
The Feminists: A story so frighteningly impossible, you won't believe it wasn't collectively written by the Men's Rights subreddit

Uh oh.
Uh oh


A tiny group of gallant men (and “their women”) go underground to fight the evil gynocratic overlords. Is this the plot of a terrible dystopian potboiler from 1971, or a description of how most MRAs see themselves, and the world, today?

Turns out it’s both. I found this pic in the Blue Pill subreddit, and now I really, really want to read this book.

Here’s a book review from someone who did.

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10 years ago

Many Christian groups talk about “man’s sinful nature”, but if we do have a sinful nature there are only two possible explanations: (1) god deliberately created us with a sinful nature so that it could take pleasure in subjecting sentient beings to an eternity of torture, in which case god is itself wicked, or (2) it intended to create us with a non-sinful nature but botched the job, in which case god is not omnipotent; in that case, god would be torturing us for its failings, which is also clearly wicked.

Mmm, no, I generally avoid getting into religious discussions, but as is generally the case when one says “there are only two possible explanations” about a complex topic, you are wrong. There are many possible explanations, and if I brought in ten Christians of different stripes, you’d get ten different ones.

10 years ago

“There are many possible explanations, and if I brought in ten Christians of different stripes, you’d get ten different ones.”

True enough. Christians are not allowed to follow their beliefs through to the logical conclusion that god cannot be omnipotent and omnibenevolent at the same time, so they must find a way of evading the issue. But the issue is very simple. Either god intended us to have a sinful nature or it did not. If it did, it –not we — are responsible for it. If not, god failed to create us correctly. There is a theological problem called Theodicy, “the attempt to answer the question of why a good God permits the manifestation of evil.” Essentially theodicy is an attempt to rationalize away this logical conflict.

Sorry, Katz, the idea that we were created by an omnipotent god who is justified in subjecting us to eternal torture because we are what it made us to be seems totally ludicrous to me. I think you can respect someone’s right to believe whatever he or she wants to without thinking that those beliefs make any sense.

10 years ago

I’m surprised there hasn’t been a bad Christian movie about space missionaries yet.

“Pleezz to be sennding more mizzsionnarriezzz. We preferr the onezz with the winne annd brread garrnnishzzzz.”

10 years ago

Alternately; “Jupiter needs Jesus”

10 years ago

Grumpyoldman, we don’t appreciate asshole atheists around here, kthx.

10 years ago

The alien missionaries thing is actually HILARIOUS to me, since hubby in his prior life was involved with… er… ‘peripheral immigrants,’ as they were known. Apparently during down-time, there were LOTS of tourist conversations comparing beliefs and culture. There was much confusion and amusement, apparently, and a lot of, “No! They don’t REALLY do that! You’re pulling my leg!” on both sides.

This seems to have had very little impact on hubby’s Christianity, though I’m sure it forced him to think a bit harder about it than he normally would. (Do sapient pineapple beasts go to Heaven?)

RE: Argenti

Please write more about the dead carrier beetles! Particularly if you can work in M.D. annoying Biff, that’s always good for a laugh! (Raige hating Biff is super extra bonus points 🙂 )

*laughs* Well, the next writeathon is coming up on August 1st, and according to the current poll, it looks like the theme will be Dreams/Nightmares. Feel free to throw ideas at my head.

And come now, Raige doesn’t hate Biff. He just doesn’t understand anything about him and treats him like a space alien from planet Asshole.

RE: leftwingfox

Alternately; “Jupiter needs Jesus”

Nah, Zeus would probably resent his territory getting moved in on.


Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

At least you weren’t accused of hating gays by being Catholic? (Not that that accusation was lobbied at you in the first place, but I’m sure you get my drift)

GrumpyOldMan — the topic of religion has, repeatedly, been used against regulars here to say that they’re misogynist/homophobic/etc because some church teaching is (and/or because all religion is bad). You’re tiptoeing the line between “this is how I feel about my (lack of) religion” and “this is how I feel about your religion” — don’t do the “X is not allowed to do Y” about any large group, that sort of generalization is a bad look.

Katz, you want irony? Pecunium and I are, whenever we remember, going to hash out theodicy — the thing he’s supposedly not allowed to ponder. As I’m sure you know (but mention since GrumpyOldMan seems not to), it’s been debated and written about to endless length by endless scholars, to simply say Christians aren’t allowed to try to sort it out is itself ludicrous.

(PS should anyone try to claim I’m defending my beliefs or whatever the claim of the day is — I’m a sorta atheist pagan something or other)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Ok ok, Raige doesn’t hate Biff, he just wishes M.D. would stop hanging out with him cuz Biff is clearly violent and a bad influence. But for dreams/nightmares…M.D. meets Grey. Cuz that had to be both their nightmares!

And sapient pineapple beasts are subject to the same rules as any other sapient being. Duh.

10 years ago

Katz, you want irony? Pecunium and I are, whenever we remember, going to hash out theodicy — the thing he’s supposedly not allowed to ponder. As I’m sure you know (but mention since GrumpyOldMan seems not to), it’s been debated and written about to endless length by endless scholars, to simply say Christians aren’t allowed to try to sort it out is itself ludicrous.

Ooh, theodicy with Pecunium sounds fun. Don’t let your head explode.

10 years ago

RE: Argenti

But for dreams/nightmares…M.D. meets Grey. Cuz that had to be both their nightmares!

Oh wow. They DO admittedly meet each other in a really nightmarish situation…

And sapient pineapple beasts are subject to the same rules as any other sapient being. Duh.

Hubby says, “Yes!”

10 years ago

Among sapient fruit it is, of course, considered the ultimate abomination to put the lime in the coconut.

Ken L.
10 years ago


I would simple say to you, that to apply the human concepts of good,evil, suffering, or whatever to God ( Mine or anyone else’s) is ridicules. It’s equally as stupid as applying human emotions to a duck. You can do it but it is such a narrow way to view something.

@Katz you won the blog today.

Ken L.
10 years ago

correction what I meant was that what we consider good or evil is only such in are view. And it useless to apply are view to God.

10 years ago

I should say that I am not an atheist.
I definitely should have been more careful to state that I was specifically talking about the part of Christianity that is based on Calvinistic ideas of predestination and total depravity. Many denominations and even many Christians who belong to Calvinistic denominations do not share this sort of belief that god is going to fry anyone who doesn’t agree with them to a crisp. But I do have a very serious problem with religions that encourage and manipulate hatred. I will give as an example the Russian Orthodox Church’s recent role in promoting anti-gay hatred in Russia.
I have no problem at all with anyone’s beliefs per se. What I object to is religions that promote hatred (in this case by promoting the belief that some other people who don’t conform to their views deserve to be tortured for eternity), and religions that make unholy alliances with repressive governments in order to gain temporal power.
I don’t care what anyone believes — it’s none of my business. I do care how people treat their fellow humans, and some religions have a poor record in that respect.

10 years ago

I did once hear an interesting explanation for why Jesus is taking so long to come back, take as all to Heaven and smite the cast of Dance Moms. Essentially the idea goes that there are millions or billions of sapient species in the universe and so Jesus must incarnate into each and die the appropriate death.

Jesus of the Mantis-People!

10 years ago

Grumpyoldman, you’ve already made it clear that you are convinced you know everything about this topic and that anyone who disagrees with you is just being intellectually dishonest, which would make it pointless to try to hold a conversation with you even if you weren’t wildly moving the goalposts. Therefore I invite you to shut your pie hole.

10 years ago

@ Zolnier

So Jesus has to be like the Death of Rats, but for every species, one after another? Yeah, that could take a while.

10 years ago

Yeah pretty much, and considering the human lifespan is by no means standard it’d probably take a while for many Jesuses to reach the right stage of life. For all we know there’s a Jesus right now growing up as a living nebula over the course of a billion years.

I think there’s at least one story out there about a Martian Jesus, will have to look it up.

Ann Somerville
10 years ago

“Therefore I invite you to shut your pie hole.”

Unnecessary and unkind. I don’t know what about GOM’s posts have upset you but you seem to have decided for yourself that since you disagree with them, they have no value to anyone. I’m enjoying them and agree with most of what he’s said.

If you don’t agree with his comments, either argue back or skip over them.

Oh yeah, I’m an asshole atheist raised Catholic for real. So give it your best shot since ‘my kind’ are so unwelcome around here.

Lovely to see such openmindedness towards those of a different attitude to faith/God. Not.

10 years ago

Oh dear, Ann, do you not like my tone? Because we know this site is *all about* politeness.

10 years ago

…Or, according to my autocorrect, all about Poland.

Ann Somerville
10 years ago

“Oh dear, Ann, do you not like my tone? ”

I don’t like you telling someone to shut up because you don’t have any actual arguments and assume you are the arbiter of what is said here.

I especially don’t like your hate for atheists.

Yeah, I don’t like your tone. Because it’s hostile and intended to be silencing. You don’t have anything else. to offer on Grumpyoldman’s comments except you don’t like them. Tone is *all* you have.

And if you don’t like my tone for telling you to pack it in, you can go piss up a rope.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

“Oh yeah, I’m an asshole atheist raised Catholic for real. So give it your best shot since ‘my kind’ are so unwelcome around here.”

Katz, did I miss the memo that I have to leave since I’m not Christian? Or did Ann miss that it’s the asshole part that’s not welcome here?

(All About Polland! Next up after the weather forecast! [sunny, with a chance of long cat])

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Ann — do yourself a favor and don’t make this the hill you die on. Because it will be. There are two things we won’t fight over here, one if religion, the other is the plural of octopus. If you’d like to submit an option for the latter that’s better than “sea beasties”, go ahead. If you intend to turn this into a religion show down…well, expect everyone who’s been here awhile to noptopus all over that, regardless our individual beliefs.

10 years ago

Aww, you’re cute.

Not so good at reading comprehension, though. And rather unintentionally insulting to atheists, since you’ve gone and conflated them with “people who think they know everything and that everyone who disagrees with them is just being intellectually dishonest.”

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