This is a picture of A Voice for Men’s new commemorative coin. No, really, they have a commemorative coin. It was designed by Peter Vinczer, father of A Voice for Men’s Attila Vinczer, possibly — I suspect — with the help of Judy Chicago. The coins cost $58.88, and will be issued in a first edition of 10,000.
In the comments to AVFM’s announcement, six people have proudly announced that they’ve purchased a coin. So get yours quickly, because there are only 9,994 left before the first edition runs out!
The only real question is what exactly is being depicted on the coin:
Is it:
1) An otter in a manhole
2) A man levitating a carrot over a milkshake
3) A vagina
4) A vagina
5) Come on, it’s obviously a vagina
ANSWER: I have no fucking clue. Seriously, I’ve been staring at this for like ten minutes and I have no idea what on earth this could be. What is the round thing? Why is there a tiny hand? If that thing above the circle thing is a raindrop or a teardrop or whatever, why is it upside-down? Why would AVFM issue a goddamn commemorative coin in the first place.
I do know one thing, though: If you can afford to waste $$58.88 on this piece of crap, you are not oppressed in any way. And you should probably have your right to vote stripped from you.
Just kidding about that last bit. You should still be allowed to vote even if you buy vagina coins from a dude named Attila.
It looked like a cat’s face staring out of a pool (if you can imagine a cat calmly resting in a pool) — I took it as a sign that the Furrinati have infiltrated the MRA.
@bluecatbabe: my Cornish maternal grandfather used to wear Old Spice, so the smell brings back happy childhood memories for me. 🙂
I wish the furrinati would infiltrate the MRAs. It would make them much better people. I don’t they even want to bother. Can you imagine the horrors of having an MRA for a human servant? I can’t imagine a cat willing to make that sacrifice and as much as I love dogs, they are too benevolent and don’t know how to keep difficult humans in line.
GrumpyOldMan – it might be this sort of cat in water. In which case I can only say, MUAHAHAHAHAHA! If those Furrinati are onto them, they’re finished.
Oh, for the love of all things holy.
Off topic again.
Elam, inspired by a bizarre feud with journalist Bucky Turko, seems to be editing conference-related dates on all AVFM platforms. All ties of the conference to the 26th are being re-written.
(The short version of the story is AVFM accused BT of not attending the conference, just the WF workshop/press thing on the 26th, because apparently in MRA-land, press events for a conference have nothing to do with the conference.)
I don’t Internet much, so I don’t really know how to access archive stuff. Do any of you have screen caps/way back machine type stuff with the original material? I just can’t do that kind of sleuthing.
Catching Elam in such a redic thing would be wonderful, especially with his ongoing war on “yellow journalism” and misrepresenting facts.
It’s a vagina, greedily spermjacking a masturbatory incel NiceGuy ™ in order to keep said miNG ™ from having the disposable income to waste on a commemorative coin even though the poor misandristed soul has never even had sex. Because MISANDRY!
Seriously, the wierd blob at the bottom is the evil feminist vagina, complete with creepy face, the drop is definitely stolen sperm, and the hand is the hand the miNG ™ used to masturbate. I think the phrase “A VOICE FOR MEN” means that they groan during masturbation, though I’m not certain.
I think what they MEANT to convey with the coin is a drop, though seemingly small and unpowerful causes a ripple effect (the most overused metaphor for cause and effect, yawn) The hand is an MHRAs hand starting the drop-in-the-water process. However they completely fucking failed because like David mentioned:
A: there is an obvious beaver in the water. Probably unintended, but clear as day.
B: the drop is backwards
C: the hand is awkwardly positioned, and so tiny!
So yeah, they generally suck at design, but it’s pretty telling that none of this obvious shit was corrected before actually creating THoUSANDS of coins: they are incapable of self critique. Can’t notice their errors. That’s my theory anyway.
Now if it were a honey badger coin, I would totally get it. A badger. In honey. And a tiny lady hand.
It does look like a pierced condom.
That 2008-2014 suggests the movement only lasted that long. Like a headstone. But maybe that’s how coins work I don’t know. The movement is dead outta the water! Badum, tsshhh!
So MHRA stands for Men Hate Real Art. Who knew?
pallygirl, LOL!
Doesn’t surprise me, though. Is there anything but hate in their maggotty little brains?
About B, I think it’s supposed to be one of those projectile drops that happens when a drop hits the water hard enough that some water is knocked up into the air.
However, it’s still shaped poorly, and offers no other indication that it’s actually going upward. That’s just my speculation.
Other questions…
1) why is “A Voice For Men” off center at the top?
2) why is the bottom legend allcrammedtogetherwithnospaces?
3) aren’t anniversaries usually observed in increments of 5 years, not 6?
4) if this is a commemorative coin, what’s the denomination? otherwise, isn’t it really a commemorative medallion?
5) if actual coin, is it legal tender?
6) is it pure silver, or silver plate?
7) resale value to non-MHRA collectors: exactly zilch, especially if silver plate and having baffling, hideous design. It wouldn’t even be worth the trouble to refine. But maybe they can swap it for a can of lima beans when the fempocalypse arrives.
I don’t know if someone linked this already, but here’s the text on the back of the coin from the announcement on the AVFM site.
So yeah. The badly-rendered water is hope… I guess. Maybe the hand is throwing something in the water. Wow is that an ugly coin though.
I think you got it right.
Or they can give it to a ship captain and try saying “all women morghulis.” If the ship captain is also an MRA he’ll get free passage!
I’ve just figured out the real silver content and probable origin of this *cough* coin *cough.
Hey, kirbywarp, hi! ::waves::
Hi kittehserf! Long time no see! How’re things going around here?
Pretty good! The Dark Lord’s made emilygoddess and me moderators, and everything’s rattling along pretty much as usual. There have been some strange trolls and a suspected return or three of the Blog Herpes, as well as one by Pell.
How’s everything with you? It’s good to see you on site again!
Things are pretty good actually. Got my own place now, and I’m a rock climber! (read: I’ve gone climbing 4 times)
I really should visit more. I kinda miss the trolls. Plus it seems some really weird stuff’s been going on with the AVFM thing and coin and debate.
Whoot, two bits of good news!
Were they the first times you went rock climbing?
I did top-roping at a summer camp back when I was a kid and I remember loving it. Now I’m tagging along with my brother. Luckily the place is very close by. I get to actually exercise now and climb things, win win!
katz: Phttbbbbbb! The cadence is “sound-off”, it’s not just the rythm which is the same, but the pitch pattern.