advocacy of violence are these guys 12 years old? dark enlightenment evil women gender swap heartiste homophobia literal nazis mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men PUA racism red pill transphobia

The gender and racial makeovers of Thor and Captain America rustle jimmies at The Spearhead and Chateau Heartiste

Captain America and the guy who'll be taking over his job
Captain America and the guy who’ll be taking over his job

So it turns out that Red Pill Redditors aren’t the only ones in a tizzy about Marvel comics’ plan to replace Thor (the superhero, not the actual Norse god, all praise him) with a woman. All over the manosphere, jimmies are rustling at the news.

The proudly racist, woman-hating pickup artist guru known as Heartiste is not only outraged by the “gelding” of Thor but also, and even more vehemently, by Marvel’s decision to make Captain America black, which he bizarrely describes as a kind of racial cuckolding:

Liberals are gloating over the recent editorial choices to geld Thor and race cuck Captain America. The former will become Whor, the female Thor, and the latter will become Captain Gibsmedat, the numinous negro who saves the right kinds of white people from the wrong kinds of white people.

“Gibsmedat” – I had to look it up – is a term that ridiculous racists like to use to describe welfare checks and other “goods, services, or material … given predominately to minorities, in exchange for their tacit agreement to reciprocate by not burning down America’s cities.” It’s short, you see, for “gibs me dat.”

Hilarious, huh? The term seems to be especially popular on, a site so ludicrously racist it makes Stormfront look tame.

Heartiste continues, lashing out at a “fat white liberal quasi-male named Devin Faraci” for publicly supporting Marvel’s decision to (at least temporarily) give the Captain America costume to The Falcon, another public-spirited superhero who happens to be black:

The fat white liberal face is archetypal. These race traitors all have a “look”, don’t they? Genetics, perhaps, or just a lifetime spent wiping orange Cheetostaches off their porcine mugs. Look at that faggot. He could double as an old lesbian halfway through her hormonal replacement therapy. If ever a face looked as if it was born to have a fist buried in it, Faraci has it.

Homoophia, racism, misogyny, fat-shaming, then back to homophobia before ending with a fantasy of violence. Charming, huh?

Faraci, for his part, has taken that last bit about facepunching  in stride, adopting it as his Twitter bio.

Oh, but Heartiste isn’t done yet: he then goes on to accuse Faraci – on the basis of precisely no evidence – of hypocritically living in a neighborhood devoid of “the minorities he jerks off to.”

The anti-white liberal white male is the most loathsome of creatures. More despicable than the minorities he jerks off to, because he fulminates a credo at 180 degree odds with his chosen lifestyle for status whoring feels. Hypocritical, smug, and you just know the first to run from a fight, gathering his skirt up and shrieking like a little girl.

I wonder about the demographics of this pigman’s neighborhood? Anyone care to investigate? I might put up a post in future called “The Leftoid List”, with the names of infamous anti-white leftoid equalist turds juxtaposed with the race demographics of their immediate neighborhoods. Should be illuminating.

That would be illuminating. Not about the “Leftoids” in question, but about the fellow who calls himself Heartiste.

The comments to Heartiste’s article are, of course, appalling, filled with rants about “homos and … leftards” and “social justice fags.” They hit all the “alt right” talking points, from homophobia to racism.

They even manage to evoke the far right’s all-time favorite villain: The Jew. One commenter announces that he

did some half-hearted googling about “Faraci” to see whether his mother had been a jewess or maybe whether he had changed his jew birthname to a more WOP-sounding name when he joined the Film Actors Guild … .

And then there’s this exchange:

Bill  What a lardass scumbag. I don’t go to those movies but lots of impressionable people do, both in the US as well as abroad. The lefties who dominate the entertainment industry are on a crusade to insert black hero type characters into every film, even if it means switching an existing character’s race from white to black. If an immigrant from an out of the way place arrived here and watched tv and movies he would think all blacks are honest judges, compassionate doctors, and wise presidents and half the white people were criminals.      on July 18, 2014 at 2:57 pm | Reply Hilary Clinton      “lefties” is speld J-E-

(I’m pretty sure that is not the actual Hillary Clinton commenting.)

Meanwhile, another commenter claims that this “anti-White Kulturkampf [is] part of the greatest gencoide ever perpetrated.”

That’s right: Heartiste’s neo-Nazi fanboys think there’s a Nazi-style genocide being perpetuated against them.

Not that they’re particularly shy about advocating violence themselves. One long-time commenter writes:

Laguna Beach Fogey  That fat white liberal head would look awesome stuck on a pike outside the Chateau’s walls.

Meanwhile, another commenter posts the address and telephone number of a guy named Farci living in California; another gently points outit’s up to someone who calls himself Ted Cunterblast to point out that he’s gotten the guy’s name wrong. Yes, that’s right: among Heartiste’s followers, it’s Ted Cunterblast who serves as the closest thing to a voice of reason.

But it’s not just Heartiste and his horde who are angry about white male superheros becoming something other than white or male.

Over on the also-ran Men’s Rights hub The Spearhead, W.F. Price takes a few minutes out from tending to the new baby in the household to bash out some ill-formed thoughts on what he calls “Trans Thor.”

I’m not sure whether this is an attempt to grab some publicity or a true appeal to feminists/transsexuals, but it’s a risky move in the long-term. While adults might tolerate the switch as an amusing diversion, comics are fundamentally children’s literature. …

So I wonder whether this new storyline is intended for an adult audience, and if so, whether it’s a signal that Marvel either doesn’t care about the base market for comics, or has already been surpassed by other companies that appeal better to boys and has decided to give up. …

And if Marvel thinks it can make up for the loss of interest in boys by picking up girls, it’s time to think again. Normal girls (as opposed to future feminists) far prefer feminine characters doing ladylike things — not dominatrix types holding giant hammers. …

Finally, adult women who like Thor will not be all that happy about this. Thor’s main appeal to women is as a Nordic hunk. It’s hard to overstate the appeal of manly warriors with flowing blond hair — especially to white women. Changing Thor into a woman is going to seriously anger some of these female fans; perhaps even more than the men.

The commenters on The Spearhead, as usual, manage to outdo Price in their bigotry and ridiculousness.

One commenter claims that

This is just another variation on “piss Christ.” Changing a European mythical figure into a woman is meant to humiliate.

Spearhead regular Uncle Elmer suggests that switching Thor’s gender is designed to appeal to actual feminist Nazis:

Himmler was fascinated by Teutonic myths and named his daughter after some Germanic heroine. He was also obsessed with pre-Christian witch cults and blamed the church for mass murder of thousands of witches during the middle ages.

So it fits that making Thor a woman is a move to placate Femi-Nazis.

Meanwhile, Nemo suggests that the gender-switchers are more like old-school Stalinists:

This trend of replacing/murdering/transgendering/etc. white heterosexual male characters reminds me of the Soviet Union’s airbrushing of Politburo members who had fallen out of favor with Stalin.  A newly declared “unperson” such as Trotsky who had been photographed with Lenin would be turned into a wall or a tree in the old photos . The Party would “re-imagine” history in a manner that made it conform with current doctrine.  The link above notes that women are willing to use the same technique to remove old boyfriends and ex-husbands from family photos.  The parallels between communism and feminism are no longer being downplayed or suppressed by the MSM. Why bother? It’s now considered to be perfectly normal to distort reality or fiction or anything else for political motives.  Anyone who objects to the airbrushing of the past is now the bad guy.  How long will it be before they start sending thugs with icepicks after real men instead of just killing comic book characters?

I don’t know, dude. Probably never? It’s not feminists who are suggesting that a punch in the face – or a beheading – is the proper response to a comic book character getting a gender or racial makeover.


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10 years ago

[quote]Also: any recommendations for good comics/webcomics?[/quote]

Blue Pills a positive love story, Epileptic, Blacksad, Notes for a War Story, the Dungeon series, Miss don’t touch me.

We’ve been scanlating a lot of franco-belgian comics for a few years now, but I suppose you’re looking for things that can be acquired through legal channels.

10 years ago
Reply to  contrapangloss

Yeah, she’s thin and hourglass now, just like all the other hero women. The justification given being that the new reboot started all the characters out early in their careers. Waller has just “come in” from field work and taken a desk job as CO of the Suicide Squad; she’s still in her late 20s, maybe early 30s. I guess they’re trying to show that when she was young, Amanda Waller was lean and strong, and only got fat as she got older or more sedentary as an espionage desk jockey. Which wouldn’t be troublesome so much if she didn’t have the same body type as every other comic book woman.

I mean, not every lean and strong woman has an hourglass figure designed to appeal to fanboys.

10 years ago

RE: contrapangloss

Amanda Wallers is being downsized? But, but, but…


RE: Karalora

This reminds me of my sister’s reimagining of Robin Hood in the Wild West, with a multi-ethnic Merry Men/Women.

That sounds pretty cool!

RE: Kakanian

OMG seconding Blacksad. Took me forever to get to reading it but it is GORGEOUS.

10 years ago

I guess Amanda Waller stopped relaxing her hair sometime in her late thirties… *eyeroll*

10 years ago

LBT, on the dude you’re arguing (well) with, why’s he putting scare quotes around the word “blacks”? I mean it’s bad enough for him to defend something he hasn’t read and the bit about Superman being a Nazi power fantasy is totally from some bizarre alternate reality, but is he saying blacks aren’t real or are simply a rhetorical point? I don’t get it.

10 years ago

Couldn’t Amanda Waller have still the same size even when she was in her twenties?

10 years ago

Bobgoblin, in that first sketch her leg position seems highly impractical. Kind of an “I may shooting you full on, but I really have to go to the bathroom,” position.

10 years ago

That’s what really gets me about these guys. If this was a permanent replacement I could totally understand being pissed off/devastated, but this is clearly going to be a temporary run with Marvel most likely trying to create side runs and new series’.


I was totally gonna suggest CCH Pounder based off her work as Mrs. Frederic. I had no idea she was the one doing the voicing on JLU! I haven’t encountered Amanda Waller in the comicverse, but I loved the slow revealing of her character in JLU.

10 years ago
Reply to  Skye

Skye, she comes from a Special Forces background. I honestly don’t think you’d find many active Special Forces people who are as plump as Waller was traditionally depicted as being, at least not while they’re actually doing Special Forces training and missions She may have been the size overall, but more muscular, though, and only have gotten “fat” with a more sedentary assignment.

But I don’t think the current artists and writers have paid much attention to what actual physically strong, combat-trained people look like, and have focused instead on fantasy archetypes that fanboys either want to fap to, or picture themselves as.

10 years ago
Reply to  contrapangloss

contrapangloss…. maybe they burst in on her while she was taking a pee?

Children of the Broccoli
Children of the Broccoli
10 years ago

I highly recommend Order of the Stick ( A diverse cast, kick-ass women, and D&D jokes galore.

10 years ago

RE: Skye

LBT, on the dude you’re arguing (well) with, why’s he putting scare quotes around the word “blacks”?

Frankly? He didn’t even look at the comic so he doubted black people were even IN IT. Even though it’s very easy to just Google the goddamn covers and see for yourself. He thought I was talking about HYPOTHETICAL black people, I guess.

And yeah, the Superman = Nazi thing just made me goggle. Seriously, the most cursory research into Superman will show him created by Jews, fighting Nazis and Klansmen… HOW IS HE A NAZI POWER FANTASY?

RE: Shadow

I had no idea she was the one doing the voicing on JLU!

Yes! Wasn’t she a great choice? Her voice is perfect. And honestly, I haven’t been able to read many of her comics appearances either, so I mostly know her from JLU. I think they did a great job of portraying her as ruthless and smart and forward-thinking, while still keeping her child-friendly.

10 years ago

LBT, good takedown of the intactivist. The Foreskin Man #3 was one I hadn’t seen – wow, Vulva Girl? He gets to be Man, she’s Girl? Color ME surprised.

It actually reminded me of an Die Antwoord video for their song, “Evil Boy”, which references the Xhosa circumcision ritual. Definitely NSFW.

10 years ago

@Children of the Broccoli Kazumi from OOTS has one the just plain funniest lines of all time.

10 years ago
10 years ago

What’s even weirder about the intactivist doofus is that he seems to be leaving me alone now that he thinks I’m an intactivist myself. It’s weird.

How the hell do you explain, “In theory, I agree with you, but you guys use so much racist misogynist drivel to support your theories that I find you absolutely repulsive?”

10 years ago

Your link’s busted, pendraegon. Extra ” at the end of the URL there.

10 years ago

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Did one of Heartiste’s lackeys really just call Italians “wops?” What year is this again? 1930? As an Italian-American myself, don’t know whether I should be offended or just laugh at him. I guess a chunk of white nationalists still believe Italians aren’t white.

10 years ago

“Why should I care how many people I have to kill? I can just make MORE in my TUMMY!” is indeed the best line from anything, ever.

10 years ago

Blargh I fail. This should fix it.

10 years ago

Or not. I am with the giving up now. Really wish wordpress allowed you to preview a comment before posting.

10 years ago

[blockquote] I guess a chunk of white nationalists still believe Italians aren’t white.[/blockquote] I guess they’re still mad about that one catholic President too.

10 years ago

LBT: it’s always tricky trying to get across that you’re not on someone’s side, you’re on a different, unrelated, in fact mostly opposing side, that happens to be facing the same way right now. People like the with us/against us dichotomy.

10 years ago

Everything I know about comics comes from Big Bang Theory and a blog or two.

Oooh, Big Bang Theory is not a good source of information on nerd culture. Particularly since the primary thing they say about comics is “girls are never into them.”