men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever MRA narcissism no girls allowed sockpuppeting Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux's Secret Life as a Hot Babe Who Loves Stefan Molyneux

In the comments section to philosopher-douchebag Stefan Molyneux’s review of Frozen, a self-described “attractive young woman” posts a review of his hour-long review that is so effusively positive that it almost sounds like it was posted by the man himself.

Oh, wait: he did post it himself.

Screen Shot 2014-07-10 at Thu, [Jul 10], 14 1

Can this be real? I mean, it is real; I just went and got the screenshot. But is it really possible that Mr. M tried to sockpuppet in the comments to his own video, posing as his own biggest fan? Or did some worshipful young hottie sneak onto his laptop when he wasn’t looking and post the comment? What kind of “philosopher” does that? Did Jean-Paul Sartre send love letters to himself? Did Kierkegaard leave gushing messages on his own answering machine?

I think we can safely say “no,” at least to the latter, given that Mr. K died in 1855.

But what the hell, Stefan? I eagerly await your two-hour video explaining this one.

Also, if you could explain why my cell phone keeps randomly beeping, that would be great too. It’s really annoying.

(Thanks to everyone who sent this to me.)

UPDATE: I figured out the problem with my cell phone! Oh, and I have also been told that Stef’s self-congratulatory comment was actually a repost of a comment from someone else. He wasn’t pretending to be a young hottie. He was posting a quote from a young hottie without indicating in any way that it was a quote from someone other than him. Good job! So I’ve changed “written” to “posted” in the text above.

Now, though, I’m wondering if that person also wrote the comment that Stef used to introduce his video:

Screen Shot 2014-07-10 at Thu, [Jul 10], 14 2

I mean, that has to be written by someone else, because what kind of arrogant douchenozzle would not only write about himself in the third person but also describe his own video as “must watch?” David Futrelle needs to know.


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10 years ago


10 years ago

How about now?

10 years ago

As for the OP, why does Molyneux care about a Disney movie in the first place?

I think he’s worried about the feminist/bourgeoisie hivemind programming the youth to keep men/proletariat oppressed.

He actually refers to the Duke of Weselton as a merchant (which he then treats as working class). My eyes rolled out of my head at that point.

10 years ago

I was curious enough to google LaJune McMillian; her Twitter is particularly fake looking:
All the other accounts are also dubious, I mean wouldn’t an artist use social media a bit more? I call bullshit on the whole thing, unless someone provides actual evidence, like how about a link to her original comment?

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Breadandrosesblogger, “stupid” is fine! As are words like “wackiness”, “WTFness”, and my personal favorite, “tinfoil haberdashery”.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Flipper, IDK, I see plenty of people who only use their social media accounts to post inane personal updates and ~inspirational~ quotes. And the fact that she has multiple photos seems like too much work for a fake account. It’s possible she’s just a real person with poor taste in film criticism.

10 years ago

Off topic: Another dude who thinks feminism is on this earth to get men laid.

10 years ago


I’ve seen several of the atrocious 4chan hoaxes and LM’s sparse twitter is nothing like those, but it does seem a bit fakey. The following and followers lists have the exact same 10 people on them, in the same order. The tweets have almost no content. There is so much fakery on twitter and tumbler as well, though I have no idea why people put all this effort into these sort of things.

::shakes cane, yells at kids on lawn::

10 years ago

Aw, damn, sorry if I swamped you, David. Didn’t know other folks had sent it your way. And I’m still absolutely A-OK with mocking the dude for badly reposting some gushing comment given him a month ago just to keep padding out his comments section.

RE: sadie6

His review is ridiculous, at one point he says olaf the snowman is a symbol for friendzoned beta males.

Oh, misogynists. You silly billies!

10 years ago


The article and many of the comments do solid job mocking that article, and Esquire can never be mocked enough quite honestly. It’s begging for it.

Haley Clayton
Haley Clayton
10 years ago

MY SIDES! When I read “Being a young attractive women” my guffaw could be heard throughout the apartment complex. Pure gold. I am dying!

Ian Lippert
Ian Lippert
10 years ago

If you don’t have the time to watch this one, his maleficent review is only a half hour and has him making amazing analogies like comparing the cutting of maleficents wings to the mastectomy of Angelina Jolie. It’s just batshit crazy, good if you want to point and laugh at the latest MRA guru.

Sir Bodsworth Ruggleby III
Sir Bodsworth Ruggleby III
10 years ago

Speaking as an extreme gorgeous beta snowman, I thought that Molybdenum was right on the money. When I paternity tested my snow children, I discovered that my ‘son’ was actually tge result of my wife cuckolding me with alpha thug Mr Freeze.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

“Duke”…”merchant”…”working class”…

Can someone on ISS keep a look out for my eyeballs? I think they launched into orbit at about your level.

10 years ago

So…he thinks women use our boobs to fly with now?

(Sadly I get what he was probably trying to say and ugh, I didn’t think it was possible for me to be any more disgusted with him, but it appears that this barrel has no bottom.)

10 years ago

I don’t know about you, but I use my boobs to fly. They pin-wheel in front of me like helicopter blades. Whirrrr whirrr.

friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago

There is less of the gal than there is of the Gallic in this comment, Horatio.

cinzia la strega
cinzia la strega
10 years ago

Remember when Matt Forney was writing glowing book reviews for himself under his own alias Ferdinand Bardemu (or was it the other way ’round)?

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Jesus Christ, Ian, we covered the “c” word a mere ten comments before yours!

10 years ago

I don’t know about you, but I use my boobs to fly. They pin-wheel in front of me like helicopter blades. Whirrrr whirrr.

This is going to make me chortle for the rest of the day. Whirr whirr.

10 years ago

Bet he’s going to say someone hacked him and posted as a girl to make him look like he’s trying to sockpuppet and failing.

But this would explain a lot of the supposedly female commenters who totally believe in the MRA/PUA stuff.

Reality Check
Reality Check
10 years ago

He reposts peoples comments to him anonymously ALL the time… talk about reaching.

10 years ago

I use my helicopter boobs to do aerial reconnaissance for the Feminist High Council.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

He also has a history of sockpuppeting (badly). And if he reposts other people’s comments without attribution, he can’t complain when someone mistakes it for his own work. Also, that’s a shitty thing to do to people.

Robert Ramirez
Robert Ramirez
10 years ago

If it is a repost I want to see the source. Bet it was accidentally deleted.