a woman is always to blame are these guys 12 years old? evil moms evo psych arglebargle men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit shit that never happened

Men's Rights Redditors: Don't help kids in distress, because a "hambeast" might accuse you of molesting her "crotchdumpling."

I‘ve been so busy with all the shenanigans surrounding AVFM and their little conference that I’m afraid I’ve been neglecting the good old Men’s Rights subreddit. Don’t feel bad, Men’s Rights subreddit, for today I took a few moments out of my hard-core semi-vacationing to pay you a little visit!

While there, I noticed the regulars discussing a terrible quandary that faces all modern men: “As a man, would you help a child in distress?”

Here are some of the answers that got upvoted:

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Yep. Upvotes for a fellow who says he let a three-year-old boy literally fall out of a shopping cart and smash his head open because, oh no, some hypothetical hysterical mother might have accused him of  child molestation.

The details of his story make so little sense I can only assume he’s making the story up — if he was walking past the bakery, how could he have been close enough to “reflexively grab” a child in a shopping cart inside the bakery?

I’m not sure which is worse, the thought that this guy actually let a kid fall and smash his head, or the thought that he made up a story about doing so in order to gain some internet points from MRAs. (Well, the former, obviously, but either way this is a mortifying spectacle.)

But not everyone got upvotes. Here’s a comment that got thumbs down from the Men’s Rightsers  — along with a heavily upvoted reply:

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Human Rights: You’re doing it wrong.

Thanks to r/AMR for pointing me to this lovely thread.

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Ann Somerville
10 years ago

“I’m glad he made the statement.”

And he even invited victims to do it in private if they wanted. He really thought about how it could help people. Good man.

10 years ago

Yes, the invitation to victims was the best of it! Makes me feel kinder to Mr Sunday Trading after all these years.

Ken L.
10 years ago


you see that’s my point you can’t expect in someway not to be in a situation where you might interact with someone when your in a public area. When anyone uses a public area they enter into a social contract stating that there maybe at some point basic human interaction. They have a right to respect as a human being ( meaning they show not be harassed, feel relatively safe and be allowed to go about their business.) and they can send signal that they don”t want to interact with people, but they can not expect the same amount of total difference to their objectives as they would in a private area. ultimately if a person does not say thank you (they are not obligated to do so) for whatever common nicety they were extended, they maybe thought of as a jerk but so what if someone thinks your a jerk? I am sure a million people I had a couple second interaction with thought I was a jerk for whatever reason.

10 years ago

Argenti, on the helicopter parent complaint; I think it’s kind of both. I’ve heard it used in what I feel to be legitimate complaints (like a college professor complaining about a parent trying to fix a student’s grade or other situation wherein the child is ostensibly an adult and should be handling such matters w/o parental involvement). I’ve also heard it levied at parents (usually mothers) for simply trying to do their best in the whole parenting thing.

10 years ago

Hey, Ken, part of the social contract on this blog is the agreement that we will use capitalization as appropriate so that reading our comments doesn’t give other people headaches.

What, aren’t you going to thank me for pointing that out?

10 years ago

I don’t need gratitude as a payment for minor niceties. I don’t need gratitude as a payment grand gestures either. I enjoy being polite and I enjoy being generous, when I have the opportunity. The capacity for gratitude, like the capacity for compassion, empathy and generosity, makes you a better person and improves your life. (Yes, I’ve been drinking and when I do I become a maudlin sap.)

If your resentful because people don’t kiss your ass thank you for being polite, you’re a being petty.

10 years ago

And, to close the circle, if someone thinks I’m being a jerk because I didn’t profusely thank them for something like holding a door (a thing I’d automatically do for anyone coming through the door behind me without even thinking about it), then hey, whatever, petulant stranger.

10 years ago

From friends who teach in trade school: helicopter parent is 23 yo student’s mother calling in to apologize for son being late for class again because she forgot to set her alarm clock, and didn’t wake him up in time.

Ken L.
10 years ago

Thank you Cassandrakitty.

The Chartreuse Vegan Capsule
The Chartreuse Vegan Capsule
10 years ago

“Men’s Rights Redditors: Don’t help kids in distress, because a “hambeast” might accuse you of molesting her “crotchdumpling.”

The men on Dalrock’s blog argued that when and if the hundreds of kidnapped school girls in Nigeria are rescued, presumably by older white western men, that the “fitting reward” would be that those girls be given to their rescuers as wives and daughters!!!!

The Chartreuse Vegan Capsule
The Chartreuse Vegan Capsule
10 years ago

“The Australian op ed piece was so annoying because it put a random man’s freedom to what ever he pleases, where ever he pleases above a mother’s desire for a child to be safe in a space designed specifically for them, and then painted her as a hysterical creep-shamer to boot. Several commentators cried about how unfair it all was since that man’s tax dollars paid for that park. Get over yourselves dudes.”

Why would an adult not in the company of a child want to go to a childrens’ playground in the first place?

I can understand if its a parent who lost a child and they are going there to remember their child or something, but other than that, who are these grown men desirous of hanging out in childrens’ playgrounds when they are not taking a child there to play?

10 years ago

Meh, creep-shaming is not shameful. Creeps need to stop being creeps.

10 years ago

*reading comments*

… the thing that stuck with me is that I hate it when some random douchebag I don’t know tells me to smile. You’re not Mister Rodgers, asshole, nor are you my friend, go away >.<

10 years ago

RE: Kittehs

LBT, some douche calling himself bittersteel turned up a couple of days ago and was so VILE!!! that he got modded.

Uuuuugh, don’t tell me Blog Herpes is back AGAIN. Get a life, dude!

Ally S
10 years ago

Speaking being told to smile:

When I was heading to Dyke March with my friends, a man on the street looked at us and said “None of you ladies are getting past me without a smile.” We all just strongly glared at him and walked by without a word.

10 years ago

Ally S:

Speaking being told to smile:

When I was heading to Dyke March with my friends, a man on the street looked at us and said “None of you ladies are getting past me without a smile.” We all just strongly glared at him and walked by without a word.

This is awesome and delights me to no end.

10 years ago

@Lea, that was a really good apology. Thank you for posting it. That, right there, is what I like most about the community here. We can do wrong stuff, and be called out on it, and not go down in a flame war.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Wow. My nephew fixed my computer yesterday, so I’m back reading, and I am now as depressed as all get-out.

I have no words for this. Nope. Just nope.

Gonna go Sim now.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Michelle, hugs. You still online?

10 years ago

His body his choice. His body doesn’t want to be in jail. Therefore he doesn’t help out the kids. Why should he? So he can be falsely accused?

Why should men hold doors for anybody? Someone got offended once because I held the door open for her. I told her that I hold the door open for everyone, and not to worry that I was hitting on her because I didn’t think she was pretty anyways. That shocked her. She thought I was going to validate her wittle ego and wun after her, but why should I? After that, I just open doors for other men. I don’t hold it open for women because it might validate their egos and make them think that someone wants them.

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Apep — he should at least alert someone that there’s kid in danger. And you hold doors to be polite. Simple really.

The Chartreuse Vegan Capsule — because they enjoy goofing off on the swings and such?

10 years ago

I hold doors because it’s common courtesy. I appreciate people holding doors for me so it’s what I give.

Seen as false accusations are very infrequent and the overwhelming majority of them never go anywhere beyond hurting the feelings of the person being lied about, and what with me being a sucker for the well-being of other humans, yeah, I’d expect everyone to take that risk (it’s a very, very small risk and the most probable outcome if it did happen is “Hey! I didn’t do that!”) and help a kid out.

In order to support their persecution narrative though MRAs need to promote the mythology that a) bitches be lying, b) when they do so they’re taken seriously and men are denied due process.

10 years ago

Apep has made it clear in one short lazy post that he’s a smug trolling pissant with nothing to contribute. I encourage Apep to crawl into the saddest part of the manosphere, because that’s the perfect place to rage against straw feminists and cartoonish female villainy, while celebrating your lack of humanity and vast ignorance.

He should be banned because he isn’t worth interacting with.

10 years ago

He’s a boring one.

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