men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA whores

Dean Esmay's Secret Plan to Fight Sexism by Calling Everyone a Whore

Let’s say that you’re the “Managing Editor” of a website known far and wide for calling women “whores,” as well as an assortment of other 4- and 5-letter words generally considered crude sexist slurs. Let’s just say that you had a convention, and that during this convention your official spokeswoman went on a bit of a name calling rampage on Twitter, repeatedly attacking a woman who had tried to report on said convention as an “attention whore,” a “fame whore,” and a “little whore,” and offering similar “whore”-based assessments to other critics of the site.

And let’s just say that despite all this you also had a desire to convince the world that your site was not actually the misogynistic cesspit that it so obviously is. Would you:

1) Apologize for using the words “whore” and “bitch” and “c*nt” and other similar sexist epithets against women.

2) In your capacity as editor, quietly remove the word “whore” (and “bitch” and “c*nt”) from future postings on the site, and tell your PR maven to maybe come up with a less misogynistic insult of choice.

3) Start calling men whores so that no one can accuse you of hating women because, see we use “whore” to refer to men too!

The answer, of course, is 3 — at least if you’re Dean Esmay, “Managing Editor” of A Voice for Men. In a recent comment thread on AVFM, he declared:

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CONFIDENTIAL TO D— E—-: No one is buying your bullshit. Also, if you want to try to convince the world that you’re a Friend of Sex Workers, you should probably stop using the word “whore” as an insult for women or men.


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10 years ago

Breaking news:

I just spit my popcorn all over my bed at “betacide.”

If only my beta male were here, so I could slave-labor-selfish-trick him in to cleaning it up.

10 years ago


Whatever it is your smoking, snorting or injecting, it does not do you any good. Cant read any of your stuff without picturing a very angry gerbil.

Whys is it that you guys come here to work out your anger issues instead of seeing a therapist? That baffles me.

10 years ago

You are so ignorant, selfish and entirely typical of every Randian, glibertarian, douchebro manbaby I have ever come across.

You have not made a true statement about feminists or feminism yet and how dare you tell Ally we hate her? Fuck you, you self absorbed, lying sack of whiny shit! We think Ally is fucking awesome.

Also, when you talk about adopted kids not really belonging to their adoptive families I start channeling Madeline Kahn in Clue.

You are not the first ill read stunted, dishonest, pseudoscience spewing misogynist embittered by his own failures and rejections to come here spouting off as if you actually knew something and you won’t be the last. You aren’t bright or special. Young men with zero life experience not yet out of 101 level studies who think they know it all and deserve mountains of praise are a dime a dozen. I suggest that you shut up and learn something if you don’t want to be the punchline of a sad joke for the rest of your life. People here are trying to correct your ignorance. They’re doing you a favor and you are too blinded by your own assholery to appreciate it. Again, typical and not too bright. This is your chance to fix that. Take it or don’t. If you want to learn, you will be edified. If you don’t, you will be chewed on til the flavor is gone. It’s your choice.

10 years ago

I’m well aware that there as male feminists as I used to be one myself. And that same male feminist friend I mentioned earlier literally said that women should be allowed to open a phonebook and pick out a male name, name him as the father of her child, and force him to pay child support. Literally. I could not make something this insane up if I tried. That’s the kind of stuff that feminists activists have been implementing and it’s not fair.

It is not.

You don’t have any actual proof or substance to back up your claims, do you?

10 years ago

What on earth is a ‘negative right’?

Also, still haven’t looked up France yet, but you keep insisting that feminists have outlawed DNA testing in Australia in order to promote paternity fraud. This. Is. Simply. Not. True. Seriously, go to the link already. Good grief.

Yay, glad I didn’t misgender you, maistrechat.

10 years ago

Because you don’t believe men have equal value

If I recall, YOU were the one making the claim that not everyone was of equal value.
I’ll quote it directly:

All humans aren’t equally valuable

It’s almost as if “people aren’t equally valuable” is always followed by the unspoken clause “and I’m the most valuable.”

10 years ago

“You are not the first ill read stunted, dishonest, pseudoscience spewing misogynist embittered by his own failures and rejections to come here spouting off as if you actually knew something and you won’t be the last.”

Oh look, we’re back to the sexual shaming that feminists totally don’t do.

10 years ago

“Because you don’t believe men have equal value. You think they are slaves and tools for you to use for your own benefit. They MUST support your cuckold babies because they’re slaves and if they don’t do that they’re authoritarian misogynists and deserve to be put down. No. That is not egalitarianism. That is not respecting human dignity. That is nothing short of pure, unadulterated betacide.”

WE don’t believe men have equal value??!!!

How could you accuse us of that???

Is that what you really believes?!!

Okay,I’m going to get nasty here..

I’m sorry if I offended to anyone here but not to you Bittersteel.

Yes you definitely earned your name because you’re a bitter,you obviously had been rejected by women because you’re said yourself that you unattractive and I remember a white man who hates feminism but he too seems bitter because he can’t find a girlfriend one day out of blue he start ranting about feminism,so you find on the internet on any issue that would allowed you to vent against the female species,and so you happen to find on paternity fraud cases,you use this as a justification to speak against feminist.

Well guess what Buddy,you don’t have to worry about any being cuckolded because I doubt any woman would be attracted to you anyway save for the obese women…

This is not a discussion.This is an accusation war!!!

10 years ago

I’m well aware that there as male feminists as I used to be one myself. And that same male feminist friend I mentioned earlier literally said that women should be allowed to open a phonebook and pick out a male name, name him as the father of her child, and force him to pay child support.

Come on you guise, he LITERALLY said that! For reals!

I could not make something this insane up if I tried. That’s the kind of stuff that feminists activists have been implementing and it’s not fair.

Says the troll peddling bargain basement libertarian jagoffism. Are you saying that you and your fellow “male feminists” were activists and implemented social policy? This makes me believe you don’t know what feminism or activism is, plus you don’t know how governments work in real life either.

10 years ago

“Also, still haven’t looked up France yet, but you keep insisting that feminists have outlawed DNA testing in Australia in order to promote paternity fraud. This. Is. Simply. Not. True. Seriously, go to the link already. Good grief. ”

OMG, your own source literally said that the government doesn’t accept paternity tests to disestablish paternity. Literally. I quoted your own source.

And here’s the france thing:

I just quoted the French law from the French government website that literally makes it a criminal offense to get a paternity test. Literally!

10 years ago

“That’s pretty inconsistent with like…basically any egalitarian worldview.”

Value is literally something that we make up. literally. It means nothing outside of your mind. Nothing has any objective value.

bittersteel, you’ve ID’d as religious elsewhere, and I’m wondering what religion you practice, because that view is incompatible with the beliefs of every religion I’ve ever encountered with the possible exception of LaVeyean Satanism.

10 years ago

bittersteele, stop whining about how mean everyone is and provide evidence to back up your claims.

You know, like an actual adult having an actual debate.

10 years ago

“I’m sorry if I offended to anyone here but not to you Bittersteel.”

Sorry TYPO offend

Sorry if anyone takes offense..

10 years ago

Yes, all human beings are equal.

The ablism really does run deep in you, doesn’t it bs?

Mods, I recommend he start posting passages from feminism 101 to prove he’s done some homework to correct his ignorance before he be allowed to post further.

That or videos of kitties playing.

If he can’t learn, he can at least be entertaining.

10 years ago

Oh look, we’re back to the sexual shaming that feminists totally don’t do.

Yes, your TeRPer nonsense about cuckolding and alpha gods is way more reality based and not judgmental at all. Carry on blathering.

10 years ago

Oh look, we’re back to the sexual shaming that feminists totally don’t do.

…You hear “failures” and you assume we’re talking about sex? Freudian much?

10 years ago

“I just quoted the French law from the French government website that literally makes it a criminal offense to get a paternity test. Literally!”

So feminist are the villain here??!!
Heck they just banned the burka,even I as a non-white feminist feel upset about it!!!

10 years ago

Not to be a jerk, but the last big post from sebhai crosses a line for me. A major one.

Can we not attack anyone, even trolls, like that?

10 years ago

“OMG, your own source literally said that the government doesn’t accept paternity tests to disestablish paternity. Literally. I quoted your own source.”

No, it doesn’t state that. It states the CSA doesn’t use paternity tests to end child support payments. It states ending child support payments requires a court order. It states courts accept DNA tests as evidence in such cases.

In short, massive reading comprehension fail on your part.

10 years ago

sebhai, I have a hard time not reading your comment as “you’re bitter because you’re ugly” and no, that’s not cool.

And if you have to start a comment with “I’m sorry if I offend anyone” then you might want to re-think hitting the post buton.

10 years ago

I in no way virgin shamed you. Non-virgins get rejected too, or is that something else you don’y know? YOU were the one who brought your personal bitterness into this and I’m not going back over every post you’ve made to quote you. you know what you’ve written. You lie like a cheap rug, shitstain and you know it. How pathetic.

10 years ago

So, harming a child’s well being by abandoning him or her is just fine but harming a man’s well being by committing paternity fraud is so evil it should be compared to slavery?

That makes zero sense.

Libertarian misogynist logic is the best logic !

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

We’d all be well to be concerned with betacide. It’s quite an effective sanitizer and fungicide, but it can be quite toxic. Scorecard gives it a level three toxicity category, which means it should be labeled with a “Caution” warning.

10 years ago

betacide? eh? Somebody is trying to snuff the Greek alphabet, one letter a a time?

10 years ago

“Well guess what Buddy,you don’t have to worry about any being cuckolded because I doubt any woman would be attracted to you anyway save for the obese women”

Well, thank you for totally not sexually shaming me (because feminists don’t do that, of course) and for your tolerance.

And in any case, I stopped caring about being unattractive a while ago because I realized that nobody deserves that much power over me. And in any case, objectively passing on your genes doesn’t even matter because the heat death of the universe will render everyone’s genes extinct in any case. So basically even after you guys enact your utopia, it will all be for naught because you will end up in the same place as all those loser betas that you destroyed. And I will work hard in my life and I will make a lot of money so that I can enjoy it instead of paying child support for a kid that isn’t even mine. And if you enact a law that takes it from me because someone pulled my name out of a phonebook, I will destroy my property so that nobody can take it from me. And if you put me in jail and tell the alpha- prisoners to rape me for not giving you my property I will peacefully resist and encourage everyone else to peacefully resist so that the whole world knows what you are and what you believe in. Because I believe in peace and justice and everyone keeping what they earn. I’m not a feminist. I don’t believe in violence. I don’t believe in government domination of the hard workers. I don’t believe in jailing poor men because they don’t have jobs to pay the child support and then putting them in jail to be raped so that they are traumatized and can’t get jobs so that you can put them back in jail to be raped again. I don’t believe in violence by the family courts. I don’t believe in theft. I don’t believe that it’s ok to beat and kill men. I don’t believe in abuse of children.

That is why I need MRA. Because I don’t believe in these things and while you may not believe in them either, the activists in your cause are implementing these things through the government.

And with that, I am done. I didn’t come here to be sexually shamed by people who pretend that they don’t sexually shame people. I came here to learn about you guys and to have a discussion, and I have learned all that i need to know about what you are really like.

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