a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women domestic violence erin pizzey excusing abuse FemRAs irony alert misogyny MRA

Antifeminist DV guru Erin Pizzey: "If you are not in fear of your life, you are not suffering [from Domestic Violence]."

AVFM lifetime achievement award winner Erin Pizzey
AVFM lifetime achievement award winner Erin Pizzey

At A Voice for Men’s conference yesterday, antifeminist crusader Erin Pizzey was given “a special award for her tireless work with ALL the victims of domestic violence.” Due to the amazing public relations work of AVFM’s spokeswoman for the conference, I don’t know what the award was called, so let’s just assume it was the World’s Greatest Erin Pizzey Award.

Whatever the award was called, the notion that Pizzey works, tirelessly or otherwise, on behalf of “ALL the victims of domestic violence” is demonstrably false. Indeed, she has argued vociferously against extending DV protection to all victims.

In an op-ed she wrote for The Daily Mail in 2011, Pizzey declared herself “horrified” that the British government would consider extending domestic violence protection to those subjected to “emotional bullying and ‘coercive control’” as well as actual physical abuse.

Her “argument” may be triggering for abuse survivors, so I’m putting all of her quotes below the jump.

Pizzey wrote:

In other words, if you stop your wife using the phone, you could be bracketed with a man who has knocked his wife’s teeth out in a rage.

In the future, couples who row, smashing precious belongings in a fit of anger perhaps, could seek to have their other half charged under domestic violence laws. Thus, too, wives who, for whatever reason, destroy their husband’s fine wine collection, or cut the sleeve off his suits in an act of revenge for some betrayal or slight, may find themselves charged with this most serious of crimes.

Domineering, bullying husbands who shout at their wives but never lift a finger to hurt them would find themselves in court.

Let me tell you: this is not domestic violence. It is an absurd idea to define such acts in that way, and worse, it serves to trivialise genuine cases of domestic abuse.

The new definition, which the government did indeed put in place in 2013, extended domestic violence and abuse to include

Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour,  violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality.

The government spelled out clearly what they meant by “controlling” and “coercive” behavior. 

Controlling behaviour is: a range of acts designed to make a person subordinate and/or dependent by isolating them from sources of support, exploiting their resources and capacities for personal gain, depriving them of the means needed for independence, resistance and escape and regulating their everyday behaviour.

Coercive behaviour is: an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim.”*

*This definition includes so called ‘honour’ based violence, female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage, and is clear that victims are not confined to one gender or ethnic group.

There is no question, at least not to anyone who is serious about ending domestic violence and abuse, that “controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour” is abuse.

Why shouldn’t “domineering, bullying husbands who shout at their wives” in an attempt to control and coerce them be prosecuted for abuse? Why shouldn’t wives who do the same be prosecuted?

Pizzey not only argued against prosecuting those who bully their partners into submission through emotional, psychological, sexual or financial abuse. She also argued that most victims of domestic violence aren’t really legitimate victims either:

To me, the definition of domestic violence is quite clear: if you are not in fear of your life, you are not suffering it.

That’s right, the woman AVFM just honored as an advocate for “ALL victims of domestic violence” only considers actual physical violence to be domestic violence if the victim is literally afraid that they will be killed.

She continues:

In all other cases, where the aggression takes only an emotional form, or a few coffee cups have been chucked around, women in modern Britain thankfully have the option of finding a lawyer and choosing to separate from their husbands if they wish to do so.

The obvious point is that there is almost always clear evidence in domestic violence cases — bruises, cuts, internal organ damage or scars. Unless you have seen real, shocking abuse as I have, it is difficult to imagine some of the awful violence that people can inflict on each other in the home. And that’s why I’m convinced that bringing other, lesser, wrongs under this same legal umbrella does a great disservice to the women who really suffer.

How does protecting all victims of abuse do a disservice to those suffering the worst abuse? The police arrest people who assault as well as people who murder; this is hardly a “great disservice” to victims of murder.

Pizzey warns that the expanded definition “will turn millions of us into criminals.” She then makes a startling confession:

[A]fter all, I’ve been known in my time to lob the odd glass of wine in the heat of the moment. Indeed, there is something frightfully satisfying about chucking wine at somebody.

Yep. The woman who is A Voice for Men’s guru on domestic violence likes to chuck wine glasses at people. And apparently thinks this is a perfectly fine way to handle domestic disputes.

At this rate, we’ll all end up under arrest, and that is not a situation that’s going to help the police tackle the cases of true physical violence which must be stamped out.

Needless to say, the new definition, in place since April of last year, has not led to mass arrests of everyone in the U.K. If the new definition has put some wine-glass chuckers in jail, I can’t say I think this is a great injustice.

Pizzey declares that

People behave badly in relationships because we have human frailties. This is not an area in which the State should meddle; leave it to relationship counsellors and divorce lawyers.

Why shouldn’t the state “meddle” in cases of domestic abuse? The law doesn’t end at your door.

Pizzey winds up her op-ed by accusing those working against domestic violence – presumably she excludes herself – of being in it for money and power.

Over the past ten years, domestic violence has become a huge feminist industry. …

This is girls-only empire building, and it is highly lucrative at that. Men are not allowed to be employed at these organisations. Boys over the age of 12 are not allowed into safe houses where their mothers are staying, which I think is scandalous. …

Who benefits from this industry? Refuge has an annual income of more than £10 million from both public and private donations. Cherie Booth is a patron. The heads of these organisations are on very generous salaries.

And they are on a feminist mission to demonise men — even those who never have and never will hit a woman.

It’s appalling that this woman has gotten any kind of award.

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10 years ago

Another Brit who makes me ashamed they are a compatriot of mine.

10 years ago

Even the fuckwits at AVfM should grasp that “if you’re not in fear of your life, you’re not suffering DV” excludes a hell of a lot of men as well as women. So much for compassion for men and boys. It’s jut one more thing to add to the seventy billion that show one has only to hate women to be a hero to them.

10 years ago

Exactly kittehs. She’s including men in that definition of hers, I assume – so if a man who is being abused isn’t in fear of his life, then meh, get divorced already. Wow. A true champion of human rights.

10 years ago

o me, the definition of domestic violence is quite clear: if you are not in fear of your life, you are not suffering it.

Uh, so men who are abused by their wives in a non-lethal (slapping, scratching, verbal abuse, etc) manner are not really abused? Well then.

It’s almost as if the only person who matters to Erin Pizzey is Erin Pizzey.

It’s almost like she started a domestic violence shelter so she could be popular for being a hero, and when too many people got involved in that and stole her spotlight, she became an MRA so she could feel like a big shot again. Hmmmm…

10 years ago

To me, the definition of domestic violence is quite clear: if you are not in fear of your life, you are not suffering it.

How does this square with the common MRA assertion that women commit DV as often or more often than men – a statistic that they arrive at by lumping together all instances where one partner initiates physical force (however slight) against the other, and throwing in “female methods” such as psychological cruelty into the bargain?

10 years ago

Honestly Erin Pizzey makes me so goddamn angry. How can she call herself a domestic violence expert? She’s just an angry, hateful old fraud. It’s so hard to me to understand how someone I grew up hearing about from my mom as a good person, for opening one of the first domestic violence shelters, has become this. I mean, I guess looking at some of her theories, maybe she never was a good person. Well whatever I guess, regardless of what she may have done earlier in her life, she works with the MRM, and that I can’t accept at all. You can’t say you care about domestic violence victims, then join a movement that wants to stop domestic violence from being illegal and then try to pick and choose what is or is not domestic violence. God, she is a vile woman.

Louise McOrmond-Plummer

It irks me to see this nasty woman get a hearing and awards, but I guess nobody who really counts listens to Pizzey – she’s been spruiking this malarkey for a few decades. It’s a disgrace and an idiocy that her “work” with DV survivors is considered anywhere near the level of striving done by women and men working in the trenches long after she started declaring that some women like to be beaten up. She’s never gotten over being pissy Pizzey because the feminists ran away with her “baby.”

10 years ago

I wonder if she feels the same way about sexual abuse… if you weren’t in fear for your life, then it wasn’t real abuse?

Louise McOrmond-Plummer

You are right, lids, she is not an “expert” – she is a fraud who thinks that just because she’s a woman saying these things wit will give her credibility. Oh we;; I guess Paul Elam will give her credibility…snort.

Louise McOrmond-Plummer

And my spelling has gone to hell – Oh “well.”

10 years ago

Eh, an award from AVfM counts for nothing. All it amounts to is praise for being a misogynist, dished out by scam artists.

10 years ago

Well, Erin Pizzey has clearly established for us that men suffer from domestic violence much, MUCH less often than women do as being killed by an intimate partner is far more real a concern for women than men.

Well done, AVfM. Your buddy just discredited your own claims. But that doesn’t matter to you.

10 years ago

@ schwadevivre

Me too.

I mean really, this?

Pizzey warns that the expanded definition “will turn millions of us into criminals.” She then makes a startling confession:

[A]fter all, I’ve been known in my time to lob the odd glass of wine in the heat of the moment. Indeed, there is something frightfully satisfying about chucking wine at somebody.

So, AVFMs official domestic violence expert is someone who’s proud of her history of committing domestic violence, presumably against men since she seems to be straight. Yay support for men who’re being abused?

Then again, recruiting her does seem to fit in well with JBs overall PR strategy.

10 years ago

Chucking wine glasses at people is not acceptable.

There’s a bartender who’s had to get stitches, botox, creams, and several surgeries just to get back to looking somewhat normal after getting hit in the face with a glass of beer. The beer chuck-er finally got sentenced, after three years.

How the flying frisbee is throwing a glass, which can shatter and give severe lacerations or leave a significant bruise even if it doesn’t shatter, not assault?

10 years ago

because Pizzey says so. She’s the domestic violence expert, we mere mortals with our human decency ARE WRONG.

10 years ago

It is pretty neat that they can be on board with someone who says they lob wine glasses in the heat of the moment, but yet point to the infamous Jezebel article discussing the same sort of thing as the reason Paul Elam wrote his “satirical” work of “satire” about Bash a Bitch month.

This whole conference has been so backward, I don’t even know what to do with myself.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

@WatermelonSugar – You should treat yourself to something nice tonight. A nicely chilled glass of male tears, perhaps?

10 years ago

@Flying Mouse, I was thinking a big ol’ bowl of chocolate misandry-chip ice cream.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

Mmmm…taste the oppression!

10 years ago

Don’t forget to light some Scented Fucking Candles and make any man in the vicinity sit on a hard chair.

10 years ago

Flying Mouse and WWTH, you two know my soul.

10 years ago

Well, if this isn’t proof that MRAs, particularly AVfM are really only interested in making it legal for men to beat women, rather than for abused men to get help, I don’t know what is. If they really wanted to help abused men, they would shun Erin Pizzey and be supportive of Britain’s extended definition. The only way it makes any sense to support Erin Pizzey in her views is so that all but the most extreme abusers may abuse with impunity. Doesn’t matter that some of those abusers are women abusing men as long as most of them are men who can legally abuse women. That’s what really want, just like they don’t want sex but to rape, just like they want reproductive rights over women’s bodies, just they don’t care about children but want the right to custody or abandon them on a whim.

10 years ago

Throwing glasses? Really? Glass is dangerous! If it breaks in the wrong way, you may as well be “chucking” knives at your partner.

I think if someone threw a glass at me, I would definitely be in fear of my life.

10 years ago

I think she means the contents of the glass but, holy moly, how infantile.

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