
The Tiny Kitten Comment on YouTube: My Explanation

Ok, this is a little embarrassing, but I would like to offer my explanation of this comment that was posted on my most recent video about Stefan Molyneux:

Screen Shot 2014-07-10 at Thu, [Jul 10], 14 3

Now, I admit this looks bad. It looks like I was trying to pretend to be an adorable tiny kitten posting a comment praising my video, and that I screwed up and posted it from the wrong account, revealing that it was actually me posting the comment and not a tiny kitten at all.

Well, nothing could be further from the truth. I was not pretending to be a tiny kitten. I am a tiny kitten. And I like watching my own videos more than I like playing with laser pointers. (But not more than playing with wand toys. I mean, those things are AMAZING.)

Ooh, what was that?


Do you guys SEE THIS??!

Oh, flew away.

Time to lick myself I guess.


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10 years ago

I love this. You totally kinda ruined lying in mum’s lap in front of the computer for me, what with her laughing and nearly shaking me off, but i really enjoyed this a lot more and want to bark and bark and bark in sheer joy. Being a little fluffy toy dog, I understand what it is like to be seen as nothing more than a harmless piece of fluff until I open my mouth and bark your ears off, and I also know what it is like to be king of the yard and chase away the postman. HOWEVER, despite all of this I feel like I have learned that chasing a laser pointer around can be really fun AS WELL. Thank you so much for posting this. Honestly, I feel like I want to combine these two pastimes, and chase a postman holding a laser pointer while barking my head off. THANKS SO MUCH FOR GIVING ME THIS IDEA.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Dvarg, LOL!

10 years ago

Hedgehogs for the win!

An aside, my sigoth and I have a new euphemism to describe our sinful exploits – a hedgehog eating a carrot from this video

10 years ago

Don’t hedgehogs eat worms and slugs and other squishy things? A carrot is pretty hardcore for a hedgehog!

Also I think it’s fairly obvious that this is actually a really real comment from an actual tiny kitten. Like, c’mon guys. Obviously David just moved the comment from elsewhere, to suggest otherwise just means you’re some kind of ideologogist.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

Adorable tiny kittens should write a greater percentage of YouTube comments. Then they wouldn’t be such a cesspool.

I kind of want to do this for a hobby now. Maybe I’ll have an account for a sweet little puppy, too. “Great video, very informative. Needed more squirrels, though.”

10 years ago

This is awesome. I love it!!!

The Chartreuse Vegan Capsule
The Chartreuse Vegan Capsule
10 years ago

I scrolled through the comments under Molyneux’s video where he posted that and I haven’t seen an explanation from him. Maybe he’s hoping by not saying anything everyone will just forget about it? I mean, deleting it would look bad and give him away even more.

The Chartreuse Vegan Capsule
The Chartreuse Vegan Capsule
10 years ago

“Ok, this is a little embarrassing, but I would like to offer my explanation of this comment that was posted on my most recent video about Stefan Molyneux:”

Just checked it out. Moly says, “We have this problem called violence and we’ve got science which says where it comes from, which is basically the first couple of years of a child’s life.”

Really? What “science” says that?

10 years ago

An aside, my sigoth and I have a new euphemism to describe our sinful exploits – a hedgehog eating a carrot from this video

Vagina dentata and spines?


emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Maybe he’s hoping by not saying anything everyone will just forget about it?

Funny. I have the same theory about you.

10 years ago

Funny. I have the same theory about you.

Seconded while snickering.

I’m pleased to say that 1) PZ Myers has a post up laughing at Stefail Molyneaux and 2) one of the commenters linked to this post. Kitties rule!