a voice for men creepy MRA vaginas

Who designed A Voice for Men's new commemorative coins, Judy Chicago?

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This is a picture of A Voice for Men’s new commemorative coin. No, really, they have a commemorative coin. It was designed by Peter Vinczer, father of A Voice for Men’s Attila Vinczer, possibly — I suspect — with the help of Judy Chicago. The coins cost $58.88, and will be issued in a first edition of 10,000.

In the comments to AVFM’s announcement, six people have proudly announced that they’ve purchased a coin. So get yours quickly, because there are only 9,994 left before the first edition runs out!

The only real question is what exactly is being depicted on the coin:

Is it:

1) An otter in a manhole

2) A man levitating a carrot over a milkshake

3) A vagina

4) A vagina

5) Come on, it’s obviously a vagina

ANSWER: I have no fucking clue. Seriously, I’ve been staring at this for like ten minutes and I have no idea what on earth this could be. What is the round thing? Why is there a tiny hand? If that thing above the circle thing is a raindrop or a teardrop or whatever, why is it upside-down? Why would AVFM issue a goddamn commemorative coin in the first place.

I do know one thing, though: If you can afford to waste $$58.88 on this piece of crap, you are not oppressed in any way. And you should probably have your right to vote stripped from you.

Just kidding about that last bit. You should still be allowed to vote even if you buy vagina coins from a dude named Attila.


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10 years ago

A weeping butthole.

Pithy Pseudonym
10 years ago

An evil, evil spermjacking feminist about to pierce a diaphragm?

Hyena Girl
10 years ago

Angry pancake

10 years ago

No, but seriously? Commemorative coins? One sec let me call my dead grandfather.

10 years ago

It looks like someone levitating a raindrop out of an anus.

Pithy Pseudonym
10 years ago

Mr. Yuk’s deathmask?

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

It looks like a surfacing/sinking beaver to me. There’s probably some symbolism in there somewhere, what with the hand and the tiny droplet too… but it’s best not to dwell on that.

10 years ago

Some sort of super mystical Masonic symbol hovering over a puddle of mud? We should totally add this to banknotes.

The super mystical symbol also kind of looks like the head of an X-files style alien. So perhaps this is telling us something about Paul Elam. The truth is out there, Woofy!

10 years ago

It looks like a single drop being expelled from a bumhole and someone’s hand being just too late to catch it

10 years ago

The hand is pretty weird looking too. I guess we can add “draw hands” to the long list of things MRAs can’t do right.

Kent Fisher (@profKDF)
10 years ago

I immediately assumed it a was a diaphragm with a hole poked in it, in the classic paranoid fantasy of males suspecting their female partners of contraceptive-duggery.

Ken L.
10 years ago

The funniest part is we all know exactly what it is, but the MRM is to stupid to know they designed it wrong. I seem to recall one of their talking asses mentioning a ripple effect. Drop of water in a pond and all that. Here is the thing a drop is bulbous on the end going down and tapers to the place it started. So either they went for some very interpretive thing which less face is beyond them or they are just idiots. I go with idiots. With the dates at the bottom is it to much to hope AFVM is dead?

Kent Fisher (@profKDF)
10 years ago

And the hand is no doubt futilely trying to block the escaping drop of semen.

10 years ago

“MHRA 2008-2014.” Does that mean that “MHRA” is over in 2014? Good.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Why do the reflections on the Strange Thing make it look like a Strange Smiley Face?


Also, why is the drop going the wrong way?

10 years ago

Also are they suggesting that their movement started in 2008? Warren Farrel is going to be mighty pissed about that.

10 years ago

I hate avfm, but the more I look at that earnest, yet shit, design, the sadder for them it makes me feel.

Sir Bodsworth Ruggleby III
Sir Bodsworth Ruggleby III
10 years ago

Symbolic representation of a hand applying hemorrhoid ointment to the appropriate place?

10 years ago

I can’t unsee the suggestion that it’s a butthole now, my only question is why the, um, opening? Is heart shaped.

(And you thought shaving your pubes into a decorative shape was high maintenance.)

Sir Bodsworth Ruggleby III
Sir Bodsworth Ruggleby III
10 years ago

@ Cassandrakitty – I’m just glad they’re claiming it ends in 2014

Gary T
Gary T
10 years ago

Have to admit, that thing is subject to amusing interpretations.
I am coming to this really not knowing what it is, but my guess is, as Ken L. says, it is supposed to be a drop of water falling into a pond, producing ripples. And yes, the freekin drop is upsidedown. Unless it is supposed to be coming out of the pond, but that doesn’t make much sense either.
I am not a coinsmith, but come on, physics?

10 years ago

Can we have a commemorative coin?

That’s the most self-righteous thing I’ve ever seen.

10 years ago

Clearly it’s a woman’s hand puncturing a man’s condom with a sharp teardrop object so she can highjack his sperm. Cannot believe you can’t see that 🙂 lol

10 years ago

Years ago as a teenager, I found a brass coin in the gutter. It featured a topless woman from the waist up on one side, with the motto “Heads I Win. The other side, had the woman’s nude bottom and the logo “tails you lose”

It’s a far more honest design for AVFM, and can be purchased for about a buck on ebay.

10 years ago

I think it’s the ocean of white man tears and the actions of MRAs (the hand) are resulting in those tears being evaporated, one at a time.

If they think that’s what a vagina looks like, well, yoiks.

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