
Open Thread for Personal Stuff, July 2014 Edition


An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no arguments.

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10 years ago

I used to bring my mother roses on my birthday. She appreciated the gesture, especially when it was accompanied by Almond Roca.

10 years ago

I need some advice, y’all.

I previously mentioned I was chatting with a nice man who, literally mid-message exchange, stopped responding. My last message had been innocuous. He just didnt respond to it. We’d been talking for weeks daily and often throughout the day. Then communication on his end just stopped.

I’m an online acquaintance so I don’t feel entitled to information about his life. I do feel entitled to a head’s up that the person I’m talking to will no longer be speaking to me though. No one likes to be left hanging. Ideally he’d tell me why he would no longer be speaking to me in case it provides insight from which I can learn something. Really though, I just would have appreciated a “GTG4evabai”. I feel disrespected.

Worse than feeling disrespected though, I’m worried. Maybe he died. I’m pretty distressed about this person’s sudden disappearance.

A couple days after his disappearance, I messaged him with “So, what happened?” I didn’t want to come off as hostile or nagging or freaking out but I wanted to portray my desire to understand what had happened. No response.

I’m worried about him. What I know is he’s in the UK on vacation but we were chitchatting after he’d arrived there so that shouldn’t impact his ability to respond. It doesn’t appear he’s blocked me because I can still see him on Google+.

I don’t want to pester or make demands of an online acquaintance but is it reasonable that I try one more time to make contact with him? I was thinking something along the lines of, once he’s back in the country, “Really, it’s cool if you don’t want to chat but please let me know you’re alright. I’m concerned”.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

[TW: transphobia, Hobby Lobby decision]

My eye twitch has made an appearance —

10 years ago


“Fruitloopsie — I’ll pop over to the Borg in a bit to see what you’ve got up :)”

Thanks I don’t know if I post it right.

10 years ago

Marinerachel? Has there been any activity on his google +? It he updates that, at least you’ll know he’s alive.

Online friendships can be tough, because curse this stupid thing called distance that keeps you from giving hugs to people who need them!

Hope things turn out okay. Internet hugs, for now.

10 years ago

Me too. I’m half annoyed and half worried. Because we don’t have an established friendship though I don’t know how to proceed. Should I even be irked with someone who, for all intents and purposes, is a stranger not saying goodbye? And is it a violation of boundaries to continue trying to make contact with a stranger who may well be choosing not to interact with me? Should I take it as a hint that he hasn’t responded or is one last effort worthwhile?

I want to reach out one more time, maybe two, just to find out whether he’s OK. When he’s back in the country I’d like to try via email to connect one more time just to determine he’s alright. Am I overstepping boundaries by doing that to someone who hasn’t been responding to me though? My absolute last ditch effort would be leave a note at his work. He shared his name and career and place of employment so that I know those things isn’t creepy. He was very forthcoming with that information. Would a box of homemade cookies and a note saying “Welcome home, hope you’re alright. It’s fine if you don’t want to hang but please text or email me to let me know you’re OK” be pushing it?

He doesn’t use his Google+ account so, unfortunately, while I can see it which I think means I’m not blocked and he can still receive IMs and emails from me, there’s no activity to indicate he’s alright.

10 years ago

@marinerachel, I think, if you’ve sent a message saying you were worried, then you’re not overstepping your bounds. All he has to do is respond and say, Im fine, PFO. If he doesn’t, then you’re either irritating him or saving his life. If he never wants to see you again anyway, then it doesn’t matter if you’re irritating him.

Ally S
10 years ago

I’ve had a surprisingly not bad 20th birthday at my uncle’s place. No one forced me into discussing awkward and/or triggering matters, and instead just tried to have a good time. I also got a massive amount of money from family members. And my step-mom got me a new hoodie, which is nice and soft and perfect for chilly weather in Santa Cruz. She even ensured that it was two sizes larger, just the way I like my hoodies.

And as expected, the food was pretty good as well. I ate only a small portion since I prefer to enjoy food rather than eat until I can’t move anymore, but it was still good. I also got a cake that wasn’t an Oreo cake – as much as I love those, it was nice to get a different cake.

Most of all, though, I sense that a lot of love went into this birthday. Even my least favorite family members managed to make me feel loved rather than some object of judgment they often see me as despite their good intentions. Everything felt genuine and very warm, and all of my family members went out of their way to be loving towards me.

10 years ago

Happy birthday, Ally! I’m glad it was a good one.

Dire Sloth
Dire Sloth
10 years ago

Happy birthday Ally! I’m happy it went so well, it’s amazing how even simple gestures of kindness can improve things so much, isn’t it?

@Marinerachel, cookies might be pushing it, but if you know where he works you could find out through them if he’s alright? Just say you’re a friend who can’t get in contact with him and just want to know if he’s still working there?

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Glad you had a lovely birthday, Ally!

10 years ago

Happy birthday Ally!

10 years ago

Happy Birthday Ally!

10 years ago

Happy Birthday Ally! Glad it was good!

10 years ago

Ally: happy birthday. What is oreo cake, is that cake made with oreos or made to look like an oreo?

fruitloopsie: good luck with the blog 🙂

contrapangloss: that ladder sounds cool. But bloody hell, 70 degrees. I would panic, clearly you have a head for almost vertical heights.

marinerachel: sending cookies might just come across as a bit too much, as I’ve only done stuff like that for relatively close friends. I would leave it at the one email. I think he’s been rude, because I would have expected some sort of heads up about going overseas from a nodding acquaintance let alone a fuck buddy. I am shitty at him on your behalf.

update on me: radiation therapy starts tomorrow. I will probably have issues sleeping tonight but I popped a valium about half an hour ago. Does valium go off and, if so, how long does it take?

10 years ago

You’ll feel effects within an hour. How strong they are and how long they last is dependent on your tolerance, your mass and the dosage.

He did let me know ahead of time he’d be out of country for three weeks and followed through when I asked him to let me know when he arrived safely. We were shooting several messages back and forth every day for the first week he was in the UK.

It does seem really rude and I am annoyed. I’m a pretty quick study though and would not have expected this kind of behaviour from him. That’s why I’m wondering if something hasn’t happened.

I’m accustomed to feeding everyone so “Welcome home, here, eat this” seems very normal to me but, yes, from the perspective of most it probably seems like smothering. Won’t do dat. Come to think of it, the fact food is part of almost everything that occurs in life (it’s how you celebrate and how you heal wounds and how you welcome people and send them in their way and show them respect and show them love, etc.) to me is probably a huge contributing factor to my unsafe body fat percentage.

I am going to try one more time. If he already doesn’t want to hear from me it will only make him want to hear from me less. Nothing lost. If it results in me finding out he’s OK, it’s a win. If he doesn’t respond at all I may indulge my curiosity and poke my nose in his place of work in a few weeks to find out if he ever returned.

10 years ago

Happy birthday, Ally.

10 years ago

Hey Ally, Happy Birthday 🙂

10 years ago

Happy belated birthday, Ally! Glad you felt loved.

10 years ago

@marinerachel: thanks for the comments re valium. Good luck with what you decide to do.

10 years ago

Happy birthday Ally!!! XD
And thanks pallygirl

10 years ago

I hope this isn’t selfish or inappropriate to post. I’m having a pretty rough time this weekend. Nothing major is going on, just irritating brain stuff. I’m pretty overwhelmed with work (which has been horrible for a long time) + class + trying to move and feeling like none of it is ever going to get done. I feel like I’m going to end up being this big failure with no educational prospects, no job, and no friends.

I tried a few things to get me back on track today. Watched some Scrubs, ate some comfort food. I’m also trying to get through my reading, rather than just sitting on the couch. But it’s hard, and I’m all alone right now, and there’s really not a single person here that I’m close enough to that I could say “hey, I’m having a rough time, do you want to go to a movie or sit on a patio or something?” And it just really helps to talk, so that’s why I’m talking to you guys.

10 years ago

Happy belated birthday, Ally S! and best of wishes and hugs for everyone here.
@ Viscaria if it helps I know what you mean, everything in my life has been very stagnant and stressful, like the kind of stress that has freaked you out so much that it creates a dull headache in the back of your skull. At least, that’s what it feels like for me. Family hasn’t been much help to me for a long time and I’m very emotionally distanced from my friends who seem to do so much better than me so I keep telling myself that I have to be my own biggest fan and that’s all that matters.
Sorry >< I don't think that will help you (esp. since a lot of ppl here seem older/wiser than me) but pls chat w/ me if you like, I hope I can help you feel better.

10 years ago

@hannasoumaki, that does help, thank you. I’m sorry that your family and friends aren’t giving you the support that you need right now.

Dire Sloth
Dire Sloth
10 years ago

@Viscaria, sorry you’re having such a hard time. I’m in kinda the same place with being overwhelmed by work and not having anyone to talk about it. It’s rough, this constant nervousness and the feeling of being unable to move forward anymore. Let me know if you want to talk about it.

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