it was my sister’s turn to name a cat and she spent too long faffing around trying to decide, and so we just ended up calling her The Kitten until it stuck.
“I don’t need feminism because I went to an insectional feminist meeting and there were no insects!?!?!?!”
“I don’t need feminism because I’ll only become female if the current female dies”
This is something my coworkers do too, so it’s been bugging me for a while: the removal of the penis is not a sex change, because the vagina is an organ unto itself, not simply the absence of a penis. This idea of “penis = male, no penis = female” is part and parcel with the idea of male as default and female as incomplete male, and that’s misogyny.
Anyway…male cats also have a problem with bladder stones getting lodged int he urethra and blocking urine from passing, and if it happens more than once we tend to recommend removing the penis. I see so many blocked cats at work, it makes me never want to own a male cat again.
Not to mention the barbed penis. Let’s just tear up the females’ bodies so the males don’t make human men uncomfortable.
There was a very short-lives show called Rescue, Ink, which was the name of a group of bikers who had turned their attention to saving abused animals. It’s actually pretty adorable to watch a bunch of tattooed, leather-clad men build a wheelchair for a disabled dachshund or cuddle a rescued pittie. But whenever they took a male dog to be neutered, the guys would wail and moan and practically have a funeral for the dog and his balls. What is it with (cis) men and their reproductive bits?
Or that godawful “Bee Movie”, which was about a male bee and all his male fellow-bees? God, we hate femaleness so much even animated talking animals have to be male. But feminism is over, we won!