
Open Thread for Personal Stuff, July 2014 Edition


An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no arguments.

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10 years ago

I’ve been having problems with depression and self-esteem this week myself, and while I don’t think it’s related to the news, it’s not fun, either.

Happy birthday to everyone that had one! Mine was back in May.

Also, a few other whiny/creepy Nice Guy songs for the list:

“Everything You Want” and “You’re a God” by Vertical Horizon (Matt Scannell must be channelling Sting with all the relationship issues his songs depict…)

“You Can’t Change That” by Raydio/Ray Parker Jr (right up there with Every Step You Take, honestly)

10 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger, who posted:

“Does anyone else here suffer from moderate depression? I was diagnosed with dysthymia as a teenage and everything, but I still think it just presents as laziness to people. Even including myself. I get so angry at myself for being too lethargic to do enough.”

**Raises hand** I got the anxiety/depression combo thing. I know of this lethargic sensation you speak of — and other times it feels like my brain wants to eat itself when I can’t stop ruminating on the bad (err, you know, Generalized Anxiety Disorder). You are sooo not alone. Shit, Winston Churchill and a bunch of other awesome human beings lived/live with mood disorders. Have a Jedi hug, if you need it.

Oh, I hate the bootstrap shit too.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Well, how strange is this? The other day I had to start reporting my job searches to Centrelink, now my dole payment is starting. I hadn’t realised I had to report for the week before the payment started, so needed to scrounge up four applications in a hurry. One of them was for entry level business administration traineeships, looking for people to get into government positions. I put in for it, not expecting to hear anything more about it, though as an old public servant it’d be kind of amusing to be back there.

So last night I turn on my phone and there’s a message from the training group running this to call them. I rang back just now, the person who left the message has a quick second look at my resume, and asks me to an information session they’re running not far from where I live, tomorrow!

It would be really weird if this led to a job; it’s so accidental.

10 years ago

If i didn’t say happy birthday already, happy happy birthday, y’all!

All my computers are melting or seizing up. Yesterday my desktop went clunk then shut down. It was so hot I couldn’t touch it for an hour or so and now it won’t turn on. Then this afternoon my laptop harddrive started making weird but familiar noises and froze. I have it sitting on a couple of those reuseable ice blocks and it started working after a bit. I got stuff backed up and now I’m imaging the whole thing for extra. I’m typing this on my kindle, which is probably next. Sigh. I’m just grateful that I have resources.

10 years ago

Yesterday my desktop went clunk then shut down. It was so hot I couldn’t touch it for an hour or so and now it won’t turn on.

Yikes. The one time I had a not-laptop get that hot, smoke was involved. Turns out a part in the power supply had cooked itself…I’m just glad it didn’t actually catch fire.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

serrana, yikes!

10 years ago

Mine smells like something melted. I am assuming the power supply is the problem but I’m not looking at it until I take care of the laptop. Data comes first!

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Data comes first!

So he should. Android rights!

10 years ago

LOL, kittehs.

So, if you get that job, would it be a good thing? Or are you holding out for something better?

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Well, I’m not sure what the job is; it seems to be various entry level positions in the public service. Whatever they have will be decently paid, at least. I just hope I can avoid anything that’s too involved with numbers, since they’re anything but my strong point. Given my CV was enough to get me a phone call and invite to the info session, I’m hoping there’ll be something worth getting.

I wouldn’t be likely to knock back an offer of something I can do, because at 51 and with no qualifications to speak of, offers are going to be a bit thin on the ground. Plus I’d have Centrelink on my back about it, possibly cutting off benefits.

At least if this doesn’t lead anywhere, I can fall back on my original idea of training for a qualification in medical reception. That course can be done online.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

::snort:: Never believe the “X is near to you!” claim by people who don’t have to rely on public transport. I got an email with a map of the place this info session is happening. Yeah, it’s in a suburb not that far from mine – maybe thirty minutes by car – but it’s thirty minutes by train, plus a bus trip, plus a walk through industrial suburbs after that. I. don’t. think. so.

I rebooked for a session that’s in the CBD next week. I’d much rather do an hour’s trip (snooze time) on the train to somewhere I know extremely well and where everything’s within ten-fifteen minutes’ stroll from one of the railway stations.

10 years ago

Weird questions for Aussie mammotheers, but does anyone here play the lute and/or spin yarn?

10 years ago

Oops! Sorry for the derail! Kittehserf, I’m in quite a similar position as you are now. Good luck finding work! My mum used to to clerical work for GPs and said it should be easy to find work for. *crosses fingers and knocks wood for you*

10 years ago

*holds up another hand* (TW for symptoms, I guess)

Depression ? Check, over 20 years
Anxiety ? Check
Social phobia ? Check
Intermittent Agoraphobia ? Check
Possibility raised of being on the Autistic Spectrum ? Check.
Introvert ? Check.
Cutter ? Check
Eating Disorder ? Check (Not slimming based, just sometimes eating seems too much bother and I have to work to ensure I eat a meal a day. Or two days. Might once have been hospitalised for related extreme Aenemia)
Occasionally a tad delusional ? Check.
Been known to sleep 23 hours a day for 4 days ? Check on lethargy, I guess :>

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Thanks, Greebo, and Greebo’s Mum! Don’t worry, derails are the norm here. We only jump on trolls doing ’em. Hey, you’re an Aussie too? Excellent! What state are you in, if you don’t mind me asking? I’m in Victoria. Have you been out of work long? I got laid off in April. Been slacking off enjoying being at home in front of the heater ever since.

Yeah, one of the reasons I’m interested in medical reception is that there are so many jobs, and so many fields, where there’s work.

I don’t know if any of our local Mammotheer contingent plays lute. (Mr K does but, well, that’s another kettle of haddock.) I have a feeling Pecunium plays lute or something like it, but he’s in the US. I know for certain he spins yarn! I’m not sure if wordsp1nner does, too – I know she weaves. Say, are you on Ravelry? We’ve got a Mammotheer group on there, Crafty SPINSTERS. The name’s an in-joke from a troll who was very fond of caps and kept screeching that we’re all SPINSTERS.

gilshalos, that sucks mightily. And they call it moderate depression? ::smh::

If only sleeping 23.5/24 meant one could turn into a cat.

Ally S
10 years ago

The IDF has bombed a UN shelter, with the excuse that the shelter once contained some Hamas rockets, which were later removed. I wish there was something people could do to stop this. This is such a horrific ground assault.

10 years ago

The government of Israel seem to have lost their collective shit. It’s horrifying.

10 years ago

Welp. I just had a Nigerian scammer ruin my day and my eBay auction. whee!

10 years ago

If anyone wants an electronic romance novel to have something happier to read, All Romance is having a sale today.

10 years ago

Ugh, Israel. I have two very pro-Israel friends who keep posting upsetting stuff on Facebook, so it’s nice to be here where I know everyone doesn’t feel like they do.

10 years ago

Venting here:

So yesterday after my radiotherapy I mentioned to one of the radiation therapists that I was having issues getting to sleep and staying asleep and could I see the doctor that day instead of waiting to see them today (I get the doctor once a week). She said no, because the doctor only deals with side effects of treatment. At the time I was like (inside my head) what the fuck, this is a side effect of treatment, but thought okay, will wait until Friday, the scheduled day.

I had driven into the appointment because I’d only had 4 hours of broken sleep and wanted just to go home after the appointment and sleep. The treatment makes you tired, but not in the first week like I have just finished – my problem is the insomnia that has started.

So, today I got to see the doctor after my treatment session. This was a registrar, and a new one, so there isn’t any continuity of registrars through treatment. I had a list of stuff to tell him, like I was tender to the touch in particular areas – some areas that had been tender were still tender and a bit worse and I had a couple of new areas that were tender too. He was like, stop taking NSAIDs and take paracetamol (acetaminophen for the Americans). I don’t take paracetamol very well, so I’ll just fucking stop taking everything.

And I mentioned the insomnia, and how it was problems both getting to sleep and staying asleep, and how it had only started on Sunday night. And how I was getting less and less sleep every night, and it didn’t matter what time I went to bed, and how I was waking up bolt awake twice every night. Then I mentioned how I went home on Wednesday early from work and went to bed for a sleep, so I only worked 3.5 hours on Wednesday although I did almost full days on Monday and Tuesday. And that I had yesterday off work so I could sleep after treatment. And he was like, well these sleeps during the day are probably causing the problem. And I said, but I only started these sleeps during the day on Wednesday, after I was getting less and less sleep.

Do doctors just not fucking listen? I fucking know that I can cause sleep issues if I sleep during the day, the only reason I’m doing it is because I am in so much sleep debt from night that I am dog tired all the time. I got down to only 5 hours of broken sleep before I started doing daytime sleeps. Why does the fucking doctor think I am an idiot? How does he expect me to work in a job where I give mathematical advice etc on fucking 4-5 hours sleep per night?

Fucking fuck fuck fuck.

10 years ago

pallygirl: Oh that sucks. ;( My dad had targeted radiation therapy for prostate cancer a while back, and sleep disruption was a major side effect. He and mom had to sleep in separate beds for a little while, since he was kicking her legs hard enough to leave bruises while he slept.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

pallygirl, that stinks. Stupid registrar needs lessons in Listening To People.

10 years ago

Thanks, I’m so tired I want to cry. I’m not sad or anything, just so tired.

10 years ago

Crossing my fingers for real sleep and good sleep for you, Pallygirl.

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