a voice for men creepy MRA vaginas

Who designed A Voice for Men's new commemorative coins, Judy Chicago?

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This is a picture of A Voice for Men’s new commemorative coin. No, really, they have a commemorative coin. It was designed by Peter Vinczer, father of A Voice for Men’s Attila Vinczer, possibly — I suspect — with the help of Judy Chicago. The coins cost $58.88, and will be issued in a first edition of 10,000.

In the comments to AVFM’s announcement, six people have proudly announced that they’ve purchased a coin. So get yours quickly, because there are only 9,994 left before the first edition runs out!

The only real question is what exactly is being depicted on the coin:

Is it:

1) An otter in a manhole

2) A man levitating a carrot over a milkshake

3) A vagina

4) A vagina

5) Come on, it’s obviously a vagina

ANSWER: I have no fucking clue. Seriously, I’ve been staring at this for like ten minutes and I have no idea what on earth this could be. What is the round thing? Why is there a tiny hand? If that thing above the circle thing is a raindrop or a teardrop or whatever, why is it upside-down? Why would AVFM issue a goddamn commemorative coin in the first place.

I do know one thing, though: If you can afford to waste $$58.88 on this piece of crap, you are not oppressed in any way. And you should probably have your right to vote stripped from you.

Just kidding about that last bit. You should still be allowed to vote even if you buy vagina coins from a dude named Attila.


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10 years ago

And I think the truth speaks for itself. AVfM is a well-designed, well-written online newspaper that employs many well-regarded writers and academics and recently hosted a real-life conference. This all costs money.

There are no well regarded writers and/or academics employed by AVfM. There are no employees at all at AVfM actually, since Paul is the only one getting paid.

The conference did take place in real life, so you’re correct on that one point.

Save The Queen
Save The Queen
10 years ago

I hear that serious academics write articles to prestigious journals that are laced with “c*nt,” “whore,” and “bitch” all the time. In fact, It is well-known you must attain a minimum threshold of expletives before your submission will be considered for publication. True story.

10 years ago

He’s said before that all donations go in his pocket. If that’s what you want to do with your money, you do you. But I’m going to mock your stupidity.

10 years ago

Like, you could send me a bunch of money and I might donate some of it to the United Way but that doesn’t mean that you have issued a donation to the United Way.

If you’d like to send me a bunch of money, let me know. Full disclosure, most of it would go towards new furnishings.

10 years ago

I’m pretty sure the hand is the invisible hand of the market, but I can’t work it into the crying anus symbolism.

10 years ago

And how the hell do you know that Paul is spending all the donation money on himself? He’s said the it goes to him, as I’d expect as he is the SITE FOUNDER. He uses it at his discretion.

Oh, so tell me then, what (legit) human rights movement operates this way? I’m dying to hear. Show me that AVfM is not just the worlds saddest cult.

10 years ago

Although, now that I look at it more closely, the hand looks more like a deformed bird of some sort, flying away from the bolus of toxins ejected by a vomiting, melting, and clearly horrified otter.

Ally S
10 years ago

Yep, it’s totally a leaky heart-shaped butthole. And literally nothing can convince me otherwise.

10 years ago

It’s definitely upside-down, anyway.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

“I do know one thing, though: If you can afford to waste $$58.88 on this piece of crap, you are not oppressed in any way. ”

IDK about “in any way”. Oprah Winfrey can certainly spare $60, but she’s still black and female, you know?

Ally S
10 years ago

Yeah, David, I didn’t notice that earlier, but speaking as someone who used to be middle-class, I find that statement that emilygoddess quoted troubling. I was oppressed long before I stopped having a more comfortable middle-class life in which I could afford many things that costed $60. Hell, if I wanted to, I could choose to live with my dad and be financially dependent on him for ages, and I could be middle-class again. At the expense of my basic safety and mental well-being. So yeah, please watch your words.

Crip Dyke
10 years ago

I like the otter in a manhole, but I think it’s actually that water-tentacle thing from the movie The Abyss trying to communicate with otters after it’s given up on humans b/c of the whole nuclear weapons thing.

10 years ago

“I do know one thing, though: If you can afford to waste $$58.88 on this piece of crap, you are not oppressed in any way. ”

IDK about “in any way”. Oprah Winfrey can certainly spare $60, but she’s still black and female, you know?

That’s a good point and it plays right into the hands of the MRAs who like to claim that the fact that some men are poor means male privilege isn’t real.

I do think it’s safe to say that if you’re a straight white abled cis man and can afford to waste almost $60 on a fugly coin you probably aren’t oppressed.

10 years ago

Dude it’s obviously Masonic in design. The hand is a symbol of a male creator bringing the universe into existence. The tear drop is being levitated through psionic alchemical powers into a joint to joint communication with a male gaia. And the whirlpool is a symbol of a vagina where this tear was transformed from an innoncent sperm(representing all sperm) while being liberated into a tear for MAN-kind. It pronounces judgement on all women for a future earth inherited by men for men by men. Clearly the man who came up with this is a big fan of the X-men but not Storm. Or any other female X-men for that matter. Seemed pretty clear.

Massive sarcasm

10 years ago

“Shit, dude, did I say he was spending it all on himself? No. He might be using his money to support all sorts of things. But if you’re sending him a donation, you are not using your money to support anyone or anything other than one Paul Elam.”

Yes, but then I trust that Paul in turn will spend much of the money on AVfM. And this IS NOT blind trust, but a well-founded trust, beause AVfM has consistently delivered as a well-written, high-quality website, and that isn’t cheap.

10 years ago

It looks like an asshole to me. Which is appropriate.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

The otter’s face in the center has a perplexedly resigned expression. As in, “oh no, not this again…”

10 years ago

I am fascinated by this creative new MRA definition of the word “academic”, and would love to know which of the AVFM staff supposedly meets said definition.

10 years ago


Yes, but then I trust that Paul in turn will spend much of the money on AVfM.

That is a terrible idea but you do go on and enjoy.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

What expenses are there besides domain name registration, stock photos, and maybe site hosting?

Since you’re here, Woody, what does the illustration on the coin symbolize?

10 years ago

Dr. Warren Farrell, Erin Pizzey, Dr. Palmatier, need I go on?

Ally S
10 years ago

You don’t feel ashamed of mentioning Erin Pizzey, who is known for accusing female abuse victims of wanting to be abused and explicitly denying the severity of emotional abuse?

10 years ago

No, Woody, you need not go on.

10 years ago

Of those three Farrell is the only one who could vaguely be described as an academic, and even in his case he’s not well respected by the academic community. Palmatier is a therapist, not an academic, and Erin Pizzey is a writer of rather trashy novels.

10 years ago

I also vote for weeping butthole. Pond ripples don’t have pucker marks.

Maybe it’s a prank. Maybe Peter Viczner hates the MRM and so he designed them a butt-coin, knowing they wouldn’t get it (yes, I thought of the Greendale flag too).