a woman is always to blame are these guys 12 years old? evil moms evo psych arglebargle men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit shit that never happened

Men's Rights Redditors: Don't help kids in distress, because a "hambeast" might accuse you of molesting her "crotchdumpling."

I‘ve been so busy with all the shenanigans surrounding AVFM and their little conference that I’m afraid I’ve been neglecting the good old Men’s Rights subreddit. Don’t feel bad, Men’s Rights subreddit, for today I took a few moments out of my hard-core semi-vacationing to pay you a little visit!

While there, I noticed the regulars discussing a terrible quandary that faces all modern men: “As a man, would you help a child in distress?”

Here are some of the answers that got upvoted:

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Yep. Upvotes for a fellow who says he let a three-year-old boy literally fall out of a shopping cart and smash his head open because, oh no, some hypothetical hysterical mother might have accused him of  child molestation.

The details of his story make so little sense I can only assume he’s making the story up — if he was walking past the bakery, how could he have been close enough to “reflexively grab” a child in a shopping cart inside the bakery?

I’m not sure which is worse, the thought that this guy actually let a kid fall and smash his head, or the thought that he made up a story about doing so in order to gain some internet points from MRAs. (Well, the former, obviously, but either way this is a mortifying spectacle.)

But not everyone got upvotes. Here’s a comment that got thumbs down from the Men’s Rightsers  — along with a heavily upvoted reply:

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Human Rights: You’re doing it wrong.

Thanks to r/AMR for pointing me to this lovely thread.

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10 years ago

MRA fear (however delusive it is) tastes almost as good as man tears.

10 years ago

I bet you the half a packet of chocolate digestives I am currently scoffing that all these men whining about how you should never talk to or call the police are white.

What the hell do these whiney white dudes have to fear from the police?

Here in the UK and it seems in the US as well, it’s young black and asian men that are actually at risk from the police. They are ones that (in the US) get shot by them, and I have no doubt that if carrying guns was the norm for police in the UK lots of young black and asian men would be shot here.

Hyena Girl
10 years ago

Crotchdumplings… worst soup ever.

I don’t get his insistence to never call the police. I mean, it’s just a minimum level of civic duty when you see someone getting hurt. Not getting involved, sure, random people aren’t really required to but the “walk away and don’t call the police” just comes across as callous.

10 years ago

This sort of reminds me of an acquaintance of mine who claims that he no longer holds doors open for women because they complain that it is creepy and offensive, or something. Now he is afraid holding doors will somehow escalate to false rape accusations.

10 years ago

So “rampaging” is MR-ese for talking or walking while female?

10 years ago

Taking time away from their busy days of misogyny to be good, old-fashioned misanthropes instead. Nice.

Jarred H
10 years ago


This sort of reminds me of an acquaintance of mine who claims that he no longer holds doors open for women because they complain that it is creepy and offensive, or something.

Where are these legendary women who get offended over someone holding a door for them? I keep hearing about hem, yet have never met one.

10 years ago

Making no excuses for these monsters, but presumably if Mr. Darklight’s story at all resembles something that actually happened, it was in the bakery section of a supermarket. In my experience at least, standalone bakeries don’t have shopping carts.

10 years ago

JarredH, me too! I actually dated a guy for a bit who made this claim. I dunno, I always say a polite “thank you”. :S

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

The details of his story make so little sense I can only assume he’s making the story up — if he was walking past the bakery, how could he have been close enough to “reflexively grab” a child in a shopping cart inside the bakery?

Possibly he means the bakery section of the supermarket? That’s how I read it.

10 years ago

Yeah, I’m sure the dude who calls children “crotchdumplings” would be really concerned about helping kids out if only he weren’t so afraid someone would call the cops.

10 years ago
Reply to  Hyena Girl

Exactly – if you call the emergency line and say “Hello, I’d like to report a lost-looking child wandering around at X address”, you are under no obligation to give your name or any details about yourself. You can just hang up if you want.

10 years ago

Oh my goodness, those rules.

I find those particularly funny coming from a crowd that says that women who worry about the (very real) fear of rape/street harassment/other female-target crimes are just playing the victim and being dramatic. Apparently constant paranoia about police and walking away from children drowning is just common sense, though.

10 years ago

And why on earth would rule number 4 be a thing? Why not tell a sexual partner you have had a vasectomy? Talking about the measures one takes for birth control has always been something I do with my sexual partners.

10 years ago

In the survival list, #11 males aren’t to talk to the police ever, under any circumstances. Ever.

What do male police officers do?

Or male EMTs?

Or male fire fighters?

Or male lawyers?

Etc, etc, etc…

10 years ago

Boycotting acts of human decency: such brave and wondrous men.

10 years ago

Yeah, it’s not as if telling them you’ve had the vasectomy magically makes them able to impregnate themselves, so what’s the point in not telling them?

10 years ago


Maybe in a magical world where all women are out to spermjack and trap men in false paternity, it’s like the ultimate trump card?

As in:
*twirls mustache* Mwa ha ha, but I have had a secret vasectomy that I didn’t tell you about so I could reveal it dramatically in the event that I was trapped in a situation just such as this! Touché, m’lady, and good day!

Jarred H
10 years ago

@WatermelonSugar I’m guessing that if you believe you live in a world where the only reason any woman ever has sex with a man is to spermjack him or otherwise trick him into giving her a reason to collect child support, it makes a weird sort of sense to not tell your partner you’ve permanently foiled her dastardly plans After all, if she knew, what other reason would she have to keep having sex with you?

And I’m again reminded what a horribly depressing world these men believe they live in.

Ally S
10 years ago

Soooo on the one hand, they emphasize the absolute importance of fathers being involved in their children’s lives no matter how abusive said fathers are. And on the other hand, they think it’s okay for men to literally ignore a woman being assaulted on the street and a child about to drown. How are they not the abusive father’s lobby again?

And no, I’m not going to buy the argument that a father who is abusive towards children and women and girls he doesn’t know won’t be abusive towards his own children and the women and girls in his life.

10 years ago

@Jarred H

Haha, great minds think alike!

10 years ago


#4 is advocating lying by letting women who are interested in having a child believe you are still capable of fathering one. Sex under false pretenses is pretty much stock-in-trade for these asshats.

On women and doors: I routinely hold doors for women, and I never encounter that attitude. Of course, I never also try to turn it into a pick-up line, or otherwise attempt to portray it as anything other than a common courtesy, which I also routinely perform for men (it’s my feeling that the door should be held by whoever gets there first, if you’re both going the same way, or by whoever is ‘outside’ [ie, in the area with the most free space, usually the direction the door goes] if you are crossing paths). Bogus ‘chivalry’ that is being used as a means of trying to make a woman feel indebted to you in order to get her to keep talking to you (and letting you make your pitch) is a pretty bog-standard technique for men who believe women should lack agency.

10 years ago

“I would quite happily let a child die to save my own ass from a threat that may not even exist. You’re going to give me full custody now that you know this, right?”

10 years ago

Human rights for men and boys. Except if the boys are drowning or being kidnapped. Then fuck ’em.

10 years ago

You keep your vasectomy secret so you’re in prime “gotcha!” position when your hypothetical partner attempts paternity fraud. Duh.

Ugh. That line of thinking made my head hurt.

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