This morning I found a strange message in my notifications on Twitter:
@DavidFutrelle Uncovers, the unrecoverable about MRAs in his own little feeble mind. Has he ever said anything good about MRAs? Anything?
— Attila L. Vinczer (@AttilaVinczer) July 15, 2014
Mr. Vinczer followed up this perplexing tweet with a bunch more insinuating that I’m a “hack,” a “pathological liar,” a “criminal,” and so on — as well as some links to what he apparently sees as “dirt” about me. (More on the latter in a moment.)
Apparently Vinczer — the “Activia Director” for men’s rights hate site A Voice for Men and the son of the genius who designed that AVFM commemorative coin — was stung by my gentle criticism of his father’s coin-designing skills.
So he has decided to dox me, apparently going as far as hiring a private detective to look into my allegedly sordid life.
PI will confirm, every living and non living fact about you. Enjoy your soon to be elevated infamous public status.
— Attila L. Vinczer (@AttilaVinczer) July 15, 2014
So far his doxing of me is not going very well, in that the “dirt” he has dug up about me is either wildly inaccurate, not particularly “infamous”– or not information about me, specifically, at all.
His most serious not-quite accusation: That I’m a criminal. His proof? He’s dug up a 2008 arrest record for some other guy named David Futrelle, roughly a decade older than me, with a different middle initial, and living nearly 900 miles away from me. This man — frankly, he seems like an embarrassment to all of us David Futrelles — was charged with the crime of “possessing stolen goods.”
Who is @DavidFutrelle ? A criminal? http://t.co/FNBy7eNoCt
— Attila L. Vinczer (@AttilaVinczer) July 15, 2014
In case anyone is wondering, I’ve never been arrested. Except once, by campus police, for participating in a sit-in protesting apartheid. (The charges were later dropped.)
The other, er, “information” Attila has dug up is, while actually related to me and not to some other guy, is just a teensy bit inaccurate.
NOTE: There is no city named AMFOHARE, Illinois, nor do any real telephone numbers in the US start with 555.
He has also managed to figure out that I have (gasp!) practiced journalism.
@Alvhun Wow. You have determined that I once wrote a piece for The American Prospect. I don't live in their offices in DC, though, FYI.
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) July 15, 2014
And he’s suggested that I might be, er, the Antichrist:
@DavidFutrelle is infatuated with #mrm with heavy leaning on AVFM. Could @DavidFutrelle be the Antichrist or just a cheap antagonist wannabe
— Attila L. Vinczer (@AttilaVinczer) July 15, 2014
But two can play at this game. So I have begun digging up information about this Attila guy. And what I have discovered so far is shocking.
He’s been pretty cagey so far about his career as Number One Hun.
And neither will I.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Attila Vinczer is not actually the “Activia Director” of AVFM. He is the “Activism Director.” Activia is yogurt that makes you poop, allegedly. He is also not Attila the Hun, as far as I know.
David has never said anything nice about neo-nazis either. So?
Why should he have something nice to say about bigoted, talent-free, dishonest fools?
What a bunch of entitled crybabies.
Tilly wrote a letter to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth – can’t remember why – in which he referred to himself as “wondrous”. O yes he did.
May I say something about doxing? I used to be concerned about my anonymity, fearful of doxing threats, reluctant to have random strangers find out who my children were, for fear of putting them in danger. People can get quite nasty when you challenge them, especially men, and I am a girl, after all. I didn’t want my internet outspokenness to harm my family.
So while walking on eggshells, gently avoiding conflict, and keeping a low profile, the unthinkable happened. I was doxed, hacked, had my identity stolen, the whole nine yards. There were numerous threats to, “ruin my reputation.” Hubby with his usual sarcastic wit, promptly said, “honey, what reputation??” It was perfect because it made me laugh and he was absolutely right. I’m not rich and famous, a secretive politician, or somebody living a double life. There is nothing I am ashamed of saying on the internet that I wouldn’t back up in real life. It’s nice to have your privacy respected, but to those who have no honor, KMA.
I’m glad the doxxing didn’t end up being too bad for you, insanitybytes22. I’m sorry that you went through it, though.
I have dug up a non-living fact – this, oh yes, this, is one of Mr. Futrelle’s distant ancestors.
I can haz PI skillz.
If David’s “infatuation” with the MRM and AVfM is proof that he’s the antichrist…
Anyway, he’s forgotten that we already celebrate MUSAF (Make Up Shit About Futrelle) day here in these parts. We’re good at it.
Aha! Another non-living factoid. Mittens Futrelle, rebellious 40’s trombone player, hot-stepper and killer-diller fur shedder, is a DIRECT RELATION. Note the resemblance.
Holy shit! The way you responded!!!!! XD
Isn’t every day Make Up Shit About Futrelle Day?
Every time David burps, every scented candle in the world’s scent gets stronger and every chair gets even harder.
How many people here have been accused of being David? I have!
Hey, look, I found the model for the AVfM coin!
Avfm claimed they were doing the same thing to my husband years back. Raised a “smear fund” campaign to dig up “dirt.” All that ever came of it was a bunch of bullshit they were relating on a thread. “Well, we know xyz about him..” Etc. funny thing was everything they claimed to “know” was just flat out false. I was tempted to join the thread and correct everyone, but I figured let them believe all the bs. Although it fizzled out quickly, the whole thing really did freak me out. I felt like looking over my shoulder. I thought someone had keyed our car when it turned out our son had just scratched our car riding his bike too close to it. Felt paranoid. I hope you’re doing ok David. It’s funny stuff, but it can also be a mind fuck.
House Mouse Queen, we are all David. This is a living fact.
I see David has been marketing more tees.
Oh jeez David watch out! Soon Attila may find out that you have a blog! He’ll find a blog that isn’t yours, but he may find one none the less. At some point he might even find out that you have pets (or Furrinati overlords) though he’ll undoubtedly find stunning proof that your pets are rabbits.
Is the only requirement to work for AVFM extreme incompetence?
This, meanwhile, is the
DavidcatPI David hired to find out about Attila the Poop.http://teresaflourlamb.com/imgs/weatherwhiskers/filmnoir_cat.jpg
“average Futrelle eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Futrelle, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
@Falconer: Obviously, David is not the Antichrist. There is no “Futrelle” mountain range.
so assuming he isnt flat out lying about the PI (i dont think it is unreasonable to give mras less trust than i give random strangers), thats yet more money that could have been spent on actually helping someone wasted on something stupid.
Jeez, how on earth can Atilla Vinczer think he needs to hire a PI? Look at all the stuff we’ve found about David already, and we’re not even trying!
For example, I think I discovered proof of his earlier, undisclosed career in photojournalism.
And possible evidence of participation in the Tour de France (though I’ll have to dig deeper to see if any doping allegations were ever levied).
Some MRA over at AMR tried to call Attila Vinczer a feminist troll false flagging for MRAs. LOL
Ugh, doxxing. A fool and his money are soon parted? Cause the PI probably got the easiest gig ever.
The Activia thing makes me think of the excellent Sarah Haskins.
Proof of David’s sordid rock n’ roll past.
Evidence of David’s online piracy. His accomplice is unknown… it may also be David.
I mean I knew MRAs had fragile egos, but this is something else. Don’t try and criticise them or even joke about them or they will literally try and ruin your life.
Although that fail hilariously, so at least there’s that.
David is Legion.
(I am procrastinating going to bed.)