a new woman to hate alpha males are these guys 12 years old? female beep boop homophobia irony alert manginas mantrum men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA omega males oppressed white men post contains sarcasm PUA red pill reddit

Red Pillers: Making Thor a feeemale will accelerate our society's plunge "down the rabbit hole of feminization."

Thor and fellow Norse gods prepare for battle.
Thor, Captain America and other Norse gods prepare for battle.

Huh. So Thor — you know, that dude in the comic books based extremely loosely on Norse mythology — is going to be replaced by a woman. No, for reals. Marvel comics announced it  on The View. No, that’s for real  too.

I wonder what the alpha dogs over in the Red Pill subreddit might think of this?

This has to be a joke. Is our society seriously going to continue plunging down the rabbit hole of feminization by shifting the balance between men and women?  Answer: Yes!  YOU GO GRRLLLLLLL.  By the time they are done men will be whining, effeminate little boys, lesbianism will be legally required, and vaginal intercourse will be outlawed as patriarchal rape.  The only penetration women will get will be from their magic hammer. At least the concept would make an interesting porno-movie. I can't think of any other use for it except as a flagrant in your face move. Somebody once said the purpose of political propaganda is to humiliate rather than to actually persuade and this fits it completely.  I guess it's better than having a gay relationship between Thor and Tony Stark but still.....

Huh. I figured they probably would hate it, but not “yet another step down the slippery rabbit hole of feminization that leads inevitably to mandatory lesbianism and the outlawing of PIV sex” hate it.

Let’s see if we can find some more nuanced takes on it. Hey, here’s a comment that starts off, well, calm at least:

Invalidity 4 points 10 hours ago (?|?)  Don't misinterpret the message: This is absolutely not similar to how advertisers and politicians cater to women. In those fields, they cater to women because it benefits their purposes (monetary and politically).  This adoption of a female character to replace an existing male character is much similar to Engineering companies making a push to inject a feminine essence that is missing from those areas. But this benefits them in no particular way. These areas are void of women and females because they are unpopular with female genders altogether. The males in these fields are trying so desperately to bring them one step closer to females, but they fail miserably because they failed the test presented to them.Wait, “women and females?”

How about this one? This dude starts off by not blaming feminism.

n4cer126 1 point 9 hours ago (?|?)  This has nothing to do with feminism whatsoever this time, this is an example of omega male supplication at it's ugliest. The creative types at Marvel are unable to think of any other way to appeal to women in their personal lives so they perform this act of creative castration. This is little different than those schmucks who put together these grandiose public marriage proposals, it reeks of insecurity.  If the universe is in any way just this will crash & burn & teach these losers a lesson

Ah, I should have seen that coming. Everything that’s not the fault of feminism is always the fault of omega dudes trying to get laid.

Woah, I can’t believe my eyes! A commenter is actually suggesting that some of the other Red Pillers might be giving off the impression that they hate women. Oh, he got downvoted.

PenguinWorld -8 points 10 hours ago (?|?)  We don't hate women, it just really seems like we do      permalink     save     give gold  [–]HalfwySandwch 8 points 10 hours ago (?|?)  How is this woman hating?  It would be just as ridiculous if Wonder Woman was a dude.      permalink     save     parent     give gold  [–]lexsird 1 point 8 hours ago (?|?)  How would that play out? Wonder Man? Wonder Dude? Wonder Man, prince from the Amazonian kingdom...wait...can't have that. Wonder Man from ...what? Prince from the male dominate kingdom of ...about any kingdom ever. Shit, that would piss of the feminazis, so beta-bois aren't going to do that.      permalink     save     parent     give gold  [–]HalfwySandwch 1 point 8 hours ago (?|?)  Still called Wonder Woman... either a Trans chick to dude, who keeps the moniker. Or a non-transitioning trans dude to chick, who calls hemself Wonder Woman.

That got ugly in a hurry. I did not see the transphobia coming.

This guy, meanwhile, thinks the only haters here are the man-haters who think it’s ok to make the God of Thunder a girl.

mordanus 1 point 9 hours ago (?|?)  This is more of a man hating issue. People see a masculine role model and say "Hey let's make that a girl instead." You think that the strongest of the norse gods is fine being a female? You think that taking a male's defining attribute (strength) and throwing that to females instead is cool? Yeah not man hating at all...

Seriously. I mean, it’s one thing to make Thor a young doctor named Donald Blake. That’s fine. Or have him put on tights and a cape and  join up with an assortment of superheroes to fight the forces of evil in this and I don’t know how many other comic book universes as well as in a couple of films. But make him a female? Clearly that strains credulity.

The Red Pillers demand utter realism in their comic books involving Norse gods in tights.

Note: Thanks to Reddit’s own ShitRaditzSays for pointing out this lovely Red Pill discussion.



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10 years ago

These guys don’t know much about Norse mythology, do they? Or comic books for that matter. O.o

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
10 years ago

Which is it, MRAs? Are women having too much sex with men or not enough?

10 years ago

Also, in the comics, Thor has been a frog and an alien horse-cow-thing.

I think those were both male, though.

10 years ago

Fan Fact: Both Rogue and Wonder Woman had once possesed the powers of Thor (Rogue in What If… Vol.2 Issue 66, and Wonder Woman in the Marvel VS DC crossover).

So, it’s already established that women can yield the power of Mjolnir, it’s just that it hasn’t official happened in canon yet…

…god I am such a geek.

10 years ago


The only thing here that I find odd about this storyline is that “Thor” describes three different things at once. It’s birth name, job description (as the Norse god of thunder) AND a superhero persona. It does the same lifting that “Peter Parker, photographer, aka Spider-Man” does.

It makes sense for two of those to be changed, and there’s no issue with the new person being a woman; not so much for the first one, though, since that’s a matter of identity. It’s one thing to make the new Spider-Man transgender, gay or a PoC; it’s another thing to change Peter Parker’s identity (having Peter come out of the closet, admitting it even to himself, would be kinda awesome if handled well, though).

My big issue, though, is that this is almost assuredly going to be a temporary thing, due to the set-up. There will be a year or maybe two of a female Thor, and then the original dude will redeem himself and become worthy again, and she’ll get pushed aside and forgotten about (kinda like female Robins).

And that part will probably suck.

10 years ago

Confession time:

I’ve always wanted a plot where the avengers had to infiltrate some organization, but Natasha is out of town…

So Thor sets Tony or Steve up on a blind date with the highest dude in the organization, and tells tony of the scheme by handing him a fancy ball town.

Cue Tony and Steve splutters. Cue Thor looking at them like they’re being ridiculous and then being all “it worked on Thrymr.”

10 years ago

Mannnn….I think it’s awesome that the mantle of Thor is being passed to a woman, but I don’t like that current-Thor is getting screwed over for it. Still, at least that makes sense. I knew that others had wielded Thor’s power before, but for someone to become Thor…well, I wondered if Asgardians had become possessing entities like gods of Apokolips from Final Crisis.

I wonder how long this is going to last. Is it going to be a “Nineties Energy Powers Superman” thing, or a “One More Day” thing?

On another note, I wonder about the MRA’s that think feminists are trying to outlaw piv sex. I honestly do. They seem to be convinced that women don’t actually like piv sex, which makes me fear for any women they’ve actually had sex with.

10 years ago

Given the context, the use of “omega male” makes me think of Darkseid, which leads me to two possible conclusions:

I: Bluepill-style “Omega Males” are the posessors of the Anti-Life Equation in the form of feminism. The valiant RP alfalfas must band together to defend the earth against the quasi-omnipotent threat of the Omega Sanction

II: Omega males sounds way too badass to be a criticism. I would make me proud to be called an omega male, it sounds pretty cool.

10 years ago

Valkyria has been a thing for decades, I think they tried to set her up as the next big thing by featuring her in a series with a lot of lesbian fanservice recently.

And I think Thor has been anything from a frog, a horse to a crippled doctor in comic-canon. He probably was female at some point as well. I mean Loki was.

10 years ago


Considering that the gods of Apokalips were what Kirby created because he couldn’t bring the rights to Thor et al. over to DC it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch.

10 years ago

Are Omega’s like Omega level mutants! (Bwahahaha!) Run from the Omega Males, before they collapse buildings over your head, with their OMEGA powers!

Admittedly, Marvel’s power description scheme makes no bloody sense. Alpha (1) is powerful, Beta (2) is kinda meh but more powerful than typical people, and Omega (800) is super-scary-levels of power?

What? How does 800, 1, 2 make sense as an ordering scheme? What?

10 years ago

Hopefully they’ll actually make her a good, well developed character. A lot of these writers seem to think being female counts as a personality.

10 years ago


Knowing the comic-book fandom community, my bet is is on “Nineties Energy Superman”. There’s absolutely no way they are going to accept this.

On the other note you mentioned, I seem to recall a featured video on AVfM that mentioned a Tumblr Radical Feminist called “Radical Wind” who quite openly stated that “All PIV is rape, OK?” but it was by Diana Davidson, so it’s probably not what you are talking about. Could you please clarify which articles you are refering to?

10 years ago
Reply to  contrapangloss

I forgot about Omega-level mutants!

Maybe Quentin Quire, upon transcending or whatever it was that happened to him during Morrison’s run, entered the real world as the spirit of misandry and is now posessing the pitiful comic book editors in a massive conspiracy to accomplish very little!

For reference:


10 years ago

Gotta love the dudes who still think women don’t get into comics and super heroes. I have some homework for these guys: go on tumblr. Find the biggest Avengers fan blogs. Notice who they’re run by? Now to Those thousands upon thousands of superhero fanfictions, who are the majority written by? Now to deviantart. All those people drawing fanart are mostly… what? Women, motherfucker.

Ally S
10 years ago

[CN: rape culture]

That first comment is so amusing. The fact that these dudes lament the possibility of a woman not being penetrated by a man’s penis reveals a lot about how they understand masculinity. To them, to be female is to be penetrated (literally or otherwise) and to be male is to penetrate (literally or otherwise) the “female” because patriarchal sex, just as Andrea Dworkin once said, is constructed as the fullest expression of male power. They are afraid of a woman existing and not ever being penetrated because they see such a woman as rejecting sexual roles that men have mandated for women. (That’s also why so many men express their misogyny through lesbophobia.)

And they go on to mockingly say “YOU GO GRRRLLL” in such a way that reveals a desperate but failed attempt to step outside of their phallic subjectivity and understand women’s feelings for once. But only for the sake of expressing how much they hate women. They’re so fucking pathetic. I felt disgusted reading that but more than that I just want to laugh.

10 years ago


Lots of women do get into comics and super heroes, but a quick browse to some internet forums will show a certain level of (dare I say it?) misogyny.

Also, this is similar to the “Should Megaman be a woman” fiasco a while back, in that there is a significant number of fans who think that a Female Thor, just wouldn’t be… well… Thor anymore. Queue angry Thunderf00t-styled rants on YouTube about how feminism ruins everything.

10 years ago

@contrapangloss if memory serves me, it isn’t so much a power scale, it’s more a measure of practicality – Beta’s have powers they can’t control or give them obvious disadvantages, either physical, mental etc. (Nightcrawler and technically Cyclops), Alphas have power with no drawbacks and capacity to have perfect control (Charles Xavier, Storm), and Omegas are much the same as Alphas, but the power difference is such that they need their own category (Magneto, Iceman)

10 years ago

It’s pretty damn funny to watch these guys going “women hate piv sex, which is why we have to make sure society forces them to do it” and then bemoaning the fact that people think their movement is misogynistic. Huh, I wonder why people would think a thing like that?

10 years ago

What is this Gravistas:

It still seems weird to me. If Alphas and Omegas are so similar, than why have their names be the opposite ends of the greek alphabet with beta in between?

My made up rational is that the pseudo-governments in Marvel discovered the existence of Omegas too late, and didn’t feel like fixing all their paperwork for Alphas and Betas by putting things in a more logical order. It gets me through the comics without too much frustration, but there’s still always a little “BUT WHY?”

I don’t know why I have more of a problem with the letter disorder than I do about the impossible physics and awful biology, but…

Yeah. I should probably stop there, before I dig a huge hole and annoy everyone by my whining.


10 years ago

*Gravitas. I don’t know what that extra s was doing in there. Sorry!

10 years ago

The complaint coming from the manosphere is always that women are having too much sex with other people and not enough sex with them. “Slut” and “prude” both mean “woman not having sex with me”.

That’s how they can claim in one breath that women are jumping on every boner they see (lesbians? Straight trans men? What are those? >.<) and in the next that they are out to criminalize all boner jumping. It's a convoluted conspiracy theory wrapped up in their fear of female sexual agency.

They resent lesbians, all bi people and straight men who are not them as well as women they want to fuck but can't and women they don't want to fuck who don't care or are relived that they don't want to fuck them. It's pretty screwed up. As horrible and hateful as guys like that are, I still feel sort of sorry for them. There is a certain amount of self hate involved in seeing the world that way too.

Ally S
10 years ago

That’s how they can claim in one breath that women are jumping on every boner they see (lesbians? Straight trans men? What are those? >.<)

I understand what you’re getting at, and I agree since their assumption that women only go after cis men with penises is absurd. But those examples you provided imply that lesbians necessarily are cis women and that therefore trans women can’t be lesbians and that cis lesbians can’t be attracted to trans lesbians with “male” anatomy. (And it should also be pointed out that trans men can have penises as well.)

10 years ago

Of course the other big comics news this week is that Archie Andrews is about to [SPOILER].

This touches on several hot-button manosphere issues so I’d think they’d be worked up about that, too. Maybe not because it’s only happening to an alternate-timeline spinoff Archie and the real Eternal-1950’s Archie will carry on as usual…

10 years ago

@contrapangloss, nah, go right ahead and whine. It’s not like comics entirely make sense at the best of times. 3 or 4 years in either direction, and everything’s usually consistent, but beyond that? A quagmire of broken glass and madness.

Incidentally, best guess I can come up with is Omega is meant to represent their ability to end the world if they chose to, but that’s guessing, honestly.