
On The Spearhead, the regulars reject women rejecting feminism

From Women Against Feminism
From Women Against Feminism

Are women turning against feminism? Over on The Spearhead, WF Price sets forth the proposition that “the younger generation of women [is] rejecting ‘feminism’ in stronger terms than I’ve ever witnessed in my life.”

His proof for this? A Tumblr blog called Women Against Feminism, featuring a couple dozen photos of women holding signs denouncing feminism. Or what they think feminism is, anyway.

Some of these women are fairly articulate about the source of their hostility against feminism: they’re traditionalists who don’t like being judged for their choices:


Others seem to be reacting against stereotypical notions of feminism that bear little relation to the real thing:


Still others have somewhat more, well, idiosyncratic reasons:


For whatever reason, quite a few of the women posting these pictures are from Poland.

At least here in the US, it’s not news that a lot of women reject feminism – or at least the feminist label. There are plenty of  traditionalist women who reject the central tenets of feminism. And there are many others who may share some feminist beliefs but don’t want to call themselves feminists, in part because of the bad rap feminists get in the media and, these days, online. Anyone who’s been a feminist for any length of time has heard women (and some men) announce that “I’m not a feminist, but …” and then follow that statement with a sentiment that is, by any reasonable definition, feminist.

Now some of these “I’m not a feminist, but” types are posting pictures like this, using what is essentially a feminist analysis to criticize what they see as a central shortcoming of feminism:


Naturally, WF Price has a somewhat different explanation for this alleged trend.

What I think is going on here is that younger women need men more than their older, feminist counterparts did in their heyday.

And why is that? Because times are hard. And so even though men today are struggling, women are struggling even more, and so – in WF Price’s imagination, anyway — they’ve come to appreciate what men can do for them.

The less men have – and the less men there are in general – the more women need them. Without men or without men of means, there can be no surplus, no you-go-grrrrl feminism, no fancy restaurants and no nice houses. Everything just goes to crap.

Heck, Price argues, even men without jobs make better roommates for women than other women, because, you know, they can open jars and stuff:

[W]hat use could a man possibly be if he has no money to speak of? Only someone who has never lived with a woman could find that one hard to answer. A healthy young man with no money can drive, carry things, fix things, protect his mate, solve problems, save money, do chores — the list goes on. And when he gets a job, he will pay his way and do all these things, even if he makes less than his girlfriend. It’s a much, much better deal for a woman than a female roommate.

According to Price, feminism had whatever successes it did have in the past because the economy was booming.

What created this “independent woman” myth was the great prosperity of the baby boomer era, which lasted from roughly the mid 60s to the mid 2000s. Men abounded, and they were flush with cash. Businesses could afford to hire superfluous cute girls and give them nice salaries. Family courts could rob men blind and they’d still have enough left over for a reasonable lifestyle and a chance to start over. Men were harvesting the fat of the land, and there was more than enough to go around.

Huh. I lived through that baby boomer era, and I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t one giant materialistic orgy. There were, I vaguely recall, more than a couple of pretty severe recessions. And back in the heyday of second wave feminism in the seventies there was something called “stagflation.”

But let’s not get in the way of WF Price’s little fairy tale. In the baby boomer era, everyone prospered. Now, everyone is poor. Or at least the young people are:

When you’re poor, life is a lot easier if you can share with someone, and nobody shares more with girls than boys. So merely finding a man to share burdens is a considerable relief to young women. Is a feminist going to fix a car, carry a TV upstairs or take her to the hospital to give birth? Will the feminist voluntarily share any of what she earns with the young woman? Yeah, right…

Apparently in Price’s world “the feminist” is essentially a female version of Scrooge McDuck.

Male scarcity in either numbers or resources effectively prevents feminism. Surplus enables it. In a sense, one could say that feminism’s own downfall is built in to the ideology itself, because it contributes to male scarcity.

Wars between the sexes accomplish nothing in the long run, but they do highlight the complementary, interdependent nature of the sexes: when one sex “beats” the other, both lose. Today’s young women seem to understand that a lot better than their foolish mothers ever did.

In the comments, the Spearhead regulars are less forgiving of “foolish” women than Price is. Regular commenter Geographybeefinalisthimself suggests that antifeminist men should be something less than gracious in their (alleged) victory:

Even if women are in fact rejecting feminism (and I treat this with a lot of suspicion), I don’t see why men should not be vindictive since feminists were pretty damn vindictive to men (myself included, though I am well aware that I am not the only one) when male power was a myth.

Since young men got paid back for discrimination that wasn’t their fault, I don’t see why they shouldn’t turn around and do likewise to a subsequent generation of females. If feminism can come to an end now (and I am not convinced that it is dead yet), it also could have come to an end twenty years ago. I always take the attitude that if something can happen now, it could have happened many years ago as well.

Someone calling himself Lastango, meanwhile, indulges himself in some hypothetical Atlas Shrugging:

[T]he tide is going out and it’s increasingly obvious feminism has been swimming naked, keeping its head above water only because it could float on government money. Unfortunately for feminists, this is happening at the very moment men are increasingly aware of having been demonized and exploited during the past 40 years, and Atlas is starting to shrug… he’ll be staying dry, on the beach, instead of swimming out to rescue a drowning political tribe of privileged, entitled women who have been using him for their own gain.

The misogynists of the manosphere are never quite so happy as when they contemplate women being punished.

The women posting pictures to the Women Against Feminism blog might be surprised by how ungentlemanly these fellows really are.

NOTE: I cropped the pics from Women Against Feminism to save space and highlight the signs.

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10 years ago

Am I the only one who heard about that mom being arrested and immediately went “…She’s black, isn’t she?”

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

Some of those signs have been photoshopped and repurposed from Project Unbreakable. That is effing inexcusable.

Every time I think the bottom of the barrel has been found, new depths appear. Ugh.

10 years ago

That’s the one!

10 years ago

And whoever said I was shaming them eh? And if you’ll notice, it’s female posters who are claiming to be depressed about this state of affairs. I myself am relieved that my cynicism is vindicated : D

Boring troll is boring.

10 years ago

In reference to the 1900’s house:

My grandmother’s mother made fire to heat the laundry water with coal dug out of a vein on the family farm. She washed the laundry on a washboard, carried the wet laundry uphill to hang it to dry. That was just one of her many back breaking chores. If her garden did not produce a surplus, she could not can enough to feed her large family over the winter. She cooked on a wood fired stove. The hard work and lack of birth control meant that when she was pregnant with twins, she lost them. I know what their names would have been. My grandmother remembered her mom losing them. This was a family that raised bees so they’d have honey. Life was basic and hard.

Later, my grandmother would also miscarry due to being overworked. But rather than being on the farm, she was forced by her husband (with his mothers approval) to keep working in an assembly line making vacuum tubes, even though she had begged to stop because she knew something was wrong. She cried when she told me about about losing that baby (which she named and buried in the family plot though there is no head stone.) in her last years. She endured so much abuse and loneliness in her life.

There was nothing romantic about the way women lived in the days before feminism made it to the mainstream. Women endured abuse, marital rape, unwanted pregnancies, etc. as a matter of course. It was just how things were.

I know a man who still remembers his mother sending him into bars as a boy to beg his father to stop spending his paycheck and come home. She couldn’t do it. He’d have beaten her black and blue.

That’s just the way things were and that’s the way these nasty haters wish they still were.

Alas, they’re version of utopia has been widdled away by feminists and it is not coming back. We won’t let it.

10 years ago


As if men don’t do exactly the same thing. Yes, it is sad when people are so desperate for cash that they’ll do ethically problematic things. No, it is not an excuse for your misogynist bullshit. Good-gawd-damn, you are one dimwitted troll.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I’ll tell you a secret: This game was invented to help mods meet their 30% quota. Whenever they are not posting enough comments, they can just start saying numbers.

You’ll find yourself in front of the Feminist High Council, giving away our secrets like that.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Flying Mouse and Bina – I enjoyed all those “House” shows (Colonial House, 1940s House). I’ll have to check out the BBC fram series too. Lately I’ve been on a reality-history kick and am rereading the Little House series. I think it’s partly because I’m trying to reassure myself that, as exhausting as cleaning up after toddlers is, life in the 21st century is a cakewalk compared with any other random era I could have been born into. When I look at all the crap I have to pack for a simple outing to the playground, for example, I don’t know how pioneer women managed to cross the prairie without sippy cups, snacks, stickers, wipes, strollers, stuffed puppies, 3000 plastic bags, portable playpens, and on and on. They didn’t even have regular access to water.

But who knows, maybe our era will be the subject of a snarky reality-holocloud series in the year 2300. “In this week’s episode, the Smith-926172 v3.0 family will attempt ‘texting’ and watching funny cat videos while wearing jeggings! Let us all point and laugh, while giving thanks for our era’s thought-laundry and artificial wombs!”

LBT – g0ys are such a weird phenomenon. They’re not interested in women in the slightest, and yet they still manage to have sex lives driven by misogyny. Penetration: icky and demeaning – for girls only! Penises: the very highest, purest form of sexual expression!

But we’re totally not gay!

10 years ago

Who doesn’t? Anyway, Linkin Park is actually my favorite :p

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago


feminism is this giant wrong tree that everyone keeps barking up.

I approve of this sentence. Slightly too long for a tattoo, but I’m considering it.

I will actually literally really pay $5 to get someone on fiverr to hold up a sign saying this sentence and then post the pictures here. Or any other that the WHTM community can decide on. Suggestions?
(Oh, look:

10 years ago

OMG, there so needs to be an adorable kitten holding a sign saying “Feminism is this giant wrong tree that everyone keeps barking up.” That needs to exist ASAP.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Preferably a kitten holding the sign while sitting in a tree!

10 years ago

Yes! Kittens! Trees! Feminism!

10 years ago

@Katz: “Am I the only one who heard about that mom being arrested and immediately went “…She’s black, isn’t she?” ”

Could have been Latina or just very poor white, I suppose, but in this sort of thing you can’t go far wrong by guessing black. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be black and subject to this shit.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Okay, couldn’t find a suitable kitty-in-tree pic, but here’s the Sign Kitty.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

I am SO not caught up but way back on page one Lea said — “[I know a] woman who would rather raise cobras than children”. And damn, she sounds like the sort I’d love to know! I wish I could have snakes (my mother forbids anything that can live outside water and isn’t furry…or pre-approved [amphibians are so far fine, as were hermit crabs])

10 years ago

Kittehserf, your sign kitty is fantastic! Thank you!!!

10 years ago

“No phone! No light! No motorcar! Not a single luxury! Like Robinson Crusoe, it’s primitive as can be!”

… You mean Weird Al didn’t write that line? He uses it in “Amish Paradise”!

I don’t need feminism because a movement that tells me I’m limited because of what’s between my legs does NOT advocate for me.

I. I. What?

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

My pleasure, grumpycat! Use it with my blessing!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Sorry, giant pinchers and all, I’ll take a weta over a spider. Granted I’d need a very large container to see a weta out, but my KILL IT WITH FIRE instinct isn’t kicking in.

Worms otoh…and I’m going to be culturing some for the new fishkins! My mother and I have agreed that my breeding stock, except maybe the snails, should just get housed in the basement. (I’m wary of putting the snails anywhere they won’t get spotted if they try to escape, cuz pond snails can pull that stunt and then die and smell and ugh)

10 years ago

… You mean Weird Al didn’t write that line? He uses it in “Amish Paradise”!

OMG! Weird Al STOLE something? He didn’t think it up all by himself? I am crushed. CRUSHED, I tellz ya.

10 years ago

Also, what is “using one’s gender as a Get Out Of Jail Free card”? I am not acquainted with any such thing in Monopoly.

10 years ago

Thanks kittehserf. Since you said I could use it . . .

10 years ago

“I am not acquainted with any such thing in Monopoly.”
But they’re playing Man-opoly, didn’t you know?

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