
Open Thread for Personal Stuff, July 2014 Edition


An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no arguments.

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kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Oh, I like this. Just reading an opinion piece about this applying-for-40-jobs-a-month crap they want to impose on us, and this was in the letters responding to it:

25 compulsory job applications, here is everyone’s solution, it is legal and complies, setup an email list of 25 ministers names, each month send a pre written job application asking if his or her department has any job openings, a brief summary of your stuff, and email it to the whole 40 ministers each months as a one message to 40 ministers in your mail list. I bet they are so rude they wont answer your application of course, so as then they can also feel how it impinges on businesses with cold call applications.

I like it. Fuck them around like they’re doing to us.


kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Yeah, they’re rabid anti-abortionists, homophobes and racists in our Federal government, too.

More ideas from the letters in that original article:

Simply get your cv, put it as an attachment to a email and send it to 40 email addresses per month, save the auto replies “sorry you are unsuccessful” in case Abetz wants to check on you. This should take about 10 minutes. There is no need to stay up all night. Save the email addresses and share with your friends in a few months you should all be bothering 1,000 businesses each and this address list would just keep on growing.

Go out and have fun.


We don’t want to clog up the companies that will be adversely affected, so just focus on the following:
– The LNP
– Any LNP electorate office (you know you’re not going to get a job here unless you are related to the member)
– Any LNP Canberra staff office
– Any media position within a government department
– Any senior executive position within federal government departments
– Any company that actively supported the LNP during the last election
– Any of the “think”-tanks associated with the LNP
– Any company that lied about their carbon tax impact in Phoney Tony’s Tour of Lies and Hi-Vis Vests

I think there should be more than enough positions to last a year.

(LNP – Liberal-National Party coalition)

10 years ago


Eek, Falconer! Just saw the smashed car. Is everyone OK?

Yeah, it fell about 1:45 last Sunday morning. Everyone was inside. I was asleep; S was asleep; Beloved was rocking A to sleep when she heard the tree creak and groan.

She tried to jump up and grab S out of her crib because we had been worried about the tree hitting the house, and/or smashing windows, but the whole thing happened too fast.

Fortunately, all that hit the house were the smaller branches and twigs, and no windows shattered in the house. The cars, on the other hand….

A was absolutely shaking right after it happened, and Beloved thinks he picked up on her scare.

Then the men with the chainsaws woke him up about 4:30 and he came staggering out of their room, screaming and shaking some more. He wasn’t having a good night.


@Falconer, my parents also have the Magic Key of Magic on their new vehicle and it fascinates me.

The temptation to hide the keys in my pocket and then chant something vaguely Potteresque just before I lay my hand on the handle is small, but growing.

@marinerachel: Have good sex! Yay for restored quality of life!

And I must confess I had a brief moment when I wondered if it was possible for a dildo to be too gay, and was promptly ashamed of thinking in stereotypes.

10 years ago

@ Falconer

I’m so glad the tree fell in the direction it did, ie. not towards any people. Sucks to have to replace the cars, obviously, but at least cars are replaceable.

10 years ago

*As well as being very nice, I was thinking his face looked similar to someone. Today I realised, he looks a bit like Brendan Fraser in The Mummy, although his English accent’s wrong. Apparently I am either the first to notice this, or the first to tell him.

Huh. I thought O’Connell was supposed to be a Yankee.

Hear tell Universal is trying to revive its monster movies, beginning with a new Mummy movie that has nothing to do with Fraser’s movies.

10 years ago

@cassandrakitty: Yeah, if it had fallen the other way it would have smashed the other folks’ house. I suppose if it had to happen, this way was best for everyone.

I’m going to miss those cars, though.

10 years ago

I have places several boxes of different sizes on my dining room floor. It’s like a kitty playground. 🙂

10 years ago

Does anyone know a term for that thing where cats turn their bodies sideways to you, arch their back, and skip along the floor angrily in that position? It looks just like the pose in the cat dance screencap.

10 years ago

I don’t know what you call that arched back hop, but it’s hilarious when Biscuit does it, because he can’t arch his back without his tongue sticking out.

10 years ago

I assume it’s supposed to make them look big and scary, which is probably why they look so offended when we laugh.

10 years ago

Totally random and possibly very stupid question – do fish have bones in their tails? I ask because I just tried out a new type of food on my cat, which she liked, but she left a bit aside and on closer inspection it turned out to be a very small fish’s tail. If she had eaten that would it have been OK, or might it have dangerous bones in it?

10 years ago


Looks like they do. I doubt fish tails taste very good anyway. I don’t know how dangerous those bones are though.

10 years ago

I’m glad she left it, I’m just trying to figure out if I should keep a look out for tails and pick them out in the future.

10 years ago

OK this is really extra random but this is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. You have to watch it to the end to get it, but it’s not very long. It’s the personal care product equivalent of when you go to throw a lacrosse ball and it falls out of the net behind your back.

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

RE: Kittehs

When someone loses their hearing their brain is making up for it, supplying words (brain autocorrect, heh) as far as it can.

It’s true! Our brain does this a lot, to the point that we actually hallucinate bits of music and stuff under certain circumstances. (I actually hallucinated Katy Perry’s “Firework” to be better than it was. True facts.)

RE: Falconer

Geez, Louise. What a scare. I’m glad no one was hurt!

10 years ago

In happier news, Clementine and Tabitha both got adopted, and there’s someone coming tomorrow to look at Kimi for a second time.

10 years ago

@Falconer: hooray no one was injured, but 🙁 about the scare and the cars.

@cassandra: that video was funny, although still wondering if that’s a mock one.

@katz: yay, I was wanting to ask about the kitties, but didn’t in case it was bad news. Did the picture of them in CCAF help?

10 years ago

Hey, katz might know this – is there a term for the sideways hopping with the back arched thing that the kitty in the video above is doing in the screenshot? I’ve seen pretty much every cat I’ve know do that at some point.

10 years ago

Did the picture of them in CCAF help?

Didn’t end up helping, but their prospects are looking good overall.

Hey, katz might know this – is there a term for the sideways hopping with the back arched thing that the kitty in the video above is doing in the screenshot? I’ve seen pretty much every cat I’ve know do that at some point.

Not that I know of.

10 years ago

Hey all.

Completely unrelated to anything going on, but it was too hilarious not to share. Mall Ninjas!

10 years ago


(I actually hallucinated Katy Perry’s “Firework” to be better than it was. True facts.)

Ah, but is your brain strong enough to take on Rebecca Black and “Friday”?


Completely unrelated to anything going on, but it was too hilarious not to share. Mall Ninjas!

Before I click on that link, I am going to need a notarized statement from you that it does not contain gun fetishists in posing pouches, because that is something that I do not need to ever see again.

10 years ago

Kirbywarp, thanks for the link. When I got to the point where the Mall Ninja* explains about the multiple body shields and weapons for his Sergeant job at a large indoor retail complex, and he snipes at a critic, “Unlike you, I deal with unruly shoppers every day”. . .
well, pardon me while I stuff this lung back in. Oh,myyy.

*Ninja? Please.

10 years ago


Before I click on that link, I am going to need a notarized statement from you that it does not contain gun fetishists in posing pouches, because that is something that I do not need to ever see again.

I’m sorry, I cannot give you that promise. I can promise there are no pictures. 😛

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

RE: Falconer

Ah, but is your brain strong enough to take on Rebecca Black and “Friday”?

My hallucinations aren’t THAT good. They can only adjust pitch and key and quality of voice, not a whole freakin’ cut/paste.

Howard Bannister
Howard Bannister
10 years ago

I was weak; I clicked.

It does have gun fetishists.

No posing pouches that I can see.