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Debate: Matt Binder of the Majority Report vs. Paul Elam of A Voice for Paul Elam

So there’s a LIVE debate tonight between Matt Binder of the Majority Report with Sam Seder and a fellow you may have heard of by the name of Paul Elam. Since Elam evidently refused to debate on the Majority Report — for some reason he doesn’t like to debate people when he doesn’t control the venue — Matt Binder agreed to debate on A Voice for Men, with Dean Esmay as the, ahem, neutral moderator. It’s at 6 PM Eastern.

I expect some shenanigans.

Here’s the video that inspired Elam’s debate challenge:

Here’s Matt’s video accepting the challenge:

Check out Matt’s other videos on Men’s Rightsers and our dear friend Stefan Molyneux.

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Abacus Toms
Abacus Toms
10 years ago

Why would Paul admit that the ucsb shooter sounded like an MRA, Matt?

I can’t watch this.

10 years ago

Binder compares similar statements from Rodger and Molyneux. Elam laughs. Binder points out that Rodger killed people. Elam has been talking for much of Binder’s time.

10 years ago

Binder points out that both quotes (Molyneux and Rodger) are clearly from people who hate women.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

It was a great gotcha. Elam was caught with his pants down.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Elam is reading off a list of their token women.

10 years ago

Now back to Paul. Elam is talking about the honey badgers now. Lists women who’ve published on site, or have endorsed them, or spoke at the conference. Including the homophobic Senator Cools. Claims none of them want to roll back women’s autonomy, even though of course GWW is on the fence about whether women’s suffrage is a good thing. Is it possible these women would join ranks with men who hate them? (Ha ha, yes.) Calls Binder stupid. Criticism of women isn’t misogyny! Binder is a fascist, fascistly restricting free thought. Binder’s video is fascism.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

HA! He accused Binder of Fascism.

10 years ago


Thanks! This is a moderated space with a good crew of regulars and the poster I was addressing, Phoenician, seems reasonable, so I was willing to give it a go. I’d sooner gargle with Drano than discuss this on, say, Reddit, because I’ve had free for all “discussions” about objectification and they were all joyless and pointless wastes of time. I refuse to discuss it with trolls, it’s one of those topics that makes my blood pressure shoot up if people are being an disingenuous assholes about it.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Binder: I might need proof that these women aren’t Stefan Molyneux impersonating them. LOL

10 years ago

Matt: I can give you a list of men who support feminism. No point. Wonders if Stefan Molyneux is impersonating women. Fascism because of my video not approving of the conference? Here are some quotes from these women and men at this conference.

* the prison rape joke and audience laughter
* Kay: raped women are just expressing buyer’s remorse (audience laughter)
* you yourself Paul, joking about raping a male feminist (PZ Myers)
* Farrell: women commit date fraud

Lady Rainicorn
Lady Rainicorn
10 years ago


10 years ago

I once attempted to discuss this on Jezebel, with the dudes who wander over there from the other Gawker sites. That was not a smart decision on my part.

10 years ago

Matt: IF these are serious issues, why joke? I don’t make jokes about rape, including prison rape. I take rape of men and women very seriously. Claiming my video is fascism? Okay, I guess I’m a fascist.

10 years ago

Thanks everyone who is summarizing. Sounds like Binder did his homework.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Elam is defending “Bash a Violent Bitch Month” but Matt didn’t mention that, did he?

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

OMG, Elam is claiming that AVFM never said there were death threats. He’s pawning it off on the DoubleTree.

10 years ago

WOW. Okay, I didn’t think he could get any worse. He did. Pauly’s trying to spin that the father talking about his fears of his son being raped was simply joking and that nobody in the audience was seriously laughing at the idea.

Scumbag. That’s about all I can say about him. Scumbag.

10 years ago

Paul: Fred Jones speaking about his son getting raped in prison; he’s a father talking about his son. No one thought the potential of his son being raped was funny. Some people laughed at the discomfort about discussing the story. You are ridiculous. Bash a violent bitch month — I said it was satire when I wrote it. Jezebel! That article is still there for people to see. (Unlike the one’s he’s scrubbed.) You tried to make satire look like promoting violence. You are a disgraceful liar. You allege that AVfM claimed there were death threats. The Hilton claimed that. We never claimed that. Feminist ideologues don’t understand that there is some common ground on rape and IPV. If we don’t get past this base juvenile demonization of people… (Pot calls kettle black.) Whole Rodger thing is you painting the blood of innocent victims on people. We want evidence-based solutions.

10 years ago

Matt: Don’t see how quoting you makes me a liar. You surely failed at satire. Take some comedy classes? Not sure you want to talk about real issues actually. I think there are some legitimate issues, but a lot of them are feminist in nature. I think your movement is a joke. I think it has failed you. I want to talk about the real issues.

A practice that specifically targets people walking down the street. Mostly men, MOSTLY black. Stop and frisk. 90% were totally innocent. I looked on MRA web sites. I saw nothing about this. This practice targets 100s of thousands of males. Nothing. ACLU is going after this. ACLU is doing more for men’s rights, but they get attacked by MRAs for being feminist. ACLU fights for everyone. And they are feminists. They’re leading the way in changing this practice, and it’s getting better.

Why aren’t A Voice for Men talking about this issue that tramples your rights? Nothing but silence.

10 years ago

“False rape allegations don’t have anything to do with rape”


10 years ago

Paul: You’re not looking hard enough. You only notice when we make mistakes. Our facts page references things like primary aggressor laws, disproportionately affect minority men. More minority men in prisons. We’ve addressed this long and hard. We are not the group of white guys you try to portray us as. You don’t know what you’re talking about in therms of the makeup of our community. We raised money for Calvin Mann’s mentoring organization. You mock MGM, false rape allegations. Those happen to minority men. Binder implies that if you express concern about due process that makes you a rapist. You just want men to shut up about their pain. Feminism only approves of men who put women first and ridicule the masculinity of men who fail to comply. Man up and give women whatever they want. This is the face of feminism, corrupt feminist academicians. Preaching elitism and hate and chivalry to protect them from the backlash they rightly generate.

10 years ago

Esmay doesn’t seem to remember the rules.

Abacus Toms
Abacus Toms
10 years ago

Matt is a lot more prepared than I thought he would be.

10 years ago

Binder is doing very well. Elam looks pretty unhinged. Binder is convincing and affable.

10 years ago

Matt: 85% of victims of domestic violence are women. More women experience rape or attempted sexual assault. Your random examples of what happened to men. Women commit suicide. Women go to jail. Women have mental illness. Not a men’s issue. This is like the religious right’s War on Christmas: they can always find examples they can spin to be a war on Christmas. There’s not a war on Christmas, no matter how many random examples you throw out. Men aren’t oppressed for being men. It doesn’t make sense. I’m glad something is being done about men in prison. All I see is you attacking feminists. July of last year: article on CA hunger strikers in prison. Glad you talked about this. Almost no comments. Two days later, a heartfelt story attacking feminists for seeking reform for a women’s prison. 5 times the comments, attacking feminists and women. You should have focused on these men. I never see MRAs take a public stand for these men. Why when I go to protests, anti-war protests for example, why do I see progressive feminists there?