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The Chuckles Turned to Guffaws: AVFM conference Saturday wrapup

Janet Bloomfield PRs up a storm. Pic borrowed from r/amr.
Janet Bloomfield PRs up a storm.

Well, the AVFM conference is over. I thought I’d post links to some of the media coverage today. I’m not sure Paul Elam and co have quite attained the level of respectability they were going for with the conference. It probably didn’t help that their PR gal, Janet Bloomfield, kept posting about “whores” and then, during the final panel discussion, delivered a passionate defense of “doxxing.”

Anyway, here’s the press coverage today:

Men’s rights conference takes aim at feminism, by Adam Serwer, MSNBC.

Serwer presented a sardonic take on the conference, full of revealingly awful details. Some highlights:

What animated most of the speakers at the conference was feminism and how it needed to be defeated. …

At the conference, feminism was responsible for turning wives against their husbands, bleeding them dry in divorce proceedings and separating them from their children, levying false accusations of rape and abuse against good men, or creating an ever-present culture of hatred where men are vilified.

Though men’s rights activists who hosted the conference often say sexual assault against men isn’t taken seriously, the audience laughed when speaker Fred Jones mentioned his fears about his son being raped after being arrested in New Orleans.

“He’s kinda small and kinda cute, good looking, you know what I mean?” Jones said. “You know what they do with –” Jones cut himself off. But the audience laughed.

Barbara Kay, a columnist for Canada’s National Post, argued that …  [r]ape on college campuses … was a myth perpetrated by man-haters …

“The vast majority of female students allegedly raped on campus are actually voicing buyer’s remorse from alcohol-fueled promiscuous behavior involving murky lines of consent on both sides,” she said, drawing chuckles from the audience. “It’s true. It’s their get-out-of-guilt-free card, you know like Monopoly.” The chuckles turned to guffaws.

The First International Conference on Men’s Issues: Day 1, by Arthur Goldwag, Hatewatch

On the SPLC’s Hatewatch blog, Goldwag — who wrote that famous SPLC  takedown of the Men’s Rights movement — delivered up a surporisingly straightforward account of the first day of the conference. Some highlights:

A Voice for Men’s Paul Elam warned attendees to keep low profiles, lest they be harassed by protesters, and made much of the police presence he had secured. There were indeed uniformed policemen on site, and quite a few black-shirted security guards. There were camera crews from Vice and a number of reporters. But the only sounds to be heard outside the VFW Hall were chirping birds and the hum of passing traffic—there wasn’t a protestor in sight. I counted between 150 and 200 people in the hall. …

The Canadian Senator Anne Cools, who opened the conference, spoke at great length about how feminism has hijacked Canada’s family courts, quoting Blackstone on women’s rights, the song “Frankie and Johnnie” and even Euripides to give lie to the supposed feminist myth that women were historically oppressed. Frankie and Medea, she implied, both gave as good as they got. Erin Pizzey, the well-known novelist, ex-feminist, and founder of Chiswick Women’s Aid, one of the first women’s shelters, indicted the movement she had once helped lead as a radical Marxist plot to turn women against men, destroy families, and create a billion dollar social welfare industry.

My Experience at the First International Men’s Conference So Far, by Helen Smith, PJ Media

And then there was “Dr. Helen,” writing on her blog on the right-wing website PJ Media. Dr. H, one of the speakers at the AVFM conference, described her time amongst the MRAs as “quite a delight.” Indeed, her account was so chipper I found myself wondering if she had even attended the same conference as Serwer and Goldwag — or the conference I watched several hours of online.

The crowd of what looked to be about two or three hundred people were diverse and ranged from all ages to all ethnic backgrounds. There were more men there but almost as many women it seemed! … I was in awe and amazed at the great group of intellectual speakers and the audience who asked questions that were critically thought out and challenging.

Yeah, definitely a different conference.

She did have one worry, though: that other people were there to report on the conference besides her.

My only concern with the conference was the media that was present. It seemed that reporters from Time, MSNBC, GQ, and were there. I got an uneasy feeling about a few of them though I suppose their stories could go either way, though I think I know which way to bet. There were a couple of women from that we sat with at an appreciation dinner for speakers who seemed very nice but frankly, a bit clueless.

I’m guessing those women from are a lot less “clueless” than Dr. H thinks.

See the AgainstMensRights subreddit for more discussions of the conference. I borrowed the pic for this post from here.

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10 years ago
10 years ago

Great take down. Awesome. Intelligent. Perfect. A+ ::bows in awe::

10 years ago


It is not so much that they were in agreement with him prior to the conference. But that given the questionable reputation a voice for men had he was able to snag a Canadian senator and a prominent African American speaker on his panel named Carnell Smith. I say that because anyone who has viewed a voice for men has encountered racist comments from it’s members. These are angry white men. What senator or prominent public speaker heck would want to risk their reputation affiliating with a bigoted group like that?. But apparently these people bought into the con job by Elam and were willing to be panel members.

10 years ago

this is a smooth operator

What’s the point of comparison here, the Keystone Cops?

10 years ago

The more I think about it, the more annoyed I am by Farrell’s John Lennon story. Over the past 30 years he’s managed to twist it around into the exact opposite of reality.

Original story: Man frustrated by patriarchal culture discovers feminism, uses it to work through his personal issues, and builds a satisfying life as a stay-at-home dad on top of his awesomely successful career. His feminist wife supports and encourages him every step of the way.

Farrell’s version: Man oppressed by the matriarchy battles harpy bitch wife for the right to be a stay-at-home dad. Feminists fight him every step of the way because feminists just hate men and want them to suffer. Also, it turns out he’s a celebrity, which is important because it means Warren Farrell used to meet celebrities. And now here he is, speaking to a few dozen angry white dudes at a VFW.

Damn feminists.

10 years ago

I hope Senator Cools did not travel to Detroit on the Canadian taxpayer’s dime.

10 years ago

It is a three hour drive so I don’t imagine it was too much of a burden.

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Jared — yeah, I have no idea how he talked them into speaking at the conference. I’m guessing it was lies all the way down (like turtles all the way down, but far less cute!)

Shaenon — and he managed to slip in yet another “Yoko Ono broke up the Beatles” jab.

10 years ago

so usa today says the conference is a step towards ending gender issues and conveniently leaves out the “blame women for everything”, “most women lie about date rape” that was said during the con.

10 years ago

RE: Justin

rape culture as a cycle of violence stemming from child abuse and fatherlessness. This is a point worth making.

No you scummy shitstain asshole. I’m a male survivor of rape and child abuse. Claiming that doing so magically turns me into a monster rubs in all that bullshit that abused children are forever damaged and doomed to further the abuse, when this is totally fucking untrue.

Fuck you for spreading bullshit rumors about male abuse survivors that make it even harder for us to recover and get help. Fuck you, fuck you, FUCK YOU.

RE: banshee

Too bad some of the loyal opposition did not see fit to extend the same courtesy. Sometimes this place sounds like Groupthink City. It doesn’t make me happy to say that.

Dude, he just said that rapists get made because of child abuse! That is such hurtful bullshit that no shit I am going to tell him to fuck himself. (I was abused as a child. Far as I know, my rapist was not. So Justin basically just excused my rapist’s behavior and erased my existence. So yes, that is personally insulting to me, fuck you very much.)

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

On behalf of LBT, Justin, have another FUCK YOU.

10 years ago

A serious FUCK YOU on behalf of my husband, too.

On my own behalf, also, for this:

However, I find it equally appropriate for a man’s group to educate women that they create a lot of rapist through ever more casual life preference decisions like choosing to have a child out of wedlock or leave a marriage.

You’re saying single mothers or women getting the hell out of abusive marriages somehow magically turn their children into rapists (because no child ever grows up into an adult that makes their own life choices, amirite).

Fuck you.

Is it banhammer time for this one?

10 years ago

I’ve just emailed the Dark Lord.

10 years ago

My husband: raised by a single teenage mom. Not a rapist.

Me: raised by an intact but extremely fucked-up family, survived the Raping Year. Not a rapist.

My rapist: raised by an intact wealthy family, far as I know, no abuse history. (And he would’ve used it as a grooming tactic, trust me.) Totally a rapist.

Gee, it’s almost like rapists come from all walks of fucking life or something!

10 years ago

Me: raised from my eighth year by my mother (or doesn’t she count, since creepy possibly-pedo father had left her?) Not a rapist.

My husband: raised by parents, servants and courtiers whose sexualisation of him raised eyebrows even then. Not a rapist, nor a repeater of the more accepted brutality (whipping) with his own children.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
10 years ago

and he managed to slip in yet another “Yoko Ono broke up the Beatles” jab.

*snicker* Yeah, right. I’ve got a copy of ‘Inside the Yellow Submarine’ here, and at least part of the reason the movie ‘Yellow Submarine’ was made was because the band was already starting to fall apart by that point in time, and were just barely civil to each other in the recording studio. George was trying one last trip to see the Maharishi in India, in the hopes that would get everybody back together, so they really didn’t want to be hanging around to film a movie, especially when the previous one hadn’t done so well.

Ono certainly helped widen the fault lines already there, but removing her wouldn’t have made the band last any longer.

10 years ago

LBT – David just said he’s put Justin on moderation.

10 years ago

Good. What a shitrag. Do these guys even REALIZE the fucking insult they give male survivors with this horseshit?

Of course not. Guys like me are just rhetorical points to be scored, not actual human beings with struggles and baggage.

10 years ago

Hmmm….Not sure why I’m on moderation but I’m just going to say this(forget my previous comment, Futrelle): I find it very telling that there has been an epic backlash against 2nd wave feminism but virtually no backlash against 1st wave feminism. Maybe, just maybe it’s because 1st wave feminism was truly seeking equality with men and not trying to pit the sexes against each other. 2nd wave feminism is what created the anti-trans movement and the genocidal ideology of radical feminism which promotes stupid bullshit like the idea that all heterosexual intercourse is rape.

10 years ago

If you’re trying to make a coherent point, BlackStarSix, you’re failing.

10 years ago

to the moderator: I have tried 4 times to send versions of the same post and it is not going through. Is this a technical problem or a content problem?

10 years ago

No backlash against 1st wave feminism? History fail!

10 years ago

The backlash against first wave feminism was profound. There was immense aversion to giving women the vote, which AVfM still advocates against.

Second wave feminism isn’t responsible for transphobia. They didn’t invent it. It’s just visible within some circles of second wave feminists as it is with some circles of any group of people. Transphobia is everywhere. It’s not responsible for radical feminism or the notion intercourse=rape either. Radical feminists may be second wave feminists. They’re a subset that doesn’t represent the whole though. There are assholes in every walk of life. Doesn’t mean everyone on that walk is responsible for their assholery.

And, fuck, if the ideology is genocidal, boy, is it being executed poorly because men are still doing great survival-wise.

But, yeah, lack of backlash against first wave feminism lol. Women still can’t run for office without their womanness being presented as a possible hindrance to their ability to serve.

10 years ago

Attempt 6 on my third post. Sorry the second post landed on the wrong page. I was attempting to do this from my i-phone. That is unfortunate because most of the good discussion stemmed from the second post. The third one seemed to keep disappeared into cyberspace so I will try it in smaller chunks.
Argenti: you asked the question of whether the Worldpress statistics on fatherlessness, normalized for other factors including poverty. I do not know the answer to this, but I suspect that they do not or at least not in all cases. The information was derived from a secondary source, but most of the primary source information is cited. I will certainly follow up and digest the rest of the information that you presented. It’s a lot to cull through right now. Here was the original link:

10 years ago

No backlash against 1st wave feminism. o.0

Here, it’s a movie. You don’t even have to read it.
You’re welcome.

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