Well, the AVFM conference is over. I thought I’d post links to some of the media coverage today. I’m not sure Paul Elam and co have quite attained the level of respectability they were going for with the conference. It probably didn’t help that their PR gal, Janet Bloomfield, kept posting about “whores” and then, during the final panel discussion, delivered a passionate defense of “doxxing.”
Anyway, here’s the press coverage today:
Men’s rights conference takes aim at feminism, by Adam Serwer, MSNBC.
Serwer presented a sardonic take on the conference, full of revealingly awful details. Some highlights:
What animated most of the speakers at the conference was feminism and how it needed to be defeated. …
At the conference, feminism was responsible for turning wives against their husbands, bleeding them dry in divorce proceedings and separating them from their children, levying false accusations of rape and abuse against good men, or creating an ever-present culture of hatred where men are vilified.
Though men’s rights activists who hosted the conference often say sexual assault against men isn’t taken seriously, the audience laughed when speaker Fred Jones mentioned his fears about his son being raped after being arrested in New Orleans.
“He’s kinda small and kinda cute, good looking, you know what I mean?” Jones said. “You know what they do with –” Jones cut himself off. But the audience laughed.
Barbara Kay, a columnist for Canada’s National Post, argued that … [r]ape on college campuses … was a myth perpetrated by man-haters …
“The vast majority of female students allegedly raped on campus are actually voicing buyer’s remorse from alcohol-fueled promiscuous behavior involving murky lines of consent on both sides,” she said, drawing chuckles from the audience. “It’s true. It’s their get-out-of-guilt-free card, you know like Monopoly.” The chuckles turned to guffaws.
The First International Conference on Men’s Issues: Day 1, by Arthur Goldwag, Hatewatch
On the SPLC’s Hatewatch blog, Goldwag — who wrote that famous SPLC takedown of the Men’s Rights movement — delivered up a surporisingly straightforward account of the first day of the conference. Some highlights:
A Voice for Men’s Paul Elam warned attendees to keep low profiles, lest they be harassed by protesters, and made much of the police presence he had secured. There were indeed uniformed policemen on site, and quite a few black-shirted security guards. There were camera crews from Vice and a number of reporters. But the only sounds to be heard outside the VFW Hall were chirping birds and the hum of passing traffic—there wasn’t a protestor in sight. I counted between 150 and 200 people in the hall. …
The Canadian Senator Anne Cools, who opened the conference, spoke at great length about how feminism has hijacked Canada’s family courts, quoting Blackstone on women’s rights, the song “Frankie and Johnnie” and even Euripides to give lie to the supposed feminist myth that women were historically oppressed. Frankie and Medea, she implied, both gave as good as they got. Erin Pizzey, the well-known novelist, ex-feminist, and founder of Chiswick Women’s Aid, one of the first women’s shelters, indicted the movement she had once helped lead as a radical Marxist plot to turn women against men, destroy families, and create a billion dollar social welfare industry.
My Experience at the First International Men’s Conference So Far, by Helen Smith, PJ Media
And then there was “Dr. Helen,” writing on her blog on the right-wing website PJ Media. Dr. H, one of the speakers at the AVFM conference, described her time amongst the MRAs as “quite a delight.” Indeed, her account was so chipper I found myself wondering if she had even attended the same conference as Serwer and Goldwag — or the conference I watched several hours of online.
The crowd of what looked to be about two or three hundred people were diverse and ranged from all ages to all ethnic backgrounds. There were more men there but almost as many women it seemed! … I was in awe and amazed at the great group of intellectual speakers and the audience who asked questions that were critically thought out and challenging.
Yeah, definitely a different conference.
She did have one worry, though: that other people were there to report on the conference besides her.
My only concern with the conference was the media that was present. It seemed that reporters from Time, MSNBC, GQ, and Vice.com were there. I got an uneasy feeling about a few of them though I suppose their stories could go either way, though I think I know which way to bet. There were a couple of women from Vice.com that we sat with at an appreciation dinner for speakers who seemed very nice but frankly, a bit clueless.
I’m guessing those women from Vice.com are a lot less “clueless” than Dr. H thinks.
See the AgainstMensRights subreddit for more discussions of the conference. I borrowed the pic for this post from here.
Dr. Helen made a strange remark near the end of her account — “…the organizers did a good job considering the circumstances…” What was that about, I wonder? I suppose that AVfM will declare the conference a resounding sucess, which will make them happy, and a good time will have been had by all (>_<), except, of course, feminists, which will be as Elam & co. intended. So, fair enough.
200-300 people? Bless Dr Helen, such an optimist.
You have no idea how giddy I am that you used a picture I posted
The circumstances are the often mentioned threats from violent feminist terrorists, of course! Despite their history of doxxing people and constantly downplaying the harassment women face online, everyone in the AVfM clown car are playing up the alleged threats as the most worst oppression ever. It’s a pretty fucking sad attempt at me-tooism.
Oh, the conference was only two days.
So, 3 cops, times 10 hours, times 2 days at $100US per hour = $6,000.
So Paul “I need your hard earned money” Elam cleared ~25,000USD on the Security claim.
If the City only billed $75, then you only add another $1,500 to the take.
Pretty good for a few days work.
Hey, I’m at a conference too! Mine is in Vegas! (I had forgotten how much I hate Vegas.)
There are about 20K people at my conference. There’s also an official twitter account, that as far as I’ve seen has not been calling people wh*res. I guess that’s why this conference is so unsuccessful.
pecunium, they had events on thursday afternoon as well, so that might have cut a little into their profit margins.
so it’s all over now?
Ok, so my top end figures out to be (3*5)+(3*2*10)*$100= $6015
What did he say he pulled in? 30K? Or was it more like 33K?
So the net on the Security Scam was somewhere between 24-29,000USD.
Still pretty good wages for what… ten hours of actual work (i.e. the begging, the time to set up the pitch, time to set up the contract with the city).
I wonder whether people are going to post about JB’s defense of doxxing — and threat. I would think they would; such a statement doesn’t go unnoticed.
Errr, I thought that they had so many registrations that they needed the extra hall space, what happened?
I’m wondering if the convenient “threat” was just an excuse for publicity because they had so few registrations. Then it became more useful because the hotel did not have sufficient bookings to trigger lower rates on the conference venue.
@pecunium — you forgot to account for the time and money for the hall decor. those 4 sad pink streamers from a disco ball could not have come cheap. :/
It is 11 pm and still 97 degrees here. Vegas. Dog help me.
Can I have the Vegas weather without having to have the rest of Vegas? I feel like they should borrow the DisneyWorld slogan and call it The Tackiest Place On Earth.
schwadevivre – yeah, the whole threat thing read like a scam or, at the very least, trying to cover their arses, from the beginning, didn’t it? Pauly’s probably made a nice little profit from his gullible followers. Not that I feel sorry for anyone contributing to his site.
Fauxmy: I am assuming all the other costs (decor, drinks, the bizarre badger banners) were all budgeted from the pre-conference revenues.
I’m guessing the Hilton was being honest about AVfM not being able to meet contractual obligations. My cynical self says someone decided to drum up “Publicity” by calling/mailing some threats and that caused the hotel to demand a level of police security they couldn’t afford (because the begging campaign still has five days to run, and is up to $32,625USD, so if the costs really were that high, they didn’t have the cash in hand: yep… Elam, et al,, are so good at organising), and so they had to move; which led to a windfall.
My really cynical self says they were so underbooked they couldn’t meet the room-night minimums, and so were looking at out of pocket they didn’t have, so they spun up a story about needing security, planned the move, and lucked into about 25 grand, after the ~4-6,000 they had to spend on the cops they needed to hire to save face.
97F, 36C – ewwww! I hope you’ve got good air-con there, cloudiah.
Cloudiah, would it be gauche to ask how far along in my novel you are?
Both Helen Smith and Suzanne Venker spoke at the presser but they aren’t listed on the schedule of speakers. Did they take part in a panel or were they there to bolster the anti-feminism for the press?
For all their honey badger nonsense, AVfM really needed to bring in female professional anti-feminists from the conservative movement to keep the conference from looking like a bunch of pissy guys listing grievances. It was Venker and Smith, and to a lesser degree Pizzey and Cool, who peddled the typical conservative feminist conspiracy theories with any real success, while the actual MRAs didn’t have any broader theoretical basis, or any real thought, beyond their usual threadbare statistics and hurt feels.
I love Las Vegas despite its many flaws. That’s probably just because my grandparents lived there and I have many fond memories of going on family road trips to visit them. We would always drive and visit the Grand Canyon, Arches National Park, The Petrified Forest, Four Corners etc.
There are actually some cool things to see if you leave the strip. Mount Charleston and Red Rock Canyon are both lovely. Mount Charleston is much cooler than the valley is so it’s a nice break from the heat. There’s also a cool nature reserve in the middle of the city. I forget what it’s called but there’s a small zoo and a museum.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, Las Vegas is actually OK. But only if you know locals and go places that aren’t typical tourist spots.
I also love the dry desert heat. And the geology. Whenever I fly there during the day and have a window seat I like to pretend I’m an astronaut landing on Mars because the area surrounding the city is all red colored and rocky.
For some reason I love the word gauche. Maybe because it reminds me of Rebecca. The word is used an awful lot in that book. I don’t know about the movie because I am terrible and still haven’t seen it even though I love the book and I love Hitchcock movies.
I love the desert too, but I used to live in the Sahara, so the desert around Vegas doesn’t really make up for all the casinos and associated tourist tackiness from my perspective.
Yeah, the culture there sucks. I just like the desert.
Amusing facts about San Francisco, and Las Vegas: Both got a large part of their start from Mormon immigration.
Go figure.
I love deserts. Joshua Tree, and the inner Mojave are probably my favorite deserts, but the Sonora (esp. in the Huachucas and Chiracaua) is also pretty nice. Not enough time in Las Vegas to have any strong opinions of it