Huh. So Thor — you know, that dude in the comic books based extremely loosely on Norse mythology — is going to be replaced by a woman. No, for reals. Marvel comics announced it on The View. No, that’s for real too.
I wonder what the alpha dogs over in the Red Pill subreddit might think of this?
Huh. I figured they probably would hate it, but not “yet another step down the slippery rabbit hole of feminization that leads inevitably to mandatory lesbianism and the outlawing of PIV sex” hate it.
Let’s see if we can find some more nuanced takes on it. Hey, here’s a comment that starts off, well, calm at least:
How about this one? This dude starts off by not blaming feminism.
Ah, I should have seen that coming. Everything that’s not the fault of feminism is always the fault of omega dudes trying to get laid.
Woah, I can’t believe my eyes! A commenter is actually suggesting that some of the other Red Pillers might be giving off the impression that they hate women. Oh, he got downvoted.
That got ugly in a hurry. I did not see the transphobia coming.
This guy, meanwhile, thinks the only haters here are the man-haters who think it’s ok to make the God of Thunder a girl.
Seriously. I mean, it’s one thing to make Thor a young doctor named Donald Blake. That’s fine. Or have him put on tights and a cape and join up with an assortment of superheroes to fight the forces of evil in this and I don’t know how many other comic book universes as well as in a couple of films. But make him a female? Clearly that strains credulity.
The Red Pillers demand utter realism in their comic books involving Norse gods in tights.
Note: Thanks to Reddit’s own ShitRaditzSays for pointing out this lovely Red Pill discussion.
As a comics nerd, I’m obliged to point out that in 1985, a woman was slated to take Thor’s place.
Loki wanted her to take Thor’s place, and prepared Stormcaster for her.
Things did not go as planned.
(I loved those issues, mostly on account of incredibly beautiful — even if they had, uh, quite fan-service-y — art.)
*clears throat*
Regarding Superman and Wonder Woman… Yeah, both can fly, are super strong, more or less invulnerable and so on, but these are really common super powers. Lots of superheroes and superheroines have them, so this really doesn’t make WW a “female version” of Superman. (TVtropes call these kinds of characters “flying bricks”).
Wonder Woman in the golden age, when she was first introduced, was supposed to have no inherent super powers; she was really strong and fast compared to normal human beings due to having done special physical training that only the Amazons knew about.
Later Wonder Woman was made out of clay by her mother Hippolytha and granted both life and super powers by the Greek gods (who are real in the DC universe; the Abrahamitic God is also real, though, plus the “new God” panteon invented by Jack Kirby and various others). She’s not quite as fast and strong and invulnerable to physical attacks as Superman. On the other hand, she lacks his vulnerability to Kryptonite, magic (yeah, Superman can be attacked by magic; there is magic in the DC universe too) and psychich attacks (since there’s also people with PSI powers there). She used to have a really stupid sexist weakness which was that she turned powerless if a man bound her bracelets together, but they dropped that later on.
That’s “regular” Wonder Woman, or Diana. As people already mentioned upthread, she was depowered for a while, but got her powers back, and she has a secret identity which is Diana Prince.
Her mum Hippolytha was also Wonder Woman for a while.
Superman comes from the planet Krypton. The very first explanation for his superpowers was that “evolution had gone further” on Krypton than on Earth. Later, that explanation was changed to Krypton having a higher gravity. Therefore, Superman’s body was more dense, and could withstand, say, someone trying to stab him with a knife, or even a bullet fired from a gun (but big weapons could still hurt him). He was also much stronger than a human being, could run faster and jump higher. Later on, it was added that Earth having a yellow sun, as opposed to Krypton’s red sun, gave him all kinds of powers. For decades, it was a rule of the DC universe that there were suns of all kinds of colours, and moving from one kind of sun to another one may give or take away super powers for various creatures.
Later still, the explanation went like this: Kryptonians have evolved to suck up solar power directly and use as energy for their bodies. The sun on Krypton was a red, very dim one. The sun of our solar system is simply way, way more intense than Krypton’s, so that Superman’s body becomes super-energized, giving him all these powers, in our solar system.
A female version of Superman would be Supergirl. Now, there have been a number of heroines going under that name, but the classic one is Superman’s cousin, who has the same power set as he has.
@dvarghundspossen, I totally agree with you on Walt being stuck in the male gender role. It’s the disjunct between the codified male role with its attendant expectations, and the real world that gives rise to all the rage and entitlement. I guess people can be sympathetic to that. It was like nails down a blackboard for me… Though actually I really hate the sound of those polystyrene packing peanuts rubbing together.
I agree wholeheartedly! I’ve always watched Breaking Bad the same way I watched The Sopranos — with the understanding that I’m watching a show where the main characters are antagonists and villains. And, without spoilers at all, I believe the creators make it very clear when they have Walt admit that everything he did was for his own pleasure, because he liked it, not because he was trying to provide for his family or anything like that. Walt was a piece of shit from the beginning, and he just found a way to express his monstrous nature through crime.
Also, Jesse Pinkman is the hero of Breaking Bad. Not Walt.
I’m loving this thread. Most of my knowledge of the DC and Marvel canons is second hand (BFF and my husband are the true comics connessieurs) so I can’t add anything relevant to the discussion. But I love watching everyone else debate it.
Putting aside the trolly racism for a moment, I’m astonished at this because I can’t imagine being upset at Idris Elba playing any character. He is amazing, he should be cast in all the things!!!
I would watch the hell out of that.
And magnesium elegantly sums up the reason why I’m so averse to watching “Breaking Bad,” which I haven’t even been able to articulate to myself. I thought my reluctance stemmed from the Dad with cancer angle (that’s how my father died). Nope, it’s really a revulsion to the idea of watching a narcissist unchained from societal expectations running wild. I feel better about rejecting the cultural zeitgeist now, thanks!
Well summarized. A few thoughts:
1) The Abrahamic God exists in the DC universe, but has been a bit genericized into “The Presence”. Xie almost never appears personally, but Hir representatives (angels, the Spectre, etc.) are all over the place. How benevolent Xie actually is depends on which comic you’re reading. One interesting Supergirl series in the late Nineties or early Aughts had a powerful demon take the Shekhina, the female half of God (genuine Kabbalistic lore, replaced by the neutered Holy Spirit in Christianity) hostage (she was currently embodied in three powerful, but vulnerable mortal forms, one of whom was Supergirl). The demon threatened to kill them, thus turning YHVH back into the judgmental monster who flooded the world.
2) I wonder if Wonder Woman’s status as a magical creature (she’s effectively a golem animated by the goddesses) make her punches hurt Superman more than they otherwise would.
3) One also wonders what would happen to a Kryptonian under a blue star, which of course puts out much more solar energy than Sol.
4) While it’s definitely true that there are heroines who are closer to a “female version of Superman” in terms of their powers (Supergirl, as you mention, and Power Girl is closer to his level as a Flying Brick than Diana, never mind the whole Marvel Family), she is the only one who matches him in iconic status. Which makes it all the more of a crime that both he and Batman have received multiple movie series, while she’s still waiting.
True, Seraph! Whereas various anthropomorphic gods in the DC universe are very concrete, the Abrahamic God tends to be vague and never personally take part in events, and serve as a kind of, um, “over-God” over the others. AFAIK, the relationship between God and “the source” from the new god stories is never really explained either… Possibly they’re the same thing? Or does anyone know more?
Also fun fact is that one of the heroines whose gone by the name of “Supergirl” was a human who had merged with an angel into a super-powered girl.
It’s perfectly possible, AFAIK, that Wonder Woman could take out Superman even if she’s not quite as physically strong. There are a few elseworlds stories (like Kingdom Come) where Superman and Captain Marvel end up fighting, and they tend to be presented as equally strong. But in actually continuity, I can’t unfortunately remember exactly where now, but it’s either in Grant Morrison’s JLA run or his Final Crisis, probably JLA, Captain Marvel knocks down Superman because he needs to go on a mission and for various reasons need to stop Superman following him along. When Green Lantern asks Captain Marvel how that was possible, Marvel responds that it’s because he’s powered by magic, and that’s a vulnerability of Supes.
Wonder Woman recently had a fight with Medusa, which she was losing until she blinded herself with venom from one of Medusa’s serpents. Once she’s done that, she wins, three panels and one page later.
We desperately need a Wonder Woman live-action film. No grit, no edginess, just bad ass.
Superman’s power suite is so common that in Aaron Williams’ PS238 series, one of the characters calls herself 84 because she’s the 84th super with those powers.
@Dvarghundspossen: I think the Presence and The Source have been established as separate entities. The Source is the consciousness of a single universe, while the Presence is…well, God.
Yep. That’s the one where the Shekhina was taken hostage. She and two other “Earth Angels” were the Shekhina’s incarnations on Earth.
As for Captain Marvel…hmm. That sounds like a plot shortcut to me. Supes and Marvel are usually portrayed as being equal in almost every way…though Marvel’s lightning was beating the crap out of Supes in Kingdom Come, in a way ordinary lightning probably wouldn’t, until he got his hand over Billy Batson’s mouth.
@ Falconer – Wonder Woman can be pretty gritty and edgy even in her normal incarnation. Of DC’s Big Three, she’s the only one who considers killing an option (if a last resort), rather than a once-in-a-lifetime source of angst.
@Seraph: I managed to find where it’s from by the power of Google, it really was a JLA story… And we get to see Marvel’s hand hurting afterwards and him saying BOTH that he got lucky and took Supes unawares, and also the thing about magic. The blogger had actually gone through every single instance where Supes and Cap fight over the years, and concluded that overall, with all these fights taken together, the general tendency is for Cap to have a slight advantage over Supes (obv only as long as he’s in Cap-form), though not much. And that could obv be explained by the magic thing.
WW would have a harder time since she’s less physically strong than either Supes or Cap, who are supposed to be roughly equal in terms of pure physical strength.
Btw, I have no idea how DC handles the Superman/Wonder Woman romance these days, maybe it’s awful. But I’m not completely opposed to the concept, like so many other people seem to be. It seems reasonable to me that a superhero would probably date another superhero rather than a regular human being, for a number of reasons.
Jumping in on Wonder Woman discussion.
Before New 52 reboot Supermen and Wonder Woman had a big fight.
He was mind controlled and full out trying to kill people. First he almost killed Batmen then he attacked Diana.
She was holding back because she didn’t want to kill him or hurt him too much and she still won. It wasn’t by a beat-down but by skill and strategic thinking (at one point she used her ability to talk with animals to distract Sups with some birds).
About the New 52: I hate it.
They first changed WW’s origins. She’s no longer made from clay, her mothers love and desire for a child and blessed by Ancient Greek Goddesses.
Now Zeus is her father and the whole clay story was just to deceive Hera with. 🙁
And Amazons who before the reboot when away from the world to their magical island to escape men and abuses they suffered when Hercules enslaved them?
Now they are all rapists and killers.
In new comics we find out that Amazons go out at sea, board ships and then rape and kill the sailors. That’s how they make children.
All that not being enough, then we see that male babies they have are traded for weapons to Hephaestus. There to be raised and to serve as slaves.
Oh, and WW is now also a god of War and in relationship with Supermen.
In short; don’t touch the new 52 with 10-foot pole. I did and I regret it.
I have very low expectation when it comes to DC (it wasn’t so long ago when they had a art contest with “draw Harley Quinn Naked, Killing Herself” thing) but the way they went about WW comics sill shocked me.
(Warning, Breaking Bad Spoilers)
Yeah, Walt even tells Skylar at the very end that he always justified cooking meth by making it all about providing for his family — but then, after being honest with himself, he realized he liked being super drug czar guy, so it was all motivated by self-interest in the end.
@seraph4377 It’s interesting how out of DC’s big three WW is the one who has the most traditional warrior type mentality.
@Dvärghundspossen Usually if WW and Supes are fighting the winner is generally the one who gets the first shot in. Superman is generally more physically powerful than Wonder Woman, but she is vastly more skilled of a fighter and has a bunch of magical odds and ends that can hurt Big Blue. She’s kind of the midway point between the physical powerhouse of Superman and the non-powered but crazy skilled and prepared Batman.
Of course all that can change depending on who’s writing.
And on another tangent is anyone else loving the new direction they’re taking with Batgirl? Hipster Barbara Gordon who enjoys being a vigilante seems like all sorts of fun.
I also avoided the New 52. Of course, I’m apparently one of the weirdos who liked the Dick Grayson as Batman/Damien Wayne as Robin issues that were so “terrible”.
In Supergods, Grant Morrison mentions that Moulton originally based Wonder Woman on Olive Byrne, the woman he and his wife were in a long-term relationship with.
So there’s an interesting behind-the-scenes angle as well.
@Catherine: Okay, never gonna read new WW then. I have read Grant Morrison’s “Superman’s early career” stories in Action Comics from new 52, and I also thought the story of how JLA first meet each other was a pretty entertaining read. Actually, it made me a bit curious to read the 52 WW… But I really don’t think I’m gonna do that now!
However, I do think it’s a bit funny that they brought back Kara Zor-El as Supergirl, with a back story that keeps it the case that she’s a teenager whereas Supes is a grown-up, and Supes grew up on Earth whereas she grew up in Kryptonian culture, only like a hundred times less stupid than the original back story.
Original back story of Kara Supergirl: When Krypton blew up, a large chunk of the planet flew off into space with people and buildings and everything on it, and also a bubble of atmosphere that magically stayed there. Also enough warmth, apparently. Kara, cousin of Supes, was born on that planet chunk and grew up there. Once she was a teenager, that chunk of planet was finally becoming unstable, and her parents sent her to Earth in a rocket, where she met Supes.
New 52 back story: Kal-El/Superman and Kara/Supergirl were both put in rockets toward Earth when Krypton was about to explode. Superman was a baby, and Supergirl was a teenager. Supergirls rocket somehow malfunctioned so that she drifted around in space in a state of suspeded animaltion for like twentyfive years. Then she came to Earth.
It’s weird that they didn’t originally think of this possibility for a “teenage Supergirl who grew up on Krypton/grown-up Superman who grew up on Earth” relationship.
Btw, I’ve read a fairly old Superman story where a female Kryptonian villain escapes the Phantom Zone and kicks his ass. It’s explained that she knows martial arts, and that’s why. Supes doesn’t really have any SKILLS when it comes to fighting.
Supes has gotten fighting training from various individuals (including Muhammad Ali) over the years, which makes him better than other flying bricks who are completely dependent on their powers, but yeah – he’s no warrior.
Part of his problem, if you want to call it that, is that his fighting style is based on not hurting people. I recall a Batman issue where Superman was being controlled by Poison Ivy, and Batman was keeping him at bay until he could be freed, all the while thinking that if Supes was using his powers to their full potential, he would have been a red smear on the wall in the first second of combat. The few times that we see him click the safety off – like the time in Final Crisis when he found out that Batman had been killed – we’re reminded that, nice as he is, he’s actually a terrifying, nigh-unstoppable alien monster.
Yeah, that was fucked up.
Yeah Supes is no joke when it comes to fighting skills he’s just not as skilled as say WW or Bats. It’s like comparing a regular skyscraper to one of those Dubai monstrosities. At the end of the day both are still very large. That said it is always fun to see Superman flip the inhibition switch to off when he’s fighting one of those cosmic level threats. One of the Justice League animated series or maybe a movie had a great bit where he was fighting Darkseid and started talking about how difficult it was to move through the normal world since he had to be so constantly aware of how easy it would be for him to accidentally break just everything. I think the exact comparison was that he felt like he was in world made of wet cardboard, but he was saying how it was almost a relief to really get to lace into someone like Darkseid with his full strength because it wouldn’t just instantly kill him.
I think one of the things that has lent endurance to Jack Kirby’s Apokolips characters is that they give the readers a chance to watch Superman go all-out.
I remember that Justice League Unlimited staged a fight between Superman and Darkseid in Metropolis in one of its final episodes, and Superman talks about how he’s living in a world of cardboard and he takes a fierce joy in being able to unload on Darkseid.
Incidentally, I highly recommend All-Star Superman if you’re a fan of classic Big Blue. It’s like a concentrated shot of the Silver Age wrapped around Superman’s Bucket List.
Ninja’d by pendraegon!
@Falconer thanks for reminding me which series it was, I should watch that one again. And if you’re a fan of the silver age goofiness in general Batman Brave and Bold is another really fun time.