a voice for men creepy MRA vaginas

Who designed A Voice for Men's new commemorative coins, Judy Chicago?

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This is a picture of A Voice for Men’s new commemorative coin. No, really, they have a commemorative coin. It was designed by Peter Vinczer, father of A Voice for Men’s Attila Vinczer, possibly — I suspect — with the help of Judy Chicago. The coins cost $58.88, and will be issued in a first edition of 10,000.

In the comments to AVFM’s announcement, six people have proudly announced that they’ve purchased a coin. So get yours quickly, because there are only 9,994 left before the first edition runs out!

The only real question is what exactly is being depicted on the coin:

Is it:

1) An otter in a manhole

2) A man levitating a carrot over a milkshake

3) A vagina

4) A vagina

5) Come on, it’s obviously a vagina

ANSWER: I have no fucking clue. Seriously, I’ve been staring at this for like ten minutes and I have no idea what on earth this could be. What is the round thing? Why is there a tiny hand? If that thing above the circle thing is a raindrop or a teardrop or whatever, why is it upside-down? Why would AVFM issue a goddamn commemorative coin in the first place.

I do know one thing, though: If you can afford to waste $$58.88 on this piece of crap, you are not oppressed in any way. And you should probably have your right to vote stripped from you.

Just kidding about that last bit. You should still be allowed to vote even if you buy vagina coins from a dude named Attila.


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10 years ago

I can’t unsee the upside down sperm jacking going up there. And obviously, Skeleton Handed Woman poked a heart-shaped hole in the condom because women are incapable of love.

10 years ago

I think what they MEANT to convey with the coin is a drop, though seemingly small and unpowerful causes a ripple effect (the most overused metaphor for cause and effect, yawn) The hand is an MHRAs hand starting the drop-in-the-water process. However they completely fucking failed because like David mentioned:
A: there is an obvious beaver in the water. Probably unintended, but clear as day.
B: the drop is backwards
C: the hand is awkwardly positioned, and so tiny!

So yeah, they generally suck at design, but it’s pretty telling that none of this obvious shit was corrected before actually creating THoUSANDS of coins: they are incapable of self critique. Can’t notice their errors. That’s my theory anyway.

That must be it! But I had NEVER EVER guessed it myself! It looks more like some big puddle of go, and then someone comes and curiously intends to touch the goo to see what kind of liquid it really is, but then the puddle turns out to be some kind of geyser and spits out a big goo-drop straight up into the air.

10 years ago

To everyone who pointed out the dent/asshole in the middle, now all I can think of now is how awful it would be to handle this coin. Equally awful – MRAs fondling the coin. Ewww.

10 years ago

I kind of want to start a band called Obvious Beaver now; that is, I would if I had any musical talent expressible in positive numbers.

10 years ago

@ledasmom You could also call them the Georgia O’Keefes.

Wow though. This coin is just awful. Or is it a medal?

I guess this is the best coin to commemorate their legacy. Confusing and lacking a clear message, but you’re sure the message is ugly.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
10 years ago

To be a troll is a special thing, but to be a Fedora’d Man is another thing entirely. This is a coin of great value. If the day comes when you must find me again, just give that coin to any man from Edmonton and say ‘b*tches ain’t shit”.

10 years ago

I am a woman. I am a thinking woman. I subscribed to your blog a while before it became over the top popular. I made comments. They arent being posted? Why is that?

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Equally awful – MRAs fondling the coin. Ewww.


10 years ago

I am a woman. I am a woman whose nym keeps changing. Why am I so pretentious? Only the meter knows.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Why are you dropping random OT comments in different threads, Gretchen/dikotome? You haven’t any comments in moderation.

Also, over the top popular? You’re complaining about the blog being popular? I’ve been posting here for years and I don’t recognise you; are you claiming to be an old-timer cruelly shouldered aside by the new kids, or what?

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

The meter of my patience is ticking down with this one.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

Gretchen/dikotome mocked misogyny before mocking misogyny was cool, y’all.

10 years ago

She’s a hipster and has to not like us anymore because we’ve gone mainstream? Um, have we gone mainstream? I have to admit, I’m not terribly edgy.

10 years ago

I don’t recognize her either, Kittehs, and I think I predate you.

Gretchen, everyone gets moderated at first. Everyone. If you were a regular, I’d expect you to know that.

10 years ago

*sigh* You’re all completely mistaken about what the coin represents. Allow me to set you all straight.

The big round blobby thing is a flattened princess cupcake. This is made obvious by the huge splotch of icing shooting from it. If you look closely, you can make out princess cupcake’s smooshed face.

The hand, of course, is the hand of one who has taken the red pill and, as such, smashed the matriarchy that so governs this world.

‘A Voice For Men’ isn’t centered because the shock waves given off by the cupcake-smooshing knocked it off kilter. I would think this is obvious.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

I don’t recognize her either, but I’ve taken a months long hiatus twice now.

LBT — you predate kitteh, though I’m not sure by how much. Of those of us around currently (if my sense of “currently” is right and I’m not 3 hours behind again), I think Cassandra’s been here longest, but I have no idea who came first with her, Katz, cloudiah and pecunium.

Why am I behind? My pharm student is officially a pharmicist!! And my BF dumped me but still wants to be friends and will let me know what that means? Idk, I can grok monogamous people, right until they get involved with poly people and have a sex buddy on the side and still want one partner…*throws hands in air*

So! I guess for clarity and accuracy, they’re gettin initals! Pharm student is L, and my now ex maybe FWB idfk is R.

And I spent the day at an Italian, and Catholic, funeral (my mother’s 94 year old uncle) — with a priest I could barely understand and a bunch of relatives I barely know. At least both my aunts showed up so I wasn’t completely lost. I’ve had a busy few days in other words >.<

10 years ago

…Was that new person trying to assert her right to post by virtue of being a woman?

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago


I don’t recognize her either, Kittehs, and I think I predate you.

Yep, you do.

Gretchen, everyone gets moderated at first. Everyone. If you were a regular, I’d expect you to know that.

She didn’t even have any comments in moderation. Only two I’d seen were the ones here complaining about it.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Katz — that struck me as weird too, like we don’t have commenters who aren’t women…hell, like we don’t have well known, and respected, cis men around here. Pretty sure the only requirements are still “don’t be an ass, and like cats…the latter is optional but helpful”.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Argenti – congrats to pharm student, and I’m sorry about the BF dumping you, or rather, what sounds like his reasons. Was he wanting you to be monogamous while he played poly? (I’m calling it played ‘cos it sounds awfully like the sort of stunt too many straight dudes seem to pull with that – only ever sauce for the gander, not for the goose.)

10 years ago

Maybe it’s just me, but when a new commenter comes in all “I am a WOMAN yes a woman and you should take my opinion very seriously because I am a WOMAN” my first assumption is that they’re probably not a woman. It would be like me entering a conversation going “I am a BRUNETTE yes my hair is brown and my opinion AS A BRUNETTE is…”

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

…Was that new person trying to assert her right to post by virtue of being a woman?

Am I the only person hearing David Walliams saying “I’m a lady!” after that? (Disclaimer: I only watched a few eps of Little Britain, didn’t like most of it.)

10 years ago

A lot of dudes seem to assume that an open relationship means it will be open for them and not so open for the other person. That rarely works out well.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I am a cat. I am a purring cat. I made my human subscribe to your blog a while before it became over the top popular. I left paw prints everywhere. They arent being posted? Why is that?

10 years ago

Just out of interest, if people keep changing their nym will that trigger new person moderation or is it going by the email address?