
On The Spearhead, the regulars reject women rejecting feminism

From Women Against Feminism
From Women Against Feminism

Are women turning against feminism? Over on The Spearhead, WF Price sets forth the proposition that “the younger generation of women [is] rejecting ‘feminism’ in stronger terms than I’ve ever witnessed in my life.”

His proof for this? A Tumblr blog called Women Against Feminism, featuring a couple dozen photos of women holding signs denouncing feminism. Or what they think feminism is, anyway.

Some of these women are fairly articulate about the source of their hostility against feminism: they’re traditionalists who don’t like being judged for their choices:


Others seem to be reacting against stereotypical notions of feminism that bear little relation to the real thing:


Still others have somewhat more, well, idiosyncratic reasons:


For whatever reason, quite a few of the women posting these pictures are from Poland.

At least here in the US, it’s not news that a lot of women reject feminism – or at least the feminist label. There are plenty of  traditionalist women who reject the central tenets of feminism. And there are many others who may share some feminist beliefs but don’t want to call themselves feminists, in part because of the bad rap feminists get in the media and, these days, online. Anyone who’s been a feminist for any length of time has heard women (and some men) announce that “I’m not a feminist, but …” and then follow that statement with a sentiment that is, by any reasonable definition, feminist.

Now some of these “I’m not a feminist, but” types are posting pictures like this, using what is essentially a feminist analysis to criticize what they see as a central shortcoming of feminism:


Naturally, WF Price has a somewhat different explanation for this alleged trend.

What I think is going on here is that younger women need men more than their older, feminist counterparts did in their heyday.

And why is that? Because times are hard. And so even though men today are struggling, women are struggling even more, and so – in WF Price’s imagination, anyway — they’ve come to appreciate what men can do for them.

The less men have – and the less men there are in general – the more women need them. Without men or without men of means, there can be no surplus, no you-go-grrrrl feminism, no fancy restaurants and no nice houses. Everything just goes to crap.

Heck, Price argues, even men without jobs make better roommates for women than other women, because, you know, they can open jars and stuff:

[W]hat use could a man possibly be if he has no money to speak of? Only someone who has never lived with a woman could find that one hard to answer. A healthy young man with no money can drive, carry things, fix things, protect his mate, solve problems, save money, do chores — the list goes on. And when he gets a job, he will pay his way and do all these things, even if he makes less than his girlfriend. It’s a much, much better deal for a woman than a female roommate.

According to Price, feminism had whatever successes it did have in the past because the economy was booming.

What created this “independent woman” myth was the great prosperity of the baby boomer era, which lasted from roughly the mid 60s to the mid 2000s. Men abounded, and they were flush with cash. Businesses could afford to hire superfluous cute girls and give them nice salaries. Family courts could rob men blind and they’d still have enough left over for a reasonable lifestyle and a chance to start over. Men were harvesting the fat of the land, and there was more than enough to go around.

Huh. I lived through that baby boomer era, and I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t one giant materialistic orgy. There were, I vaguely recall, more than a couple of pretty severe recessions. And back in the heyday of second wave feminism in the seventies there was something called “stagflation.”

But let’s not get in the way of WF Price’s little fairy tale. In the baby boomer era, everyone prospered. Now, everyone is poor. Or at least the young people are:

When you’re poor, life is a lot easier if you can share with someone, and nobody shares more with girls than boys. So merely finding a man to share burdens is a considerable relief to young women. Is a feminist going to fix a car, carry a TV upstairs or take her to the hospital to give birth? Will the feminist voluntarily share any of what she earns with the young woman? Yeah, right…

Apparently in Price’s world “the feminist” is essentially a female version of Scrooge McDuck.

Male scarcity in either numbers or resources effectively prevents feminism. Surplus enables it. In a sense, one could say that feminism’s own downfall is built in to the ideology itself, because it contributes to male scarcity.

Wars between the sexes accomplish nothing in the long run, but they do highlight the complementary, interdependent nature of the sexes: when one sex “beats” the other, both lose. Today’s young women seem to understand that a lot better than their foolish mothers ever did.

In the comments, the Spearhead regulars are less forgiving of “foolish” women than Price is. Regular commenter Geographybeefinalisthimself suggests that antifeminist men should be something less than gracious in their (alleged) victory:

Even if women are in fact rejecting feminism (and I treat this with a lot of suspicion), I don’t see why men should not be vindictive since feminists were pretty damn vindictive to men (myself included, though I am well aware that I am not the only one) when male power was a myth.

Since young men got paid back for discrimination that wasn’t their fault, I don’t see why they shouldn’t turn around and do likewise to a subsequent generation of females. If feminism can come to an end now (and I am not convinced that it is dead yet), it also could have come to an end twenty years ago. I always take the attitude that if something can happen now, it could have happened many years ago as well.

Someone calling himself Lastango, meanwhile, indulges himself in some hypothetical Atlas Shrugging:

[T]he tide is going out and it’s increasingly obvious feminism has been swimming naked, keeping its head above water only because it could float on government money. Unfortunately for feminists, this is happening at the very moment men are increasingly aware of having been demonized and exploited during the past 40 years, and Atlas is starting to shrug… he’ll be staying dry, on the beach, instead of swimming out to rescue a drowning political tribe of privileged, entitled women who have been using him for their own gain.

The misogynists of the manosphere are never quite so happy as when they contemplate women being punished.

The women posting pictures to the Women Against Feminism blog might be surprised by how ungentlemanly these fellows really are.

NOTE: I cropped the pics from Women Against Feminism to save space and highlight the signs.

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friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago

Inferiority Complex, or sometimes Imposter Syndrome in successful individuals.

friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago

That was in reply to this:
“Has anyone come up with some kind of term for culture wide Stockholm Syndrome?”

10 years ago

Atheists against logical thought…wait what?

Note: your atheist may vary.

10 years ago

The opening line of Daniela’s troll comment was so childishly irrelevant, but written with such conviction in ithe gravity and solemn importance of that statement that I actually laughed out loud in my place of work and now I have to explain to my boss why I am so unprofessional.

Thanks Daniela.

10 years ago

Also, I can’t remember the last time that I couldn’t open a jar by myself. I was probably still in primary school.

And boyfriend does all of our cooking because he is excellent at it and I am just happy to help by chopping vegetables and opening jars.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

saphy – I hope my zapping Daniela’s comment doesn’t get your boss going “Argh, I see no comment, my employee is having WHTM hallucinations!!”

Clothesminded, hi, welcome, love your nym! 🙂

10 years ago

I had to pretend it was a cat video instead, because cat videos are more readily accepted in the workplace than reading blogs during (boring and unproductive) work hours. Everyone understands watching cat videos at work.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Sounds like my last job, though I did a lot of entertaining-the-masses* by reading trolls’ more bizarre rants from here.

* if “two people” counts as the masses**

** and if “making people go wut in complete bafflement” counts as entertainment

10 years ago
Reply to  kittehserf MOD

Hey 🙂 and thanks I just thought about it randomly

10 years ago


Seriously? People hold up signs for money? So an MRA type can spend $20 and instantly you’ve got 4 “Women Against Feminism”?

Maybe that’s where the “security money” for the conference is going. 😉

10 years ago

I saw one of those photos with a woman holding a sign reading something along the lines of ‘I don’t need feminism because I am not a victim! I run a very successful company and I don’t need a man to look after me’
And I sat and looked at it, and tried reading it upside down, and finally said, “ you’re a feminist then…yes ?” to it.

10 years ago

I’ve noticed a trend among my friends and peers for stuff like this. I mean, some people have always been like that (as in “I’m not a feminist but *feminist argument for something*) but it seems to be more trendy to make a big deal out of it.

also, Kittehs, I have always considered most of my spiders to be part of the Furrinati. My arguement for this is that they really are very fuzzywuzzy, and they like to pounce on things, and some of them have big adorable eyes. Just like kittens.

10 years ago

So… a lot of them need men for their self-esteem and are afraid of losing that?

Although I have seen some women posting anti-feminist stuff on FB more recently. A common one is about marriage traditions and feminist criticisms of taking the man’s name or marriage being considered the “landmark” achievement in women’s lives. I guess those pesky feminists are ruining the Disney Dream,

10 years ago

Oh gods, giant fucking bugs! I’m gonna sleep now. Or at least try to.

10 years ago

The vindictiveness of the MRAs is always worth pointing out. People need to be reminded that they are rageaholics and that there is no placating them.

10 years ago

I realise I have nothing to base this opinion on, but I reckon these pictures are bodgy. There is something very odd about all this. MRAs do like using “female” sockpuppets.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

DF: Crap. A two-dot ellipse! I meant to type a period!

Male privilege! If you were female, you’d be way more worried about missing a period…

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

Spider, pfft. We have wetas.

And I can tell you from personal experience that there’s nothing fun about using an outdoors toilet and finding a weta on your knee when your pants are down. I looked at him; he looked at me; and neither one of us ended up happy.

10 years ago

Hm…spiders get to live in my apartment as long as there’s something for them to eat. If I can be bothered to take them outside, I will, but mostly I leave them. Spiders are my friends. lol

I am the opener of jars because I live alone, and I will eventually get it open myself. It may take hot water, holding it between my thighs and using both hands, slamming the top, or just giving up and stabbing holes in the lid, but I will get it open on my own. Have done for the last several years of living on my own.

My apartment, by the way, I like just fine. No need for fancy houses. No need for fancy restaurants either; the few times I’ve had an opportunity to go to such a place, the food usually wasn’t that great. I’ll take my own cooking, or the relatively cheap sushi place a couple streets over any day.

Fine, I can’t carry a TV up the stairs. But there is a lot I can carry (I also don’t have or need a TV; laptop is just fine). Also 26 years old here and not an anti-feminist bone in my body.

Sorry, Price, when I partner with a man it won’t be because I need one, but because I actually like that particular man for the person he is. This is why MRAs find starting relationships with women to be so difficult. Women don’t need them and don’t want them either. No, not even those women holding anti-feminist signs.

10 years ago

@Phoenician Wonderful! 🙂

10 years ago

The vindictiveness of the MRAs is always worth pointing out. People need to be reminded that they are rageaholics and that there is no placating them.

I’m astounded at how often I see the following sequence of events:

1) MGTOW/MRA/PUA/misc. misogynist calmly and rationally explains his perspective on why feminism is wrong about something.

2) Woman disagrees with aforementioned mister.

3) Mister escalates straight to froth-at-the-mouth rage and personal insults, claims that woman deserves all kinds of horrible things happening to her, in-depth armchair psychoanalytical bullshit about her personal failings, hateful speculation about her sexual and relationship status …

Hard to believe their “activism” is founded on any basis of compassion or desire to help anybody when a good 80% of their interactions with the wider world seem to involve incoherent venomous loathing for the existence of opinions other than their own, and that seems to be the defining trait of even the thought leaders amongst the manosphericals.

10 years ago

Uh..wonderful for the male privilege comment about missing a period

10 years ago

So, they believe that feminists hate men. Fine*, but why wouldn’t the feminist help the woman in this scenario?

Is the ‘mystical monster feminist’ that is disconnected from any actual woman, similar to the ‘mystical monster rapist’ that is disconnected from any man? Both seem to just appear out of nowhere and cause havoc (according to these guys).

Thanks to this site as soon as I see/hear someone saying ‘men and females’ I just start grinning. Anything that follows has a musical layer of ‘I’m a screaming misogynist’ playing cheerfully over the top.

*Obviously not fine, actually very annoying.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

also, Kittehs, I have always considered most of my spiders to be part of the Furrinati. My arguement for this is that they really are very fuzzywuzzy, and they like to pounce on things, and some of them have big adorable eyes. Just like kittens.

@Monster, so, spiders are the Furrinati’s Ultimate Weapon!

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Uh..wonderful for the male privilege comment about missing a period

I did wonder for a moment if that was about the weta-on-knee incident! XD

But seconded, the missed period comment had all the win.

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