
On The Spearhead, the regulars reject women rejecting feminism

From Women Against Feminism
From Women Against Feminism

Are women turning against feminism? Over on The Spearhead, WF Price sets forth the proposition that “the younger generation of women [is] rejecting ‘feminism’ in stronger terms than I’ve ever witnessed in my life.”

His proof for this? A Tumblr blog called Women Against Feminism, featuring a couple dozen photos of women holding signs denouncing feminism. Or what they think feminism is, anyway.

Some of these women are fairly articulate about the source of their hostility against feminism: they’re traditionalists who don’t like being judged for their choices:


Others seem to be reacting against stereotypical notions of feminism that bear little relation to the real thing:


Still others have somewhat more, well, idiosyncratic reasons:


For whatever reason, quite a few of the women posting these pictures are from Poland.

At least here in the US, it’s not news that a lot of women reject feminism – or at least the feminist label. There are plenty of  traditionalist women who reject the central tenets of feminism. And there are many others who may share some feminist beliefs but don’t want to call themselves feminists, in part because of the bad rap feminists get in the media and, these days, online. Anyone who’s been a feminist for any length of time has heard women (and some men) announce that “I’m not a feminist, but …” and then follow that statement with a sentiment that is, by any reasonable definition, feminist.

Now some of these “I’m not a feminist, but” types are posting pictures like this, using what is essentially a feminist analysis to criticize what they see as a central shortcoming of feminism:


Naturally, WF Price has a somewhat different explanation for this alleged trend.

What I think is going on here is that younger women need men more than their older, feminist counterparts did in their heyday.

And why is that? Because times are hard. And so even though men today are struggling, women are struggling even more, and so – in WF Price’s imagination, anyway — they’ve come to appreciate what men can do for them.

The less men have – and the less men there are in general – the more women need them. Without men or without men of means, there can be no surplus, no you-go-grrrrl feminism, no fancy restaurants and no nice houses. Everything just goes to crap.

Heck, Price argues, even men without jobs make better roommates for women than other women, because, you know, they can open jars and stuff:

[W]hat use could a man possibly be if he has no money to speak of? Only someone who has never lived with a woman could find that one hard to answer. A healthy young man with no money can drive, carry things, fix things, protect his mate, solve problems, save money, do chores — the list goes on. And when he gets a job, he will pay his way and do all these things, even if he makes less than his girlfriend. It’s a much, much better deal for a woman than a female roommate.

According to Price, feminism had whatever successes it did have in the past because the economy was booming.

What created this “independent woman” myth was the great prosperity of the baby boomer era, which lasted from roughly the mid 60s to the mid 2000s. Men abounded, and they were flush with cash. Businesses could afford to hire superfluous cute girls and give them nice salaries. Family courts could rob men blind and they’d still have enough left over for a reasonable lifestyle and a chance to start over. Men were harvesting the fat of the land, and there was more than enough to go around.

Huh. I lived through that baby boomer era, and I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t one giant materialistic orgy. There were, I vaguely recall, more than a couple of pretty severe recessions. And back in the heyday of second wave feminism in the seventies there was something called “stagflation.”

But let’s not get in the way of WF Price’s little fairy tale. In the baby boomer era, everyone prospered. Now, everyone is poor. Or at least the young people are:

When you’re poor, life is a lot easier if you can share with someone, and nobody shares more with girls than boys. So merely finding a man to share burdens is a considerable relief to young women. Is a feminist going to fix a car, carry a TV upstairs or take her to the hospital to give birth? Will the feminist voluntarily share any of what she earns with the young woman? Yeah, right…

Apparently in Price’s world “the feminist” is essentially a female version of Scrooge McDuck.

Male scarcity in either numbers or resources effectively prevents feminism. Surplus enables it. In a sense, one could say that feminism’s own downfall is built in to the ideology itself, because it contributes to male scarcity.

Wars between the sexes accomplish nothing in the long run, but they do highlight the complementary, interdependent nature of the sexes: when one sex “beats” the other, both lose. Today’s young women seem to understand that a lot better than their foolish mothers ever did.

In the comments, the Spearhead regulars are less forgiving of “foolish” women than Price is. Regular commenter Geographybeefinalisthimself suggests that antifeminist men should be something less than gracious in their (alleged) victory:

Even if women are in fact rejecting feminism (and I treat this with a lot of suspicion), I don’t see why men should not be vindictive since feminists were pretty damn vindictive to men (myself included, though I am well aware that I am not the only one) when male power was a myth.

Since young men got paid back for discrimination that wasn’t their fault, I don’t see why they shouldn’t turn around and do likewise to a subsequent generation of females. If feminism can come to an end now (and I am not convinced that it is dead yet), it also could have come to an end twenty years ago. I always take the attitude that if something can happen now, it could have happened many years ago as well.

Someone calling himself Lastango, meanwhile, indulges himself in some hypothetical Atlas Shrugging:

[T]he tide is going out and it’s increasingly obvious feminism has been swimming naked, keeping its head above water only because it could float on government money. Unfortunately for feminists, this is happening at the very moment men are increasingly aware of having been demonized and exploited during the past 40 years, and Atlas is starting to shrug… he’ll be staying dry, on the beach, instead of swimming out to rescue a drowning political tribe of privileged, entitled women who have been using him for their own gain.

The misogynists of the manosphere are never quite so happy as when they contemplate women being punished.

The women posting pictures to the Women Against Feminism blog might be surprised by how ungentlemanly these fellows really are.

NOTE: I cropped the pics from Women Against Feminism to save space and highlight the signs.

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10 years ago

That doesn’t mean that everyone else has to like what they like. What is allowed is not mandatory. Why can’t people grasp that? It’s simple enough. Deconstructing gender roles can be done without shitting on what we think of as femininity. Rather, it opens options up for everyone to explore their own interests and develop the skills and interests they prefer regardless of gender. That should not be threatening to anyone. It should be liberating.


10 years ago

Lost the itals again 🙁

10 years ago

@Flying Mouse:

Hmm, I wouldn’t need a dude to drive me places, except the Skytrain’s been awful the last week, and I can’t drive our standard-transmission van yet because what is a clutch. Damn.

Anyways, does Price know that TVs aren’t really that heavy anymore? Like, some lady tried to steal a 56-incher or something from my place of employment the other day; she lifted that right up on her own and tried to walk out the back door with it, and she was like 5’2″. Her (male) partner-in-crime had no piece of the TV-carrying action. Maybe be was waiting for stairs to be involved.

I’ve yet to see proof that men are the ones who save the money; iirc, isn’t it an MRA argument that women control most of the money because they’re the ones who do the grocery shopping? I’ve yet to hear of men as the stereotypical couponers.

10 years ago

@dustedeste- I completely agree. My mom was a homemaker and adopted a lot of tenets of feminism (despite her continuing to this day to claim the man should be the head of the household since it says so in the bible- never mind the fact her ex-husband [my dad] pretty much acted like a demon spawn throughout their divorce), so I totally understand how a woman could make that choice and still be a feminist. At the same time, I read an excellent interview with the author of a book that went into how mothers have a moral responsibility to financially provide for their children. If she is one of the rare few who make it to old age still married, having put kids through college and whatnot, no premature deaths (since statistically men die earlier than women), then that was an awesome choice. But I also think that theres a rather low likelihood of that, putting romantic notions aside and looking at things practically. And so I think that’s important to take that into consideration and I think as feminists, as people who feel it is important to look out for other women, we have to voice that concern. Obviously there are extenuating circumstances and differences in financial and other situations, but I think expressing concern about the financial situation EITHER partner is making when they decide to give up their career and rely entirely on the other person’s earnings, knowing that if they choose to stay out of work for a decade or so and return they will have much poorer job options, is not a bad thing and shouldn’t be resented.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Since when were the 60′s through the mid 00′s the boom times. What Robert Reich calls the “great prosperity” was between the mid 40′s and the mid 70′s. Ever since than things have been shaky.

Damn right. I’m a tail-end baby boomer and my entire working life has been shaped, and often enough fucked over, by recessions.

Greebo, hi! Are you … THE Greebo?

10 years ago

@cloudiah- TY! I have lurked a lot and made a few comments so I hope I still qualify for the lovely basket. AVFM’s website looks a lot more palatable when the misogyny is interspersed with lovely pics of cats.
Now I think I’m going to spend the next few hours perusing the best of articles selected for this. Ive gone through the tags before and pretty much every article is gold but I’m excited to know exactly how penguins got lumped into the whore category with the rest of us riding the fabled cock carousel…

10 years ago


Definitely with you on the concern about job market readiness – but I just still don’t think that either choice is innately more feminist per se than the other. There are just choices that make more or less sense for particular people based on their situations and predilections, and that the choices people make based on those aren’t the business of anyone who’s not affected by them, nor should they be judged on their perceived feminism-iness, unless one partner is literally forcing the other into it.

10 years ago

New jars:
Bang them on the counter or floor to break the vacuum. They’ll open right up.

10 years ago


That spider guy was in England. How scary could an english spider possibly be??

In my household it’s my bf who has trouble with spiders, but only because I seem to have a magic ability to breeze past spider webs, which he then gets a face full of.

Just the other day though, my friend posted on Facebook about needing to have a Python removed from the dash of her car. Was really wedged up in there. In the photos it was a man removing it for her, but that may have more to do with her being a lawyer, not an animal wrangler, than their respective genders.

10 years ago

“She’s probably a Viserys fan.” I CAN’T QUOTE FOR SHIT I AM SO SORRY.
EW. I’ve interacted with enough of them to understand why she ended up on that blog. smh.

Thanks David! Poland, eh? Given footy culture there, I would not be surprised if she was anti other progressive movements as well. *has terrible memories of white-supremacist, anti-feminist, polish co-worker.*

Ooh, a manboobz/mammotheer welcome package! Thanks Cloudiah!

10 years ago

I’m a complete wimp about spiders and even I can cope with the ones in the UK.

10 years ago

All of these signs read as “I don’t need feminism because omg I am such a chill girl, please like me!” to me, just FYI. Like, aw, honey, whatever you’re getting out of limbo-ing under that bar I sure hope it’s worth it.

10 years ago

Hubby has spilled the beans!

The spiders and teh menz are in this together! Apparently men only have hairy legs to show their solidarity with spiders. The spiders use their eight legs to close jars extra tight and cause minor car problems to make men seem more useful because they know that if women take over the world, we will destroy spider-kind. Men are not killing bathtub spiders! They are secretly freeing them when we are not looking! He says he can tell me no more. He’s risked too much already.

You guys, that’s why cats eat spiders!

It’s all so clear to me now.

10 years ago

My cat doesn’t eat spiders, only mother. Oh shit, she’s a double agent, isn’t she?

10 years ago

Moths, not mother. WTF, me? That’s what I get for watching Coraline after pulling an all-nighter.

10 years ago

A healthy young man with no money can drive, carry things, fix things, protect his mate, solve problems, save money, do chores — the list goes on.

Because no women are capable of doing any of this. All those women driving? Men disguised as women. All the stuff I carried when I helped my brother move? just a figment of my imagination. All the times I opened jars for my grandmother? I just dreamed it.

It is incredibly pathetic how these idiots both deny reality and basic things women do every single day in order to reassure themselves that they’re still the big strong men and women are all useless just crying out for their help. I also like how often misogynists contradict themselves by jumping from “women have contributed nothing” to “but traditional women’s work is SO important, I swear men have always respected it *snickergiggle*”

If I had all the power that manosphere dudes like to pretend feminists have, I would designate an island for them and these particular women who wish to live their lives kissing pasty, MRA butt. Let them live their happy little lives. And I’m all for legitimate critique of feminism, but these signs are just nothing but regurgitated stereotypes and MRA talking points. You know what makes me hesitant to cook for men? it’s not feminism. It’s gender roles. Gender roles that spawned stupid things like sandwich jokes being used to demean and dismiss women by taking a gender neutral act of kindness and turning into a boring chore that lowly women have to do to serve superior men.

10 years ago

damn you blockquote monster!!!!!

10 years ago

Reblogged this on iheariseeilearn and commented:
Another excellent blog…(We Hunted The Mammoth)

10 years ago

I cook very well. Not for you, though, creepy misogynist!

10 years ago

Has anyone come up with some kind of term for culture wide Stockholm Syndrome?

10 years ago


They must have bought her off with tuna and chin scritches.

10 years ago

It makes me think of closeted gay men arguing that they don’t need to be out because all the out guys are a)screaming Nancy fairy queens, or b) dead serious activist dudes. Not realizing that they’re getting laid because of those guys. I enjoy being a SAHD, but a big part of that is that I worked in an office for twenty four years – staying at home and cooking the meals looks a lot different than if I’d been doing that since I was twenty.

10 years ago

“I love to be sexy for my man”

until MRAs and other bitter men decide for you that he’s actually the wrong man to be sexy for. He’s actually a badboy, a thug. Or he’s probably rich and that’s why you’re with him, etc. Then you can enjoy having them call you a a friendzoning, slutty, hypergamous bitch who’s destroying WESTERN SOCIETY!!!!11

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Moths, not mother. WTF, me? That’s what I get for watching Coraline after pulling an all-nighter.

I thought you meant she got all motherly with spiders, which would be double-agenting and then some.

I am shattered, just shattered, to learn that men’s hairy legs mean they’re showing solidarity with spiders. I always thought it meant solidarity with the Furrinati. I see I shall have to have Words with Mr K tonight.

(Though this leaves the question of what my hairy-leggedness means. I’m damn sure it doesn’t refer to spider solidarity.)

I would designate an island for them and these particular women who wish to live their lives kissing pasty, MRA butt.

I read that as “pastry” before I got to “butt”. Kissing pastry would be much more fun. 😀

Totally seconding about the island. Make it so. (See? Useful android dude!)

10 years ago

“Internalized misogyny” is the term you’re looking for, Zolnier. It’s pointless getting angry with people like that, I just feel kind of embarrassed for them.