men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever MRA narcissism no girls allowed sockpuppeting Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux's Secret Life as a Hot Babe Who Loves Stefan Molyneux

In the comments section to philosopher-douchebag Stefan Molyneux’s review of Frozen, a self-described “attractive young woman” posts a review of his hour-long review that is so effusively positive that it almost sounds like it was posted by the man himself.

Oh, wait: he did post it himself.

Screen Shot 2014-07-10 at Thu, [Jul 10], 14 1

Can this be real? I mean, it is real; I just went and got the screenshot. But is it really possible that Mr. M tried to sockpuppet in the comments to his own video, posing as his own biggest fan? Or did some worshipful young hottie sneak onto his laptop when he wasn’t looking and post the comment? What kind of “philosopher” does that? Did Jean-Paul Sartre send love letters to himself? Did Kierkegaard leave gushing messages on his own answering machine?

I think we can safely say “no,” at least to the latter, given that Mr. K died in 1855.

But what the hell, Stefan? I eagerly await your two-hour video explaining this one.

Also, if you could explain why my cell phone keeps randomly beeping, that would be great too. It’s really annoying.

(Thanks to everyone who sent this to me.)

UPDATE: I figured out the problem with my cell phone! Oh, and I have also been told that Stef’s self-congratulatory comment was actually a repost of a comment from someone else. He wasn’t pretending to be a young hottie. He was posting a quote from a young hottie without indicating in any way that it was a quote from someone other than him. Good job! So I’ve changed “written” to “posted” in the text above.

Now, though, I’m wondering if that person also wrote the comment that Stef used to introduce his video:

Screen Shot 2014-07-10 at Thu, [Jul 10], 14 2

I mean, that has to be written by someone else, because what kind of arrogant douchenozzle would not only write about himself in the third person but also describe his own video as “must watch?” David Futrelle needs to know.


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10 years ago

RE: Sir Bodsworth Ruggleby III

tge result of my wife cuckolding me with alpha thug Mr Freeze.

Psh. Mr. Freeze COULDN’T have cuckolded you. Everyone knows that Mr. Freeze has blue balls.

…I’ll see myself out.

Sir Bodsworth Ruggleby III
Sir Bodsworth Ruggleby III
10 years ago

@ LBT – so he was lying when he said ‘a freeze is coming’ ?

I’ll never trust a terrible ice related pun again!

10 years ago

Sir Bodsworth, weren’t you tempted to kick Mr Freeze in the icehole?

I’ll get me coat.

10 years ago

RE: Sir Bodsworth Ruggleby III

@ LBT – so he was lying when he said ‘a freeze is coming’ ?


kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I am dying with all these ice puns here! XD

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago


Seeing what show this is from, it needs a content note — “do it like a Spanish game show”, with predictable casual racism, and cruelly to imaginary animals. Also, lots of really bad puns. Mostly about iceholes.

10 years ago

@LBT – are you sure we can blame it on Mr. Freeze’s blue balls? I thought any decent snowman’s wife would be fridgid! Maybe she wised up and gave them both the cold shoulder?

Don’t worry, Sir Bodsworth, I’m sure she’ll thaw, eventually! You’ve all already melted my heart.

Sir Bodsworth Ruggleby III
Sir Bodsworth Ruggleby III
10 years ago

You folks are cool!

10 years ago

RE: GrumpyOldNurse

Well, at first I thought were just trying to snow me with your wild hypothesicing, but I must conclude that considering her choice in men, she IS likely to be an ice queen…

10 years ago

Holy Moly obviously likes to roll play.

Alison Jones
10 years ago

I’ve been watching some of Stefan’s YouTube videos… the few that aren’t 3 or 4+ hours long… who does this guy think he is? Clearly he thinks he has such an abundance of ideas and so much to offer the world, that a 30 minute version of his point wouldn’t be enough time of hearing himself speak. Thankfully, most reasonable people seem to see right through his goofball claims, and the fact that he does post glowing praise of himself and his videos in plain sight in the comments section is just more proof of how goofball he is. Donate to Freedomain Radio? WHY?!?!? Does our world desperately need more of THIS? Smh and lol at the same time.

Robert Ramirez
Robert Ramirez
10 years ago

@ Alison Ummm, I think he is just some dudebro who likes to rant and has dudebro followers who are under the impression that he is profound. It’s a dudebro thing.

10 years ago

You guys are cracking me up.

10 years ago

“i really enjoyed this much more than the actual movie.”
There are very weird kinks in this world.
I tried watching, because, well, Frozen is currently the kids’ favourite movie and we cheer together when Hans gets it. I kind of wanted to know how he would spin that.
I made it through the first 5 minutes. He pulls a premise out of his ass (all magic always means madness because we know there is no magic) which we’re supposed to take on his word (who’d ask for some evidence when they got Stefan?) and then, well, then I just stopped and started to pick my nose.

10 years ago

@LBT If you keep going like that we are going to have to give you the cold shoulder. I know I hate the chilling effects on freeze peach, but Ice rtainly can’t stand to weather any more puns. It snow longer cool.

Still, if you continue with your blizzard of word play, we will have to take pun-itive measures.

Howard Bannister
Howard Bannister
10 years ago

I watched Frozen. It wasn’t all that… I liked it, but it didn’t bowl me over like, just for instance, Wreck-It Ralph. If you haven’t seen Wreck-It Ralph, do. Your life will be better for it. Trust me. (Alan Tudyk is in both movies, and I love that guy…)

But Frozen wasn’t an explicitly feminist film. It fell down in lots of places.

Just having seen it I don’t believe SM has anything real to say about it.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Yeah, Frozen looks pretty feminist compared to Disney’s other movies, and they were clearly aware of it since they invoked some of their classic tropes in order to misdirect the audience. But it’s not particularly feminist on its own, and if I’m being cynical, I think it’s handy that making a movie about sisters gives them not one but two new faces for their Princess brand.

Howard Bannister
Howard Bannister
10 years ago

…and the gals of Frozen are coming to your television this Fall, in the new season of Once Upon a Time!

10 years ago

The movie isn’t feminist, no, not in the sense that it advances a feminist worldview–but it’s a sign that feminism is winning at least some of the battles. It contains themes and portrayals that would’ve been impossible even ten years ago to see in a Disney film. Disney, like most mass media, will rarely do anything but reflect the current culture. So when you see a change for the better, you can know that your efforts are having an effect (which also explains why the conservative backlash against it has been so strong).

If you manage to make it through the review (I did the transcript–I can read much faster than most folks can talk, so it was less of a time-suck), you get to the best part–he completely misses the point of the “frozen heart”. He thinks they’re talking about Elsa’s heart, not Anna’s, despite the fact that all the dialogue clearly points directly to the fact that it’s Anna’s heart that got hit by the ice-blast.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Maybe he was too busy writing down his stupid comments to really follow the movie.

Howard Bannister
Howard Bannister
10 years ago

He thinks they’re talking about Elsa’s heart, not Anna’s, despite the fact that all the dialogue clearly points directly to the fact that it’s Anna’s heart that got hit by the ice-blast.

Now I’m smiling and I can’t stop.

10 years ago

While I am willing to grant that Molyneux didn’t write it, I’m not so willing to grant that it was honestly written.

First there is the strained verbiage to establish credibility (in the same way the opening of “penthouse letters” are strained). Second the twitter account is both sparse, and follows a number of people who seem to be attempting to use black argot, and missing the mark.

Third, when I ran a cursory check on the name, in the NY area, it came up almost blank. Ther was one linked-in hit to the Philly area (obviously not the same person) and one hit to an NYU Engineering school competition. The photo connected to that name, in that document doesn’t match the one in the twitter account.

I did get a hit to a dead instagram account.

When changing the search to remove New York, and include fashion I got an three image hits which linked to that same dead instagram account. All of them were icon sized photos, and had been created by someone else.

I suspect that someone’s slip is showing.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

OK, I bit and read through the linked transcript, too. Needed something to do while I’m sitting at the playpark.

In paragraph 2, I had my moment of revelation:

The story was inspired by “The Snow Queen,” by Hans Christian Andersen, but was altered to reflect a girl power theme, in which the heroine is rescued not by a man, but by a woman, her own sister.

I love this. He totally kinda ruined Hans Christian Anderson for me but I really enjoyed this a lot more than the actual story. And he really got me thinking about a lot. Being a thirty-four year old woman, I understand what it’s like to read a lot of fairy tales as you’re growing up and to your own kids. I also know what it’s like to “know the actual plot” of the “original” story. HELL I even know that in the Anderson story, the Snow Queen was a villain, not a tragic protagonist in need of saving. The real heroine was a little girl named Gerda, whose courage, love, and deep religious faith helped her to save her (male) best friend from the Queen’s clutches. HOWEVER, despite all this first-hand knowledge of the text, I feel like I have learned more lessons from everything that has happened in the actual story. Thanks to him, so much for posting this. Honestly I want to make a difference in the world, and I look to people like him to tell me that a story already has a female heroine has been altered for girl power, instead of secularized and Princessed-up. THANKS SO MUCH.

Howard Bannister
Howard Bannister
10 years ago

The real heroine was a little girl named Gerda, whose courage, love, and deep religious faith helped her to save her (male) best friend from the Queen’s clutches.

…but thank god feminists changed that so the male best friend spends equal time saving the girl. Now it’s a totally feminist story that really GRRL POWER, knowwhatImean?

10 years ago

Libertarians (and other kooks) ALWAYS sockpuppet and astroturf.

Anyone remember when youtube cracked down on sockpuppet accounts, and all these religious and right wing channels lost 90% of their supposed subscribers, because they came from some sockpuppet farm? I sure as hell do!

I LOVE how this egodouche pwn’d himself! Hopefully he’ll keep it up… I wonder if he’s on ED yet…