a new woman to hate a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? doubling down douchebaggery evil women figurative nazis harassment imaginary oppression incoherent rage mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability playing the victim threats your time will come

Defenders of A Voice for Men tell Time magazine reporter "we have to SCARE you into listening," you "stinky … human monkey."

The High Council of Feminism holds a meeting.
The High Council of Feminism holds a meeting.

Jessica Roy, a reporter for Time magazine covering A Voice for Men’s recent :”Men’s Issues” conference in Detroit, found herself the target of a vitriolic tirade from AVFM maximum leader Paul Elam before she even sat down to write her account of her time amongst the MRAs.

Elam, evidently incensed about a handful of sarcastic remarks that Roy tweeted during the conference, denounced her as, among other things, a “hack,” “a liar and bigot” and a practitioner of “journalistic scumtardery,” whatever that is. Commenters on A Voice for Men happily joined in the hate, denouncing her as an “airhead,” a “disgrace and a liar,” “lil’ miss hair-o’or-her-eyes,” and a “little asshole [who] will look like a right nazi in five-to-ten years time.” Amazingly, no one pulled out the c-word. Evidently AVFMers are still on their best behavior.

Roy’s “What I Learned as a Woman at a Men’s Rights Conference” appeared on on Wednesday. Far from the hack job Elam and pals were predicting, her piece turned out to be a long, thoughtful and nuanced account that, while skeptical of AVFM and its brand of hateful nonsense, displayed considerable sympathy for some of the troubled men she met at the conference, men who could benefit from a movement that truly tried to offer solutions for men in difficulty instead of encouraging them to scapegoat feminists and women.

Reflecting on her discussions with several conference attendees, Roy wrote,

When you talk to someone like 68-year-old Steve DeLuca, the legitimate need to remedy some of the issues raised by men’s rights activists becomes more evident. A Vietnam veteran who was injured in combat, DeLuca spoke movingly to me about the two brothers he lost to suicide, and the unfathomable toll the high suicide rate among men can take. There are men out there, like DeLuca and [rape survivor] Brendan Rex, who have a real stake in the movement’s success. The paranoia and vitriol of its leaders can’t possibly do anything for them.

So how did AVFM fans respond to this article? By defending their vitriol. On, several commenters denounced Roy as “bigot” and a “fascist,” and suggested that their “righteous anger” was the only appropriate response to the evils of feminism.

DennisMarkham 1 day ago  "The paranoia and vitriol of its leaders can’t possibly do anything for them."   Yes it can.  We are dealing with in irrational, incompassionate society.  When MRAs express their grievances with cool rationality or sadness, it just blows past people like you like a gentle breeze.  Only when we pack some sting does anyone actually listen.   Vitriol is the only way we've ever gotten society to listen.  The MRM has tried to be cool and calm for over 40 years and to no avail.  Maybe when you start taking male suffering seriously instead of dismissing it with "check your privilege" and "man up", that'll change.  But until then, you reap what you sow.  We have to SCARE you into listening.

Never mind that the quote Markham was responding to came from a paragraph in which Roy wrote with sympathy about the suffering of male Veterans and rape survivors.

Meanwhile, an anonymous commenter received upvotes for this, er, nuanced analysis:

Guest 1 day ago  @eltra Our hatred for fascist (mainstream) feminism is hardly rooted in misinformation.  You'd know that had you actually bothered to listen to Erin Pizzey or GirlWritesWhat speaking at the conference.   We ARE wronged because feminism is a bigoted, reverse-sexist, and female supremacist tyranny imposed on us by the male (and female) monkeys who puppeteer for popularity at the top of governments in the whole of the Western world.

In a followup comment, “Guest” doubled-down, suggesting that Roy was a “stinky twit” and a “human monkey.”

Guest 15 hours ago  Look. Based on both their ideology and their behavior, mainstream feminists ARE fascists. The reason they became POWERFUL PC fascists is because good men and good women have mostly been too faint hearted or deluded to condemn them.  Clearly, Biden, Obama and the stinky twit who wrote this article are human monkeys because they damn well do know better but the keep trotting out the same traitorous and misandrist monkey business year after year. It's time remove feminist monkeys from power and find a social cage wherein they can chatter bigoted nonsense to one another more harmlessly. That already happened to the KKK. In time, feminist bigots will also be banned from civil discourse rather than lauded as heroic victims of the patriarchy.  Vitriol is appropriate for fascist bigots who have been defecating an endless load of baseless bigoted vitriol themsexes since the monkey movement began in Seneca Falls. You also need to stop already with the false accusation of misogyny. Sadly, not all feminists are women but, happily, not all women are feminists. To loath the women and men who back Roy's officially coddled hate movement is perfectly REASONable. Be nice to see men pitch to help destroy Erin Pizzey's 'Evil Empire' so that bigots like Roy cannot mock, roidicule and silence anti-feminists and MHRMs on the pages of Time too.

Roy made clear that she learned a good deal at the conference. The defenders of AVFM’s vitriol seem to have learned nothing.

NOTE: Picture of monkey party borrowed from here.

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10 years ago

Mr Futrelle,

Your new FHC uniform is still being knitted, but we encourage you to continue gathering the male tears required to keep your uniform clean enough to pass weekly inspection.

Yours in Sisterhood,
The Feminist High Council
A Secret Bunker, CA USA

10 years ago

I thought Jessica Roy did a wonderful job at disarming the MRAs who accuse the feminists of not caring about men. If any of these twerps had brain, they would study and emulate successful movements instead of blaming one of them of all their problems.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago


The problem with the MRM is that most of their issues are not about rights, as in legal rights. They mostly require cultural change and MRAs prop up a culture that flies directly in the face of any of their issues. And that is why the “movement” is ineffectual.

See, there’s “Equality MRAs” and “Gender MRAs”…

10 years ago

@Isabelle– I agree.

10 years ago

“My mother always says “Hurt people hurt people”, and the article taps into some of the tragedy that leads people to become vile hatemongers”

It’s not always the case, people who are not taught and was given everything to them can turn them into the same thing. Or they can have a balance life and still turn to hate.

Here is some brain bleach

10 years ago

Omnicrom sorry

10 years ago

I found Roy’s article to be incredibly sympathetic to the actual men who seek the movement–truly, I felt she understood them. Her twitter feed continues to echo the same idea–that there are valid issues that men face, and that those are what need to be talked about, sans the finger pointing that the MRM goes about in the guise I “activism.”

She agreed with them. She just didn’t agree with the self-appointed leaders of the movement.

How is that anything that the MRA extremists are accusing Roy of? I think it just proves that the MRM as it’s stands is not about change, just about blame. Elam needs to reevaluate his tactics.

10 years ago

It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley’s broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else. — George Orwell, What is Fascism?, 1944.

I mean I know it’s a relatively minor thing in comparison to their overwhelming horribleness, but I do wish these guys would get with the program and stop flinging insults that were old 70 years ago.

10 years ago

@Auntie Alias:

Are they using the word fascist more often lately or am I just beginning to notice it?

I wonder if they got bored with using the word “solipsistic” in every other post and needed a new go-to.

10 years ago

Aaaaaand my first blockquote monster sacrifice.

10 years ago

From one of David’s earlier posts about the news coverage –

Goldwag: “It will be interesting to see how much bridge-building A Voice for Men engages in from here on out …”

David: Well, I think we already have an answer to this question.

This made me laugh so hard. HOW DID YOU KNOW?!?!

(also, hi everyone!)

Winter Walker
10 years ago

I thought Jessica Roy’s article was quite wonderful, and treated the conference organizers and attendees with more sympathy and fairness than many of them deserve. Ironically, I think she likely treated the rape victim and Vietnam Vet. she spoke of with far more compassionately than most MRA’s would. And I’m beginning to come around to the idea that these men *do* need a hand from the feminist movement in general. Not because we owe them a thing, but because these are real humans, experiencing real suffering, and their own movement doesn’t seem ready to do shit all for them.

My predictions for World Pride over the last week were borne out fully by observation. There were plenty of feminist groups in evidence, allied with the LGBTQ community, and nary an MRA to be seen. Unless I missed “MRA Night” at all the leather bars…

10 years ago

> Jessica Roy, a reporter for Time magazine covering A Voice for Men’s recent :”Men’s Issues” conference in Detroit, found herself the target of a vitriolic tirade from AVFM maximum leader Paul Elam before she even sat down to write her account of her time amongst the MRAs.

> Elam, evidently incensed about a handful of sarcastic remarks that Roy tweeted during the conference, denounced her as, among other things, a “hack,” “a liar and bigot” and a practitioner of “journalistic scumtardery,” whatever that is. Commenters on A Voice for Men happily joined in the hate, denouncing her as an “airhead,” a “disgrace and a liar,” “lil’ miss hair-o’or-her-eyes,” and a “little asshole [who] will look like a right nazi in five-to-ten years time.” Amazingly, no one pulled out the c-word. Evidently AVFMers are still on their best behavior.

I have no j school experience.

Is it commonly accepted journalistic practice for a reporter for a magazine like Time to “tweet” sarcastic remarks about her subjects? To describe how what she heard at a conference made her cry without describing what it was specifically and why she was forced to cry?

I believe these sorts of sarcastic remarks didn’t use to be considered acceptable by reporters aiming for objective, neutral, insightful reporting.

I also wonder just what it was she heard at this conference that was so shocking, so damaging, as to make her cry. If she truly did end up crying in response to the speeches there, I question her temperament and her fitness to be a reporter in general, much less a reporter trying to cover the men’s rights movement.

10 years ago

Ugh… CAFE is just SO… damn… sleazy…

10 years ago

What I find amazing about this whole Debacle is that they even get angry and attack people who are relatively neutral, or helpful to their “Cause”, Since The article in question may not have been the most positive for them, but it was still more glowing then what many would give them.
And instead of.. you know, examining what the article says, looking for self improvement, and generally getting on track to actually helping men with problems, They all treat her just as harshly as people who did nothing *but* criticize. (not that they are more justified in their bullshit on people who are critics of them.)

Of course, the reason is because it was never about helping men who are suffering. Its about blaming women and feminism. its about getting away with saying nasty things and feeling justified in it. Its probably even about being with others who feel the same way, to reinforce the feeling, Though I note their loyalty to eachother is.. sometimes lacking.

10 years ago

I suppose they think continually using the word fascist makes them seem more legit. Also it’s not gendered which is refreshing in a way. Also its quicker than having to type out ‘that group of people I dislike are not only continuing to exist but actually doing stuff as well!?!?!’

10 years ago

The meta is this: I’m not sure if it’s possible to actually get around a tone critique when the tone =is= the message. When “women are [gendered slurs]” is the message, that’s also the tone – they are the same thing.

Yes, this! Anger is useful to a movement if it spurs people to action. But if anger is the whole point of the movement, and you never do anything other than find various ways and venues with which to express your anger… that’s just a bunch of people yelling. That doesn’t accomplish much.

I absolutely have sympathy for the men who commit suicide, who are homeless, who are jobless, who are angry at the world for expecting flawless displays of masculinity at all times. But I don’t have sympathy for “activists” whose activism consists entirely of asking feminists why they haven’t fixed these problems yet.

There are a lot of problems in the world. Feminism can’t fix all of them. That’s why feminism isn’t the only activist movement in the world. Somehow, other movements manage to do their work without spending all their time wondering why feminists haven’t already done it.

10 years ago

@daintydougal, do you think they have any notion of what “fascist” actually means?

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Should Dennis Markham’s name be familiar? Have we met him before?

Here is the “Declaration of Sentiments” from the Seneca Falls convention. I guess “defecting an endless load of baseless bigoted vitriol” means advocating for women’s suffrage, right to own property and right to an education.

Basically saying, “Those feminists are so hateful! They want to be able to vote!”

And they have to scare people into listening to them.

I mean, they kinds do, since most people will dismiss this bullshit out of hand. Screeching, threatening and spamming until people notice them is about the only way they can get people to spend more than five seconds listening to their crap.

10 years ago

Ever the activists, JudgyBitch and DeanEsmay spend their 4th of July going after Jessica Roy on Twitter.

Did JB get fired yet? Geeeeze.

Winter Walker
10 years ago

Dammitt, damselindetech! They slipped past my jerk radar! How did I manage to miss the smell of douchebag right in front of me?

10 years ago

Can someone explain to me how any men are helped by society listening to their vitriol? Sure, it gets them attention. But what practical, real world things does it accomplish? Absolutely nothing. I’m still waiting to hear about anything the MRM has done in terms of actual activism.

Here’s someone called Diz complaining in the Jezebel post on the conference that we block them from doing anything,

I wouldn’t say that these things are caused by feminism. More that feminism blocks all attempts for men to take the initiative. Which is a huge problem because if feminism is working on the issues as you say, they are very, very incompetent at it.

MRA’s are essentially fighting a battle on 2 fronts, both against traditionalists and feminists that try to stop them.

When someone asked him what they planned on doing about it, this is what he said.

Here’s an idea, and it’s super simple. Get the fuck out of our way. Seriously! That’s all you have to do! We’ll do us, and you can do you. We aren’t the ones that started this war, after all.

As it stands, feminism only stands to lose with all the anti male crap. You can save yourselves so much grief if you just stand aside.

Of course, he didn’t provide any evidence that feminists are stopping the MRM from doing anything. Nor did he respond when anyone asked him for evidence or asked him to get off his arse and do things himself.

Winter Walker
10 years ago

Oh shit – I just read the article, and now I’m REALLY pissed! They claimed to be with the Sherbourne Health Centre! I’ve been going to the Sherbourne for years, and they must be even more pissed over those creeps using their name! Considering that the Sherbourne does so much real social justice work, runs street health busses, are home to a fantastic LGBTQ family practice (where I can be honest with my GP about where I got those bruises 😉 ), and have the best programs for trans people around? Yeah, they’re no doubt pissed.

I’ll ask my doctor about it when I see her next week. The look on her face will likely say it all. My awesome leatherdyke doctor is awesome.

Ally S
10 years ago


[CN: abuse, rape]

diz was a troll who used to come here occasionally (now banned). I tried arguing with them once in an old thread here. It ended with them triggering the fuck out of my PTSD, telling me that I deserved to be raped, abused, murdered, etc. because I’m an horrible and worthless person for not being an MRA. I told them that they were triggering me, but all they said was that I deserved to be triggered and traumatized for the rest of my life. They are very dangerous and abusive so while I have no say in whether you engage with them, please be careful.