a new woman to hate alpha males are these guys 12 years old? female beep boop homophobia irony alert manginas mantrum men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA omega males oppressed white men post contains sarcasm PUA red pill reddit

Red Pillers: Making Thor a feeemale will accelerate our society's plunge "down the rabbit hole of feminization."

Thor and fellow Norse gods prepare for battle.
Thor, Captain America and other Norse gods prepare for battle.

Huh. So Thor — you know, that dude in the comic books based extremely loosely on Norse mythology — is going to be replaced by a woman. No, for reals. Marvel comics announced it  on The View. No, that’s for real  too.

I wonder what the alpha dogs over in the Red Pill subreddit might think of this?

This has to be a joke. Is our society seriously going to continue plunging down the rabbit hole of feminization by shifting the balance between men and women?  Answer: Yes!  YOU GO GRRLLLLLLL.  By the time they are done men will be whining, effeminate little boys, lesbianism will be legally required, and vaginal intercourse will be outlawed as patriarchal rape.  The only penetration women will get will be from their magic hammer. At least the concept would make an interesting porno-movie. I can't think of any other use for it except as a flagrant in your face move. Somebody once said the purpose of political propaganda is to humiliate rather than to actually persuade and this fits it completely.  I guess it's better than having a gay relationship between Thor and Tony Stark but still.....

Huh. I figured they probably would hate it, but not “yet another step down the slippery rabbit hole of feminization that leads inevitably to mandatory lesbianism and the outlawing of PIV sex” hate it.

Let’s see if we can find some more nuanced takes on it. Hey, here’s a comment that starts off, well, calm at least:

Invalidity 4 points 10 hours ago (?|?)  Don't misinterpret the message: This is absolutely not similar to how advertisers and politicians cater to women. In those fields, they cater to women because it benefits their purposes (monetary and politically).  This adoption of a female character to replace an existing male character is much similar to Engineering companies making a push to inject a feminine essence that is missing from those areas. But this benefits them in no particular way. These areas are void of women and females because they are unpopular with female genders altogether. The males in these fields are trying so desperately to bring them one step closer to females, but they fail miserably because they failed the test presented to them.Wait, “women and females?”

How about this one? This dude starts off by not blaming feminism.

n4cer126 1 point 9 hours ago (?|?)  This has nothing to do with feminism whatsoever this time, this is an example of omega male supplication at it's ugliest. The creative types at Marvel are unable to think of any other way to appeal to women in their personal lives so they perform this act of creative castration. This is little different than those schmucks who put together these grandiose public marriage proposals, it reeks of insecurity.  If the universe is in any way just this will crash & burn & teach these losers a lesson

Ah, I should have seen that coming. Everything that’s not the fault of feminism is always the fault of omega dudes trying to get laid.

Woah, I can’t believe my eyes! A commenter is actually suggesting that some of the other Red Pillers might be giving off the impression that they hate women. Oh, he got downvoted.

PenguinWorld -8 points 10 hours ago (?|?)  We don't hate women, it just really seems like we do      permalink     save     give gold  [–]HalfwySandwch 8 points 10 hours ago (?|?)  How is this woman hating?  It would be just as ridiculous if Wonder Woman was a dude.      permalink     save     parent     give gold  [–]lexsird 1 point 8 hours ago (?|?)  How would that play out? Wonder Man? Wonder Dude? Wonder Man, prince from the Amazonian kingdom...wait...can't have that. Wonder Man from ...what? Prince from the male dominate kingdom of ...about any kingdom ever. Shit, that would piss of the feminazis, so beta-bois aren't going to do that.      permalink     save     parent     give gold  [–]HalfwySandwch 1 point 8 hours ago (?|?)  Still called Wonder Woman... either a Trans chick to dude, who keeps the moniker. Or a non-transitioning trans dude to chick, who calls hemself Wonder Woman.

That got ugly in a hurry. I did not see the transphobia coming.

This guy, meanwhile, thinks the only haters here are the man-haters who think it’s ok to make the God of Thunder a girl.

mordanus 1 point 9 hours ago (?|?)  This is more of a man hating issue. People see a masculine role model and say "Hey let's make that a girl instead." You think that the strongest of the norse gods is fine being a female? You think that taking a male's defining attribute (strength) and throwing that to females instead is cool? Yeah not man hating at all...

Seriously. I mean, it’s one thing to make Thor a young doctor named Donald Blake. That’s fine. Or have him put on tights and a cape and  join up with an assortment of superheroes to fight the forces of evil in this and I don’t know how many other comic book universes as well as in a couple of films. But make him a female? Clearly that strains credulity.

The Red Pillers demand utter realism in their comic books involving Norse gods in tights.

Note: Thanks to Reddit’s own ShitRaditzSays for pointing out this lovely Red Pill discussion.



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10 years ago

I know what you mean Shiraz. I participate in the ASOIAF and GoT fandom and there’s a lot of great people there but there’s a lot of misogynists too. I even got into it with an MRA on once! Sometimes I have to take breaks from the forums because there are tons of barely disguised Daenerys hate threads that are brimming with misogyny. Nice Guys tend to project all their feelings of bitterness and rejection onto her.

The Io9 comment sections aren’t usually too bad. The writers and most of the regulars are cool. There are trolls sometimes because it is Gawker Media but they tend to stick mostly to Gawker and Jezebel. Although it was Io9 where I got called a traitor to my Norwegian ancestry because I didn’t object to Idris Elba being cast as Heimdall. That was a troll that I never saw anything from, but still. Ew.

10 years ago

(Continued, an exceprt from the above link)

“When Steinem learned that Wonder Woman “had fallen on hard times,” she lobbied DC Comics to restore her superpowers. With some reluctance, they agreed. Steinem remembers “the person in charge of Wonder Woman calling me up from DC Comics. He said, ‘Okay. She has her magical powers back, her lasso, her bracelets, she has Paradise Island back, and she has a black African Amazon sister named Nubia. Now will you leave me alone!’” In 1972, Steinem placed the original Wonder Woman on the first regular cover of Ms. Magazine under a bold-faced banner reading, “Wonder Woman for President.”

10 years ago

Some of the Breaking Bad fans hilariously and completely miss the point of the Walter White character. He’s not supposed to be a hero. Vince Gilligan and others involved in the show repeatedly made it clear for those that are too stupid to get it from just watching the show. Skylar is the horrible nag who’s stopping the hero from being a badass in their eyes.

It’s also really telling that these fanboys see no problem with how terribly Walt treated his family but Skylar cheating was unforgivable!

10 years ago

Shit, weirwoodtreehugger, I know how you feel.

10 years ago

More bad news for the poor oppressed white guys. Now they’re making the next Captain America a black man (Sam Wilson) Oh, the horror! Oh, the misandry! Oh, the reverse racism!

10 years ago

Yeah, I heard about Sam Wilson taking over the role. I hope he kills it!

10 years ago

I think part of the whole depowered Wonder Woman thing was they wanted an Emma Peel character. Only it was a few years too late.

I actually wish they kept WW a bit more on the original idea of her powers being sort of super training and focus, which anyone could develop – rather than divine parentage or godly blessing.

10 years ago

Although it was Io9 where I got called a traitor to my Norwegian ancestry because I didn’t object to Idris Elba being cast as Heimdall.

Am I a traitor to my Scottish ancestors because I don’t really care that the Vikings in How To Train Your Dragon have Scottish accents?

(Not that I understand why they have those accents, but do I care? Nope, not really.)

10 years ago

It is very strange that all European characters in English language movies are given British accents, although usually English, not Scottish. It was really distracting and weird that in the movie Valkyrie everybody has English accents expect for Tom Cruise who spoke in his regular accent. For a movie about Germany there sure was a lack of German accents.

10 years ago

Oh, and Gloria Steinem had some input when it came to Wonder Woman’s “de-powered” era.


(But srsly, that’s pretty awesome.)

10 years ago

It’s more of a generically posh British accent, usually, if they’re supposed to be playing upper class characters. If people are going to do that with British accents and non-toff characters I wish they’d use regional accents, just for fun, so you’d have what sounds like a Mancunian and a Glaswegian having an argument in the middle of Paris.

10 years ago

The MRAs need to explain their use of the Greek alphabet to include more of its letters. I am calling dibs on mu for males who like cats. 🙂

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I liked that the English remake of Wallander featured Northern accents. It seemed apt, though that series made all the dour anywhere-north-of-York dramas look like wild comedy by comparison.

10 years ago

I know nobody will notice this but Thor’s hammer (whomever holds this hammer, if they be worthy possesses the power of Thor) ..In the popular (and very good) Earth X and Universe X story-lines was female for quite awhile about a decade ago..I remember selling statues at the comic store even. I don’t think the “new misogamy” existed much then and I worked at the comic shop and don’t remember a single complaint…just lots of “that awesomes” and such…how times change in a era of backlash

10 years ago

I actually gave up on Breaking Bad because I found Walt so repugnant. I couldn’t bear how some of my male friends (OK, one who is an asshole and has been defriended) just thought Walt was a hero, reclaiming his “masculinity” and entitled to treat everyone like shit because of it.

10 years ago

In somewhat related news, sexual orientation and same-sex relationships have been quietly introduced in the new version of Dwarf Fortress. Unsurprisingly, while most of the fans seem OK with it, there are a few that are not.

10 years ago

I watched Breaking Bad to the end, got all the series’ on DVD and had a marathon. The character went completely horrid. I read an interview with the writer (I think) when he said he wanted to show a downward spiral from normal person to awful person. I don’t think the downward spiral worked the way the writer thought it did – Walt went to truly awful person really quick and then stayed at that level.

10 years ago

As a massive comic book fan, and Wonder Woman fan at that, can I just say that I’d be 100% fine with a trans Wonder Woman?

10 years ago

@pallygirl, I agree. I pretty much went “ick” in the first episode, tried to stick it out because of the hype and just overloaded and abandoned it. It wasn’t worth the pain for me.

10 years ago

I know tigtog has already been answered, so let me just add that some of my favorite Wonder Woman moments from the Nineties and Aughts involve her acting as a representative of her people or an activist. Humiliating a Bible thumper in a televised debate, taking a troupe of teenage girls hiking in the Amazon…I love that stuff. I don’t know if it’s still going on in the New 52, however.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

As far as MRAs are concerned, women are mythological creatures, so this shouldn’t seem like such a radical change.

I had no idea Engineering firms (the kind that are spelled with a capital E) were desperate to “inject a missing female essence” by hiring more women. Evidently, the omega-supplicant hiring managers spend all their time looking around the office and thinking “too manly…needs to be more like Sex and the City”. Couldn’t they just scatter a bunch of peach scented candles around the cubicles and call it good?

10 years ago

I believe that Walt on Breaking Bad was always a terrible, very narcissistic person, based on what information we have about his youth. In fact, I wonder if the writers just looked up narcissism on Wikipedia for the basis of the character. (Spoilers) We learn early on that Walt’s married friends started a company with him, but that he left the company for some reason. Then we learn that he had a relationship with Gretchen, the woman in that couple. It’s heavily implied that they stole his ideas or forced him out somehow, and the fact that he was dating one of them suggests that perhaps there was a love triangle and Gretchen and her husband worked together to steal the company from Walt.

Nope. It turns out Walt just up and ditched them. He didn’t feel like staying in a struggling start up. He never even told Gretchen why he left her without warning. When she finally asked him, he called her a spoiled rich girl and stormed off. I believe the reason he left Grey Matter was entirely jealousy, and a distaste for sharing the spotlight. And yet he feels that they owe him something. He goes after them at the end of the series and acts like they have done something awful to them, but what? He ditched them. They offered to pay for his entire cancer treatment! He never had to do any of that drug stuff.

He went on to become a teacher so he’d have a captive audience. He replaced Gretchen, a chemist his own age, with a bookkeeper at least ten years his junior, and got upset every time she proved how intelligent she was. And he treated Jesse like absolute shit, of course. His extreme jealousy and hubris pops up repeatedly in the show, and is almost always to his detriment. I wouldn’t describe it as a show about a good person going bad, so much as a show about a bad person who isn’t afraid of getting in trouble any more. It’s kind of unsettling that he managed to gaslight half the audience. Even after the finale, there are still fans who insist that he “did it all for his family”. Amazing.

10 years ago

Wow. I know a bunch of engineers (I can think of 8 off the top of my head) of various flavours … and only 2 are men. Chem eng, mech eng, nautical eng, software eng…

Are women in engineering really that rare? I freely admit I probably have a skewed sample, so I’m genuinely asking anybody who might have a little more insight.

10 years ago

@magnesium, thanks for that synopsis/analysis. Obviously I didn’t get far enough into the series to get that much a grip of his character but the little I saw totally chimes with what you describe. He just seemed to be so resentful, so entitled, so needy, it was all about him and what he was owed or what he deserved. I couldn’t connect with the narrative because Walt profoundly turned me off from the story. Also, the maverick hero trope that was being built round him was the final nail in the coffin.

10 years ago

I skipped over Magnesium’s post, since I don’t want spoilers for Breaking Bad. I have one season left. I’ll try to skip over any other spoilers that might pop up in this thread regarding the last season. I really love that series, but I realize that you can watch it from very different… angles, to say the least.

Both me and Husband thinks that Walt’s really big problem, besides the obvious cancer one, is that he’s so stuck in the male gender role. His entire view on morality and relationships with other people can almost be summed up in “male gender role”. He really treats his wife like shit most of the time, what with all the lying and complete disrespect. Even after he’s confessed about being a criminal and promised to be honest with her from now on, he continues to lie. But in his mind, he’s fulfilling all his husbandy obligations to her, because he provides for his family, like a good man should. And obviously all that lying is justified, because as the man in the house, he gets to decide what’s best for everyone. He really treats Jesse like shit as well, but because he sees himself as some kind of patriarch or father figure to Jesse, and has this horribly patriarchal view on what that means, he thinks he’s being completely alright with Jesse.

He does cross various moral lines – the Walt we see in the first eps thinks murder is wrong, for instance, but he later justifies murder when it serves the patriarchal values he subscribes to and that I outlined above. But yeah, he’s pretty horrible all along.

Both me and Husband sympathize with Jesse, though, who is, at bottom, a more empathic and moral person than Walt, and is really being pretty oppressed by Walt, although Walt may think of their relationship as a father-sone-type of relationship. (Or, I guess it is a father-sone-kind of relationship, if you think of abusive fathers.) And we really sympathize with Skyler. She doesn’t have it easy, to say the least.

But I know there are tons of internet hate against Skyler (for not being a submissive MRA-style ideal wife, I guess?) and people who think Walt is awesome. So you can obviously watch this show in very different ways.

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