A tiny group of gallant men (and “their women”) go underground to fight the evil gynocratic overlords. Is this the plot of a terrible dystopian potboiler from 1971, or a description of how most MRAs see themselves, and the world, today?
Turns out it’s both. I found this pic in the Blue Pill subreddit, and now I really, really want to read this book.
Here’s a book review from someone who did.
Hahahahahaha!!!! Oh my gods this sounds amazing. I have to find a copy.
So… they have to get permission… even if the woman is willing? Well, no shit! HOW WOULD THEY GET PERMISSION OTHERWISE?
Maybe they’d have to get the mythical written permission slip so many MRA’s insist that feminists want to ensure consent.
“Men and their women”? Oh, misogynists, you fail so badly at hiding your shitty attitude towards women.
My favorite line from the book review was the ending:
Also, I read it on tumblr somewhere, but it’s so true in this case: a dystopia is when a writer asks, “Wait, what if all this shitty stuff in the world… was happening to [insert privileged class here] instead? OMG!”
LBT, you sneaky little comment ninja. The greatest nightmare of misogynists has always been that women will do to them what they’ve done to us.
RE: cassandrakitty
*snrk* Really, for a gender that seems to take such stock in its strength, it sure doesn’t like to have that strength TESTED, now does it?
It’s the complete lack of self-awareness that gets me. Oh no, an entire sex reduced to chattel status and viewed as being good for nothing but procreation, I WONDER WHAT THAT WOULD BE LIKE?
“TO TAKE A WOMAN IS A CRIME.” Gasp horror!
I know some people find it sexy, but I’ve always found “take” as a synonym for “have sex with” so repulsive.
I’m with you, Cassandra. It sounds really rapey to me. Might as well say “use a woman,” IMHO. And it’s telling that no one ever talks about women “taking” men.
It’s also super cheesy, imo. Rapey + cheesy, not a combination that’s likely to get me in the mood.
Really? I pretty much read ‘take’ as a euphemism for rape, in this book cover. It seems a pretty safe bet, in books like that.
As for “oh my god! Men getting killed for raping women!” uhhh… yeah. That was something that indeed has happened.
“To take a woman is a crime!!!” Was it not already??? O.O
It’s like False Rape Accusations – The Movie! Except that if you’re the kind of person who thinks that having to get a woman’s permission to “take” her is an outrage then they probably aren’t false.
Okay, if the woman is willing, who are they getting permission from?
At first I read it as permission from the willing woman, which really sounds like a good and not terrible thing…
But what if they have to have permission from the government? That would be a legit issue.
Stinking book cover thing and it’s ambiguousness on some things and blatant yuck on other things!!!
I love rats.
In the terrible feminist future, you, a man (because who else would I be talking to, women? Can they even read?) will be forced to find out if a woman wants you to do sex at her before doing sex at her. DUN DUN DUNNN
RE: contrapangloss
But what if they have to have permission from the government? That would be a legit issue.
Let’s all take a moment to imagine the sheer amount of manpower and paperwork such a thing would require, everyone.
A friend of mine had rats; they were adorable and would climb into my hoodie and use the hood as a nap hammock when we let them out of their cage on movie night hangouts.
Sweet, clever little things.
Everyone need a bit of brain bleach after that? Here, have a cat helping to wash the dishes.
Every single part of this cover is gold. I mean,
Who knew the “men and females” misogynist shibboleth had such a long and proud history?
The (blurb) author thinks it’s possible to “make love” to an unwilling participant. They just flat-out called rape “making love.”
Don’t get me wrong, I am vehemently against the death penalty, but this reads a lot less like a condemnation of capital punishment and a lot more like “What’s wrong with a heavy fine???!? It’s not, like, a big deal or whatever!”
Here’s some brain bleach for ya: http://content.artofmanliness.com/uploads//2010/05/ad13.jpg
I know, right? If I had a nickel for every “what if everyone was racist against white people?” book…