a voice for men MRA

Contest time! Design a commemorative plate for A Voice for Men! Actual prize will be awarded.

Can you fill in that white space with some crap?
Can you fill in that white space with some crap?

A couple of days ago, we did our best to figure out what was going on with the strongly vaginal imagery of A Voice for Men’s newly issued commemorative coins, designed by a “a world class jeweler and minter, widely recognized as a master artisan in his trade,” who also happens to be the father of A Voice for Men’s “Activia Director” Attila Vinczer.

The commemorative coins were such a lovely gift to all of us who enjoy laughing at MRAs that a friend of this blog suggested to me that we should return the favor by designing a commemorative plate for AVFM. This generous soul also pledged to provide a prize for the winner: an authentic “male tears” coffee mug.

So let’s see what you’ve got! You can use the carefully prepared commemorative plate template I pasted in above, or make one of your own. The more perplexing, the better!

If you need some inspiration, let me remind you again what the official AVFM commemorative coin looks like:


I’m sorry. That’s not AVFM’s commemorative coin. That is actually a guinea pig wearing glasses. Let me try again:

82028e3d8085bdd970681eacfce72967Crap. That’s actually a nineteenth-century illustration depicting the Galvanic Reanimation of the Dead. Here we go again:


What is that I don’t even.


Ok,ok, here’s the damn coin:


Also, I am being told that the younger Vinczer is not actually AVFM’s “Activia Director.” He is actually the site’s “Minister of Greek Yogurt.”

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10 years ago

Am I late to the show?
comment image

Inspired by Paul telling his followers to live off of ramen for the good of men and boys everywhere.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

All of these are hilarious! My favorites so far are the PR one and the JFK one.

Here’s my plate. It echoes the vaguely obscene/mammalian/baffling theme of the coin and is a perfect peacocking accessory for a Credenza Going Its Own Way.

@kittehserf: there is no such thing as a wrong thread for a George Harrison photo.

10 years ago

@kittehserf: there is no such thing as a wrong thread for a George Harrison photo.

Yeah, you might as well say this is the wrong thread for cats.

10 years ago

Without graphic skills, I’ll have to describe my entry:
A plate saying proudly “Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us.”–A Voice for Paul Elam, 2014

10 years ago

From Afar, your plate reminded me of the plight of oppressed ramen. It’s super cheap because society sees it as disposable. Icky poor people eat it. It gets no hb10s eating it. Unfair!

I’m going to start a new pasta rights movement. The website for the RPRM will of course be called A Voice For Ramen.

Ramens are pastas too!

RPRM 2014-2020

2020 is when the first international conference of ramen issues will be held.

10 years ago


We could get the Church of the FSM to sponsor it for us!!! Put the noodle where your mouth is, Pastafarians!

10 years ago

@ Buttercup Q Skullpants

What is that in that picture? No really, I can handle the truth. I need to know. What in the ever loving Hades is it?

10 years ago

Seconding fromafar here: please explain! Although given it’s brain-squishing WTF-ery, I’m calling that a winner.

10 years ago

Here’s another one, from my lunch break:

10 years ago

My vote goes to the ‘accomplishments’ one, only because it includes my favourite picture of all time: the ‘Saddest Little Rally'(TM)

I showed the bf the link to the coins in all their glory (it’s a do not link) and he was just as flabbergasted, if not more so, about the presentation than the actual coin.
“Why’s it on that weird rock, which is itself on the ground? Why is the presentation box so shabby? I can’t stop looking at the crappy holes in the presentation boxes!” etc.

10 years ago

@buttercup q. skullpants — that one takes the cake (plate). the obscurity of it all is only rivaled by our inspirational coin.

@kittehserf — never inappropriate to bring up harrison if you ask me.

these plates are all fabulous! i want the full collection. they will look fabulous on my hutch 😀

10 years ago

Just hijacking the most current thread to share an adorable video of a dog “helping” his servant nap:

10 years ago

Also, all the plates are awesome. Who will get the “male tears” mug? It will be a tough decision for the kittens and ferrets to make.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

@fromafar and chimisaur – It’s a Carolina sphinx moth, one of the 2007 winners of the Oklahoma Ugly Bug contest:

Moths symbolize misandry, because the feeeeeemales emit pheromones and in response, the males burn themselves to a crisp against the porch light.

@fauxmy – We could have quite the dinner party with these plates. They’d offset the sourness of the grapes quite nicely.

10 years ago

Moth! AAAAHHHHHHHHH hahaha. I would have never guessed.

10 years ago

Wow Buttercup, that is amazingly perplexing. I love it!

10 years ago

My favorite plates are the ones where the text goes off the plate, echoing the design skills seen on their website and evoking an angry conversation with the plate printers (“I have to keep all the text and graphics within the dotted lines? MISANDRY!”)

10 years ago

I am going to submit one (or several) when I get home tonight.

Also, I am kinda squicked by the RIP Paul Elam one. Feels a bit like wishing him dead. I would rather not go there. About the worst thing I wish him is self-awareness.

10 years ago


Hmm, didn’t mean it that way. More like he tries to absorb the victimhood of all men ever, as if the suffering of men who died in wars or committed suicide somehow makes him oppressed.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

I’m not too keen on the RIP Paul Elam, either. I like the rest (the schnauzer is pretty rad), but that part could use a quick edit – RIP Male “Privelege” or something might work without making it seem like we want to dance on someone’s grave.

10 years ago

RE: jenn93

Sad boner makes me happy!

Polliwog did sad boner, I did happy boner! Boners for everyone! EVERYONE I SAY. Oh god what have I done. I must really want that fucking Male Tears mug. (Well, okay, admittedly, I do, but still, this is more cock than I’ve drawn in the past four years.)

RE: Karalora’s submission


RE: gorillaella

that penis you drew appears to be a circumcised one – such misandry


10 years ago

Here’s my entry.

These are all hilarious and this community is wonderful.

10 years ago

I have nothing to contribute, so here are cats saying Shakespearean insults.

10 years ago

Uh oh. Someone got their feelings hurt.

Attila Vinczer is currently trying to doxx David (via twitter…?) and threatening to hire a PI.

What. The. Hell.

10 years ago

Attila Vinczer is currently trying to doxx David (via twitter…?) and threatening to hire a PI.

Will the PI figure out what the coin is supposed to be a picture of?