a voice for men doxing entitled babies gross incompetence incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats post contains jokes

A Voice for Men's Attila Vinczer is trying to "dox" me. It's not going well for him so far.

Not Attila Vinczer
Not Attila Vinczer

This morning I found a strange message in my notifications on Twitter:

Mr. Vinczer followed up this perplexing tweet with a bunch more insinuating that I’m a “hack,” a “pathological liar,” a “criminal,” and so on — as well as some links to what he apparently sees as “dirt” about me. (More on the latter in a moment.)

Apparently Vinczer — the “Activia Director” for men’s rights hate site A Voice for Men and the son of the genius who designed that AVFM commemorative coin — was stung by my gentle criticism of his father’s coin-designing skills.

So he has decided to dox me, apparently going as far as hiring a private detective to look into my allegedly sordid life.

So far his doxing of me is not going very well, in that the “dirt” he has dug up about me is either wildly inaccurate, not particularly “infamous”– or not information about me, specifically, at all.

His most serious not-quite accusation: That I’m a criminal. His proof? He’s dug up a 2008 arrest record for some other guy named David Futrelle, roughly a decade older than me, with a different middle initial, and living nearly 900 miles away from me. This man — frankly, he seems like an embarrassment to all of us David Futrelles — was charged with the crime of “possessing stolen goods.”

In case anyone is wondering, I’ve never been arrested. Except once, by campus police, for participating in a sit-in protesting apartheid. (The charges were later dropped.)

The other, er, “information” Attila has dug up is, while actually related to me and not to some other guy, is just a teensy bit inaccurate.


Attila L. Vinczer ‏@Alvhun 9h  Who is @DavidFutrelle ? …      Reply     Retweet     2 Favorited  David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 2h  @Alvhun Yes, you got me. "David Futrelle is a U.S. company located in 147broadst, AMFOHARE, Illinois." My phone # is indeed 773 555-4444      Reply     Retweet     Favorite     Delete  Attila L. Vinczer ‏@Alvhun 2h  @DavidFutrelle Bullseye. 3:18 PM - 15 Jul 2014 · Details Hide conversation      Reply     Retweet     Favorite  Tweet text Reply to @Alvhun   David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 1h  @Alvhun Feel free to give me a call. That number again is 773 555-4444. I'll just hanging out in my home in AMFOHARE, Illinois.

NOTE: There is no city named AMFOHARE, Illinois, nor do any real telephone numbers in the US start with 555.

He has also managed to figure out that I have (gasp!) practiced journalism.

And he’s suggested that I might be, er, the Antichrist:

But two can play at this game. So I have begun digging up information about this Attila guy. And what I have discovered so far is shocking.


David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle  @Alvhun Attila Viczer, is this you?  Were you the ruler of the Huns from 434 until your death in 453?

David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle  @Alvhun Attila, were you responsible for "so many murders and blood-lettings that the dead could not be numbered?"

He’s been pretty cagey so far about his career as Number One Hun.


David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 2h  @Alvhun Attila Viczer, did you plunder the Balkans, and attempt to conquer Roman Gaul and Rome itself, devestating northern Italy?      Reply     Retweet     Favorite     Delete  Attila L. Vinczer ‏@Alvhun 1h  @DavidFutrelle Can you be more specific professor of lies. 3:16 PM - 15 Jul 2014 · Details Hide conversation      Reply     Retweet     Favorite  Tweet text Reply to @Alvhun   David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 1h  @Alvhun You know what you did, Attila! The Roman Gauls will not forget!

And neither will I.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Attila Vinczer is not actually the “Activia Director” of AVFM. He is the “Activism Director.” Activia is yogurt that makes you poop, allegedly. He is also not Attila the Hun, as far as I know.



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10 years ago

@kamilla1960 Hun, we won’t tar all Atillas that way. Mr V is a horse of a different color. I just wonder at the people who feel they must pay him tribute.

10 years ago

I have a boil on my left inner thigh that was intensely painful yesterday. It was painful today and pretty big, could see it through the tight pants I wore to the office if you were looking. I was half horrified that my body wasn’t resolving the infection, half excited about how awesomely gross having it opened and drained would be. I’m always impressed by the amount of pus in these things and it feels sooooooo good once they’re opened.

Anyways, got home, dropped my pants, took a look and it seems to be resolving. It’s not as extensive or hot or painful to the touch as it was early today. On the one hand, great. On the other hand, disappointing. I’m still hoping it ruptures in it’s own and I can gawk at the nastiness of it without needing medical attention.

I am gross.

10 years ago

In order to “prove” racism is actually misandry GWW is conveniently looking only at racist stereotypes of black men.

What about racist stereotypes of Asian men? They’re anything but hypermasculine. They’re all about being nerdy, weak, small penised etc.

MRAs are just the worst at intersectionality.

10 years ago

@Marinerachel *cough* This is a thing. There are whole seriesof youtube videos.

… i am intrigued by bot flies and.. wow. umm look at the time…

10 years ago

::Reads the OP::

::Reads GWW’s word vomit on reddit::

Is it me, or are these people getting more inept and nonsensical?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Five minutes on google — Mr. Vinczer appears to be 40ish, has lived in Europe, is a fan of the Blue Jays, Farenheit 9/11 and Elvis, has no concept of Facebook privacy settings, and had this to say about the coin —

“On the obverse is one man’s hand dropping a stone into a body of water. His effort creating a tiny little ripple of hope.”

10 years ago

I watch gross things on the YouTubes all day. It is shameful.

One that’s a good beginner topic it ganglion cysts. They’re not bloody at all, just full of KY Jelly! They’re very satisfying to watch drained.

Zit popping is another delight that’s not too horrifying. Also, plantar wart removal. Both are very satisfying to watch with instant results.

From there, one can move on to bigger, grosser things like boils and nasal polyps.

10 years ago

Hey, Argenti, that’s pretty good! Had you ever considered a career in private investigation? I can pay you, but only in commemorative AVfM coins.

10 years ago

I feel kind of guilty admitting this, but I figured out where Elam lives a few weeks ago. It was really easy – about three minutes to find the address and another ten or so to confirm it. (I live in Houston and I was worried I’d run into him at Home Depot or somewhere. We live kind of close, but not that close – whew.) The ease with which I found him tells me a couple of things: that he knows feminists don’t doxx, and that he thinks his followers are really stupid.

10 years ago

I can’t get over the idea that not agreeing with AVFM makes someone the literal Antichrist. I mean, apart from anything else, I thought there was only supposed to be one of those.

10 years ago

Actually, I like this antichrist picture even better.

10 years ago

When asked about whether she endorses Vinczer’s actions, GWW has this to say:

On the other hand, why would you think I have an opinion on anyone trying to get ahold of David Futrelle? My own name and all associated info is very easy to access–easy enough that I got a phone call just the other day from a random person wanting to thank me for my videos and buy me dinner next time they’re in town. How does one dox a person who is operating under their real name and presenting their real face to the world?
You do realize that a person could dox “manboobz” but not “David Futrelle”, right? As far as I know, David Futrelle is a public figure operating under his real name.
You also realize that the few times I’ve criticized the doxxing of someone who was already operating under their real name was in cases like Justin Vacula, whose parents were doxxed (and subsequently subjected to a letter-writing campaign telling them what a horrible son they’d raised)?
Hey, did you know that I was doxxed by a radical feminist ages ago? She went by the name Nocturnus Libertus before her channel was flagged down for hate speech.
Personally, I don’t think doxxing is always wrong–it needs to be taken on a case by case basis. Would any of you here be objecting had someone “doxxed” (connected his internet identity to his real life one) Elliot Rodger prior to his killing of 2 women and 4 men? Because if anyone was begging to be doxxed (to the police, mind you, but frankly even a best friend might have been worth a try) it was that guy.

10 years ago

David is apparently kind of like Elliot Rodger. Or something. And also, if you use your real name, it’s fine to hire a PI to investigate you and accuse you of things you haven’t done.

Alice Sanguinaria
10 years ago

cloudiah – well, it’s deleted, since AutoModerator caught it and I banned them because LOL.

But literally

This isn’t MRM it’s a feminist troll trying to make MRAs look bad.

10 years ago

Wow! Just read the OP. Vinczer’s an asshole. I love how he asked David why he hasn’t said anything good about about MRAs lately. He apparently doesn’t realize MRAs are a hate group. So sad. So Sad.
But good show on making his attempt to dox you a post. Creeper/stalkers should be exposed.
I wonder how many Scooby Snacks GWW is awarded whenever she supports creeper/stalkers and generally gets reality wrong.

Ally S
10 years ago

RE: GWW’s word vomit:

Mostly, they are victims of stereotypes of women NOT being traditionally feminine–big nose, unmodest, ugly, hyper-sexual. Yet the men are portrayed as HYPER-masculine (at least in our age of “toxic masculinity”). They are, in modern parlance, the ultimate expression of not pathology, but maleness. Rapey and violent.

Nope. Conformity to hetero-patriarchal norms is a measure of civility. Since white supremacist discourse attack people of color on the basis of civility, it follows that racist stereotypes often center around gender. And just as gender stereotypes of white men are not misandric, gender stereotypes of men of color are also not constituted by misandry. So black men are viewed as expressive of lack of civility, not maleness.

So. Black men are seen as hyper-sexual. And some black women are portrayed as such. Black men are seen as violent. And some black women are portrayed as such. Is this where you claim that calling a man a pussy is misogyny, because you’re telling him he’s like a woman? But telling a black woman that she’s evil because she’s like every black man that has ever been portrayed is… what? More misogyny?

All negative stereotype about men are implicitly misogynist because they are required for patriarchy, a system of male dominance over non-men, to exist. So yeah, it would in fact me more misogyny.

And because of increasing awareness and intolerance of racism, it is not permissible to say black men are rapey and violent, or Jewish men are rapey and violent, or American men are rapey and violent or German men are rapey and violent. It has, however, become perfectly okay to say that ALL men are rapey and violent. This category necessarily includes Jews, blacks, Americans and Germans, but we can’t say that. We CAN, however, say MEN.

Saying all men are rapey and violent is the exact opposite of racism. That is a gender-based judgment, not a race-based one. How is this not obvious to her?

10 years ago

cloudiah wrote,
I mean, this is why white men were so frequently the victims of lynching, and male Aryan Nazis were so frequently sent to concentration camps. Nothing to do with bigotry. Just the regular trials and tribulations of being men, on steroids.

You have just earned one hundred points for sarcasm!

10 years ago

Elliot Roger’s intended targets were the women in a sorority house. He clearly stated that he was killing women as punishment for not jumping at the chance to polish his knob. He frequented manosphere sites and regurgitated MRA talking points so obviously that even Paul Elam cannot distinguish his words from the words of one of his own conference speakers. Yet the MRAssholes are still pretending that his murders had nothing to do with misogyny and with the lies they tell and the violence they encourage. Unable to find any actual evidence of misandry, they’ve now decided to appropriate bigotry aimed at racial and religious minorities as evidence of misandry.
That’s some weapons grade, ridiculous bullshit right there.

10 years ago

David Futrelle,

Attila L. Vinczer’s investigative Journalism is a joke. Where did he learn journalism, the same place Kent Hovind learned about “science?”

10 years ago

This isn’t MRM it’s a feminist troll trying to make MRAs look bad.

AVFM’s “Activism Director” is actually a deep cover Feminist Hivemind plant?

Putting aside the obvious, why on earth would feminists even bother? Training and placing a sleeper agent seems like a heluva lot of a hassle to go through just to make AVFM look bad. It’s just doesn’t require much energy to make AVFM look bad, because they do a bang-up jobs discrediting themselves. All anyone has to do is quote their words.

10 years ago


Vinczer’s take on the coin is this?
““On the obverse is one man’s hand dropping a stone into a body of water. His effort creating a tiny little ripple of hope.”

*giggle-snort** I thought it was a condom being tampered with — you know, spermjacking, that thing of myth and lore. The hand does look like it belongs to E.T., by the way. Jesus. What shitty “art.” When I didn’t think that the “body of water” wasn’t a condom, I wondered if it was a pancake, or make a badly drawn Smiley face cookie from the shity Eat ‘n’ Park franchise. Did this dude get paid for his artisitic efforts? Christ.

Alice Sanguinaria
10 years ago

sparky – well, yeah, everyone is a deep cover Feminist Hivemind plant if you think hard enough. Even Elam.

Ally S
10 years ago

Basically, to elaborate on what I said, the same “misandric” stereotypes used to support patriarchy itself are leveraged by white supremacy against people of color. The result is that men of color still benefit from patriarchy, yet face a uniquely negative set of stereotypes that specifically function as white supremacy. In other words, men of color face a more malicious, threatening type of gender policing that serves to justify the elimination of people of color by white supremacy. Gender policing against white men pales in comparison in that it only functions as a disciplinary mechanism to produce ideal male subjects. Black men are viewed as born rapists, whereas white men are merely viewed as capable of rape and viewed as acceptable rapists should they ever rape. There is a world of difference that GWW is ignoring, and no doubt it’s because she’s an anti-feminist white woman.

10 years ago

Shorter girlwriteswut?: If people were totes different from the way they are then they would be the same as the way they were, so there.

It seems as though they rilly rilly rilly do not want you talking about their money matters, eh?