men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA whores

Dean Esmay's Secret Plan to Fight Sexism by Calling Everyone a Whore

Let’s say that you’re the “Managing Editor” of a website known far and wide for calling women “whores,” as well as an assortment of other 4- and 5-letter words generally considered crude sexist slurs. Let’s just say that you had a convention, and that during this convention your official spokeswoman went on a bit of a name calling rampage on Twitter, repeatedly attacking a woman who had tried to report on said convention as an “attention whore,” a “fame whore,” and a “little whore,” and offering similar “whore”-based assessments to other critics of the site.

And let’s just say that despite all this you also had a desire to convince the world that your site was not actually the misogynistic cesspit that it so obviously is. Would you:

1) Apologize for using the words “whore” and “bitch” and “c*nt” and other similar sexist epithets against women.

2) In your capacity as editor, quietly remove the word “whore” (and “bitch” and “c*nt”) from future postings on the site, and tell your PR maven to maybe come up with a less misogynistic insult of choice.

3) Start calling men whores so that no one can accuse you of hating women because, see we use “whore” to refer to men too!

The answer, of course, is 3 — at least if you’re Dean Esmay, “Managing Editor” of A Voice for Men. In a recent comment thread on AVFM, he declared:

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CONFIDENTIAL TO D— E—-: No one is buying your bullshit. Also, if you want to try to convince the world that you’re a Friend of Sex Workers, you should probably stop using the word “whore” as an insult for women or men.


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10 years ago

Kid, you’re getting over your head here. You can keep claiming that asking a girl out for coffee can get you expelled, but no one here is stupid enough to believe that.
In fact, based on the tizzy you’re working yourself into, I’m going to suggest you stay away from caffeine for the next 48 hours.

Your just a misogynist, we got it. Your posts are ridulous and paranoid. You’re co-opting women and minority issues to put yourself at the center of the universe. Put the coffee down, man.

10 years ago

“Ergo, I can be expelled/jailed for asking a girl out of a date even once. And because I can’t mind-read, I have no way of knowing whether or not it was wanted in advance.”

Which school actually do this,can you prove it?

10 years ago

@ bittersteel

You were a feminist once? Not based on your current knowledge level.

Your turning point was when straw feminists outlawed paternity tests to cuckold beta males?

You use phrases like ‘alpha thugs’.

All feminists do is complain about men on the internet…

So, you’re a Poe then? Okay. Good to know.

10 years ago

“I also read about how feminist groups had paternity tests banned in the France and Australia so that they could cuckold the hardworking beta men and force them to take care of some alpha thug’s children”
Do you mind providing the articles?

10 years ago

Title VII, not title IX you dumbfuck.

Where does it say that asking a person out on a date is harassment. It’s harassment if you keep asking after a no. If that occurs, it is up to the employer to take action. If the employer fails to take action, the victim can sue the employer. Nowhere does it say you can go to jail if you ask someone on a date.

Try a little harder to do logic.

10 years ago
Reply to  bittersteel

to BS:

I understand what you mean now – you’re referring to Title VII, not Title IX, and apparently have neglected the fact that to be considered harassment the conduct has to be “pervasive and unwelcome”.

to everyone else

Considering the terminology above (“cuckold” “thug”) this person can’t be sincere

why does it matter if the children you are taking care of happen to have come from somebody else’s genetic material? I have never understood this point. It’s a child, not some object.

To put it another way, why is it a good thing that your children be genetically related to you? This is an honest question.

10 years ago

“A date is a sexual advance”, umm… I think that you may be doing dating wrong… a date is an opportunity to get to know someone to see if you have things in common and to see if it could lead to future dates. Agreeing to a date isn’t agreeing to a sexual advance or sexual relations.

You’re extrapolating to a life in prison with no career from a faulty premise.

10 years ago


This hardly seems worth it but ableist language is not accepted on this blog.

Please do not use terms like insane or diagnose mental illness simply based on observation.

10 years ago

Considering how many US universities and college are under investigation for ignoring rape, I have a really hard time believing male students are being expelled all over the place for asking a female student out.

10 years ago

I’m a feminist and my fingernails are made of Twizzlers and I keep cold cuts in my underpants.

*waits patiently for all of feminism to come around*

Pithy Pseudonym
Pithy Pseudonym
10 years ago

I think bittersteel is fast approaching the “not even wrong” stage…

10 years ago

Bitternuts has “never seen, ever” in his exceedingly long and varied life, an example of a man calling a woman “slut”.

And none of his truly excellent women friends – of whom he has positively legions – has ever mentioned to him that it has happened to them (even though he concedes that might be because he just won’t let the conversation ever get around to anything personal cos he just doesn’t care. What a truly excellent friend he must be).

THEREFORE: it can’t have happened, ever, not once, to anyone.


The logic dazzles.

10 years ago

Agreeing with WWTH and others about this one being for real.

This is also smelling a bit of socks since we just had an “I used to be a feminist” ranter on not too long ago.

10 years ago

I keep cold cuts in my underpants.

I thought I was the only one!!! XD

10 years ago

“It was also interesting that around that time, I actually figured out how to make friends and as I observed people instead of just reading about women complaining about men on the internet, I realized just exactly how wrong they were.”

On this blog alone I have seen discussions of blocking/felting knit objects, cooking all kinds of marvelous foods, kittens galore, hikes, international travels, mental and physical ailments and potential treatments, etc. And that’s on a blog that’s aimed at mocking misogyny. I’ve seen similar on pretty much any other widely commented feminist blog I can think of. What sites were you reading where the commentariate spent their time complaining about men? All the blogs I’ve been to are people talking about their lives.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

I’m a feminist and my fingernails are made of Twizzlers and I keep cold cuts in my underpants.

I could get behind this vision. Is there a specific brand of cold cuts that must be used?

10 years ago

Yoiks, sorry for the name glitch in the earlier comment. Not enough coffee, too many random associations.

10 years ago

“Your just a misogynist, we got it. Your posts are ridulous and paranoid. You’re co-opting women and minority issues to put yourself at the center of the universe. Put the coffee down, man.”

I don’t do drugs. Caffeine is a drug.

Also, I’m not “co-opting” minority issues. I AM a minority and I’ve been bullied quite a bit throughout my life for that, especially since I live in a mostly-white community. I’ve been harassed by the TSA when I go to airports. I’ve been looked at suspiciously when I go to places mostly frequented by white people. I’ve been called quite a few racist names. I’ve come home crying because people said I’m not really American and then when I tell my parents about it they say that I don’t have any ties to the country they were born in, so I’m not from there either. Do you have any idea what that feels like? Being told by literally everyone that you don’t belong?

I’m also a nerd, so I’ve been made fun of for that too.

When I was in high school, I was elected to homecoming court. And I had no idea why, because I was never popular, so I was really happy at first. Then I found out that it was because people thought it would be funny to make a short, minority nerd go to homecoming and hold a girl’s hand because he never was interested in doing that otherwise and because he really didn’t talk to people. I only found out because I was on the bus and I heard a younger girl (white) laughing about as she told one of her middle school friends. And for the next month I had to pretend that I was totally oblivious to what was going on. And I couldn’t back out of going because I couldn’t tell my parents because they were so proud and they somehow took that to mean that I was popular after all.

You guys are the ones who appropriate my struggles for your own benefit. Which is really funny because the vast majority of the people doing these things to me were white women (and sometimes white men and African American women). I think you do it for the almighty dollar. If you appropriate our struggles for your own struggles, you can take the money that you claim will be used to help us and use it for your own benefit. We’re not dumb though. Even non-white feminists know this. That’s why they invented #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen and #NotYourAsianSidekick.

And you dare tell me that I’m appropriating your struggles and making them mine because I’m evil and hateful. As if you own them and you know what it’s like to be me. Wow.

10 years ago

Anyone want to propose a mod challenge just for bittersteel?

Pithy Pseudonym
Pithy Pseudonym
10 years ago

Sock, Poe, or None Of The Above, I’m hoping he sticks around long enough to give us an example of a college guy being expelled for asking someone out on a date.

10 years ago

Only organic, free-range, non-GMO, antibiotic and hormone-free cold-cuts will suffice. SO SAY WE ALL.

10 years ago

“All feminists do is complain about men on the internet…”

No, that’s not what I said. I said that all I did was go online and read about women talking about men/complaining about them. So I thought that’s what the world was like. That was before I went out and interacted with people and observed them. If feminists only complained about men on the internet, I really wouldn’t bother with them. But they do a lot more than that. They get paternity tests banned, for example.

10 years ago

Can I do Red Vines & Tofurky Deli Slices instead?

Pithy Pseudonym
Pithy Pseudonym
10 years ago

Probably too open ended to be a proper Mod Challenge, but how about, “Compare and contrast Titles VII and IX.”

10 years ago

“I think you do it for the almighty dollar. If you appropriate our struggles for your own struggles, you can take the money that you claim will be used to help us and use it for your own benefit.”

What money? From where? This is an honest question, what are you talking about??

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