a voice for men misogyny MRA paul elam straw feminists

How to Lose a Debate in 45 Minutes: Paul Elam fumbles his debate with Matt Binder

So, that happened.

The debate between Matt Binder (from the Majority Report) and Paul Elam (from A Pile of Money for Paul Elam) went off yesterday. I can’t say it went off without a hitch, because it was actually quite hitch-full. Indeed, it was kind of a disaster — at least for one Paul Elam.

Paul’s the one who wanted the debate. He chose the topic, he chose the format, he controlled the venue. And he lost the debate rather spectacularly, grimly reading a succession of prepared statements while Binder shot down his arguments with common-sensical one-lines and raised issues that Elam didn’t or couldn’t address.

Binder rattled Elam early by presenting him with an unattributed quote that sounded virtually identical to Elliot Rodger’s misogynistic rants and which Elam dismissed as something that no MRA would ever say; Binder then revealed that it was a quote from Stefan Molyneux, the MRA “philosopher” who was one of the featured speakers at AVFM’s recent conference. (Indeed, it was a quote that I highlighted in my first Misogyny Theater videos on Mr. M.)

Then, after Elam read off a list of all the various women who have associated themselves in some way with AVFM, Binder knocked the wind out of him by asking, quite simply, so what?

The most surreal moment, in a debate full of surreal moments, came 39 minutes into the debate. Binder had spent much of his previous two segments discussing an assortment of issues that the Men’s Rights movement largely ignores, even though they primarily affect men, and men of color in particular — from stop and frisk policies in major cities to the deaths of American soldiers in wars overseas.

But instead of answering Binder’s question –why hasn’t the Men’s Rights movement actually tried to do something about these problems? — Elam instead read his prepared “closing statement,” responding not to anything Binder had argued but to the arguments Elam, writing the statement before the debate, had assumed he would make.

And so, after hearing Binder passionately argue that the MRM needs to fight for the rights of men in prison and for the lives of men sent to fight and possibly die in wars, we heard Elam beating away on a straw man, declaring — after calling him a bigot — that Binder

has been led to believe, quite falsely, that gender justice mandates the summary rejection of all men’s problems in favor of a view that can only see men as the problem.

The debate, such as it was, lurched to its conclusionΒ in an assortment of miscues and technical glitches a few minutes later. Dean Esmay, the incompetent and often ineffectual “moderator” of the debate, rocking back and forth on his chair in a darkened room, eyes mostly closed, plaintively asked Binder to send him “that particular story” on stop and frisk in New York city that Binder had referred to earlier in the debate. Esmay, defensive and exasperated, explained that

we are an all-volunteer organization and we don’t see every story. I’d like to see that story from Matt, please do send it to me.

Binder, incredulous, pointed out that stop and frisk has been in the headlines for years, as Esmay, visible in a small box at the bottom of the screen, rubbed his head as though he wereΒ developing a migraine. Esmay repeated his request, saying that

we cover a lot of stories; I’m just asking for you to send me that.

There were then a few uncomfortable moments as Esmay and Elam tried to figure out how to close down the Google Hangout that was hosting the debate.

Esmay: “Are we off?”

Binder: “Still says ‘live’ for me.”

Esmay: “Paul?”

Elam: “Yeah, I’m still having problem with the button.”

Esmay laughs.

Elam: “Isn’t that wonderful?”

Long silence. Esmay rocks back and forth on his chair.

Esmay: “Just close the window.”

A few moments later, he did.

I think we may need to have another AVFM graphics contest, incorporating what I think should be AVFM’s new slogans:

“I’m still having problem with the button.”

“We are an all-volunteer organization and we don’t see every story.”

A Voice for Men is clearly not ready for its closeup.



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10 years ago

Or, for the 20-something Mammotheers, Akanishi Jin? If for whatever reason you want lots and lots of photos of a very pretty man’s ass, he’s your guy.

10 years ago

Richard Madden always tops my hot Scot list

10 years ago

Don’t have much to contribute to this conversation. My taste in men tends to run dark-haired, scruffy and Irish. My taste in women tends to run extremely badass and vaguely morally ambiguous. Did I mention I’m not much for sexual attraction? I think I can count the number of people I’ve been actually attracted to (as opposed to “oh you’re pretty”) on my fingers.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago
kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I think I can count the number of people I’ve been actually attracted to (as opposed to β€œoh you’re pretty”) on my fingers.


10 years ago

What’s funny about that portrait is that you could bring that man forward in a time machine and drop him in any Scottish town now and he’d blend right in.

10 years ago

Even the facial expression says “not that I’m going to say anything, yet, but I have my eye on you”.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

That reminds me in reverse of a young guy I saw years ago – not-quite-shoulder-length hair, clean shaven, softish features. He’d have fit perfectly into the Wars of the Roses period.

Did you ever go into St Giles High Kirk, cassandra? Montrose’s tomb is there. People still put flowers on it.

10 years ago

Nope, my parents already knew better than to take me into churches even when I was just a wee one.

10 years ago

Richard Madden does less than nothing for me. That may be an age / era thing. Can’t be because he’s a bit self-consciously smouldery and sulky – ‘cos I still like the looks of James Dean and others of that ilk from decades ago.

As for the LTR thing. I don’t get it. It’s mrmagnificent who’s attractive to me – not his looks, not his laugh, not his conversation, not his body shape, it’s the whole package. I don’t find other men attractive on the basis of whether they do or don’t look/ sound/ behave like him. Most men are clean shaven after all – and some of them who occasionally grow a beard look to me less attractive rather than more – and mr has always, always had a beard. Wildly luxuriant back in the wild-haired 60s street march days, neatly trimmed and controlled since he became a responsible civil servant father of growing children 20 years later. And I don’t recall ever once thinking that some man or other would be more attractive if he had a beard.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Nope, my parents already knew better than to take me into churches even when I was just a wee one.

Colour me surprised! πŸ˜€

I’ve been in there ::counts:: four, five times, probably, in three trips to Scotland. Montrose was Mum’s huge hero for years and the main reason we went to Scotland.

I’ll say this for the High Kirk, their coffee shop wasn’t bad and I bought the cutest. kitty. card. ever from their gift shop.

mildlymagnificent – yes, the whole package!

I think for me, it’s eye-catching to see a man in earth-flesh who has some resemblance to Mr K, because I can only see him in my mind’s eye, or in pictures. But it’s as disconcerting as it’s attractive, and there’s a slight, very slight squick to it, because they aren’t him. I chanced to sit on the train next to a young guy with very Mr K hair a while back, and it was more weird than enjoyable.

On the “he’d look good if” thing, I default to “I’d like to see X with long curls/small moustache/very small beard optional extra” because that’s always been the default of male beauty for me.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I’ve just seen pics of Alan Rickman as the Sheriff of Nottingham for the first time.






10 years ago

I mentioned to my bf how I liked Andy from Parks and Recreation (but not now he’s got all buff and hollywood) and the bf said, ‘I thought you would’ and I asked how he knew and he said ‘because he’s big and has a nice smile’.

So apparently it doesn’t take much to make me happy!
As everyone is so fascinated (/s) here are some of my crushes over the years:

Handy two4one

More handy two4one</a

Tom sohotIcan’tchooseapic Hardy

Yeah. Though from this demonstration it would appear ‘scruffs with beards’ also does it for me. Who knew!

10 years ago

@kittehserf, when Alan Rickman totally upstaged Kevin Kine in The January Man, I realised his attractive qualities πŸ™‚

10 years ago

All that and only one minor sacrifice to the blockquote mammoth! Colour me shocked!
And kittehserf, are you really saying you’ve never seen that awfulawesome Robin Hood film?! Double shocked! I you like that look michael wincott has it in various films

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I think I realised AR was sexy when I saw pics of him in Truly, Madly, Deeply (I never watched the film – the theme was a bit close to the bone, back then).

First thing I saw him in, I think, was The Barchester Chronicles, his breakthrough role. Far from sexy, or likeable, but damn, such fun watching him as the odious Mr Slope.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

daintydougal, LOL! The list of films I haven’t seen is realllly long – and that’s just “Hollywood/British/Australian” films. I’m not much of a film watcher, really, and neither Kevin Costner nor the Robin Hood story appealed to me (though I’ll grant Costner looked good during parts of Dances with Wolves).

10 years ago

We went to see the Robin Hood film after we’d heard that alan Rickman and Geraldine McEwan took the scriptwriter down the pub every night, got him drunk and then persuaded him to make rewrites. Pretty much every damn night. The reason why Kevin Costner spends most of the film looking like he hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing or saying? It’s ‘cos, from day to day, he hasn’t got a clue what he’s going to be doing or saying. I understand all the best lines come from those drunken re-write sessions.

Wanders away muttering “with a spoon”

10 years ago

I see. I used to do nothing but watch films. It’s comforting somehow, like reading a book you love and know. 90’s disaster films are the best. But I suppose if your interests lie before the invention of the camera it doesn’t mean as much!

10 years ago

Annnnnd now I have to watch Robin Hood. THANKS OBAM…TITIANBLUE!

10 years ago

Alan Rickman is really attractive.

And now, in this thread, I present a young Adrian Edmondson:

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

OMG I can just imagine Geraldine McEwan and Alan Rickman doing that!

Did you see them together in Barchester, titianblue? The face-offs between Mrs Proudie and Mr Slope are just the best.

daintydougal, I tend to watch lots of English police shows – Lewis, Morse, Dalziel and Pascoe and the like – and watch ’em repeatedly, more so now that 1) Mum can’t remember the episodes and 2) I’m knitting anyway, so I’m listening rather than watching.

Speaking of telly, we should be getting our series 1 ER dvd soon. Incredibly youthful George Clooney and Noah Wyle, yay!

pallygirl and I managed to put a few comments that belonged in this thread in the other thread, so I’m resposting my most important ones here:

Beautiful Englishman: George Harrison (that hair – SWOON)

His son Dhani‘s not half bad, either.

They’re pretty darn cute together, too.

10 years ago

Hot guy holding baby (human or otherwise) ramps up the hotness volume exponentially. Especially if it’s their own. D’awww

10 years ago

I think for me, it’s eye-catching to see a man in earth-flesh who has some resemblance to Mr K

Oh, oh, oh Kitteh I meant to tell you that I recently started working with someone who could very well be an earthside twin to Mr. K. While he wouldn’t normally be my type I sometimes catch myself thinking that damn he’s hot πŸ™‚

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Sam-I-Was?, it’s the power of lookin’ like a king at work! πŸ˜€