a new woman to hate alpha males are these guys 12 years old? female beep boop homophobia irony alert manginas mantrum men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA omega males oppressed white men post contains sarcasm PUA red pill reddit

Red Pillers: Making Thor a feeemale will accelerate our society's plunge "down the rabbit hole of feminization."

Thor and fellow Norse gods prepare for battle.
Thor, Captain America and other Norse gods prepare for battle.

Huh. So Thor — you know, that dude in the comic books based extremely loosely on Norse mythology — is going to be replaced by a woman. No, for reals. Marvel comics announced it  on The View. No, that’s for real  too.

I wonder what the alpha dogs over in the Red Pill subreddit might think of this?

This has to be a joke. Is our society seriously going to continue plunging down the rabbit hole of feminization by shifting the balance between men and women?  Answer: Yes!  YOU GO GRRLLLLLLL.  By the time they are done men will be whining, effeminate little boys, lesbianism will be legally required, and vaginal intercourse will be outlawed as patriarchal rape.  The only penetration women will get will be from their magic hammer. At least the concept would make an interesting porno-movie. I can't think of any other use for it except as a flagrant in your face move. Somebody once said the purpose of political propaganda is to humiliate rather than to actually persuade and this fits it completely.  I guess it's better than having a gay relationship between Thor and Tony Stark but still.....

Huh. I figured they probably would hate it, but not “yet another step down the slippery rabbit hole of feminization that leads inevitably to mandatory lesbianism and the outlawing of PIV sex” hate it.

Let’s see if we can find some more nuanced takes on it. Hey, here’s a comment that starts off, well, calm at least:

Invalidity 4 points 10 hours ago (?|?)  Don't misinterpret the message: This is absolutely not similar to how advertisers and politicians cater to women. In those fields, they cater to women because it benefits their purposes (monetary and politically).  This adoption of a female character to replace an existing male character is much similar to Engineering companies making a push to inject a feminine essence that is missing from those areas. But this benefits them in no particular way. These areas are void of women and females because they are unpopular with female genders altogether. The males in these fields are trying so desperately to bring them one step closer to females, but they fail miserably because they failed the test presented to them.Wait, “women and females?”

How about this one? This dude starts off by not blaming feminism.

n4cer126 1 point 9 hours ago (?|?)  This has nothing to do with feminism whatsoever this time, this is an example of omega male supplication at it's ugliest. The creative types at Marvel are unable to think of any other way to appeal to women in their personal lives so they perform this act of creative castration. This is little different than those schmucks who put together these grandiose public marriage proposals, it reeks of insecurity.  If the universe is in any way just this will crash & burn & teach these losers a lesson

Ah, I should have seen that coming. Everything that’s not the fault of feminism is always the fault of omega dudes trying to get laid.

Woah, I can’t believe my eyes! A commenter is actually suggesting that some of the other Red Pillers might be giving off the impression that they hate women. Oh, he got downvoted.

PenguinWorld -8 points 10 hours ago (?|?)  We don't hate women, it just really seems like we do      permalink     save     give gold  [–]HalfwySandwch 8 points 10 hours ago (?|?)  How is this woman hating?  It would be just as ridiculous if Wonder Woman was a dude.      permalink     save     parent     give gold  [–]lexsird 1 point 8 hours ago (?|?)  How would that play out? Wonder Man? Wonder Dude? Wonder Man, prince from the Amazonian kingdom...wait...can't have that. Wonder Man from ...what? Prince from the male dominate kingdom of ...about any kingdom ever. Shit, that would piss of the feminazis, so beta-bois aren't going to do that.      permalink     save     parent     give gold  [–]HalfwySandwch 1 point 8 hours ago (?|?)  Still called Wonder Woman... either a Trans chick to dude, who keeps the moniker. Or a non-transitioning trans dude to chick, who calls hemself Wonder Woman.

That got ugly in a hurry. I did not see the transphobia coming.

This guy, meanwhile, thinks the only haters here are the man-haters who think it’s ok to make the God of Thunder a girl.

mordanus 1 point 9 hours ago (?|?)  This is more of a man hating issue. People see a masculine role model and say "Hey let's make that a girl instead." You think that the strongest of the norse gods is fine being a female? You think that taking a male's defining attribute (strength) and throwing that to females instead is cool? Yeah not man hating at all...

Seriously. I mean, it’s one thing to make Thor a young doctor named Donald Blake. That’s fine. Or have him put on tights and a cape and  join up with an assortment of superheroes to fight the forces of evil in this and I don’t know how many other comic book universes as well as in a couple of films. But make him a female? Clearly that strains credulity.

The Red Pillers demand utter realism in their comic books involving Norse gods in tights.

Note: Thanks to Reddit’s own ShitRaditzSays for pointing out this lovely Red Pill discussion.



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10 years ago

::waves back at cloudiah::

would say more but need to go to doctor for sick note, been off 3 days with infection/flu/?/feellikeatrainhitme

10 years ago

Wouldn’t ya know that giving the hammer to a BEM (bug eyed monster) and a frog are both perfectly reasonable choices but a woman is so far outside the realm of possibility that the MRA are up in arms. Criminy!

10 years ago

You know, if they actually were accurate to the original myth, Thor, and to an even greater extent, Odin, would be villains by Marvel’s standards. They would be war gods who don’t give a shit about justice or peace.

I don’t know. Original!Thor might work as a Wolverine-style antihero. He did have genuine affection for humans, and made friends among them.

Interesting side note: I watched the Thor movie with a friend from Sweden, and she was confused and annoyed by Odin losing his eye in battle.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

@Ally S : There needs to be a Batgirl who is trans. That would be awesome.

Well, not Batgirl, but would you accept a trans sorta Dr Strange?

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

@bina…we had compulsory anglo-saxon as part of our oh-so useful english lit degree, no opting out for anything fun

That reminds me of a bit in one of Helene Hanff’s books. A friend had to compose a thousand-word essay in Anglo-Saxon (Old English?), but complained that there aren’t a thousand Anglo-Saxon words to write about anything except “how to slaughter five hundred men in a mead-hall.”


kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

What I’d love to know is if the gods persuaded Thor to shave before his *cough* impersonation *cough* of Freya. Because otherwise, surely lifting a veil to reveal eyes would have revealed an awful lot of red beard as well. That giant might have been easily conned but even Loki would have had trouble explaining a beard!

10 years ago

Is Wonder Woman not the female version of superman? I really don’t know, I don’t read a lot of comics.

10 years ago

@Liveandletlive098 – Her powers are very similar, in that she has flight, super-strength and toughness. Her maximum levels have rarely been depicted as matching his (she can be hurt by bullets), but she has the advantage of being trained as a warrior from birth, while he’s learning from experience and whatever she and Batman can teach him.

On the other hand, their backgrounds couldn’t possibly be more different. She is the princess of her people, and rather than hide behind a secret identity, she is able to act publicly as an ambassador and activist.

10 years ago

On the other hand, their backgrounds couldn’t possibly be more different. She is the princess of her people, and rather than hide behind a secret identity, she is able to act publicly as an ambassador and activist.

When did that happen? In classic WW she had the secret identity of Diana Prince, who in the 70s was a translator for the United Nations in NYC, although I seem to remember that she’s had other professions in other eras.

10 years ago

Wow, tigtog’s a commenter here? My worlds are colliding in cool ways. 😀

10 years ago


It’s been that way since I first got into comics, so mid-90s at the least.

10 years ago

No one quite spits vitriol like fandoms, got it down to a science. This is very reminiscent of the Donald Glover, black spiderman incident.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I mostly read the Diana Prince phase in the 70s. It was fairly short-lived, wasn’t it? She didn’t have any super-powers then, just heaps of martial arts skills. I don’t know why she had lost/surrendered her powers. Even then, she was known to be the princess of the Amazons, at least by a few people. Her mother was Queen Hippolyta (sp?) and there was one story where she had to go back to Paradise Island to stop her grandfather Ares, who was waging war to get the key to the dimensions so he could get loose on Earth again.

I think, though I’m not sure, that her identity as an Amazon princess came from the earlier stories.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

She also ran a fashion boutique in her 70s phase. 🙂

10 years ago

I’m I the only one who can’t do online fandoms? I always have a deep yearning to discuss favorite media with other lovers, but I can’t take the sexism (somehow, female characters, no matter how innoculous, loveable or sympathetic, only inspire hate), the pedo and racism apologists (Hello, Game of Thrones!) and the special snowflakes who hate all female characters — especially if they are a love interest to the male protagonist — who would totally be the snowflake’s real boyfriend if Sookie wouldn’t just die already! (True Blood reference).

I try to find reviews I like, but I don’t find many. Blogs are worse. This one kid has such a hateful Walking Dead blog he once wished in a post that all the women on The Walking Dead should die of a gyno-based disease. I mean, shit, come on, people.

10 years ago

@ Shiraz

Don’t they all think the wife from Breaking Bad is an evil bitch who should die because she doesn’t appreciate woobie enough too? “Evil bitch who doesn’t appreciate (insert male character who person writing wants to fuck here) like I would, she should die a horrible painful death” seem to be kind of a theme with fandom, that or “evil castrating bitch who won’t let Gary Stu do what I would want to do if I was him”.

Michael Suttkus, II
Michael Suttkus, II
10 years ago

Wonder Woman got heavily rebooted in the late 80’s, dropping the “Disguised as Diana Prince” version, to produce a take on the character that was both more modern and more rooted in actual mythology. I loved the title while George Perez was working on it, but drifted away after he left and a lot of less inspired arcs followed. Though I hear some of the later authors did pick the quality back up again.

That’s as concise as I can make it. Anything more and I’ll start discussing the ridiculously convoluted history of comic book retcons…

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I’d feel the same way if I had the level of enthusiasm to be a fan of anything, Shiraz.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

116 comments in, and no-one’s thought to riff off “You’re Thor? I’m tho Thor I can hardly thit!”.

Pathetic, the lot of you.

10 years ago

@kittehserf MOD The Diana Price phase where she was depowered happened because all of the Amazons decided to leave Earth. Wonder Woman chose to stay and so had her powers taken as a result, without her powers she stopped going by WW and switched to DIana Price. It wasn’t a very popular series that way though so eventually it was dropped and she regained her powers.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Oh, so that’s how it happened! Thanks, pendraegon!

(You can just call me kittehs if you want – no need for the Title of Dreadful Moderator Doom.)


10 years ago

Yes, cassandra, the Skyler White hate from Breaking Bad is so legion and strange, that Entertainment Weekly had to write an article about it.
And kitteh, well, there ya go. 🙂 But I consume media like a mofo, and while I’m an avid reader (seriously, aren’t books the shit?) the Golden Age of Television is currently burying anything on the Bestsellers’ List.

Ally S
10 years ago

[CN: abuse]

[Breaking Bad spoilers]

Walt almost rapes Skyler in season 2, ends up killing Jesse’s girlfriend, abusing the fuck out of Skyler and Jesse, and yet somehow Skyler is the unpleasant character here? Granted, Skyler is sometimes classist and manipulative, but that pales in comparison to what Walt does in Breaking Bad.

10 years ago

Yep, that’s right Ally S. Some people don’t get what an anti-hero is either.

10 years ago

Oh, and Gloria Steinem had some input when it came to Wonder Woman’s “de-powered” era.
Check it out:

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