Also, boundaries. If you’ve asked to be left alone then that should be honored, and if for some reason they feel like they really need/want to reach out and make contact again then damn, is that ever the wrong way to do so.
“It takes some impressive entitlement to read something about your daughter getting raped to death and complain about YOUR hurt feelings.”
That is…wow…yeah. He seems to suffer from cranial rectal inversion, maybe he thinks it’s a hat?
In cheerier things, how are Sneak’s plants doing? Also, that pic of Puff you asked for? He’s protesting feminism over in that thread (I’m not sure why)
10 years ago
@ LBT – I’ve read your posts here, and want to thank you for posting and for linking your Horror Circus. It was a very hard read, but so well and thoughtfully done. Kudos to you for even surviving!
I hope this isn’t overstepping your boundaries, but it’s not terribly surprising that Erin died. She was never, from the sounds of it, a real girl to your parents, just a doll that they wanted to play with when things were going well. They seem to have no idea how to be real parents, just some sad parody of a Norman Rockwell Christmas. I am so glad that you and your husband have each other, and the rest of your system has come to supportive arrangements for each other.
Fuck it. I took his email and deconstructed it. He’ll take it as an attack, but I figure, it pretty much sums up the Horror Circus fast and I don’t want to be running my blog constantly looking over my shoulder for my disapproving father. WE BROKE UP DUDE. MOVE ON.
RE: cassandrakitty
If you’ve asked to be left alone then that should be honored, and if for some reason they feel like they really need/want to reach out and make contact again then damn, is that ever the wrong way to do so.
I know, right? Part of me is just like, “Wow, do you really think this is going to mend things?”
RE: kittehs
“I knew horrible things were being done to you and allowed it to happen! How dare you say so publicly!”
Pretty much! Abuse is not a taboo in our family; it’s TALKING about it that’s the taboo.
RE: Argenti
In cheerier things, how are Sneak’s plants doing?
The succulent has recently gotten just a little bit of water, since it was looking shriveled. The violets are happy. The cacti are happy, but Sneak just had to give the biggest one a haircut because the top was geting brown and shriveled. So it’s now whacked down to about half its original size, but all of that size is green and robust.
And Sneak goes, “Yay Puff! :D”
RE: GrumpyOldNurse
thank you for posting and for linking your Horror Circus. It was a very hard read, but so well and thoughtfully done. Kudos to you for even surviving!
I really appreciate that. Mostly, I want my horrorshow to be USEFUL to people, to help them get out of their own horrorshows or teach them not to do it to others.
She was never, from the sounds of it, a real girl to your parents, just a doll that they wanted to play with when things were going well.
Yeah. I think they had an easier time humanizing her than us, though. Once we really came out, it was like we became subhuman. Monsters. It was pretty bad.
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago
Roses are red
Violets are happy
Whoever wrote this
Is a non-rhyming chappy
(I have no idea why I felt the need to write that)
I read the horrorshow today, LBT.
Thank you for putting out there. Other than that … I can’t even.
10 years ago
@ KittehSerf- Ooh! Queenslander, gods help me. (GTFO Campbell pls) A Double dose of Liberal Party BS for us. (for USAians, the liberal party is our right-wing party) I’ve been unepmloyed part-time for about ten months. I’ve got *some* casual work as an after-hours school care person, but I’m not in demand at the moment. I’m a student, so no big qualifications. I’m *trying* to get a job at McDonalds or woolies, but in the suburbs close to me I have a lot of competition from the under-eighteens, so slim pickings.
There are spinners here! Wonderful! I’ve been very lucky to have come across a wheel for 50 bucks. It *appears* to be in good working order, and a good newbie wheel.
Any advice from other aussie mammotheers regarding spinning supplies? General advice on repairs would be good too. I’ve tried to find a spinning supplier in Brisbane and had no luck. I’ll definitely be looking for those spinsters on ravelry (best name ever).
I’m possibly going to get a lute soonish? I’ve got a friend interested in selling it to me on the cheap. Waiting for the bugger to make up their mind, ugh. Any advice offerable on how-to-lute-care would be nice too.
10 years ago
@Greebo: sorry can’t help you with spinning, in Australia or otherwise – I hope to start learning next year. If you do fibre crafts with what you make, we have a Ravelry group: 🙂
10 years ago
TW for content regarding disability, mental illness, symptoms, self harm and diagnosis.
Are you me? Your are eerily neuroses are similar to mine:
Depressed for 10+ years
Severe anxiety, both social and general
I am a formally diagnosed person with autism
I tend to binge and fast according to anxiety level, no regulation of eating times or formal meals.
Avoidant personality (I have six different email addresses, four abandoned due to triggers and people I no longer want to talk to or face, will ignore something (people, responsibilities, places) important for months or years)
I pick at my skin for hours, not a cutter but I do so to the point of scarification and do so for hours on length on a ritual basis. I do so when very stressed or anxious.
I have slept for more than a day with no seeming reason or illness, and sleep that is too long has occurred with a frequency has intensified with age and anxiety. Find too much exercise exhausting to the pont were I have to sleep- physical work will floor me after about two hours.
I find some of the language used to describe ASD problematic, but it describes it quite well.
10 years ago
Thanks Pallygirl!
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago
My sister lives in Queensland! Yeah, Campbell bloody Newman, ugh. Makes Dear Denis here look positively decent. Dunno if it made much news in Queensland, but Newman closed the government publishing service – all of it – so in my last job, we found that we couldn’t sell things like Qld tide books, or the Australian Small Ships Manual. These are basic, important stuff for people sailing, and pfft, gone. My boss used to tell people you don’t have tides in Qld any more, Campbell Newman abolished them. Typical toxic stupidity from the Liberals.
I hear you on the jobs front. My sister went for a spot at the Bunnings being built near her. 95 positions advertised, 600-odd applicants. She made it to the second round, then, nope.
I see what you mean about trying to find spinning yarn! I was doing a quick google and everything seems to be mail order or interstate.
Are you in the Queensland Spinners, Weavers and Fibre Artists group?
10 years ago
He did WHAT? That’s received no publicity whatsoever, and those books are pretty fucking essential. I’m really sorry about your job, Newbman’s after basic assets now. Oooh boy.
There’s a glut of underemployed 20-somethings up here all vying for the same entry-level positions they give to people below the age threshold for the minimum wage, al least in Briz Vegas. I trained native german speakers with minimum english language skills, managed a floor on an unofficial level and did important data entry yet not a peep from anyone, save for one telemarketing company. couldn’t stand the poor working conditions for that one (protip: loud club music does not make telemarketers more productive, or coherent). Hell, night work is almost impossible to find for entry level-no-brain stuff. Hanging in there regardless.
Nope for the spinning groups! I’ll give it a looksie. Etsy seemed promising supplies like uncarded yarn and dye, but not wheel stuff.
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago
Ha! I am so not surprised they kept that one quiet!
Yeah, it was a bummer being laid off. I’d been at that shop for nine years and had hoped to stay there till I retired. If we had a managing director instead of a fuckwit, our business would be doing much better.
Loud club music in a call centre? Who the fuck came up with that idea? That’s just … Great Ceiling Cat, words do not describe the stupidity, or maybe the selfishness, or both. I only lasted three weeks in a Telstra call centre, many moons ago and there was no music at all. I’d have gone on a rampage in the first hour if they’d had that sort of shit going on. (My one trigger is being subjected to loud music, especially of the doof-doof variety.)
I’ve moved on from cutting to picking at my skin, especially on the soles of my feet, and round my nails(foot and fingers), so walking and typing can be painful. I thought I was the only person who did that, till it was mentioned on Robot Hugs. My doc isn’t sure it counts as self harm, but really, it hurts more and causes more issues that the cutting ever did.(Except for the time I needed 13 stitches on my leg, and ended up with a keloid scar, but that was a one-off).
My doc did try and refer me for ASD diagnosis, but it got sent to the psych who had treated me for agoraphobia, and he said that he couldn’t help me any more for that, which was weird cos it was never mentioned, and I wasn’t then suffering from it, and never mentioned the ASD.
10 years ago
Why on earth would anyone play loud music in a call center? Not only would that be super distracting, won’t the people on the other end of the phone hear it and wonder wtf is going on?
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago
Not only wonder wtf is going on, but be more likely to slam the phone down, I’d have thought.
10 years ago
@Kittehserf and Cassandrakitty: Tell me about it. I have tinnitus and sound triggers (high metallic aluminum-scrunching noises, high frequency noises detectable in “doof-doof” music) because of it, and they refused to put me in the “VIP” employees area even though I said I could get a serious injury working in the “nursery.” I walked out and never went back. They said they had sound cancellation software to edit it out, but a number of people complained about the swearing in the background. Nobody liked the volume of the music, and the standard club fair is played to drunk people for a reason. If they didn’t play it so bloody loud I’d still be employed full-time.
TW: Self harm and disability related stuff
@Gilshalos. I was completely unaware skin picking *could be considered* self harm. When I was really bad, I’d stay up until 2 in the morning in the mirror, picking. It doesn’t help I have ache which exacerbates the problem and makes me scratch and pick even more. I have little scars on my back, to the point where my ex asked me what the hell happened to my skin and how the hell I got so flexible. They’re small discolorations and scars, not noticeable unless seen up-close. They’re fading, or so I’m told.
I’m not sure who to talk to about diagnosis. I was diagnosed when I was three and only saw the same specialist again when I was 12, so I’m not much good for how to find someone who can give a good diagnosis. Are there any cheap GPs that could refer you to a different specialist? If you live in the US you might have a better chance of finding one for adults who have ASD. It can be a shitslog to find someone who knows there ass from their elbow ASD wise. Which is odd, considering supposed prevalence in the general population.
10 years ago
Maybe that’s the idea, make calling in so annoying that customers are motivated to get off the phone as quickly as possible.
10 years ago
That *because of it is unnecessary. Oops! Grammar fail!
10 years ago
Hey Greebo! Fellow unemployed student QLDer here! I actually did know about the Goprint shutdown, only because mum worked there years ago. Fuck Newman and everything he stands for! Uggh the jobs thing is so fucking annoying, I’m probably going to take up volunteer work just to improve my resume even though I REALLY NEED A JOB!
10 years ago
I can’t focus with noise – working in an open plan office like I do is a killer for my productivity. I’ve never been able to think – study, concentrate, program – with any noise at all. I can’t get to sleep when there is noise or light. I can’t shut it out. I did a really looooooooooong online test for autism-type disorders (it was pages long) and when I got the report I was like, ah that explains a bunch of things.
Although probably the most hurtful thing anyone has said to me, so much that I remember this from 20 years ago, was from another psychology masters student who was in the clinical psychology program. She told me it was great how I was specialising in occupational psychology because I was a numbers person and not a people person. My dad had died about three months earlier, which was well-known because it had delayed me starting my second year, and I had just come off SSRIs for that, plus was studying in a town away from all my friends. And that was from a fucking “people person”.
Growing up my mother blamed me for everything, and confrontational, so I am hypersensitive to criticism, which I take to heart and don’t question or push back. Everything I say and do in real life is hyper self-regulated so I don’t hurt other people’s feelings. When it’s really bad, I stutter.
/rant mode off.
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago
For all you comic lovers, this is so true – clever and maddening.
pallygirl, I hear you (no pun intended!) on the sleeping thing. When there’s too much light coming in my room I’ll put a sleeping mask on – and I have lined black velvet curtains. Likewise I never go to bed without earplugs in. I’ll wear them a lot during the day, too, at home. My computer’s at the front of the house and we have floor-length windows, so whenever there’s noise from traffic or some numbskull playing their music loudly, I’ll hear it, even if it’s faint. It doesn’t stress me as it used to, but I absolutely don’t want to hear it, and in go the plugs. (Pisses Mum off no end, but until she gets a hearing aid, pot and kettle, I say!)
Oh, if you want to try a sleeping mask but find them uncomfortable, an alternative is to make one from the leg of opaque stockings. Just cut the top and foot off and sew or pin it to the right length. It’s as comfortable as a lot of the masks out there.
10 years ago
Does anyone else get migraines anticipating having to attend ad hoc social events with people with whom one has nothing in common? I’m fine with groups, so long as I know how I fit with them. I’m not fine when I know nothing about anyone and have to start conversations without any idea of what to talk about.
Christ on a pogo stick! Newman’s even worse than I’d thought.
I’m starting to feel a bit smug, being South Australian. The last state left with a Labor govt, who cares if it’s by virtue of support from an independent. They’re not wonderful but they’re certainly not ghastly like Newman’s mob.
10 years ago
Laughing at the conversation upthread, since Groupon is currently trying to sell me blackout curtains.
Also, boundaries. If you’ve asked to be left alone then that should be honored, and if for some reason they feel like they really need/want to reach out and make contact again then damn, is that ever the wrong way to do so.
“I knew horrible things were being done to you and allowed it to happen! How dare you say so publicly!”
“It takes some impressive entitlement to read something about your daughter getting raped to death and complain about YOUR hurt feelings.”
That is…wow…yeah. He seems to suffer from cranial rectal inversion, maybe he thinks it’s a hat?
In cheerier things, how are Sneak’s plants doing? Also, that pic of Puff you asked for? He’s protesting feminism over in that thread (I’m not sure why)
@ LBT – I’ve read your posts here, and want to thank you for posting and for linking your Horror Circus. It was a very hard read, but so well and thoughtfully done. Kudos to you for even surviving!
I hope this isn’t overstepping your boundaries, but it’s not terribly surprising that Erin died. She was never, from the sounds of it, a real girl to your parents, just a doll that they wanted to play with when things were going well. They seem to have no idea how to be real parents, just some sad parody of a Norman Rockwell Christmas. I am so glad that you and your husband have each other, and the rest of your system has come to supportive arrangements for each other.
Hope the gay robots lift you up a bit!
Fuck it. I took his email and deconstructed it. He’ll take it as an attack, but I figure, it pretty much sums up the Horror Circus fast and I don’t want to be running my blog constantly looking over my shoulder for my disapproving father. WE BROKE UP DUDE. MOVE ON.
RE: cassandrakitty
If you’ve asked to be left alone then that should be honored, and if for some reason they feel like they really need/want to reach out and make contact again then damn, is that ever the wrong way to do so.
I know, right? Part of me is just like, “Wow, do you really think this is going to mend things?”
RE: kittehs
“I knew horrible things were being done to you and allowed it to happen! How dare you say so publicly!”
Pretty much! Abuse is not a taboo in our family; it’s TALKING about it that’s the taboo.
RE: Argenti
In cheerier things, how are Sneak’s plants doing?
The succulent has recently gotten just a little bit of water, since it was looking shriveled. The violets are happy. The cacti are happy, but Sneak just had to give the biggest one a haircut because the top was geting brown and shriveled. So it’s now whacked down to about half its original size, but all of that size is green and robust.
And Sneak goes, “Yay Puff! :D”
RE: GrumpyOldNurse
thank you for posting and for linking your Horror Circus. It was a very hard read, but so well and thoughtfully done. Kudos to you for even surviving!
I really appreciate that. Mostly, I want my horrorshow to be USEFUL to people, to help them get out of their own horrorshows or teach them not to do it to others.
She was never, from the sounds of it, a real girl to your parents, just a doll that they wanted to play with when things were going well.
Yeah. I think they had an easier time humanizing her than us, though. Once we really came out, it was like we became subhuman. Monsters. It was pretty bad.
Roses are red
Violets are happy
Whoever wrote this
Is a non-rhyming chappy
(I have no idea why I felt the need to write that)
I read the horrorshow today, LBT.
Thank you for putting out there. Other than that … I can’t even.
@ KittehSerf- Ooh! Queenslander, gods help me. (GTFO Campbell pls) A Double dose of Liberal Party BS for us. (for USAians, the liberal party is our right-wing party) I’ve been unepmloyed part-time for about ten months. I’ve got *some* casual work as an after-hours school care person, but I’m not in demand at the moment. I’m a student, so no big qualifications. I’m *trying* to get a job at McDonalds or woolies, but in the suburbs close to me I have a lot of competition from the under-eighteens, so slim pickings.
There are spinners here! Wonderful! I’ve been very lucky to have come across a wheel for 50 bucks. It *appears* to be in good working order, and a good newbie wheel.
Any advice from other aussie mammotheers regarding spinning supplies? General advice on repairs would be good too. I’ve tried to find a spinning supplier in Brisbane and had no luck. I’ll definitely be looking for those spinsters on ravelry (best name ever).
I’m possibly going to get a lute soonish? I’ve got a friend interested in selling it to me on the cheap. Waiting for the bugger to make up their mind, ugh. Any advice offerable on how-to-lute-care would be nice too.
@Greebo: sorry can’t help you with spinning, in Australia or otherwise – I hope to start learning next year. If you do fibre crafts with what you make, we have a Ravelry group: 🙂
TW for content regarding disability, mental illness, symptoms, self harm and diagnosis.
Are you me? Your are eerily neuroses are similar to mine:
Depressed for 10+ years
Severe anxiety, both social and general
I am a formally diagnosed person with autism
I tend to binge and fast according to anxiety level, no regulation of eating times or formal meals.
Avoidant personality (I have six different email addresses, four abandoned due to triggers and people I no longer want to talk to or face, will ignore something (people, responsibilities, places) important for months or years)
I pick at my skin for hours, not a cutter but I do so to the point of scarification and do so for hours on length on a ritual basis. I do so when very stressed or anxious.
I have slept for more than a day with no seeming reason or illness, and sleep that is too long has occurred with a frequency has intensified with age and anxiety. Find too much exercise exhausting to the pont were I have to sleep- physical work will floor me after about two hours.
I find these things tend to bundle for one reason or another. If you are interested, I have a link for diagnostic criteria.
I find some of the language used to describe ASD problematic, but it describes it quite well.
Thanks Pallygirl!
My sister lives in Queensland! Yeah, Campbell bloody Newman, ugh. Makes Dear Denis here look positively decent. Dunno if it made much news in Queensland, but Newman closed the government publishing service – all of it – so in my last job, we found that we couldn’t sell things like Qld tide books, or the Australian Small Ships Manual. These are basic, important stuff for people sailing, and pfft, gone. My boss used to tell people you don’t have tides in Qld any more, Campbell Newman abolished them. Typical toxic stupidity from the Liberals.
I hear you on the jobs front. My sister went for a spot at the Bunnings being built near her. 95 positions advertised, 600-odd applicants. She made it to the second round, then, nope.
I see what you mean about trying to find spinning yarn! I was doing a quick google and everything seems to be mail order or interstate.
Are you in the Queensland Spinners, Weavers and Fibre Artists group?
He did WHAT? That’s received no publicity whatsoever, and those books are pretty fucking essential. I’m really sorry about your job, Newbman’s after basic assets now. Oooh boy.
There’s a glut of underemployed 20-somethings up here all vying for the same entry-level positions they give to people below the age threshold for the minimum wage, al least in Briz Vegas. I trained native german speakers with minimum english language skills, managed a floor on an unofficial level and did important data entry yet not a peep from anyone, save for one telemarketing company. couldn’t stand the poor working conditions for that one (protip: loud club music does not make telemarketers more productive, or coherent). Hell, night work is almost impossible to find for entry level-no-brain stuff. Hanging in there regardless.
Nope for the spinning groups! I’ll give it a looksie. Etsy seemed promising supplies like uncarded yarn and dye, but not wheel stuff.
Ha! I am so not surprised they kept that one quiet!
Yeah, it was a bummer being laid off. I’d been at that shop for nine years and had hoped to stay there till I retired. If we had a managing director instead of a fuckwit, our business would be doing much better.
Loud club music in a call centre? Who the fuck came up with that idea? That’s just … Great Ceiling Cat, words do not describe the stupidity, or maybe the selfishness, or both. I only lasted three weeks in a Telstra call centre, many moons ago and there was no music at all. I’d have gone on a rampage in the first hour if they’d had that sort of shit going on. (My one trigger is being subjected to loud music, especially of the doof-doof variety.)
@Greebo (TW as above)
I’ve moved on from cutting to picking at my skin, especially on the soles of my feet, and round my nails(foot and fingers), so walking and typing can be painful. I thought I was the only person who did that, till it was mentioned on Robot Hugs. My doc isn’t sure it counts as self harm, but really, it hurts more and causes more issues that the cutting ever did.(Except for the time I needed 13 stitches on my leg, and ended up with a keloid scar, but that was a one-off).
My doc did try and refer me for ASD diagnosis, but it got sent to the psych who had treated me for agoraphobia, and he said that he couldn’t help me any more for that, which was weird cos it was never mentioned, and I wasn’t then suffering from it, and never mentioned the ASD.
Why on earth would anyone play loud music in a call center? Not only would that be super distracting, won’t the people on the other end of the phone hear it and wonder wtf is going on?
Not only wonder wtf is going on, but be more likely to slam the phone down, I’d have thought.
@Kittehserf and Cassandrakitty: Tell me about it. I have tinnitus and sound triggers (high metallic aluminum-scrunching noises, high frequency noises detectable in “doof-doof” music) because of it, and they refused to put me in the “VIP” employees area even though I said I could get a serious injury working in the “nursery.” I walked out and never went back. They said they had sound cancellation software to edit it out, but a number of people complained about the swearing in the background. Nobody liked the volume of the music, and the standard club fair is played to drunk people for a reason. If they didn’t play it so bloody loud I’d still be employed full-time.
TW: Self harm and disability related stuff
@Gilshalos. I was completely unaware skin picking *could be considered* self harm. When I was really bad, I’d stay up until 2 in the morning in the mirror, picking. It doesn’t help I have ache which exacerbates the problem and makes me scratch and pick even more. I have little scars on my back, to the point where my ex asked me what the hell happened to my skin and how the hell I got so flexible. They’re small discolorations and scars, not noticeable unless seen up-close. They’re fading, or so I’m told.
I’m not sure who to talk to about diagnosis. I was diagnosed when I was three and only saw the same specialist again when I was 12, so I’m not much good for how to find someone who can give a good diagnosis. Are there any cheap GPs that could refer you to a different specialist? If you live in the US you might have a better chance of finding one for adults who have ASD. It can be a shitslog to find someone who knows there ass from their elbow ASD wise. Which is odd, considering supposed prevalence in the general population.
Maybe that’s the idea, make calling in so annoying that customers are motivated to get off the phone as quickly as possible.
That *because of it is unnecessary. Oops! Grammar fail!
Hey Greebo! Fellow unemployed student QLDer here! I actually did know about the Goprint shutdown, only because mum worked there years ago. Fuck Newman and everything he stands for! Uggh the jobs thing is so fucking annoying, I’m probably going to take up volunteer work just to improve my resume even though I REALLY NEED A JOB!
I can’t focus with noise – working in an open plan office like I do is a killer for my productivity. I’ve never been able to think – study, concentrate, program – with any noise at all. I can’t get to sleep when there is noise or light. I can’t shut it out. I did a really looooooooooong online test for autism-type disorders (it was pages long) and when I got the report I was like, ah that explains a bunch of things.
Although probably the most hurtful thing anyone has said to me, so much that I remember this from 20 years ago, was from another psychology masters student who was in the clinical psychology program. She told me it was great how I was specialising in occupational psychology because I was a numbers person and not a people person. My dad had died about three months earlier, which was well-known because it had delayed me starting my second year, and I had just come off SSRIs for that, plus was studying in a town away from all my friends. And that was from a fucking “people person”.
Growing up my mother blamed me for everything, and confrontational, so I am hypersensitive to criticism, which I take to heart and don’t question or push back. Everything I say and do in real life is hyper self-regulated so I don’t hurt other people’s feelings. When it’s really bad, I stutter.
/rant mode off.
For all you comic lovers, this is so true – clever and maddening.
pallygirl, I hear you (no pun intended!) on the sleeping thing. When there’s too much light coming in my room I’ll put a sleeping mask on – and I have lined black velvet curtains. Likewise I never go to bed without earplugs in. I’ll wear them a lot during the day, too, at home. My computer’s at the front of the house and we have floor-length windows, so whenever there’s noise from traffic or some numbskull playing their music loudly, I’ll hear it, even if it’s faint. It doesn’t stress me as it used to, but I absolutely don’t want to hear it, and in go the plugs. (Pisses Mum off no end, but until she gets a hearing aid, pot and kettle, I say!)
Oh, if you want to try a sleeping mask but find them uncomfortable, an alternative is to make one from the leg of opaque stockings. Just cut the top and foot off and sew or pin it to the right length. It’s as comfortable as a lot of the masks out there.
Does anyone else get migraines anticipating having to attend ad hoc social events with people with whom one has nothing in common? I’m fine with groups, so long as I know how I fit with them. I’m not fine when I know nothing about anyone and have to start conversations without any idea of what to talk about.
Christ on a pogo stick! Newman’s even worse than I’d thought.
I’m starting to feel a bit smug, being South Australian. The last state left with a Labor govt, who cares if it’s by virtue of support from an independent. They’re not wonderful but they’re certainly not ghastly like Newman’s mob.
Laughing at the conversation upthread, since Groupon is currently trying to sell me blackout curtains.