In the comments section to philosopher-douchebag Stefan Molyneux’s review of Frozen, a self-described “attractive young woman” posts a review of his hour-long review that is so effusively positive that it almost sounds like it was posted by the man himself.
Oh, wait: he did post it himself.
Can this be real? I mean, it is real; I just went and got the screenshot. But is it really possible that Mr. M tried to sockpuppet in the comments to his own video, posing as his own biggest fan? Or did some worshipful young hottie sneak onto his laptop when he wasn’t looking and post the comment? What kind of “philosopher” does that? Did Jean-Paul Sartre send love letters to himself? Did Kierkegaard leave gushing messages on his own answering machine?
I think we can safely say “no,” at least to the latter, given that Mr. K died in 1855.
But what the hell, Stefan? I eagerly await your two-hour video explaining this one.
Also, if you could explain why my cell phone keeps randomly beeping, that would be great too. It’s really annoying.
(Thanks to everyone who sent this to me.)
UPDATE: I figured out the problem with my cell phone! Oh, and I have also been told that Stef’s self-congratulatory comment was actually a repost of a comment from someone else. He wasn’t pretending to be a young hottie. He was posting a quote from a young hottie without indicating in any way that it was a quote from someone other than him. Good job! So I’ve changed “written” to “posted” in the text above.
Now, though, I’m wondering if that person also wrote the comment that Stef used to introduce his video:
I mean, that has to be written by someone else, because what kind of arrogant douchenozzle would not only write about himself in the third person but also describe his own video as “must watch?” David Futrelle needs to know.
His Google+ account is difficult to navigate because he seems to repost his videos with selected comments over and over again. All of the comments sound just as ridiculous as this one. Hard to say if they’re coming from socks or not, though. MRAs kind of prove that actual people can buy into the stinkiest bullshit.
Wait, am I not allowed to reject snowmen now? I’m not seeing how I would un-friendzone them, given that if we tried to get busy they would melt.
As much as is review is ridiculous, you can find a screenshot of the comment (, and this seems to be a real person, not a troll or someone posing as someone else. Sorry to derail the conversation, but I believe having our facts straight is the best way not to be criticised as throwing baseless accusations.
Afrederique, your link is either wrong or you realized your mistake and removed it. Zoinks!
^ You beat me to it. I was going to point out that the comment in question was made by someone else but it was actually buried in the YouTube comments section. However, in defense of everyone who thought Molyneux made the remark himself, he sure didn’t differentiate this from his own words by using, well, quotation marks, italics, bolding or really anything that would tip people off that those were not his words. He’s still an idiot who’s engaged in shameless self-promotion over an incredibly shitty analysis of Frozen — one that is probably only second in terms of craziness to Pastor Kevin Swason’s view that it promotes the “homosexual agenda” and will turn kids gay.
That’s the best joke I could come up with about the length of this… thing. Honestly I can’t believe anyone could watch Molyneux’s piss poor close reading of Frozen for a whole freaking hour. When I googled this stupid video I found a message board with an interminable post by Molyneux, presumably the video’s transcript, and a bunch of breathless super fans raving about it.“frozen”-by-stefan-molyneux/
In my heart of hearts I know these are real people rather than an army of sock-puppets, but why are people watching these things? Why are they doing this to themselves? WHY?
AFrederique, when I click that link I get a llama in a top hat and a “content not found” error.
Try this link:
Thanks breadandrosesblogger, that’s the link I was trying to copy/paste, no idea why it didn’t worked. And I agree completely with CassandraKitty, this guy opinions on “attractive women with high self-esteem” almost seems to border a quite creepy resentment, which makes the apparent size of his fanbase an uncomfortable fact for me.
I seen the screenshot and it doesn’t seem very real to me, could be wrong though.
When I first saw this, I almost burst out laughing, but unfortunately:
It appears to be a re-post of a month-old comment from Lajune Mcmillian. Her account is almost three years old (Oct. 14, 2011) and has uploaded seven short videos for animation classes and plenty of activity, nothing to do with Molyneux.
We can speculate that Mcmillian’s account was hacked, but…
It doesn’t make Molyneux any less reprehensible.
It’s creepier because the audience for Frozen was children. What is he doing, trying to groom some 8 year olds to be his future wives?
Oh, AFrederique already commented about it. ~.~
Well, I used my own screenshot, if you don’t trust theirs.
@brooked, thanks for the link, I tried reading the transcript but gave up when he announced that a) anything that isn’t physically real is irrational and b) magic in stories is *always* a metaphor for madness. The arglebargle is strong with this one. Unfortunately, his critical thinking and ability to cite is weak.
Are the misters deliberately acting up because they know David is supposed to be on semi-vacation?
I wouldn’t be that surprised if his end goal was indeed to establish a libertarian harem with him at the center. Because let’s be honest here, a single mother is obviously inherently abusive, as is a women dating an asshole, even if she doesn’t perceive her partner as such. And because every non-Molyneux male is by definition an asshole that perpetuate the evil on this planet, the conclusion seems to be obvious.
*mod hat on* Breadandrosesblogger, would you mind not using “crazy” in a pejorative way? Thanks. *mod hat off*
I began to skim it in search of amusing quotes but had to tap out after few paragraphs, due to extreme boredom. His breathless fans should check out actual film criticism, if they’re impressed by this crap something like Film Quarterly would blow their minds.
Would “stupid” suffice?
Ye gods, I was worried. But yes, it is… difficult to understand how anyone could listen to him for that long. What gives me comfort is that freaking Frozen is his, apparently, all-time most affecting film. I’m all for analyzing children’s films, but if he truly believes that none are more complex than Frozen, this is fourth-grade discourse at best.
Is the link still up?
I can’t imagine anyone being such a brilliant media critic that it would be worth watching a 1-hour movie review. Anyone good at communicating knows how to be concise and there is simply a limit to how much non-redundant material there is to say about a movie. Generally I think 15 minutes tops for a movie review before it’s likely to have some padding.
1 hour?
That’s not a review. It’s a sermon.
Breadandrosesblogger — not a mod, but stupid is, with MRAs, a good go to word in general.
As for the OP, why does Molyneux care about a Disney movie in the first place? And why this one when Disney has plenty of ones adults have actually seen? Go critique one old enough that its target audience is now old enough to read your review >.<
Okay, I tried scanning the transcript again. The reason it’s so long is that he apparently decided to deconstruct the entire movie scene by scene. [b]The entire movie[/b]. He goes through the song [i]Let it Go [/i]almost line by line.
I really regret the five minutes I spent scanning that sucker. I can’t imagine actually watching the video!
On the plus side, I finally downloaded the text formatting toolbar! (hope I used it correctly).