a new woman to hate alpha males are these guys 12 years old? female beep boop homophobia irony alert manginas mantrum men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA omega males oppressed white men post contains sarcasm PUA red pill reddit

Red Pillers: Making Thor a feeemale will accelerate our society's plunge "down the rabbit hole of feminization."

Thor and fellow Norse gods prepare for battle.
Thor, Captain America and other Norse gods prepare for battle.

Huh. So Thor — you know, that dude in the comic books based extremely loosely on Norse mythology — is going to be replaced by a woman. No, for reals. Marvel comics announced it  on The View. No, that’s for real  too.

I wonder what the alpha dogs over in the Red Pill subreddit might think of this?

This has to be a joke. Is our society seriously going to continue plunging down the rabbit hole of feminization by shifting the balance between men and women?  Answer: Yes!  YOU GO GRRLLLLLLL.  By the time they are done men will be whining, effeminate little boys, lesbianism will be legally required, and vaginal intercourse will be outlawed as patriarchal rape.  The only penetration women will get will be from their magic hammer. At least the concept would make an interesting porno-movie. I can't think of any other use for it except as a flagrant in your face move. Somebody once said the purpose of political propaganda is to humiliate rather than to actually persuade and this fits it completely.  I guess it's better than having a gay relationship between Thor and Tony Stark but still.....

Huh. I figured they probably would hate it, but not “yet another step down the slippery rabbit hole of feminization that leads inevitably to mandatory lesbianism and the outlawing of PIV sex” hate it.

Let’s see if we can find some more nuanced takes on it. Hey, here’s a comment that starts off, well, calm at least:

Invalidity 4 points 10 hours ago (?|?)  Don't misinterpret the message: This is absolutely not similar to how advertisers and politicians cater to women. In those fields, they cater to women because it benefits their purposes (monetary and politically).  This adoption of a female character to replace an existing male character is much similar to Engineering companies making a push to inject a feminine essence that is missing from those areas. But this benefits them in no particular way. These areas are void of women and females because they are unpopular with female genders altogether. The males in these fields are trying so desperately to bring them one step closer to females, but they fail miserably because they failed the test presented to them.Wait, “women and females?”

How about this one? This dude starts off by not blaming feminism.

n4cer126 1 point 9 hours ago (?|?)  This has nothing to do with feminism whatsoever this time, this is an example of omega male supplication at it's ugliest. The creative types at Marvel are unable to think of any other way to appeal to women in their personal lives so they perform this act of creative castration. This is little different than those schmucks who put together these grandiose public marriage proposals, it reeks of insecurity.  If the universe is in any way just this will crash & burn & teach these losers a lesson

Ah, I should have seen that coming. Everything that’s not the fault of feminism is always the fault of omega dudes trying to get laid.

Woah, I can’t believe my eyes! A commenter is actually suggesting that some of the other Red Pillers might be giving off the impression that they hate women. Oh, he got downvoted.

PenguinWorld -8 points 10 hours ago (?|?)  We don't hate women, it just really seems like we do      permalink     save     give gold  [–]HalfwySandwch 8 points 10 hours ago (?|?)  How is this woman hating?  It would be just as ridiculous if Wonder Woman was a dude.      permalink     save     parent     give gold  [–]lexsird 1 point 8 hours ago (?|?)  How would that play out? Wonder Man? Wonder Dude? Wonder Man, prince from the Amazonian kingdom...wait...can't have that. Wonder Man from ...what? Prince from the male dominate kingdom of ...about any kingdom ever. Shit, that would piss of the feminazis, so beta-bois aren't going to do that.      permalink     save     parent     give gold  [–]HalfwySandwch 1 point 8 hours ago (?|?)  Still called Wonder Woman... either a Trans chick to dude, who keeps the moniker. Or a non-transitioning trans dude to chick, who calls hemself Wonder Woman.

That got ugly in a hurry. I did not see the transphobia coming.

This guy, meanwhile, thinks the only haters here are the man-haters who think it’s ok to make the God of Thunder a girl.

mordanus 1 point 9 hours ago (?|?)  This is more of a man hating issue. People see a masculine role model and say "Hey let's make that a girl instead." You think that the strongest of the norse gods is fine being a female? You think that taking a male's defining attribute (strength) and throwing that to females instead is cool? Yeah not man hating at all...

Seriously. I mean, it’s one thing to make Thor a young doctor named Donald Blake. That’s fine. Or have him put on tights and a cape and  join up with an assortment of superheroes to fight the forces of evil in this and I don’t know how many other comic book universes as well as in a couple of films. But make him a female? Clearly that strains credulity.

The Red Pillers demand utter realism in their comic books involving Norse gods in tights.

Note: Thanks to Reddit’s own ShitRaditzSays for pointing out this lovely Red Pill discussion.



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10 years ago


10 years ago

And Falconer clearly you fail as a geek, putting children before comics, for shame.

It’s worse than that. I’ve gotten up from Dungeons & Dragons more than once for my babies.

10 years ago

Now that’s just sad, still playing D & D when Pathfinder is clearly the way to go. lol Seriously though they’re pretty adorable.

10 years ago

So all it takes to establish the Feminazi Matriarchy is to gender swap Thor? I had no idea the Thor comic had so much influence on society and culture.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

Speaking of babies, it was pajama day at daycare today.

Such cuties! <3 I miss pajama day.

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

Oh, and @pendraegon, I haven’t actually read any Miles!Spidey except a few excerpts on the web. I keep putting it off because babies.

I got hugely, totally invested in Ultimate Spiderman. I mean, in a big way. Bendis sucked me in… there was so much there that I loved, the slow-boiled characterization, the way it was just so true to the characters, the character-driven stuff…

I was emotionally devastated when they killed off Peter. I’m not afraid to admit it. (but in some ways the very definite ending to the story fit the arc that the story had been telling)

Miles was such a well-written well-paced addition to the universe, and done in such a uniquely Bendis way, that I forgave him everything.

10 years ago

Your babbies have gotten so big, Falconer!

10 years ago

Are any of the Miles Morales stories available in trades yet? I’m one of those evil people who doesn’t read the individual issues.

I enjoyed what I read of Ultimate Spiderman, but didn’t really keep up with it. I heard about the death of Peter Parker when reading an article about the racist backlash the Miles Morales character received. It seems like a really cool character but I somehow never remember to look for the issues when I’m out and about.

I’m still waiting for Nightrunner to get his own series, ’cause Muslim parkour Batman is too cool of a concept.

10 years ago

@maistrechat From what I can tell there is currently three trades of Miles spideying it up. You can find them on Amazon by searching “ultimate spiderman morales”. Hope that helps.

And if you like Nightrunner you might dig the new Ms. Marvel as well she’s an openly muslim teenage girl super which is all sorts of mold breaking. Also her costume isn’t a spandex onesie so also neat there.

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

Are any of the Miles Morales stories available in trades yet? I’m one of those evil people who doesn’t read the individual issues.

I also only read trades, and have alerts set up to let me know when the next one comes out. Which should be soon. Dammit, Bendis, WHERE’S MY TRADES!!!!!

10 years ago

@Howard Bannister I might have to pick up the Miles as spidey stuff since it seems to be pretty universally well reviewed. Unfortunately the only large publisher comic I’ve been excited by lately is Image’s new one Death Vigil, it just started but seems pretty shiny. Other than that I’ve mostly been following webcomics these days. I really recommend Gunnerkrigg Court to anyone who’s a fan of Neil Gaiman’s work and similar.

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

(I get very cranky when deprived of my funnybooks)

10 years ago
Reply to  pendraegon

Have you read Saga? It’s also from Image and has both me and my not-usually-into-comics spouse totally hooked.

10 years ago

Saga is the one with the goat horned guy by Vaughan right? I vaguely recall looking at that one and Rat Queens for my pull list. Soon as money is less tight my pull list is gonna triple I swear. 🙂

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

@pend. : @seraph4377 It’s interesting how out of DC’s big three WW is the one who has the most traditional warrior type mentality.

WW is the only one who grew up in her natural culture, which acculturated her to become a warrior. Supe and Bats both grew up as outsiders.

10 years ago

Neither Supes or Bats comes from a warrior culture either so even if they hadn’t been outsiders WW probably still would have been more skilled as a fighter.

At least I’m pretty sure Krypton wasn’t a warrior culture kind of depends on who’s writing it I suppose. I keep conflating Krypton with Invincible’s parody of Krypton.

10 years ago

@WWTH: Yes, that had me curious as to why all the gang members were latino (not familiar enough with US culture to know if that’s an okay term to use or not), especially because it’s meth and I thought that most of the supply would be USA-manufactured, because manufacture is simple. The whole way through the series’, I kept thinking this was an odd racist anti-latino angle. In particular, those characters were presented as (1) easily able to be outwitted by Walt, even though he and Jesse were a two-man operation and (2) their chemists (also latino) were incapable of making meth at anywhere near the purity that Walt could. Making meth isn’t difficult, and if they wanted high purity I would have thought that they could simply change their own production methods to get it.

And as I suspected the method that Walt used for manufacture, that produced the distinctive blue tint, indicates a *lower* level of purity just as the drug cartel chemists would have known:

I agree with Jesse being the hero. Walt was a complete shit. I liked Skyler. WTF was up with all the purple?

10 years ago

Pallygirl, I’m in a different area of the country, but Latino is generally considered the politically correct version in my region.

The racially insensitive jerks (locally) call people of Latino descent ‘Mexicans’. Whatever you do, don’t do that. Unless, you know, they actually tell you they really are from Mexico, and love their country of origin.

Then that’s okay, because they identify as Mexican.

I’m sure there are a few places that think Latino or Latina are insulting, in which case Hispanic is probably the next best alternative. I generally try to avoid Hispanic, because it kind of feels heavy with the colonialism, to me.

But, I’m not a Latina, so if someone who is feels otherwise, I’d actually be really grateful for the input.

10 years ago

RE: Shiraz

I’m I the only one who can’t do online fandoms?

I’ve never been good at online fandom. My saturation point is too low, so basically any fandom of size will have me sick of it in no time flat. Plus I’m awful at fanart and fanfic, so *shrug*. Sometimes I feel like I’m missing out on something, since folks get so passionate about it.

RE: Cathherine von Uberwald

About the New 52: I hate it.

Ditto. Look what they did to Amanda Waller! (My favorite female character in the DC universe. Guy Gardner’s my favorite male, and he seems to be managing okay so far, but still, AMANDA WALLER.)

RE: seraph4377

Part of his problem, if you want to call it that, is that his fighting style is based on not hurting people.

Man, now I want to see Superman doing aikido.

RE: pendraegon

Archie has become way more heroic than most superheroes in the last few years.

I KNOW RIGHT? When Archie is making you look staid, that’s sad. And yeah, Marvel has been doing way better than DC. A shame, since my favorites are all DC, but… man.

RE: Falconer

In many ways, Animated!Starfire is who I think of when I think of Starfire.

Ditto. Comics!Starfire’s design is AWFUL.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

BABBBIEESSS!! My mother walked in just as I was squeeing to thank me for making coffee, which I found out was her reason for coming in once the “awwww are those Falconer’s twins?!?” settled down.

As for Breaking Bad, having seen none of it I fell down a wiki hole and yep, I was rooting for Jesse.

10 years ago

@LBT What they did with Waller was just a fecking travesty. Oh noes a strong heavy black woman! Can’t have that! I was really hoping that Guy was going to end up being the lantern they decided to portray as homosexual when DC announced that on of earth’s would be. Sooooo disappointing when they chickened out and made it alternate universe Alan Scott.

@Argenti I watched the first few seasons because the fiancee was really into it but eventually got so tired of disliking everyone on the show. I couldn’t even bring myself to root for Jesse, he may not have been the vile waste of carbon the Walter was but he was so complicit in all the nastiness that went down that his character was ruined for me.

10 years ago

Seraph. You know, it never occurred to me that when Wonder Woman was ret conned into being made from clay, she could be classified as a magical golem for purposes of punching out Supes. (Even with the new “daughter of Zeus” I suppose she could be.)

Given her explicitly matriarchal/female superior original origin, I’m surprised more MRAs don’t actively hate on her, actually.

10 years ago

And a bit of fun news for fans of weird comics. Jhonen Vasques is involved in a new animated project Very Important House Which makes me high pitched bouncy squeal level excited.

10 years ago

For all that Wonder Woman grew up in her own culture (depending on the era), and is an ambassador and activist, she sure is wrapped in the US flag.

@Howard Bannister: It’s good to hear your opinion on Miles Morales. I will definitely add his Spidey books to my wish lists.

@pendraegon: I got the first Rat Queens trade off of Comixology. I liked it in general, but it gets crude and violent. It seemed like it was built on girls can too swear and drink and fuck and kick your ass and I’m not sure how much mileage you can get from just that.

10 years ago

Thanks to everyone on behalf of my babies! They are getting big. S has sprouted three out of her four eye teeth all at once, and A has evolved beyond the need for sleep.