a voice for men a woman is always to blame all about the menz antifeminism antifeminist women are these guys 12 years old? entitled babies evil wives evil women false accusations female beep boop hamstering homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men rationalization hamster women can't logic

The Top 7 Things I Learned From a Week's Worth of Comments at A Voice for Men

Let me count the ways
Let me count the ways

I have a confession to make: I don’t always read the comments on posts by Men’s Rights Activists.

I realize this might come as a shock to some of you. I mean, one of the main, er, critiques I get from MRAs is that I “cherry pick” comments from MRAs to make them look bad — never mind that it is the comments that make them look bad, not me. But the embarrassing fact is that I often don’t read the comments at all.

In my defense, I have a hard enough time making it through the posts themselves. Life is short, and MRAs are long-winded. And by the time I get to the end of a lot of MRA posts, I’ve pretty much lost my patience with their nonsense. The last thing I want to do at that moment is to read the fawning word-vomit of a bunch of irritating fucks whose comments are likely to be as bad or possibly even worse than the original post.

So today I decided to do a sort of penance for my sins — and to actually read through a week’s worth of comments on A Voice for Men to see what I could learn about the world, and (perhaps more to the point) about the sort of people who actually enjoy reading posts on that terrible site.

I tried my best to do this little experiment as scientifically as possible. But I cheated a little. I didn’t read the comments to every post. And I didn’t read every comment on the posts that I did look at. I mean, what the hell. There’s a limit to my masochism. Seriously, you try reading a week’s worth of this shit in one sitting.

Anyway, here are the Top 7 Insights I’ve learned from a week’s worth of comments at AVFM. In choosing the following, I stuck with comments that were either upvoted or unchallenged by the site’s regulars, or both.

1) Feminists literally want women to be able to kill men with no repercussions.

In the comments to an allegedly humorous post about the female “rationalization hamster,” Angelo sets us straight about the real agenda of feminists and their mangina allies:

 Angelo • 3 days ago  As I already mentioned, brilliant! Also I am delighted to receive my cherished "hamster-hate extremist by the Shyster Posse Liars Consortium (SPLC)" accreditation. ;-)  Vaguely related ...I've re- posted a little montage of a new J4MB post link with a past AVfM post link, in an attempt to make a broad point about the feminist rationalisation hamster and it's allies:  We are aware that feminists openly seek to and with the help of manginas, beta males and white knights, ultimately often achieve their goal of continuing to empower women with the ancient right, ...a "Licensed To KILL" husbands/partners.  Here, Feminists are shown to clearly have all the bases covered. There is no time between conception and old age at which any man is safe from 'Stringla' and the feminist license to kill.

2) Most young females are vile pigs.

This one, from a post about Men’s Rights Edmonton’s harassment of noble human rights activism towards that city’s Slut Walk, is pretty self-explanatory. Take it away, jbantifem:

jbantifem • 7 days ago  Most young females are nothing but vile pigs these days. I'd disown my daughter (if I had one) if she walked around the streets looking like this. Who in their right mind could ever take these women seriously?  Anyone who watches these videos and doesn't believe the morality of society is in jeopardy because of scenarios like this needs to stop smoking crack, or whatever the hell it is they're smoking.  If there is a creator I hope he has mercy on the human race, because we need it.  1 • Reply • Share ›          −     Avatar     Guest jbantifem • 7 days ago      If there is a creator I think he wants his rib back.

3) It is “female nature” to falsely accuse men of rape. In another comment on that  female “rationalization hamster” post, TheMaskAndRose praises AVFM for running articles addressing the important issue of women being dirty lying you know whats.

TheMaskAndRose • 3 days ago  Good summary! The rationalization hamster is also what causes "sex I shouldn't have had" to turn into "he raped me." If a woman gets buyer's remorse, the moment she begins to feel shame is what kicks the hamster into action. It goes through several rotations of "I was drunk" or "I'm angry at my boyfriend" or "he must have raped me" before deciding on an arbitrary outcome as an excuse. I am extremely glad that articles here are continuing to address female nature, it is absolutely inseparable from the feminist nonsense we deal with on a daily basis.  5 • Reply

4) Women are “vipers” with credit cards

In the comments of a post meditating on the notion of privilege (or something, I didn’t read it), l jess warns men not to get involved with women at all. Because of that viper thing.

l jess • 4 days ago  #2 Women do not owe us anything - As long as men do not foolishly get married, have children, or do anything that allows the vipers to sink their fangs into them - then men do not owe women anything - Go MGTOW and enjoy your life - you only owe yourself a life filled with your hobbies. self education, personal time, and whatever else a man wishes for himself - get involved with women and it disappears - the woman has to be placated down to the last nickel on the credit card and men are of no concern. - Do not owe a woman anything, ever!  13 •

5) Don’t marry women because they’re selfish narcissists who won’t let you have a model train set

In the comments to a novella-length post detailing one man’s legal battles with his ex, John Durant reveals that his mother wouldn’t let him have a model train set. And he shares the lesson he took from this childhood tragedy: Avoid women at all costs.

John Durant • 4 days ago  And this is why I have chosen to stay single. I have seen far too many men victimized throughout my lifetime, from my fathers friends who one by one were divorced and screwed by the state to my father who got royally screwed by my mother in their divorce. Then there was my mothers overbearing attitude towards me. Not being allowed to have a model railroad. The dirty looks I would get whenever I would buy anything for my pleasure such as a nice book, or some model trains that I would have to run elsewhere to enjoy. Always being told that I should be saving my hard earned money instead of enjoying it. Then watching my own friends be screwed over by their significant others. For the longest time, I did not date because I didn't make enough money to support a family. Now I see it was for the best. I have no family to support and I can come and go as I please. I have no wife to take me to the cleaners, no children to be used as weapons against me. I see women becoming more and more narcissistic and selfish. The way things are today, MGTOW is the only way.

6) Attractive women have no need nor desire for feminism. Or maybe they do? After praising the  looks of an antifeminist YouTuber, Sway draws the only possible conclusion from this evidence. Or is it the only possible conclusion? I’m not sure what to believe.

sway • 18 hours ago  Of course she's attractive. Attractive women have no need nor desire for feminism.  7 • Reply • Share ›          −     Avatar     MrSonicAdvance sway • 12 hours ago      I see the point you're making, but by that logic, wouldn't attractive women need feminism even more than the boot-faced dykes in order to combat the "rape culture" and "objectification" that women suffer 24/7? Yet amazingly she manages just fine. Patriarchy?

7) Women have too many feelings to be engineers

In yet another comment on that “rationalization hamster post,” Roby 83 compares women — inherently emotional and opinionated — with men — more adept in “objective reasoning.”

Roby 83 • 3 days ago  Most engineers are men because men are more interested than women in understanding how things work. Probably this is why men are more trained than women in objective reasoning: you cannot build a machine that works if you confuse opinions and feelings with reality  9

There is perhaps a teensy bit of irony in the fact that Roby 83 has chosen to post this comment on A Voice for Men, a site run by, and overflowing with, men who think that their tantrums are rational arguments.

And I think that’s my cue to end this little experiment.

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10 years ago


It’s not that there’s no room for him: They run into all kinds of other life forms, even three million years from Earth (and all of them made by humans).

10 years ago

He played the ship whenever it exploded! And Brian Blessed as Dumbledore would never actually cast spells, the shear sound of his incarnations could probably shatter bone.

Oh and about Brain Hagrid:

Harry: Hagrid, I never really liked them but was it really-


Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

It’s amazing how much more surreal your life becomes if you decide your interior monologue will be voiced by Brian Blessed.

*By God and King Harry, you SHALL hurry in this queue, woman, or I SHALL STICK ME SWORD THROUGH YOUR GIZZARD!!*

“Thank you. Could Ijust have a flat white with one sugar, please?”

*And you’d better get the sugar right, sirrah, or I shall come back AND RIP Y’THROAT OUT WITH ME TEETH!!!*

(try not to confuse the exterior and interior monologues though…)

10 years ago

Brian Blessed swearing:

10 years ago

One thing I admire about Gary Oldman is that, when I see him in a movie, I never think “wow, Oldman is good in this role.” By comparison, Kenneth Branagh is as good, but I can never forget that I’m watching Kenneth Branagh.

Blessed was great in Flash Gordon – he seemed to be having a roaring good time.

10 years ago

I think my best “Who the hell is this, I know that voice?” moment was seeing Professor Waldman in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Didn’t know till the credits ran that it was John Cleese.

10 years ago

On a different note, I got sent a link about how SCOTUS really works. (As a non-American, it took me a couple of weeks initially to work out what SCOTUS and POTUS stand for.)

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

There’s a reason they call it SCROTUS.

10 years ago

‘re the wanker in #5…I read his post about how feminism destroyed his life and took his kids s away, then I googled him. Imma just leave this here:

Basically even if the ex lied about his domestic violence case, he pled it out and agreed to various terms of custody and visitation, which he subsequently violated. Boo hoo.

10 years ago

You’ve never been clear on the subject; are you a mangina, a beta male, or a white knight? Come clean, you traitorous uh…traitor!

10 years ago

Is it really the prevailing attitudes among them, that these “alpha males” should not marry or breed with females? Way to misunderstand the point of being alpha. But, there within the problem, lieth the solution, so far be it from me to argue the stellar logic.

10 years ago

Pfffft, in my experience, women are better engineers than men. Having a societal pass to understand the emotions of a team makes you a better leader of that team, and hence a better engineer.

Plus, there’s nothing more amusing than watching guys forming cliques, bitching about and backstabbing each other and then attributing those characteristics to women. Of course, as they only understand those behaviours through stereotypes, they’re unlikely to ever have the self-awareness to understand what they’re doing, but it’s worth a (rueful) laugh anyway.

Kathy D
Kathy D
10 years ago

I just wonder where these guys are getting their “false rape claim” data. I have a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice and my recollection is that statistically, only two percent of reported rape cases were later determined to be false (at least in the US). Most of the time, rape victims (female or male) don’t even file a police report.

10 years ago

Some of the men’s rights guys are a bit off to say the least but that’s not to say they don’t have rights or good arguements as well.
Ray rice loses his job but hope solo is playing for the U.S. team while awaiting trial for assault. If you can’t admit the double standard society has in favor of women then you are just blind or stubborn.
As for the false rape deniers, 2% or 30%, ruining someone’s life is just low. You shouldn’t brush off injustice because it doesn’t agree with your cause.
All you do is degrade and belittle men and what, you expect them to come crawling back to you? Come on…. I believe ok Cupid did a survey and women rated 80% of men as below average looking. Those numbers tell me that women are living in a dream world. I gave up on american women long ago for that reason so I have no dog in the fight so to speak but, I see why men get frustrated.
Both sides have legitimate issues and if you can’t admit that then we all lose.
Sorry my comment is all over the place

10 years ago

Ryan: the “both sides” argument is made of fail and bullshit. If you can’t see that men already have all the rights, you’re being willfully ignorant.

10 years ago

Sorry my comment is all over the place

Well, you said one true thing. Good for you.

10 years ago

Wow! You know me so well! It’s like you have only ever met me via making huge assumptions about commenters on a blog that focuses on mocking misogynists and their tropes used to degrade and belittle women!

Everything I do, I do to degrade and belittle men. Really! Where can I get my degree in Misaandry!

10 years ago

Shorter ryan: Yeah, MRAs go too far, but [teal deer of wonky MRA talking points that ryan seems to think are right on the money].

10 years ago

Waaaaait a minute, I never got my license to kill, is her a form or an application I was supposed to fill out?

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