men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA whores

Dean Esmay's Secret Plan to Fight Sexism by Calling Everyone a Whore

Let’s say that you’re the “Managing Editor” of a website known far and wide for calling women “whores,” as well as an assortment of other 4- and 5-letter words generally considered crude sexist slurs. Let’s just say that you had a convention, and that during this convention your official spokeswoman went on a bit of a name calling rampage on Twitter, repeatedly attacking a woman who had tried to report on said convention as an “attention whore,” a “fame whore,” and a “little whore,” and offering similar “whore”-based assessments to other critics of the site.

And let’s just say that despite all this you also had a desire to convince the world that your site was not actually the misogynistic cesspit that it so obviously is. Would you:

1) Apologize for using the words “whore” and “bitch” and “c*nt” and other similar sexist epithets against women.

2) In your capacity as editor, quietly remove the word “whore” (and “bitch” and “c*nt”) from future postings on the site, and tell your PR maven to maybe come up with a less misogynistic insult of choice.

3) Start calling men whores so that no one can accuse you of hating women because, see we use “whore” to refer to men too!

The answer, of course, is 3 — at least if you’re Dean Esmay, “Managing Editor” of A Voice for Men. In a recent comment thread on AVFM, he declared:

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CONFIDENTIAL TO D— E—-: No one is buying your bullshit. Also, if you want to try to convince the world that you’re a Friend of Sex Workers, you should probably stop using the word “whore” as an insult for women or men.


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10 years ago

Bs, it is sad how dense you are.

No, Terf do not represent all feminists, that would be why the qualifiers “trans exclusive” are in front of the words “radical feminists”.

Are you gonna keep showing off how gullible you are, shut up and learn or GTFO, because those are your only choices and the first one is going to get you mocked mercilessly and then banned by the mods.


Are we clear yet?

10 years ago

“Also, it may be a very shitty and reckless thing to do, but it’s not rape. You have sex, you risk pregnancy. That’s how procreation works.”

I hope you realize that’s literally what the moronic anti-choice people say when they justify banning abortions. Literally, word for word. But I”m not surprised you’re using their language because Marxist feminism and gynocentric conservatism are two sides of the same coin.

Also, I’m 100% positive that this is rape according to feminist definitions of rape. Feminists claim that if a woman asks a man to use birth control and he refuses, that’s rape. So why on Earth isn’t that true the other way around? OMG, this ridiculous biased version of consent that you have doesn’t even fit the definition of consent used for any legal contract. Consent, by definition, must be INFORMED. That is, I need to know the circumstances before I consent. You can’t trick me into signing away my organs, for example, without telling me that if I sign the document that’s what you’re going to do in the operation. Sex without proper consent is rape. Ergo, this is rape.

10 years ago

Ok, I’ve reached my limit.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Hey bitterSteele,

You do get that Germaine Greer is an asshole who isn’t all feminists, don’t you? She’s full of shit on all sorts of subjects. Sort of like you in that respect.

How do you explain all the guys who aren’t rich/handsome/both who are happily partnered? Or do you prefer not to admit they exist?


Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

“You have sex, you risk pregnancy. That’s how procreation works” – I hope you realize that’s literally what the moronic anti-choice people say when they justify banning abortions.

Cite please.

Also, I’m 100% positive that this is rape according to feminist definitions of rape. Feminists claim that if a woman asks a man to use birth control and he refuses, that’s rape.

Cite please.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Well folks, you know what to do: send an email marked MOD REQUEST via the Great Kitty Head, if it’s time for the banhammer. Mods can’t ban, but we can delete posts and alert the Dark Lord.

10 years ago

Bittersteel, you seriously need to stop erasing the trans people who are feminists and transfeminists. It is not okay.

10 years ago

“How do you explain all the guys who aren’t rich/handsome/both who are happily partnered? Or do you prefer not to admit they exist?”

Partnered doesn’t mean they have children that are genetically related to them. I guarantee they’re getting cuckolded and they’re just being used to provide for emotional needs. Also, obviously a two-income household, no matter how small, is better than a one-income household, so any money for the alpha babies is better than none.

10 years ago

I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve a ban, but ok. You’re obviously free to do whatever you like as this is your private property.

And I”m not erasing transpeople. I’m defending them from feminists! I’m giving you evidence that feminists dislike them! That’s like saying that if I point out that feminists don’t like men, I’m erasing male feminists. That’s not true. I don’t know how they did it, but they managed to convince people they don’t like to join their movement. Probably because they bill themselves as an egalitarian movement (which they are not) and the general public supports equal opportunity for everyone.

Catherine von Überwald
Catherine von Überwald
10 years ago

I’ve been lurking for a while now. And I’d be perfectly happy to keep lurking and not posting. (English is not my native language, nor have I ever lived / visited any of the English speaking countries. So, I’m never sure about my English being good enough.)

Still, bittersteel’s post are really rubbing me the wrong way. Not only because they are offensive and look like a particularly vile mixture of MRA and libertarian talking points.
All of those are horrible and reprehensible in their own right.

But because I really don’t think he’s here in good faith.
Even if isn’t outright trolling he’s still warping the truth. Here’s a example:

About a week before finals (so I guess two months ago) I was getting pizza and when I walked back outside and saw a group of four extremely obese forty year old women doing something inappropriate (I’m not quite sure what exactly it was because I immediately looked away after seeing it out of the corner of my eye).

I’d love to see him explain just how did he knew that they were “doing something inappropriate” when he admits to not seeing whatever it was.
Of course, he already said that 50 years old women were “gross” so maybe he think that it’s inappropriate that “extremely obese forty year old women” even exist in public.

But I’m mostly quoting because in the next part he says:

If it had just been one person, I probably wouldn’t have been too bothered, but it was literally 5 people, all stronger than I am, all saying things to me very loudly on a street when I’m just trying to get back home so that I can study.

So, what’s up with that?
Is it that he doesn’t know how to count? Or he doesn’t know how to keep his story straight?

Most of his “horrible feminists I know” stories are hard to believe too. And he thinks that his experience is some kind of universals Truth that wins over everything.

He will happily show off his “feminist” frineds as a example of why all feminist are horrible. But when a MRA libertarian commentator was mentioned as a example of why people dislike talking with libertarian? He was quick to say that “not all libertarian are like that!” and that people should give his ideas a chance.

In his opinion all feminists are this and this but not all MRA/libertarian are the same.

10 years ago

And also you guys asked me to give you evidence for my claim. And then I did, and now you’re just saying not all feminists are like that and that I need to stop sourcing my claims? Like I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Am I allowed to back up my claims or not?

10 years ago

Aww, I think the little feller’s a robot programmed by MRAs to distract people from the Paul Elam mess. I mean, just consider the handle — bittersteel. He fakes anger really well for a mechanoid. Whoever programmed really covered all the misogynistic bases:
Spermjacking. Check.
Belief in fempire running the government. Check.
Libertarian bullshit. Check.
Uses words “Alpha” and “Beta” a lot — and in all seriousness. Check.
Ageism. Check.
Fat shaming. Check.

Added bonus of renouncing all women but insisting he must pass along his seed. I think the robot, much like other Men Going Their Own Way, expecting us to shed tears. He must need oil, however, because he cited scientific studies earlier in the thread that proved the opposite of what he was trying to assert. The little touches were nice too, like the “Ewww, gross…” when he mentioned middle-aged people, for example.Very life-like.

In any event, his maker must of had a little sense of humour. If you imagine a laugh track going off after reading each of his posts, I mean.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I’m talking about that standard bullshit about 80% of women being attracted to 20% of men, child, not your fantasies of who fathered who. Explain just what these 20% are supposed to be, and why men who are poor, not handsome, even (gasp) overweight or (gasp again) old, are somehow happily partnered.

Even if it were about biological parentage, aren’t you the one saying it doesn’t matter because in a few billion years the planet won’t exist anyway? Why so twisted? And why only about what you pretend women are doing? How about, oh, whining about the behaviour of the men having affairs with partnered women? One would think they weren’t involved at all.

10 years ago

Yes BS, if you tell a man to put a condom on before he puts his cock in you and he refuses and puts his cock in you, thus risking causing you both diseases and unwanted pregnancy, thus terrorizing you during sex you just specifically said you did not want, it is rape.

Egads, you are one skeezy pos.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

@BS : Partnered doesn’t mean they have children that are genetically related to them. I guarantee they’re getting cuckolded and they’re just being used to provide for emotional needs.

You do realise you’re spouting complete bullshit now, right?

This survey of published estimates of nonpaternity suggests that for men with high paternity confidence, nonpaternity rates are typically 1.7% (if we exclude studies of unknown methodology) to 3.3% (if we include such studies). These figures are substantially lower than the “typical” nonpaternity rate of 10% or higher cited by many researchers, often without substantiation…or the median worldwide nonpaternity rate of 9% reported by Baker and Bellis…

Men who have low paternity confidence and have chosen to challenge their paternity through laboratory testing are much less likely than men with high paternity confidence to be the fathers of their putative children. Although these men presumably have lower paternity confidence than men who do not seek paternity tests, this group is heterogeneous; some men may be virtually certain that the putative child is not theirs, while others may simply have sufficient doubts to warrant testing. Most of these men are in fact the fathers of their putative genetic children; only 29.8% could be excluded as biological fathers of the children in question.

10 years ago

A man choosing not to put a condom on before he consensualy fucks a women is not a woman raping a man.

Jarred H
10 years ago

So because some feminists said some horrible things — despite having been heavily criticized by other feminists — you make sweeping statements about feminism. Yet, you insist that you and other MRA’s should not be tarred with the same brush as Dean Esmay or Paul Elam. Nice double standard there.

And now you’ve seriously suggesting that not only is cuckolding common, but it happens to all men. And you wonder why people here have accused you of misogyny.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

@Lea: Yes BS, if you tell a man to put a condom on before he puts his cock in you and he refuses and puts his cock in you

Bzzzt – BS forgot to mention those last six words – which are what makes it rape.

10 years ago

The problem is that you do not know a reliable source from a hole in your head.

That’s stuff you should have learned in high school.

How old are you, dude? Because you don’t sound like you could write a basic research paper to save your life.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

So 12% of women are more important than 100% of men. Very clear example of gynocentrism and feminism getting the moolah.

My dad died from breast cancer.

From the National Center for Biotechnology Information 2003 article “Breast Cancer In Men:”

This year in the United States more than 1600 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer. By comparison, over 200 000 women will receive the same diagnosis. An estimated 500 men will die from breast cancer compared with over 40 000 women. These facts show the lower incidence of breast cancer in men and its comparable higher cancer specific death rate. However, unlike breast cancer in women, where rates have stabilised and seem to be decreasing, the incidence in men younger than 40 seem to be substantially increasing. This increasing incidence is also reflected in other nations.

So those 1600 men a year (maybe more, I saw another article that projected 2013 male diagnoses to be around 2,400) don’t get any benefits from breast cancer research? They don’t get the same treatments? They just melt away because breast cancer is coded “female?” And because if there are men in the breast cancer pool, they get in the way of using breast cancer funding as a handy tool to point out gynocentrism?

My father died from breast cancer. Says so on his death certificate. Hundreds of men a year join him. But that’s not important. Gotta beat up on the women, can’t let facts get in the way.

You may go blow that, and the rest of your ill-considered, badly researched talking points, out of your ear.

10 years ago

Pretty sure that the only reason this troll cares about the whole TERF vs other feminist thing is that it’s a good way to sow dissent among the commentariat (or so he thinks, because he assumes we’re too stupid to realize that’s what he’s trying to do).

For those who don’t think he’s a sock – what, the fact that his nym contains the nym of an earlier sock didn’t clue you in?

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

David, thank you. Please leave him there!

10 years ago

Claim: Bitter’s endless post isn’t worth the effort.

1. JFC

2. I can’t

3. believe

4. this troll

5. wants

6. us to

7. respond

8. to every

9. dumb ass

10. MRA talking point

11. particularly

12. that

13. Evil Empire

14. nonsense.

15. Fuck

16. this

17. noise.

PS, I weep for the teachers that have to wade through Bitter’s research papers.

10 years ago

I’m putting bitter steel on moderation to give him time to rest his typing hands. And maybe for him to process some of the responses he’s gotten so far.

You are kind and benevolent.

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