a voice for men creepy MRA vaginas

Who designed A Voice for Men's new commemorative coins, Judy Chicago?

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This is a picture of A Voice for Men’s new commemorative coin. No, really, they have a commemorative coin. It was designed by Peter Vinczer, father of A Voice for Men’s Attila Vinczer, possibly — I suspect — with the help of Judy Chicago. The coins cost $58.88, and will be issued in a first edition of 10,000.

In the comments to AVFM’s announcement, six people have proudly announced that they’ve purchased a coin. So get yours quickly, because there are only 9,994 left before the first edition runs out!

The only real question is what exactly is being depicted on the coin:

Is it:

1) An otter in a manhole

2) A man levitating a carrot over a milkshake

3) A vagina

4) A vagina

5) Come on, it’s obviously a vagina

ANSWER: I have no fucking clue. Seriously, I’ve been staring at this for like ten minutes and I have no idea what on earth this could be. What is the round thing? Why is there a tiny hand? If that thing above the circle thing is a raindrop or a teardrop or whatever, why is it upside-down? Why would AVFM issue a goddamn commemorative coin in the first place.

I do know one thing, though: If you can afford to waste $$58.88 on this piece of crap, you are not oppressed in any way. And you should probably have your right to vote stripped from you.

Just kidding about that last bit. You should still be allowed to vote even if you buy vagina coins from a dude named Attila.


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10 years ago

The funniest part is we all know exactly what it is

We do?

Sir Bodsworth Ruggleby III
Sir Bodsworth Ruggleby III
10 years ago

Oh! It’s Elam throwing his financial records in a pond before the IRS auditors get to him!

Ken L.
10 years ago

I can see they commercial now: ” Coin collectors… Male coin collectors and the woman who love you. You have the fifty state quarters, you have the double eagle, the 9/11 coin, etc.
But do you have a coin commemorating the long six year struggle of men? No, well you can now. For just 58.88, you can commemorate all those blisters from re-typing the same stupid arguments over and over, the chapped lips from kissing Erin Pizzey and Warren Farrell’s asses, and all the cuts from those boxer cutter wielding harpies. Just make your check out to Paul Elam. No when won’t say the price again just send it blank you can trust us, act now or your a Feminist.”

10 years ago

Which would make the floating teardrop thingy the all-seeing eye of the auditory, who WILL find whatever it is you’re trying to hide.

Ken L.
10 years ago


I should have said we would.

10 years ago

It does look like a rolled up condom.

10 years ago

The more I look at the hand the more it looks like some sort of mutant waxed version of Cousin It.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

@Sir Bodsworth Ruggleby III

You win the internet for that one. I giggled so hard I have tears in my eyes.

10 years ago

This is the one and only time I want Woody to appear, because I think he is the only person who would understand the coin.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

No when won’t say the price again just send it blank you can trust us, act now or your a Feminist.”


10 years ago

The Hand of Reason has called a drop out of the pool? (Wrong, I know; far too Lady of the Lake.)

I’ll join with those who are just glad they’re seeming to put this year as their end date.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Now I’m seeing a squashed fedora.

10 years ago

And why $58.88? That is such an oddly specific price.

Ken L.
10 years ago

I take it back, archaeoholmes is right, it’s an anus crying a tear. It is the perfect symbol for the MRM.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

No, I’ve just realised what it is! The hand is the hand of God, as in Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam. Except that this is God waving his hand over the void and creating the first spooge.

10 years ago

Maybe it’s a numerology thing? 8 is good luck, especially when it comes to money, so 3 8s in a row means “please keep paying Paul’s rent for him by purchasing this coin”.

10 years ago

But this single image of a water drop frozen in time does say so much!

Along with the MGTOW symbolism in that single (obviously smaller than the implied original) drop bravely straining to avoid drowning in the birth-watery grave of feminized society, there is also the ripple effect. How far reaching, from even a single drop! How egalitarian in its concentric scope! And that last little drop that still must fall will set off yet another ripple! How seminal to the future A Voice for Men will be!

The hand at top right (maybe shaking off a cramp after a wank?) is drawn poorly to show that–no matter how misshapen by injustices and injuries–there is still power to deliver a drop, a splatter, perhaps even a stream, to cause more and more ripples. The resemblance of the concentric circles to a used condom could also show an important goal: the power of the change remaining solely for men in the ability to deny women access to liquid gold.

Oh crap, the Molyneux thread really affected me.

10 years ago

Okay, I had to go see what they were saying about the coin:

There was obviously a great deal happening at AVFM’s First International Conference on Men’s Issues. Unfortunately, some great efforts by some really remarkable individuals did not quite get the attention they deserved.

One of those efforts was the commemorative coin designed by Peter Vinczer, the father of our very own Attila Vinczer. For those not already familiar, Peter Vinczer is not a dabbler in advertising novelties. He is a world class jeweler and minter, widely recognized as a master artisan in his trade. He donated his talents to design the AVFM coin which was minted and is now available through son Attila’s business, the Premier Canadian Mint.

Each coin is 1 ounce of .999 fine silver, and commemorates the years from which AVFM was founded and up to the point of the First International Conference on Men’s Issues.

Elam and Vinczer have teamed up to profit off their loyal sycophants! How human rights!

You can click on the image here to see it full size. The print on the reverse is not easy to read in the image provided, but reads as follows:

Men’s Rights are Human Rights

Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
~ Robert F. Kennedy

Regardless of personal politics, this great quote is so fitting for our work here at AVFM, and the imagery provided by Peter Vinczer artfully depicts that sentiment that will resonate for lifetimes.

Part of the proceeds from sales of this coin will be donated to A Voice for Men, and the first 100 purchases will receive a signed certificate by the mint master sequentially numbered and with the person’s name on the certificate. Shipping costs will vary depending on destination.

Get yours now while they are available.

So that’s Robert F. Kennedy’s ghostly hand applying unguent to the hopeful, rippling anus-heart of the MHRM? Seems a tiny bit disrespectful. But I don’t want to come off as judgmental.

BTW, some AVfMenners aren’t feeling fleeced enough! There have been calls to mint a version in gold, so that they can give even more money to Vinczer/Elam.

10 years ago

@Ken L.: actually, water drops are completely spherical (because of surface tension? I don’t really consider to actually have knowledge if I just saw it on QI.). So they’ve even got wrong the thing that’s already wrong.

It look like an anus to me too, but on closer inspection I got the ripples. Or perhaps they were going for ‘a drop in an ocean’, although that’s probably too self-aware.

safer midwifery utah
10 years ago

it looks like semen being ejected from a cervix

10 years ago

Lindy West called it.
It’s a leaky butt hole.

10 years ago

Folks, AVFM is an all-voulenteer organization, and they can’t design every coin well.

10 years ago

Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
~ Robert F. Kennedy

Somehow I don’t think RFK was talking about the oppression of feminists existing on the internet and the injustice of the sad boners of privileged white man.

I am not at all shocked that the proceeds go in the pockets of Elam and Attila (wtf is with that name?) instead of towards something that might actually be helpful to men. Like a suicide prevention org or something.

I saw it as a single anguished male tear being extracted by the evil feminist pool of lady privilege but a leaky butthole works too!

10 years ago

Maybe it’s a numerology thing? 8 is good luck, especially when it comes to money, so 3 8s in a row means “please keep paying Paul’s rent for him by purchasing this coin”.

But in numerology, you add up all the individual digits, and then you do the same to the sum, until you get a single-digit number.

So 5 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 29, which is 11, which is 2.

According to, 2 is “the most feminine among all numbers.” So, really, the mystery deepens. Is world class jeweller and minter Peter Vinczer really a feminist plant?