
Open Thread for Personal Stuff, July 2014 Edition


An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no arguments.

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10 years ago

@Viscaria: the comment from him about not having lunch with him without chaperones is the only place things got weird. He sounds like a Nice Guy(tm). I wouldn’t even want him as an acquaintance after that.

How do you all do the special TM thing here?

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

Enh, were I you, Viscaria, I would’ve assumed platonic intent too. I’m dumb as a post when it comes to gauging romantic intent. So it’s not just you!

10 years ago

Falconer: Oh dear. Is that your car?

10 years ago


Is that a sawed off branch in the second photo? How does someone forget sawed off branches fall down?

10 years ago

@Katz: The first one is Beloved’s car. The second is mine.

@brooked: That branch was sawed off in place. The whole damn tree came down.

Okay, half the tree.

Fortunately, we’d been watching it for a week and talking to the homeowners, who were trying every which way from Sunday to get someone out to take it down before it fell down. They’d informed their insurance company, and because of that, the insurance company is covering us.

And no one got hurt, even though that window there in the first pic is where my babies sleep.

The tree company guy came out on Monday expecting to find a standing tree.

@Viscaria: Ew, creepy co-workers are horrible.

10 years ago

Both your cars? JFC. Merry Christmas.

Arborists are surprising expensive, based on the second hand stories I’ve heard from non-city folk.

10 years ago

Those two pictures are very metal, that tree didn’t fuck around.

10 years ago

I’m really glad insurance will cover you. Do you have a way to get around in the meantime? Yikes!

10 years ago

Yikes, Falconer! I hope the insurance company is providing a rental car or two!

10 years ago

Yes, fortunately Beloved’s mom just the day before bought a Prius that’s so smart it unlocks itself if you have the key on your person and put your hand on the door handle. So she was planning on giving us her old car, and we got a rental that the insurance company is going to pay for. And we’re getting enough we could probably buy a used car outright.

So we’re coming up smelling like roses. I hope the other folks’ rates don’t hike up too high. They’re nice peeps, and also young parents.

10 years ago

I too have had impaled Toyota. It was after a storm and it wasn’t the whole tree, just a huge branch, but it’s still a hell of a thing to see.

10 years ago

Sudowoodo got BOTH your cars! So sorry, Falconer, but glad that insurance is cooperating and that other things are working out.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Holy shit, Falconer, that’s a scary mess Sudowoodo made of your cars! Very glad that nobody was hurt and you’re okay for new ones.

Viscaria, what everyone else said. That bloke was being damn creepy. He doesn’t know you well and he’s asking you out for lunch, via email? Whines about other people being “chaperones” and thus makes it obvious he wants ***a date***? Hasn’t even bothered to talk to you first to know if you’re free and interested in dating?

Fuck him.

10 years ago

Eek, Falconer! Just saw the smashed car. Is everyone OK?

10 years ago

Also, Viscaria’s work dude should have taken a hint. If you ask someone out and they respond by inviting other people along, they clearly don’t want to go on a date with you. Accept this and move on.

10 years ago

Thanks for all of the supportive comments. This:

If you ask someone out and they respond by inviting other people along, they clearly don’t want to go on a date with you. Accept this and move on.

is kinda how I felt. Especially since I was trying to give him a graceful way to save face if he was trying to ask me out. He could have just been like “yeah, that sounds like fun,” and I would have never needed to know whether he had actually been interested or whether he was just being a friendly dude trying to build relationships with his coworkers. Instead I had to find his cell phone number from his email signature and call him from my cell (because I really don’t think this would be an appropriate conversation to have over work channels) and then apologize for hurting his feelings, explain I was in a relationship but I hope we can still get to know each other better, blah blah blah etc.

@Falconer, my parents also have the Magic Key of Magic on their new vehicle and it fascinates me.

10 years ago

Oh shit Viscaria:

Instead I had to find his cell phone number from his email signature and call him from my cell (because I really don’t think this would be an appropriate conversation to have over work channels) and then apologize for hurting his feelings, explain I was in a relationship but I hope we can still get to know each other better, blah blah blah etc.

Yep, because it’s always on the female to apologise when their boundaries are infringed by a guy.

You’ve not done anything wrong. I just wish it was *him* apologising to *you* for being an arse.

I don’t trust him.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Seconding that. Be wary of this guy, Viscaria. I’m betting he’ll take any suggestion of getting to know him better as you leaving a door open for dating, and when you don’t want to, he’ll be telling you to stop giving him mixed messages.

10 years ago

A bit of humour for Ally. Being female from birth, this has long been an issue with which I have identified. Hopefully this makes you all laugh, and then wonder why:

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Mum got fitted for her hearing aids today. She’ll pick them up in four weeks (would have been sooner but I can’t get there with her while this course is on). It was interesting to see the results of her hearing test: her hearing loss is way worse than I’d thought, and I was the one who knew it was crappy!

10 years ago

With age-related degenerative situations like that I think it’s easy not to realize how far things have progressed just because you’re around the person every day. I keep telling Mr C that he needs to get his vision tested, and I’m guessing it’s going to be a much bigger prescription that he was expecting when he finally does precisely because it has happened gradually.

10 years ago

Yay for the weekend.

One of the things I plan to do is sew some pants for my bf. We were at Spotlight together and we saw some super soft and snuggly fleecy that is blue with stars and moons on it. He liked it so much, I’m going to make it into whatever the pants equivalent of a dressing gown is.

10 years ago

@Kim: I thought of these immediately and probably not what you had in mind at all:

10 years ago

Does anyone have a good recipe for falafel? Our older son really likes it, and I’d like to be able to make it from scratch.

Kitteh – hope the hearing aids work out!

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Kim, that cloth sounds lovely. I guess they’d be sort of at-home-trakkie-dacks-lounge-pants?

Robert, thanks!

Cassandra, yes, it does creep up. I knew Mum’s hearing was craptastic ‘cos she has the telly so loud and still asks me what so-and-so said, and she can’t hear what I way a lot of the time, but it wasn’t until free hearing checks were being done here a while back that I could get her to do anything about it. She was very much of the “there’s nothing wrong with my hearing” mindset. That’s why it was interesting to hear the results and see the graphs from her tests. She’s nowhere near normal hearing levels, and was only picking up 20% of words at something like 80 decibels – I forget the number but it was loud.When someone loses their hearing their brain is making up for it, supplying words (brain autocorrect, heh) as far as it can. Which is all very well, but nerve-damage hearing loss just goes on getting worse, like macular degeneration for the eyes.

The specialist we saw was really good; she took time to explain clearly what’s happened, what hearing aids can do and can’t do, how different it will be wearing them, and how you really have to persist and get used to them. (I am not looking forward to the probable “I don’t like wearing these” conversations over the next weeks.)

Good thing is the basic ones are all Mum probably needs. Since she’s a pensioner, they’re covered by the government, and she only has to pay $42 for battery replacements and maintenance checks.

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